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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Delusional Xaaji. Where do the Canfar settle to attack Djibouti? Inside Awdal? When thing I would say is that Awdal Movement will not stop whether Djibouti supports us or not. One thing the last few days taught me is how fragile the Hargeisa regime is. Faysal Waraabe is wearing black headband to mourn and as usual all over the place. he is insulting the HAG community and declared to offer his services to C/laahi Dani. At the same time he supports the song that declared " Axmaar baa iga Garoowe iyo Xamar". We didn't even fire a bullet yet all the cry iyo Kakacaay. We the Awdalites are resilient really, all we need just start the fire crackers and this regime will collapse.
  2. MMA, Rather than keeping the status quo like most leftists, the right wing groups whom you are calling fascists, are dynamic. Except the Hindus who are totally evil and take the laws in the own hands and openly attack Muslims, the European right wingers have some valid grievances in terms of immigration, LBGT issues and other concerns of the wars going on in the continent, especially Ukraine. Anyone could see that uncontrolled mass immigration from cultures that are different from the host countries could trigger resentment. You can't ignore that. I think the biggest allies for the immigrant community in Europe and North America were the Jewish community, who knew one or two things about people looking freedom and safety, and now because of Gaza and Palestine, some might have decided to turn their back from those traditional roles. MMA, I think you probably consume a lot of mainstream media news about the threat of right wing parties, but things are not as dire as you claim. Here in Alberta we got a right wing provincial party who shares a lot characters with main federal conservative party, yet they are doing OK. Even the justice minister is a Muslim. Also, we should be very careful to ally or put all our eggs in one basket. The black American community used to vote democrat for the last 50 years, yet where did that got them. For most of the left wing parties, while they accept and promote multiculturalism t, their main principles are abortion, LGBT and slot of other issues that damage the foundations of society. I knew the issue of Gaza has put a lot of politicians on the spot, but that is not the only porometer to judge where they stand in terms of your support. If you are a Somali resident of the west, your judgement of the parties will probably reflect your wallet and they the you feel about the inflammatory words coming from candidates. On the other hand, if you look things on the bigger picture and the lives Somalis back home and the Muslim community around the globe, you might reach a different conclusions. The more the parties are isolationist, the more the world and MUslims feel peace and stability. General Wesley Clark, the former commander of NATO forces in Europe, had narrated how the Pentagon was plotting to destroy seven countries in the middle east and Africa region. Somalia was among them. After Bush Jr. left office, the good Kenyan called Obama came and finished the job by attacking Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. Joe Biden and UAE had finished the last remaining country in Africa which is Sudan. Remember, it was Obama who encouraged Raila Odinga to invade Somalia when we were weak. Furthermore, the loud mouth blowhard TRump never initiated any wars despite the so called Muslim ban from America. We Muslims and Somalis should stop being emotional on minor issues. Don't look the election sound bites, observe their foreign policy. Trump decided to leave Afghanistan despite the objections of the US Army, was trying to leave Syria and Iraq. In Somalia, the American drones are in the sky everyday probably looking for one terrorist who done something evil 15 years, yet doesn't touch the open gathering of Al-shabaab in plain sight. Furthermore,The Americans they are partners with the Somali government to help defeat this menace, yet from time to time they would say , Oh by the way, " Al-Shbaaab might take over Somalia". If that is the case what the hell are you helping me for? France would never had left west Africa if Obama was there. The Kenyan man deployed forces in Sahel to support France. The isolationist president Trump showed up and said, " what the hell am I doing in west Africa" and left. There were a thousand American forces in Niger and they are leaving soon after Junta who took power demanded. MMA, one more thing: join the right wing parties and push your own agenda, don't sit in sidelines. The world is bigger than few Somalis elected politicians in Minnesota or Toronto. Personally, I don't even support the immigration of Somali people to these countries at this stage. I don't deny that the rise of certain groups to power will create fear and anxiety for our community and we must find ways to mitigate. I also understand that normalizing hate and racist rhetoric will be felt by many non white communities in the future. It will be another topic, but most Somalis here in the west roam the land like they are strolling in Bakaraha and are unaware of physical threats. You must know your surroundings all the time.
  3. Well throwing trillions of dollars around won't fix inflation. Also, the numbers that banks and statistic agencies state in terms of inflations numbers doesn't correspond prices at the grocery stores. Furthermore, due to the new religion called " Climate Change", electricity prices has doubled. Joe Biden is gone soon, I mean within days or weeks. THere are reports that his family is at Camp David today to make a decision. Others say that he might be in a hospice care by end of the years. People will not forget how they have cheated the population while a senile old man was used to exercise power from behind the scene. The will be a contested convention, there is no if or but, it will happen. It will be between Gavin Newsom, Roy Cooper of North Carolina and maybe Withmer of Michigan. Do not even think of including VP Kamala Harris, she has even a lower rating of Biden. I knew the guy was finished when he pronounced so many resolutions about Gaza and no one had listened. Netanyahu probably knew that Biden was useless and he sticked to his gone.
  4. Exactly, if they need a port from central Somalia right now, Garacad is ready to do the job immediately. We met the minister of ports of Galmudug here a month or so ago and they are on the process of building a port which at the early state of design and engineering.
  5. The relationship between the Hargeisa based sessionist and Djibouti was based purely transactional. There is no strong foundations to keep it. One day they are the enemy of the Habro, then the next day they are Walaalo. The same goes with Irir Samaale, Lafta Naga, and now the beloved Axmaar. Despite years of preferential treatment, if you ask ask the Hargeisa clique about Djibouti, the would swear that their neighbors were always their arch enemies. Finally, HSM had declared Goonogoosatada as a threat to national security like Al-shbaab. We presented a document way back in February to the threat of that entity in terms social cohesion, economic development and national security of the Somali people including those in Hargeisa and Burco. Constant arresting of Somali visitors at airport by wearing Somali flag arm bands or a blue Dirac, sent both men and women to jails. In return they have created enmity and mistrust among Somalis. In terms of economic development huge swaths of land in the region containing gold, mineral and other resources could be developed just like those controlled by Al-shbaab in the south. Finally, we emphasized that this threat shouldn't be confronted because more powerful states than Ethiopia could take over Zaylac and Berbera which might lead total colonization of the homeland. Waxaan aad uga hadalnay khatarka goonigoosatada Muuse Biixi hogaaminayo oo saameyn karta jiritaanka dadka Soomaaliyeed. Yet, due to the Muqdishu Xadhig Jiid and never ending quarrel might have led them to overlook our concern. I hope HSM and company had seen the light now and we could see eye to eye about Hargeisa threat. The first order of the president should be the firing of the separatist ambassador in Mogadishu deputy premier Saalax who is appointed By Biixi, and then go from their and fire the other ambassadors in foreign capitals. We could finish this thing before the fake elections.
  6. Warya Ina Rayaale, Save whatever left of your honor and stop protecting Muuse Biixi. Maalina cheeg been ah buu kuu soo dhiibi oo deked been ah ayuu ku dhihi dhagax dhig, maalin Addis buu kuu kaxayn. Gaajada haysaa weynaa. He is 80 year old and he still hungry for few pennies. Ilaahayow ceebta astur.
  7. Xaaji, The democrats are corrupt, by they are not stupid. Italian say" Never fear Rome, the serpent lies coiled in Napoli". In terms of conspiracy and treachery the democrats are experts while Trump is blowhard who doesn't understand the great game. Debates usually take place after convention when the nominee and his deputy are crowned. In order to get rid of Biden , they proceeded to hold the debate early in order to expose the weaknesses of Biden and hold the convention and nominate a new candidate. Trump was duped and has accepted the debate and killed Biden last night. Now, a new candidate , most likely Gaven Newsome of California who is 30 years younger than TRump will step in the cage and defeat Trump. He should have waited the debate until August, but felt on the democratic trap. Even the way CCN conducted the debate was very strange. The headlines from mainstream media is " Biden should quit". Even the New York time wrote an editorial demanding his resignation.TRump is cooked.
  8. Carafaat, I know you are a decent guy and could break bread anytime. Sorry for the late response. I am really offended , how could you compare with old Xaaji Xanjuf. He is delusional and would sell his mother for Ixtiraaf.I know I went to overboard in my critic of the Mogadishu based Habro. I definitely agree with you that Fowsiya X. Aadan is a shining star among the Somali politicians , especially among women. All her achievements that you stated are true. She is pioneer and did help her community in Hargeisa. I hope she is different than the douchebags like Maareeye, Deputy Saalax and others who are freeloaders who contribute nothing. THey were picked by Buurmadow. Anyway good luck to Fowsiya.
  9. Old Xaaji proved my point. neverles, this honorable lady should quit and stand down. You can't wage a campaign without coordinating with the Somali government. If you don't have the backing of the your government, it would be another parallel campaign by a warlord who want to be in the limelight. Both Djibouti and Kenya support their candidates, and Somalia for some weird reason has decided to throw her under the bus and favour Djibouti. It is OK to expose HSM, you done your speech and now go home sister. We already have enough undercover separatists in the cabinet, courts, banks, and other important positions. I know HSM has huge sympathy for the " Goonigoosato"and has done more than any president to promote their cause, but at the moment he needs Omar Geelle to challenge Abiy Ahmed . It is that simple.
  10. HSM is a very dangerous man. I don't care about his looting or the cronies he surrounded with himself, the issue is bigger than that. We might even lose the sovereignty of the country before the election of 2026. Even Abiy Ahmed talked two days ago in the Ethiopian parliament about HSM. He said: “Danteenu Waxay ku jirtaa in aynu ilaalsano dawladnimadeena. Dawlad aan doorasho ku iman oo aan sharci ku dhisnayn mar danbe ka dhici mayso dalka . Danteena Ayaa ku jirta dawlad sharci ku dhisan. Hadii aan jidkaa ka leexano, koley waad aragtaan labada Darif kuwa ina xiga . Qaar danihiii qaran kooda dan gaar ah ku badalanaya Iyo qaar isu hayntii shacabkooda ku fashilmay Ayay noqdeen . In aad dal jira oo lugihiisa ku taagan sii ahaato ma sahlana marka la fiiriyo duruufaha ka jira geeska Afrika. Sidaa awgeed Waa in aynu taxadar dheeri ah yeelano. Who he is talking about when he says, " THere are those who exchanged the interest of their country with personal interest". I think he is talking about HSM.
  11. Trump will be the next president of America. Just after the verdict, in just few hours he raised $6 million dollars. This overzealous presecuter had guaranteed his re-election. Besides, unless you had criminal record, no one goes to jail for this kind of victimless crime. It will be either probation or community service. Other crimes like the Georgia recount won't be even litigated until after the election, furthermore, there is a case before the supreme court which is arguing that the president had immunity while in office, and when he called the top election officer in Georgia, he was protecting his interest. Folks, the major issue here is that two 80 years old men are the only people left standing in America and that shows the decline of the country. When the Soviet Union was declining in the eighties, it was ruled by old men who were tired. Brezhnev was old and passed away in 1982 and was replaced by another old man Yuri Andropov, who died 14 months later, and was replaced by another old one who served only one year, until Gorbachev took over and we know the rest of the story. Two years ago, you had these two and another two 80 years olds running the senate and the house, Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi. Go figure. Thre Democrats are corrupt to core and the Republicans are know nothing puppets. The Irishman Mr. Joe Kennedy is going nowhere with Rabbi Smuthley Boteach as his adviser. The last statesman of America was George Bush senior the rest were created by media sound bites. We need Trump. Guys, real change could only come from the right.
  12. Xaaji, Abiy is bankrupt. Insecurity is soon coming near you in Addis. This MOU will be probably implemented by the next Ethiopian leader when the time is right. It will all depend by direction and character of the Somali leadership in Mogadishu. If they are bold and visionary and think beyond the current squabble, we might even take land from Ethiopia rather thing give them a sea. The weak Jigjiga based Cagjar could even think big and prepare for the future.
  13. Mr. Carafaat, it is easy to figure out who is separatist and who is unionist in Mogadishu. It doesn't take much. There used to be real unionist before this new crop of politicians from Hargeisa. Jaamac Kaluun, Ismaaciil Buuba, Oomaar and Ina Carab Ciise. These people went to Carta and took part in the revival of Somalia. The current crop is even openly separatists thanks to HSM and the paranoid HAG leadership. During the Laascaanood conflict both Maareeye and Saalax openly sided with Biixi despite the importance of Khaatumo project to the union. Khadar Guuleed is a unionist so does few others, but the rest are representatives of the project in Mogadishu. You know we th Awdalites are the least clanish people in Somalia unlike the Habro whose main faith is Qabiil. Why would anyone give land to foreign powers with deadly consequences other than to preserve a clan project? Somalis were too soft for the Somalidiidka for a long time. Gardaro garab og. Woqoyi Galbeed and Togdheer has the same population like Shabeelaha Hoose nothing special. Hundreds of millions have been poured to coffers of Hargeisa with zero institutions working. If we get a real Somali leadership, this project could end in less than few years
  14. naah, actually I met him in person while he was the interior minister. He even publicly denounced Biixi and company. It is probably the reason he was removed from the interior. Furthermore, does anyone even knows other government ministers other the incompetent Tik Tok defence minister. No one knows the minister of finance, interior or even the chief of the military. Ahmed Faqi is the only star of the cabinet just like Dr Bayle was at the Farmaajo government.
  15. This is the best news I heard from Somalia for a long time. Most of the UN envoys appointed to Somalia are members of the British colonial office just like 80 years ago. The last lady Ms. Lang was even a separatists trying to dismember our country. Why everyone of these envoys happen to be British? I fully trust minister Ahmed Faqi. He is probably the most patriotic among the ministers of the current government. He id well while he was the interior minister and the Khaatumo temporary recognition couldn't have happened without him. The separatist within the cabinet, namely maareeye, deputy premier Saalax and the rest are openly saperatrist and HSM welcomes them. We need these bold moves and tough decisions to be independent again. If there is anyone among the entourage of the HSM government who has a great political future, it is Ahmed Macalin Faqi.
  16. Mr. Iliria, it looks like you spilled the beans. Are you even entertaining to make a deal with Abu Dhabi? They are our competitors, don't produce anything and we could be a free port just like them. Waar bal aduunyadan eega. Waar maxaa hanidii Soomaaliyeed suuqa loo geynayaa.The road to the border could be paved any day and suddenly you got a 10 million customers in your neighborhood. Please don't sell Garacad and just wait few years when the right leadership shows up.
  17. We all hope that is the cae. Why would anyone throw away the only successful Somali project in the last 30 years?
  18. Absolutely no hatred in my heart for Puntland. How could I? Puntland is the guardian of the Somali constitutional system, the check and balance for the Unakaa leh. You might sense some exaggeration on my part regarding the news from the Sheikh, but when thing I learned in Mogadishu is that Somali leaders usually don't make any tangible deals when they meet foreign leaders, except give away what is left of the country. The only thing standing is public assets, like airports, ports and the huge Somali ocean waters. It isn't secret that during Nairobi negotiations between Routu and Abiy, the Garacad port was on the table. I don't in what terms, but was suggested as one of exit mechanisms for Abiy yo get out of the MOU. Anyway, the truth will come out. As the Sheikh says, if you try to deal with those who are trying to control trade in the region, expect a serious damage. Tell me what would Dani give to UAE? the far sheikhs control every port in the Red sea and Indian ocean corridor except Djibouti which they left few years ago, Mombasa and Mogadishu. Aden is gone, Port Sudan is out of order due to civil war and they manage the Egyptian ports. Now please tell us what your buddy Dani has to offer? Haafuun is out of the question other than mineral righta.
  19. We might have been even duped long time ago. I know some Somalis had put their hard earned money, but looking back , the quick manner the money was raised , and the millions still pouring while making probably 10 cents to the dollar, I suspect the Emirates could be the owners behind the curtain. It was a completion of the gulf. Qatar wanted Hobyo and UAE probably raised to the game quickly and beat them for Garacad. Two nights ago C/laahi Dani was in Dubai, but suddenly flew to Addis for an emergency meeting. If the Sheikh is correct, and that is a big if, them a lot of questions will arise from Garacad.
  20. When you have minister likr Mr.Tik Tok as the defence minister expect the worst. This is the most important ministry in the country at this time of war, yet it is led by an incompetent general who got his ranks through irregular militia and defence minister who is cashing in like most of his colleagues. If you want to win the war, why surround yourself with weak and incompetent people?
  21. These marxuums are not killed during the assault of Goojacade. They are killed during the leading months. Some of them were shot probably during clan disputes and buried in these mountains. This Hargeisa project is almost dead, yet we hear every day about taking the war to Laascaanood. I have no doubt that these days the Hargeisa project is nothing but a colonial project to weaken Somalia. If the Ethiopia MOU fails, they might bring others to Bebera and offer to fight the Houthies, just like Abiy was trying to milk the war on terror like Meles Zenawi and make millions.
  22. I think Xaaji (Habro in Mogadishu) and company and his inexperienced students from Damujadiid told him to have his cake and eat it. The state institutions are not as easy as making Qaad deals with Kenyans , it is more complicated.
  23. I was worried about the dysfunction of the unending debate about the elections which is away 2 years from now to drag the country while neglecting the major issues, but I guess I was wrong. The biggest obstacle that will destroy HSM is himself. He want to do everything by himself. The Somali state is bigger than one man or one clan. He surrounded himself with his own students to manage major national issues while neglecting the Somali experts. He is paranoid of other people getting in the system. I couldn't find one single Somali expert or experienced politician among his inner circle or running major portfolios.