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Mr. qurac, the issue isn't about C/laahi Dani or HSM, it is bigger than that. In terms of Awdal support, Allah is my witness HSM isn't interested in Awdal or Khaatumo either. It is a fact. There are oligarchs and people whose HSM fears more than anything we have ever seen in Somali politics. The ruling class has unfounded fear of the D block taking power from them and might even sacrifice some fundamental values of the nation. The separatists have 35 votes combined 9 other from Omar Geelle and these 45 members are fighting us in Mogadishu with help of Omar Geele, and it seems HSM won't do anything Geelle didn't approve. Now, on the topic. I know Gracad was done without the help of the Somali government, yet now isn't the time to travel to Addis and kiss Ethiopia for business or other diplomatic reasons. While Abiy Ahmed has lowered his rhetoric about taking the sea, that threat didn't disappear yet, and the federal government is fighting him in diplomatic arena. Visiting Ethiopia for deals at the moment seems to be aiding and abetting the enemy, it is a no no in foreign policy affaires, unless you have the same mentality like the Hargeisa regime. It wasn't Gogol, but a political maneuvering by Farmaajo and Shariif to be relevant again. Dani could deal with his old friend HSM if he wishes. It's just a phone call away. Now let me move to the big picture. We all agree that HSM isn't the right president in terms integrity and avoiding clan animosity. It is who is and we can't change. Yet, those issues are not disqualifications for him to rule as he sees fit for the national interest. At the moment HSM and the super majority of the parliament thinks that the next two years should not be wasted on constitutional matters and the usual unending Somali debate. Farmaajo lost two years when Dani and company dragged his term until it is too late and then demanded he appoint a provisional government. Now, only two years are left of the four year term of HSM. Most us believe that rather wasting time , he should concentrate and finish the war on Al-shbaab. THese so called democracy in Somalia is nothing but a useless pickering of a people who born to talk until cows come home. I my experience , I have been to different political and non profit organizations and every simple issue that should have been debated and resolved half an hour takes four hours without resolving. That is nature of the Somali debates where everyone wants to be heard without saying anything meaningful. Let this guy clear Al-shbaab as much as he can and wait what happens and see how the next election plays out. If he fails to clear them from central Somalia and lower Shabeelle for the next two years, his chances of coming back is almost zero. Furthermore, if C/laahi Dani want to fight HSM, he should within the Somali political landscape. Find regional allies, convince your idea to others and try to improve things for the next year. Bringing foreign powers to the equation and weakening the state might help you in the short term to sideline HSM, but it's effects will be deadly for the future. We have seen how the TPLF took advantage of the internal divisions. If I were the leader, I wouldn't even debate a day with these useless regional leaders. My army would march to reach Raascambooni and Lawyacado without anyone's permission.
Mr. Qurac, it is probably the later. It is Ramadaam and I would only say that after spending few months in the smelly Addis Ababa where people pee on the streets and Sawahili dominated Kenya , add that to decades of diaspora, it was a fresh air to intermingle Somalis of Mogadishi. The modest well dresses Somali women seem to be more beautiful than ever and the good scents of udug could be felt on the shops and the streets. Having a second wife is also easy with famous Mogadishu accent of " Aboowe Macaane" . Anyway, let us leave it there before I get trouble back home in Canada.
Kacaankii Barakaysnaa, O God, we miss it too much , especially now. You know Illyria, if I make a party called 21 October, I have no doubt it could get the most votes. That fool called Farmaajo never understood why people across clan lines and diverse geographical boundaries supported him despite his weaknesses and lack of courage for tough decision making. Because " Waxaan ka urinaynay Kacaankii Barakaysnaa" We thought he might have seen when we were a nation, we thought he might have build the army and put fear to our enemies and so on. He wasted his chance and no should leave the arena next leadership, probably people like us who understand all the criminals who destroyed the nation ( USC, SSDF, SNM). Also, when I walk the old landmarks like schools, government ministeries, military bases and other agencies, I know the public owned the land not the oligarchs. You pass Dugisiga sareYaasiin Osman, Bartamaha, 15 May, and Saqaawadiin, and be shocked how huge this public spaces were for our students. Huge hospitals with gardens and open spaces. Igadaa Ha xasuusinine. Anyway, back to the topic, Yesterday, someone asked me how the Puntland leadership would react, and Lo, and behold, without even knowing this Addis travel by puntland officials, I said, " Knowing how power hungry and ruthless Puntland leadership are, I won't be surprised if Dani goes to Ethiopia and finds common ground ground with Ethiopia and then fly to Dubai and finish of the triangle alliance between UAE, Puntland and Ethiopia. puntland leadership has always been stealth sessionist ( Gooni goosato aan radaarku qaban), especially Faroole and Dani. The good news is the people of Puntalnd are some of the most nationalist among Somalis if not the most. When I was in Mogadishu , we met Puntland parliamentarians and other officials, unlike HSM who has tendency to appease the the Hargeisa separatists, they received us with open arms. You don't need to convince them about Awdal issue, they already understand it. I should say that Puntlanders are the natural allies of Reer Awdal, period. The Puntland public, Like most of us, they are disappointed about the Mogadishu leadership that has always under delivered and their local kings in Garoowe who always finds ways to create crises that drag the nation and allow foreign powers to exploit. I support Garacad to connect with Ethiopia, but this could be done nationally without by passing the federal government, especially while there is a huge diplomatic and territorial dispute with Ethiopia. Yet, for Dani he doesn't care since there is political fish against the national government has be to fried, and everything else is just a useless debate for him. Furthermore, during MOU between Muuse Biixi and Abiy, and grabbing of the land, not one single regional state people had demonstrated against Abiy Ahmed. Of course the people were against , but the Maamuls had discouraged any public showing except in Mogadishu were people had openly demonstrated. Now, let me say few points about the "Wax ka bedelka Dastuurka" I definitely don't want someone from Mogadishu to organize district elections, absolutely. Look I am not an arrogant who should insist when challenged by real logical argument, and I will agree with you on these points. I don't want some bought and paid bureaucrat to impose on us. On this case, it is up to the regions to propose a mechanism that allows political parties and local people to have a say how it should be organized, yet the most important and overbidding issue in any election is " an equal playing field". For example here in Canada the federal election chief is appointed by the parliament and reports directly to the parliament. Election Canada manages and registries political parties, districting and registering citizens . I agree with you that since corruption and power grab is the normal in Somalia, there has to be check and balances. Some might say, for example, those MPs sent from Jubbaland might represent the will of the people, yet it has shown once again that it is wishes of Ahmed Madoobe or Qoorqoor that is the overriding verdict. A parliament appointed national election commission might be diverse and based with different clans. Dani and Puntland should have been in the table to debate rather boycott the whole thing. Can you tell me the real reason Puntland refused last year's meeting of regional leaders and HSM other than stupid feud with HSM and Dani? Puntland should demand and ask some changes in terms of the management of the election, but threatening sessions isn't one of them.
Iliriya, I wanted to illustrate the weaknesses Of HSM, especially the criticism that is openly debated in mogadishu. While his selling public land to oligarchs are known, some of the other allegations of incompetence in his army chief could be an exaggeration, because they are usually said by those who oppose him. Since it is Ramadaan, I don't want say something that is not proven. HSM has some weaknesses and his is involved in nepotism, but his toughness and hard work , especially his campaign against Al-shbaab and to pacify Somalia out weights his weaknesses. Madaxweynuhu dagaal markuu ku jiro waa in la taageeraa. Now forget about my criticism of HSM and let us debate about the current constitutional changes, especially the six key changes. 1- Amending the relationship between the elected president and the prime minister. Somali presidents campaigned for years through thick and thin, propose their platform and plans for their administration and get elected. Then They appoint a prime minister to manage their agenda and assemble his cabinet. Now if there is disagreement, the appointed premier could block the president that appointed him and create constitutional deadlock by bringing the parliament to the equation. Money has to change hands, parliamentarian has to be bribed to help dismiss the premier and so on. It is a mess. Rooble and Farmaajo is a good example for which we lost two years of squabbling. I agree the proposal of the president about dismissing the premier without the parliament and it is the best interest of Somalia. 2- Both the regional satiates and the federal government should hold one person one vote. I support this article and most Somalis support it. We have witnessed how the last election was done by the maids and drivers of Ahmed Madoobe. 3-Three political parties. I wish the government should have left this alone, but since they added , I don't see a major issue that should be an obstacle to the other important things. Sometimes you have to take the good and bad to move forward. 4- The election commission will be appointed by the federal government. Some places like America, states manage the national elections, but in Canada the election commission and the management of the national election is done by the federal government. THey hire directly the employees who should be working for the election. Personally, I don't trust a clan enclave led by the likes of Madoobe, Dani and qoor qoor to manage a national election. I support the idea of thhe federal government appointing the 18 member commission, so does most of Somalis. As I said before, there are no functioning federal states, they are all fake and in name, they can't manage national and they should not manage either. Ahmed Madoobe Kismaayo dhinac uma dhaafin 13 sano Miyaan Doorasho u dhiibi? maya. 5- The regional leaders shall be called governors or Hogaamiye. O Allah, I love this article. By far most Somalis like this. We the Awdal State had called our leader Hogaamiye not a president just like Khaatumo did. Somalis had rejected these so called 6 presidents. Somalia waa in ay lahaataa hal madaxweyne 6- The term of the regimes should be 5 years. I also support these.With the current dysfunction, the first 6 months are done while assembling cabinet and setting . The third year is consumed usually by constitutional debates or how the election should done, and the fourth year is electioneering. Now, with thie new system, the next president will have the confidence to appoint his prime minister and work four full years and do the elections the fifth year. Now please tell us which one of these C/laahi Dani is opposed. We the Somali people want president HSM to keep fighting Al-shbaab and finish the work. We don;t want C/laahi Dani and company to put this country to another useless constitutional debate for these 6 points and squabble for the next 24 months. . The Somali parliament including those elected from Puntland had voted. Case closed.
Well Che, Before these changes, to fire the premier the president had to spend millions of bribes to the members of parliament, and the premier had to fight to stay on. now he will be working for the pleasure of the president. Also, it will be ugly for the preside to fire the premier like his shop keeper. Changes should only happen after the failure or inability of the government to achieve its goals.
President HSM has a known dysfunction both outside and inside Mogadishu. The Bajaaj driver who is from Unaka would tell you how public land were sold to oligarchs, how public streets are even closed so someone could build his illegal business, huge military camps are sold to his cronies and so on. Furthermore, he is probably the most openly tribalist president Somalia has even seen since independence. He is waging a war against Al-shabaab, yet he appoints an army chief who is not only incompetent, but doesn't even venture outside the military headquarters. Frontline soldiers are demoralized by the way they are deployed and how constantly they are ambushed by Al-shabaab like a sitting duck. Despite all of that he is the only president who is waging a real war against Al-shabaab. While the poor foot soldiers of Al-shabaab are from the Southwest countryside, from Jalalaqsi or Qoryooley, most of those who run Al-shbaab are from Northern Habro, few D block and HAG members, but it's business enterprise is mostly managed by people from Galmudug, Mugadishu and few random Somalis based in Mogadishu. I do believe that HSM is probably the only president who has the means and the will to eliminate the scrooge of Al-shabaab, and that issue should be the most important issue. If this town of Mogadishu and southern Somalia founds the badly needed peace, Somalia could surpass easily within few years both Kenya and Ethiopia. Pacifying Mogadishu isn't an easy job. We the diaspora blame the locals by saying that how dare they don't cooperate with authority and eliminate Al-shabaab, yet no nation on earth has even faced an enemy so deadly and willing ito inflict as many civilian casualty like Al-shbaab. People might talk about the so called ISIS, but no one is even close to Al-shbaab in terms money raised through extortion and intimidation. They are the richest extremists in the whole world. I do believe that the people of Mogadishu are the most resilient among the Somalis. They have survived bombing, stabling, killing and all the evil that is Al-shbaab. Yet they don't afraid anymore. They see finally a light under the tunnel. In terms of the constitution, I agree consultation is the right way to do it, yet the committees that were founded for the last 12 years haven't moved an inch. There was a parliamentary and professional committees organized by the Farmaajo regime in 2018. They were all squabbling how to get the money Norway was paying to fix and amend the constitution with zero results. Furthermore, there is no money to drag this for years to come while major security, international and domestic files are needed urgently. These Puntlanders knew that HSM was corrupt in terms of his oligarchs, yet they waged a hell bent campaign against Farmaajo presenting him like modern day Siyaad Barre Allah Ha u Nazariistee. You can't just play with fire and expect the house to survive. Wakhtigu wuu is gurayaa, the threat to this nation is so great, I can't imagine it is still standing. Let me tell you a little story: We are all shocked about Al-shbaab young men who storm hotels, kill as many as possible and later killed and their bodies laying on the ground. You ask yourself, how could the leaders convinced these kids to kill their own people and die there like cannon fodders? this is something bigger than the Somali nomad who can't even fix a bicycle let alone build explosive belts and latest videos with the most modern equipment. THese young men are recruited from the countryside who are barely teenagers and are locked in special camp with modern interactive video of indoctrination. They are shown photoshopped pictures, videos and other materials for one years. Most of Mogadishu hotels are depicted in these videos like a place where Somali women are raped by foreigners including white and black men, with rampant alcohol and drugs shown openly and so on. Combined with videos from west bank and Gaza, Afghanistan or other places where videos show slaughter of civilians and other collateral damages. If you remember, the Iraqi ISIS were founded by men who were raped and exposed in Abu Ghraib and other prisons in Iraq. They were like mad dogs unleashed to avenge what they thought as a gross violations. So, these teenagers fed with these videos for 12 months could not wait to liberate and attack the hotels whom they believed Somali women and others were abused . One of the kids who survived was shocked that he never seen any foreigner or even women in these hotels. What I am saying is that these security issues mixed with business interest of the Mogadishu oligarchs can only be resolved by someone from these part of Somalia. Let him clean up as much as he can and pave the way for a better leadership for the future. Otherwise we could be debating couple of chapters of the constitution for another 24 months which will distract HSM from the main tasks like fighting Al-shbaab. Farmaajo had assembled a capable army from Eritrea which is even much better from those who are trained Turkey, for his second term he could have done a lot, yet he was sidelined by C/laahi Dani and company. I understand that Puntland is trying to balance the unfettered power of HSM, but some of these changes will be good for the next president, besides I am someone who believes that there is more dictatorship within the regional states that the federal government. A billion Chinese with one leader and these Somali nomads want 6 presidents for 15 million people and the debate is going for 33 years. Give me a break.
In Mogadishu, I realized that there is no such thing as federal states ( Dawlad Goboleed). Puntalnd might be slightly better than the rest, yet Puntland itself couldn't deliver minor issues like organizing local elections. It fares better than the rest, not because of its institutions, but the people are willing to tolerate bad government for the general interest of peaceful existence. They are just in name only. They don't deliver any public services at all whether it is healthcare, education or law and order. That is why I don't worry about any of them objecting the work of the parliament. There is no such thing as a veto power to reject the will of the parliament from one single state whether they are Puntalnd or Southwest. The Somali parliament voted overwhelmingly for the latest amendments included in the constitution. The biggest debate was about ditching the prime minister and moving to presidential system , and that issue was resolved. Now the prime minister will still lead the executive branch, but he will serve and manage the cabinet and the government business with the pleasure of the president. Strong presidents with a prime minister or president and vice president is where most of the world have moved for the last 25 years. Most of east Africa has a direct elected president and his deputy. Most Somalis welcome changing the old system of the dysfunction between the president and the premier. I don't think that couple of opposition members out weight the national parliament. HSM could be opposed how he is managing the state including the lack of foreign minister when diplomatic issues are the biggest file, but fixing some important issues from the constitution isn't one of them.The Same crowd that opposed Faramaajo are making noise. Every president have his own weaknesses, but he wust be allowed to rule and finish his term. Who do you think could touch this tough file? Farmaajo? I don't think so. In terms of current regional states, they are all fake. Each one of them has tribal militia as force in Kismaayo, Baidoa, Dhuusamareed, and Hir-shabaale doesn't even exist. They don't even adventure outside their regional capitals. They don't fire one single bullet against Al-shabaab and they don't even represent their regions. When the election comes, their personal drivers and their house maids run against them. Folks, this country has major problems and constant squabeling from useless opposition won't fiz it.
Can Somalia win its war against al-Shabab? | UpFront
galbeedi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
No need to negotiate the Hargeisa regime unless they denounce secessions, period. All they are looking is cash. -
Can Somalia win its war against al-Shabab? | UpFront
galbeedi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Al-shbaab could no longer disrupt life and bomb Mogadishu at will anymore, and this was achieved through hard work . People paid through blood and treasurer to to reduce the threat. I agree that eventually there will be a negotiated settlement. I was one of those who wanted to sit down with Al-shbaab no matter what, but the reality is different from the ground. You can't negotiate in a position of weaknesses. You have to remove the gun from your head first, build your capacity, weaken your enemies threat to eliminate you and then negotiate. Just this week, the government had closed 110 business accounts of associates of Al-shbaab with millions of dollars taken in. These moves are more damaging than the gun. A cash starved Al-shbaab would no longer bribe soldiers or hire people for the crime. I believe that an offensive must be waged in Lower Shabeelle before negotiations could take place because that will allow to negotiate from the position of strength. -
The Hargeisa regime is based on lies. Everything they do is based on lies. Last week the death of an innocent man was used to score political points and incite hatred against Somalia. They knew that the deceased man C/naasir Dahable was a victim of foul play orchestrated by the hargeisa regime itself. Another member of parliament who hailed from Hargeisa has also died due to drug (Viagra) overdose. The lady who was there also hailed from Hargeisa. It was an accidental death with no crime involved, yet people were mobilized and fingers were pointed to Mogadishu. A narrative was formed that people who hail from Habro are being targeted in the capital. It was a treacherous plot to use these victims to create fear and intolerance among people. The funeral of Marxuum C/naasir was one of the biggest ever in Hargeisa. Go figure out. If you put emotions aside and investigate these crimes carefully, all fingers will point out to the Hargeisa regime and their associates. In order to separate fact from fiction we have to see the events that led to the death of Marxuum C/naasir Dahable. These are the chronological orders or I should say the events that took place at the residence of the victim. After he finished his shift he went home. Here is what took place after. 1-He lived in a three bedroom apartment he shared with two other friends who also happen to hail from central regions of the north. There were two others who also lived in these apartments with the same floor. 2-The perpetrators entered the home without breaking any door and there was no forced entry which means the victim and those who murdered knew each other. The camera of the premises was also disabled during the murder. 3- A huge struggle took place in his room while the other two were present in their room. The victim fought and tried to defend himself. Blinds to the window were crushed, tables broken and many household items were trushed during the struggle. Electronic cords and computer wires were used to strangle the victim after sustaining physical damages. 4- During the investigation both his roommates claimed to be sleeping and hearing nothing. The noise coming from the room was loud enough, but they remained in their room. 5- After they discovered the dead victim, they didn't call the police immediately. Since the crime took place at night they kept quiet until the next day. 6--When the maid showed up at 7:00 AM, they told her to take the day off. 7- Instead of calling the police, they called an ambulance to take the victim to the hospital, but the crew refused and called the police. 8--The investigation didn't conclude yet and the fingerprint and other forensic evidence discovered at the crime scene were sent to another country and could be received within weeks. All the above mentioned statements couldn't conclude exclusively who the real culprits of these crimes are without lab results from the fingerprints collected from the crime scene. Yet, professional investigators could eventually conclude who is behind the killing by flowing the facts. The Somali intelligence has nothing to do with the murder. Some people had pointed the fingers to the national intelligence or people connected to them. This case is weak with zero evidence. First of all, If someone is targeted in Mogadishu there are so many ways to eliminate that individual. They don't need to use electronic cords or beat the victim to death. Second, any professional hit squad would not leave the other two residents in their rooms to cover their crimes. NISA doesn't need to kill a private citizen who committed a national ctime. He could be detained, brought to court and sentenced to a long prison term. Furthermore, even non-state actors do not kill in that manner. They could shoot him, kidnap him or use many other means without leaving evidence. That is why I am pointing the finger to Muuse Biixi and people who are connected to him. The motivations for the individuals could be clan loyalty, money, physical threat or both. Here is the reason I suspect that these crimes were done by people connected directly or indirectly to the Hargeisa regime. -The day before the crime, news reports from Hargeisa claimed that two airlines had collided in Somali air space. Only people plotting serious crimes would jump ahead and publicize something that didn't happen yet for false flag reasons. Do you remember the BBC reporter who claimed the destruction of the world trade center 7, 30 minute before its demolition. The plot was to seriously damage the Somali air navigation equipment and cause serious disruption and even death and destruction that could impact Somali airspace management in the region forever. Destruction of these equipment would have made Mogadishu air control useless to the airlines which might have forced the pilots entering Somali air space to use the Hargeisa air control. To achieve these goals the perpetrators had confined Mr. C/naasir to do these crimes for the sake of the homeland and weaken the capacity of the world to rely on Somali air control ability. Biixi and his people thought this to be the best way to take revenge for the international campaign president HSM waged against the Ethiopian MOU. Since this air navigation officer, Mr. Abdinasir was a devout Muslim and loyal to his work, he refused to go along. He faced an immediate threat that he might tell these aborted crimes to the Somali officials. So far, the Somali investigators did a good job. They gathered the evidence, determined the cause of the death and the timeline (the victims body was discovered by police after 18 hours). They located the witnesses and separated them and interviewed them. The investigators must determine two scenarios. First, whether his roommates did the murder physically by themselves. The second one is did they just keep quiet and sleep in their room while the victim struggled and was murdered by a third party? . The most plausible scenario is that they kept their noise, allowed access to the door and allowed the Ethiopian or Somaliland agents to interrogate him and ask him for some sensitive air navigation pass codes and others to disrupt the Mogadishu air control. After he refused they became physical and they killed him eventually .The reason is that there was no forceful entrance to the door, and the camera that records the movements were disabled during the murder. That is my theory, but we have to wait for the forensic evidence and the fingerprints to indicate the right way. Also, plotting to destabilize Somalia isn't a new thing for the Hargeisa regimes since 2004. When the Embagati, Kenya government was established in 2004, Al-qaeda had dispatched their members to Somalia from Afghanistan. The five men from Kandahaar were : Ibrahim Afghani Ismaciil Caraale Ahmed Godane Ahmed Kayse Wacalin Khaalid The only southerner who was a member was Hashi Cayrow. These were the men who created Al-shbaab in Southern Somalia. Today the threat of Al-shbaab is diminishing across huge swaths of south central Somalia, an arms embargo has been lifted so the Somali state could fight back. These progress in the south is a mortal threat to the separatists. To kill an innocent man and wail and cry at his funeral is a devil's work. Waa calaamadaha shaydaanka qof inta aad gawracdo hadana aad qabrigiisa ka dul oydo.
Puntland has to exist for balance of power as always.
Xaaji is a lunatic and there is no need to debate. He says 85% of the British land. East Sanaag is even bigger than the whole region of Sool and is out of the control of Somaliland. Badhan, Hadaaftimo, Dhahar, Laasqoray and east of Erigaabo is under Puntland or under Maakhir clan. Furthermore, I know where Xaaji is coming from and I am not worried about him. The end of Somaliland project is the end of perks and the crumbling of the lies of 35 years, and I don't blame him. I don't waste time with him, but I am watching the more dangerous man called Carafaat. He is trying to revive the dying project and the SSDF man Illyria is on board albeit in different ways. The bloody rebel are always in cahoots or work together. Anyway, Carafaat is a Waddani Party man with few distinctions from Kulmiye in terms of foreign policy. Even the old statesman C/qaadir Jirde is on board about the base and Ethiopian recognition plot. Mind you the GX are very hungry both for money and power, they have been crying for power for 31 years . With the weak leader Cirro flanked by Hirsi Gaab and Hargeisa oligarchs don't expect anything good. That is the message I am sending to people in Mogadishu. Waddani could be worst. I know the evil Kulmiye is always plotting and I heard lately that they want Rayaale to join their ranks. I don't know their intentions, but I heard they are combining a corrupt guy who sold every government building and land during Ahmed Siilaanyo time called Cali Mareexaan with Rayaale in order to destroy the Awdal State Movement project. Furthermore, the GX will boast as those who paid the most blood for the project and might even complicate things. DEsperate people are expected to do the unthinkable like Biixi just did, and hungry people might even do worse than Biixi. So, Mr. Carafaat, stop this games and come to the table of unity and find new creative ways of ending this project.
I wish these Habro would have shot at us and kill us as they did to Laacaanood for all those years. Just like a rat , Inta ay naqaniinaan ayey na afuufaan. tens of millions were received in the name of Somalia, yet this major project from African development bank was nixed. Awdal is 95% us. We have people in Wajaale, Gabiley all the way in Agabar which is a dozen mile from Hargeisa. This XX is now claiming AWdal a mix of clans false. A fascist clan has no mercy. We have to prepare to fight.
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The bloody diaspora folks like bad news and more bad news. Why can't we Somalis be optimistic once in our lifetime? wishing for better things to come, " Ina macal cusri Yusra" is a divine statement that after hardship there will be a moment of ease. The biggest thing in life is hope things will change. Without hope there is no future. We magnify our mistakes and weaknesses while underrating our strength. While in Alberta Canada, there were some shocking events involving Somali youth who were involved in serious crimes which put the community under pressure. Yet, when you look, the refugee community who landed in this part of the world a generation ago, we have produced doctors, lawyers, engineers, community leaders and other luminaries who are shining among the Arab and African immigrants. I am raising this issue because I had just visited Xamarweyne today. Xamarweyne was the heart of the original civilizations of the Banaadir region. It is hard to grasp from the outside, but if you had lived among the real Reer Xamar, as I did in the eighties as a young high school student, that memory will never fade. I jumped to a Bajaaj in mid morning and headed to Xamarweyne. The driver asked me where in Xamarweyne and I said, " just take me to the Shineemo Super area". He laughed and said there is no Sheenemo Super . Then I knew he was a newcomer. I said take me close to Via Egito and Marwaas Masjid .I walked the rest but could not identify exactly where I was, but finally walked all the way to Maxakamada and walked through the narrow street and reached the ocean. The Port seemed to be quite with one or two empty ships at the dock while a couple of tag boats were pulling another huge ship full of containers to the dock. I watched kids dip and jump to the Godka deep water area, and passed other sitting on top of the rocks while strong waves of the Indian ocean beet the shore. Then I went to the " Kawaanka Malayga Xamarweyne" where fresh fish is cut for the customers. 200 pound lion size fish is cut for the customers and the young fishermen would approach you quickly to sell their fresh fish. You could bargain and get the best price. I observed that probably 90% of the fishermen were local Banaadiri, Jareer Weyne and Mogadishu original natives with very few Faradheer. These kind of skills isn't something you could learn with gun or acquired easily like other professions. It is a tradition these fishermen had inherited generations ago. In the seventies Kacaanka Barakeysa used to distribute fish to the locals in order to teach Somalis the benefits of the fish. Today, most Mogadishu restaurants have a fish menu. Fishing boats filling the shores of Liido Beach shows life of working at the sea and catching goods is still alive and well which means there is a civilization in Mogadishu. Kawaanka Xamarweyne being busy and thriving means Xamarweyne is alive. When you enter Xamarweyne, you could see that the the bustling trade of wholesale is still booming. Some of the streets are wide with few cars despite blocked roads. The population of old Banaadiri is scars in these area, but as I entered the old narrow streets of Xamarweyne, suddenly you meet and see the local Reer Xamar and their shops. Their famous tailor shops with over hundred years of tradition is there. They could tailor the best suit you usually see in luxury boutiques. They tailor Cabaayado, wedding clothes, shirts and everything between. Despite the mayhem that took place here in the nineties, the old tailorship of Reer Banaadir is booming. There were horror stories about Banaadiri original people being driven out and disappearing. That might be partially true compared the to size of current Xamaeweyne population, but still they dominated the old town and have a presence in the business district. many of them probably came back to reclaim their real state assets . If streets are cleaned daily Xamaewyne could be a great business district. I went through the narrow streets to find my old Banaadiri neighbors , but I had no luck. The character of the buildings had changed and it was difficult to recognize after thirty some years. Naively, I was little bit nostalgic, and was trying to find Reer Xaaji Bana and their young kids who are grown old just like me to be somehow around. I went inside one of the tailors and bought some fabrics and asked the Banaadiri guy to make nice Cabaayad for my wife. That is the best I could do for my old neighborhood.The message I am sending is that Xamarweyne is alive and thriving. I know people went through tough times, but life is returning normal. At the narrow streets across the ocean, I saw kids in Madrasa reciting Quraan and you have Masjis within the perimeters of the ocean waves. The bad thing is that the checkpoints are making the streets across the Indian ocean more like a fortified military zone. Anyway, I will go back tomorrow to get my clothes and wonder the old Xamaewyne and see where Uunlaaye Bakhaar and Shineemo Super used to be Anyway, as Allah says, " There is an ease after hardship"
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Dhagaxtuur, I am home Saaxiib. Despite what people say , no one owns Mogadishu. Anyone who is raised here could have the Mogadishu accent. HAG groups and others might exaggerate their ownership, but the reality is different. I have seen hundreds of Awdaltes with local accents let alone millions from South West and other places.
MMA, Saaxiib I like Casariye, but I am not a food person. These fancy’shotels got generic foods like steak , fish and maybe some Soor. I want to go a regular place and have Muufo iyo Maraq and the taste of Canjeero and Saliid Macsaro. . I might go to Gobson at Liido though People will tell you the more you go Deep South the cost of living is lower. . Hargeisa is probably the most expensive p’ace
We already had plan B and C. We were invited for the inauguration of C/laahi Dani with full tickets and accomodations in Garoowe, but we were advised to go to Mogadishu first before going anywhere else. Khaatumo is waiting for us and we have other plans. We must find places to train our forces and we will find. Xaaji I like your idea of our soldiers leaving the Hargeisa project.
Tigray has declared that 250,000 students dropped out of school due to famine. War is raging in Amhara region, Abiy is accused of directing hid squads in Oromia and the whole state structure is shaky, yet we hear these so called invasions. What is going on?. Furthermore, the Somali state isn't moving an inch in terms of national defence. They could arm Awdal militia and people to confront the Ethiopian forces, buy high speed boats to harass the coast and so on. The premier talks straight and doesn't sugar coat, but HSM is waiting this issue to disappear and keep the separatist in power.
Yesterday was Friday and Liido beach was full of people. Men, women, children and people from all walks of life were there. You don't have to be middle class or rich to enjoy the beach. It is public.
Certainly not. HSM isn't doing much on Awdal side. Yes, he did the Turkiye defense pact which is a great move, but he has done nothing so far to challenge the separatists in Hargeisa. With HSM at helm, Biixi can breath easily. He keeps talking about Abiy and his disastrous plans, yet so far he is unwilling to say anything negative. His government is dominated by separatists, heck he even appointed another three or four of them for the last four weeks. Secession talk and boasting of Biixi and company is possible because of the leadership here in Mogadishu. Dalka Muqdisho Ayaa laga Goynayaa. I have to take a dictionary to understand the first paragraph. I agree about the ride to the airport. While I was passing the checkpoints escorted by security Thursday while picking up VIP, I saw the public line up and wait for a long time to reach the airport. Of course I am traveling like an outsider , but that doesn't mean you couldn't feel the the real people. For example, last night I walked about a kilometer and saw small restaurant selling Malawax/ Canjeero and I went in. I wasn't hungry, but wanted to check the price fell comfortable among my people. I ate two Malawax each one was 50 cents which isn't bad. If you could get a full stomach for $1.50 isn't bad for a poor guy. I walked the streets of Addis Ababa and I saw a thousand beggars everywhere . Yes, there are poor people, but Mogadishu had always a tradition of people working hard and I do believe that culture is still there. If peace prevails even a year or two, I have no doubt this city could be better than many places who were peaceful for 35 years including the stinking Addis. Give me a few days, I will be traveling to Bakaraha, Waaberi and Wardhiigley and report back.
As the plane approaches from the south west side of the runway, you will notice the waves of the majestic Indian Ocean, and if you are coming to Mogadishu for the first time after a long time, like me, you would feel goosebumps, especially now considering the Ethiopian plans to take part of the Somali ocean. The weather was beautiful with the usual blue sky and unusually humid day in February. Back in the days, February used to be windy and rainy (Xagaayo), but nowadays it is hot like summer. I thought since Mogadishu is on the northern side of the equator, this time of year would be winter, yey it is humid and everyone is saying that it will be even warmer in March. Back then the Luuq and Gedo area was hot in February. I am recording 35-38C degrees Celsius. As we landed to airport, we were met by members of both houses of parliament, ministers, some members of Awdal community in Mogadishu including officers, women, elders and youth. While in diaspora, there is an impression of fortified security bunker and militarized airport., yet we met the welcoming party just across the runway including the dance troupe of Banaadir. If you are welcomed by the " Shiribkii Muqdishu" it means you are at home and maybe little bit important. We were escorted to the VIP to address the media with the presence of the dignitaries. Among the notables were minister Bidhaan of the ministry of communications, Xildhibaans Ayuu Ismail who is a rising star in our community, Sheikh Mohamed Huseen Hadi, Senators Deqa Hassan, Cabdi Qaybdiid and many others. Entering the VIP and intermingling among the people, we felt at home and at ease. There was a feeling that despite where we originated, this was our national capital and the seat of the government where Somalis are welcome. After the announcement we headed to the parking lot and rode the bulletproof vehicles to our hotel. The biggest surprise and the most shocking thing was how business and residential buildings were erected just a few meters from the gates of the airport. I told our hosts " who made this possible? who authorized to build for profit residential buildings just across the airport?. In fact, a man could throw a grenade from the rooftops of the buildings and hit the parking lot or even the entrance gates. This is pure anarchy and greed that couldn't be possible anywhere in the world. I think the Somali government must plan very quickly another international airport outside these residential areas and relocate to probably Kaaraan and far away from crowds. As you leave the airport, the exit streets become narrower and passing vehicles have to alternate and every open space is occupied. We went through the Affezione route escorted by armed guards. When you reach the Xamar Weyne area the checkpoints are less than a kilometer apart. Regardless of who is riding with you or how many soldiers are escorting you, the young men manning the check points must identify the Xildhibaan and the security men. The street checkpoints are dominated by NISA soldiers who seem to know one another. Certain areas of the city where government buildings are located, only pre inspected cars could pass and public transit vehicles are prohibited.As per the rules, escorting soldiers are not allowed to enter major hotels with guns and must stay out of the area. As you travel through Xamar Weyne, Shibis and Abdelaziz you notice the destroyed buildings that were left vacant and other places owned by people who left long ago and never came back. In fact, a large part of this former downtown Mogadishu is ruined waiting either for the rule of law to reclaim or in disputes among those who inherited. These parts of Shibis and Abdulaziiz are waiting for their real owner or their children who are in diaspora. Many of them have refused the offer to sell. On the other hand Baar Ubax and other areas are either bought or taken by others. In terms of business, the booming part of the city is mostly inhabited by those who originally hail from Galmudug, but that doesn't mean there are no native people of Banadir from Galmudug. From most Somalis, it is easy to get along, do business and live in the Galmudug part of the city. North Mogadishu is either localized or waiting for government stability to rebuild the ruined buildings and thrive again. Despite the checkpointed and ruined buildings, the Mogadishu streets are well paved with wide open boulevards that could accommodate two lane streets on both sides. THere are some makeshift businesses that occupy Jubba hotel sidewalks, but most of the streets are wide and clean. Few days ago I took a Bajaaj and ventured to see the old Mogadishu. You can't just holed up in a big hotel, ride bullet proof cars and later claim you saw Mogadishu. The area I was venturing was mostly safe. Midnight at the beech I went to Cabdiaziiz just before you reached Kaaraan, passed through the old Stadio Konis and went to Liido beach. The Indian Ocean has retreated about 100 meters and you could pass the fishing boats in the middle of the sand.The young boys are playing soccer, the blue flagged tour boat is sitting at shore to take passengers for a ride. A week ago, I went for dinner at one of the beach hotels that entertained the diaspora with Somali Music. The most amazing thing is the presence of regular people at the beach at midnight. The sessionist entity closes down Hargeisa city around 11PM due to fear of many things. In these parts of the town, the population is scarce due to closed roads and tight security protocols, but the resilient people of Mogadishu are enjoying their beach at midnight without fear, and I hope with the blessing of Allah the peaceful atmosphere continues. New security protocols improve safety. The threat of Al-shabaab bombing, shooting or targeted killings didn't disappear totally yet, but has diminished extensively through the city. Security controlled zones of the government agencies and surrounding areas have improved a lot. Months have passed without bombing or major incidents. Locals will tell you that they haven't felt this since 2005 during the Islamic courts. Reorganized NISA had improved security. Our sage resident here in SOL, Mr. MMA, calls the NISA director Mohad Salaad, Mahad Qalaaye, but that is much further from the reality on the ground. While the security, military and foreign policy of Nabad iyo Nolol targeted for the long term and achieved institutional gains, political disruption, weak decision making and other bakagges they were carrying, made it difficult to tackle the security issues in a comprehensive way, especially the last two years of the election pickering.. It is given that every government starting from 2012 has contributed capacity building and enhancing security. When I asked NISA officers about the increased safety, absence of bombings for months, and almost the elimination of the targeted killings in Mogadishu, they attributed four or five major moves NISA and the government made in the last 12 months. Here are the main reasons: 1-The war of Al-shbaab declared by the president and his government. While the Al-shbaab cells within Mogadishu are still present, most of the bombings and other deadly operations are usually organized outside the capital. The big government offensive in Hiiraan, Middle Shabeelle and Lower Shabeele had put enormous pressure on the militants and could no longer allow them to organize missions to the capital. American drones are active in most Al-shabaab regions and hunt their leadership which in turn forces them to hide and feel the pressure. If the Americans sustain these pressures and don't change the course as they usually do, a great success could be achieved in the future. 2- Professional NISA youth with the latest technology. NISA officers were trained and equipped by the Farmaajo government and deployed throughout the city. The current government increased their numbers and prioritized their deployment in a localized and efficient way. For example, major government seats and agencies have been secured with almost zero risks. CCTV cameras are deployed in the most sensitive area and are monitored 24 hours. Previously , Al-shbaab had targeted these cameras to disable them and conceal their movements. We were standing , at night, in one of the major areas of security controls for a few minutes and suddenly a young officer came and asked us what we were doing and ordered us to move. Now these cameras have been deployed even Suuqa Bakaaraha. Movements of the vehicles in these exclusive green zones are monitored with checkpoints every half mile. If one officer misses or misidentifies a vehicle the next stop will stop and verify. If you carry a plastic bag while you walk in these areas, it will be checked. While at the end military forces are needed to eliminate the extremists for good, in big cities, it is all about law enforcement, efficient investigating teams and technology which may determine peaceful Mogadishu and other major centers. These cameras are monitored 24/7 on every intersection of the city. I have met some of the young officers who just finished their shift early in the morning and they were very enthusiastic about their jobs and the public service they were doing. There are special enhanced cameras targeted to record license plates with alarms that will sound if certain cars, motorbikes or Bajaj passes. If a motorbike commits a crime in Ceelasha Biyaha and the plate number is communicated, the alarm of the camera deployed in a dozen areas will go off and the bike will be arrested. Just this week, a four member cell of Al-shbaab had killed a soldier and immediately a group of undercover officers alerted others and captured them outside the city in Garasbaley. 3- Impersonating officers have been eliminated. Major Al-shbaab operations were conducted in big hotels, government ministries, parliaments and other protected areas before with deadly results which combined car bombing and storming of these buildings. Impersonation of NISA officers or members of local military by the militants had made it possible for them to kill many innocent people and target high value government members. There used to be even deadly clashes among different forces within the city. That was totally eliminated. For the last few weeks, I have seen pickup trucks full of soldiers approaching checkpoints and every time they were stopped and verified with almost zero exceptions. Furthermore, most of the VIP escorts are members of the NISA assigned to members of parliament and others and are know one another. Security officers are no longer allowed to carry their guns in public or ride public transit while carrying a gun. A disgruntled or cash hungry soldier used to stop Bajaaj for bribes and if they refused , he used to shoot them . These incidents were regular before. Now the officer must leave his gun and uniform at the checkpoints or place of work after his shift is finished. No soldier is allowed to carry a gun without a duty. 4- Incoming traffic to the capital is manned and monitored. No bomb laden truck or car has entered Mogadishu for the last 12 months thanks to enhanced entry points. These entry points from Lower Shabbelle and middle Shabeelle are exclusive priority for the capital. The first step taken by Mahad Salaad leadership was to replace the police officers with NISA officers and increase their salary. Before soldiers were easily bribed and the consequences were deadly bombings. Now the officers draw their salary both from NISA and benefits from the Banaadir regional government. Enhanced camera and undercover officers on top of the guarding officers monitor these entry points and every vehicle is checked thoroughly. 5--Mahad Salaad is different from Fahad Yaasiin. Everyone will tell you that Fahad Yaasiin was a very able man who has improved NISA and made it one of the most organized security agencies in the region. Also, it was Fahad who reduced targeted killings in the capital by deploying undercover officers. yet his oversized presence within the government didn't allow him to be on top of the security agenda. People in Mogadishu used to call him "Mulkiilaha Dawlad" which means the king behind the Farmaajo's throne. Mahad Salaad has a great advantage compared to Fahad. He never left the capital for all these years and is much familiar with the environment compared to Fahad. I came to realize that someone from the diaspora needs at least 5 years to understand the Mogadishu quagmire and Al-Shbaab security challenges. Also, unlike Fahad, Mr. Salaad isn't involved with internal government politics or foreign policy, he is exclusively concentrated with national security and particularly the security of the capital. He visits the security monitoring cameras in the middle of the night and dispatches teams by himself. That is the information I am getting from the security officers who hail from different parts of the country. Fahad was taking part in running the government, but Mahad Salaad is concentrating the security issue exclusively and the result is peaceful city. Furthermore, the number of officers were increased. 6- Freezing Al-shbaab accounts. By far, this is the most important move the current government had made last year. In these pages we have discussed how millions are laundered through electronic banking and Hawalas. Anyone was able to send thousands of dollars unanimously to every part of the country. Members of Al-shbaab had accounts everywhere including banks. THere was a huge debate to pass these legislations through the parliament and many businesses who have connections with Al-Shabaab had fought tooth and nail to prevent it. After the passing of that law , the government had frozen thousands of these accounts owned by the terrorist group. Big accounts with millions of dollars were frozen just a few months ago and some of them applied great pressure to the government to keep them , but they were finally frozen. To build a car bomb takes tens of thousands of dollars. Soldiers and officers must be bribed with tens of thousands of dollars, a brand new car that no one suspects must be bought with at least $20,000 of dollars and other logistical needs which might reach up to hundred thousand dollars. Al-shabaab was described as the richest terrorist group in the world due to their money collected through extortions and intimidations. Many businesses have refused to pay the extortion money and the government encouraged them to have cameras in their businesses to record those who collect the evil taxes. People will tell you that by far the freezing of the accounts (Qalajinta Hantida) is the biggest move that eliminated car bombs and other deadly actions by the extremists. If these gains are sustained and businesses corporate and refuse to pay extortion money, Al-shbaab threat could be reduced in the long run. Now, how about life in Mogadishu? I mean about the regular Somali? Mogadishu used to be called 50 years ago " Maskiin Koriso"{...... stay for the next article................
Next Ethiopian War: Eritrea/Amhara vs Tigray/Abiy
galbeedi replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Why is this lunatic is even talking about Lughaya while his backyard is burning. . Maybe the treacherous British asked him to save the fake sessionist project in exchange for relief from world bank and the ongoing investigation about his crimes in the international criminal court.