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Everything posted by galbeedi
If the Americans and the EU stops Russia from using the Swift banking system, Putin will suffer very quickly. He might ship his energy but won't get paid. It happened to Venezuela few years ago. Venezuela shipped millions of barrels of oil, but the money was kept in New York banks, so they decided not to sell anymore since they don't get paid. The stupid EU is refusing now. I read that the Russians are bombing Turkish /Ukrainian drone production facilities and other engine making factories.
The UN charter doesn't mean anything anymore. Get your nuclear. Yet, war of aggression and pre-emptive war always leads to disaster at the end. The Iraq war had cost USA a great deal. It had fought that war ten thousands miles away , but the effects of that war was deep in terms of blood and treasurer. The credibility of US has tanked and its effects had showed later in its economic position against China. In 1995, the US trade decfecit against China was as little as 33 billion. After 20 years of adventure in the middle east the defecit had reached $350 billion. By the time Obama realized and decided to shift to Asia Pacific, it was too late. When US entred the Iraq war in 2003, it had 125 billion decfecit and ten years later it had trippled to 350 billion. A communist back water in early nineties became the biggest economy of the world in terms parchasing power party (PPP) tofay. Today the US is scrambelling to mitigate the incoming Chinese hygemony, thanks partly to its short sideness by flexing muscles to weak nations of the middle east who were not a real threat to its econmy and security. BY the way, we might all complain about American hygemony or domination, but wait till you see the ruthles and Godless eastern powers of China and the evil gas station with nuclear power called Russia. i will prefer US any day against these two. Pre-emptive war leads to disaster.
Here is one of my favourite analysts on the Russian adventure: Russia is aware of its shortcomings. It is trying to cover these through nationalism and expansionism, to deter through threatening discourse, and push the threats directed towards it beyond its borders. Russia will risk going to war for this sake. It will act in accordance with the West and the world order’s weaknesses, and push countries to make mistakes. If it does not do this, that threat will come knocking on Russia’s borders. This means a second division for Russia. Putin is trying to repel, alleviate and thwart any threats against his country by threatening his region and the entire world. As I said, the second division of Russia has to come sooner or later. It did hold nations through the Tsarist empire by conquering other nattions and nationalities, then through Soviet Union. Just like former Yugoslavia and soon Ethiopia, Russia has to let go other nations it holds hostage. In the next decade, we are all hoping the formation of the Turkic nation stretching from the aegian sea the Chines border. That could only happen if Turkey which is in serious trouble survives after Erdogan is topled.
By the way, the other thing that most of us missed was how the warning of the US and UK for months and days were just brushed off by everyone. THe British said that the invasion could start any moment, Biden kept saying the invasion is about to happen, yet most of us didn't take those statements very seriously. Even the president of Ukraine said, " stop the panik, I am the president and if there is war, I would be the first to know". It seems that the Russians might have leaked their intensions to the Americans .Putin made them lool them like the " kid who cried wolf", and then invade while denying this for weeks. Because of the American lie in Iraq, the disasterous withdrawl from Afghanistan, and their false alarm in Addis Abbaba few months ago, made them unreliable. The Americans and the west need to get back their credibility so when they tell their citizens and others of incoming danger we might all believe and act accordingly. If Ukraine believed what America was saying they would have prepared better to repusle and delay the invasion. And one more thing. Every nation in danger of huge elephant as neighbor should have a nuclear weapons. Turkey, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and even Kaskhastan should get their nuclear weapons. Imagine what fondumentalist and arogant India would if Pakistan didn't have nuclear? The Ukraninans used to have some nuclear weapons, but the American and others convinced them to let it goby giving them useless guarntee.
Of course the Russians are more powerful, but modern warfare is mostly air power. These days tanks are nothing but a slow moving target, if Nato provides to Ukraine shoulder held anti tank missiles, these tanks strolling inside villages could be destroyed. Furthermore, the Russians didn't reach any of their goals for the last 48 hours. The casuality of the Russians are very high already, about 450. I saw their airborne asault on the airpirt which is very dangerous without securing the perimeter. They did take the airport , but were repulsed and retaken by the Ukranian defence forces. Yesterday they were targeting radars and air defence locations, but today, they were targeting and bombing civilian targets like hospitals and high rise appartments which means desperation. THey are looking a quick surrender, but if this thing drags on, as Che said, they might use more civilian bombing and level down cities. We hope this could be the graveyard of the Ruskies and Putin. Kust a hope.
If Ukraine slows down the Russian just for weeks, things could get bad for Putin. Here in central Alberta, we have the largest Ukrainian population outside Ukraine, that is why Canada is fully supporting Ukraine. For me, my biggest hope is that the Russian quagmire in Ukraine might free 80 million people in central Asia which Putin considers to be his sphere of influencence. Kasakhstan, Uzbekistan, Krgystan, Tajikistan, Turmenistan, Azebaijan and Beyond could be free nations with huge resources.
THe problem is Ukraine has a comedian ( Aw Kuku) as president. He was told for over a month about the incoming invasion, yet he hasn't prepared his army to delay and make the Russian invasion difficult. I see low flying helicopters that could easly be shot down, I see tanks strolling highways and rasing without fear. Trenches could have been built anlong the invasion routes, anti tank and personell mines spread out through the Russian entry pointed. The Ukrainian army is one of the largest in eastern Europe after Russia. Despite the air striles and missiles, the Russians will have tough time to hold Ukraine. This is a large country of 42 million people, and with the full support of the western powers and NATO, Russia could be bogged down in protracted war. Anyway, how foolish were the Ukranian leadership to fal on the proxi war between the Russia and NATO.
Somaliland president musa biixi Abdi visits Djibouti
galbeedi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Exactly, I even heard that some of the ministers were using foreign passaports to get the visa, and Muuse Biixi will be using Djiboutian passaport for the entry visa. If someone in Hargeisa says he is a dual citizen, he will arrest them. Go figure. -
Somaliland president musa biixi Abdi visits Djibouti
galbeedi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Xaaji, As a diaspora resident all you see is moving pictures and hand shakes. Both minister Sleebaan Cali Koore t and Saajin ,the indusrty minister are traveling to the US with Muuse Biixi, thus they must come to Djibouti to get their visa.I could tell you more if yiou need. -
Somaliland president musa biixi Abdi visits Djibouti
galbeedi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
There won’t any investment. Muuse and company went to Djibouti to get American visa to travel to the US. They are regular people like me and you going to the embassy and asking or begging for entry visa. that was the main reason of the visit -
The Russian invasion the US officials were kept talking about for the last few weeks had probably begun by recognizing these breakway regions. This is real escalation by Putin. Whether frozen conflict like in Georgia or incorporated means Putin will fight for them. Ukraine must try to take back these regions while the west cribles Russian economy through tough sanctions.
Xaaji the old man said " waar xafiisyada ka soo baxa oo dadka iyo sayladaha yimaada". Real life is beyond Hargeisa, Borama or Berbera. Just visit the villages outside towns and see the suffering.
I won't say much. May Allah help the Somali people everywhere.
WAryaa BX, don't go too far. People are suffering all over Somaliland due to drought and water shortage. Go check Awdal coast were constant drought is taking place every year or even Sanaag or Togdheer. Due to infliation and economy based on imports, food prices are sky rocketing and people in major cities can't even afford to buy bread. Young people from the diaspora go to Hargeisa, where looted millions are spent and think live is good. Most of the young dying in the high seas or rescued from Libyan prisons are from Somaliland. Unemplyment is 75%. The war torn south has less unemployed people and stable food prices. In terms of politics , the parliament is based on tribal allegience not political parties, and when they vote, they do vote on tribal lines. It is small clan arrangement with Hargeisa as the base and few towns like Borama and Burco. Imagine if Baydhabo with Baraawe, Qoryoley , Marka and Afgooye having $300 million budget, and peace, they would be rich. Just imagine 30 yuears has passed with zero factories, minisclue infrastructure and 80% uneployment. People have been waving the flag for 30 years, they need way out, but the quagmire in the south isn't helping. I know bombs flying in Mogadishu makes the Hargeisa crowd think they had achieved something, but that is a flase comparison.
Samafal, isn't Muuse Suudi the one bringing camel to the outlaws just last year while his men still occupy Medina district? But I agree you about all these former officers dropping their security uniform and going to the parliament. Futhermore, I don't know where Somalis get the idea of " blanket immunity". Every citizen regardless of his title could be presecuted if the justice authrories have enough evidence or crimenal action had taken place. If they want to presecute crimes, I would start with Saadiq John killing C/rahman Cabdishakuur body guards without cause and warning. He was also former gang member who murdered innocent people. Rather than Ikraan case, if people are serious of fixing the Somali election integrity and government institutions, he should be investigated for bringing foregn influense and money from the gulf countries, and as such he will not be the only one. Coluding with foreign governments to influence national policy is a serious crime that could put Deni and many others in big trouble. In terms of Laandheere, look those fools from Hiiraan. From the ugly guys of Sanbaloolshe to Waare who never put foot in Hiiraan and other disgratled people like Godax Barre, all trying to keep the mess in Hiiraan because they bthink they own the place. Now, Fahad with zero clan backing had landed in Hiiraan thanks to the national army securing the God forsaken town. He is Laandheere by the state. Laandheerenimo qaranimo keentay ayuu ku joogaa, haddi kale Laandheerenimada beenta ahee ee ay wataan kuwa Hiiraan koobka shaaha ku caanayn waayey 30 sano ee dawlad diika ah wuu ka sareeyaa. Ninkii Qaran leh ayaa Laandheere ah.
I agree. I don't expect anything good from these corrupt people. Some had their maid and private driver compete against them. Somalia ma dhawa.
A crazy day: Oil and Gas Production Sharing Agreement
galbeedi replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
The so called cabinet was filled with crooks and thieves. The parliament is probably worse. Dadkaas baa dawlad iyo dal in ay dhisaan laga filayaa. -
" EEdeysane Fahad" Mogadishu media is really ugly. No court had accused Fahad for a crime. Why not presecute Indhacade, Suudi and others.
Where is that fake prime minister who keeps threatening everyone with zero resulta. Baafin: Rooble
He elected Hassan Sheikh, but later Hassan refused to obey him. Fahad get furious and dumpped Hassan and elrevated Farmaajo. THe president should keep his freind Fahad or else, we might get another unkown man with a dark horse. Fahad waa Laandheere wallee.
War Drums: Pro-Russian Eastern Ukraine Evacuated
galbeedi replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Che, These Russians must let go their former colonies like everyone else. They stil hold the people conquered by the Zsar in 19th century, and those who were taken over by the Bolshivik since 1917. Not only Ukraine, but others must leave the yoke of the Russian bear including Azerbaijan, Khasakhastan, Uzbekistan, Dagesatan and Chechen regions inside Russia and even the Tatar republic. LIke Yugoslavia Russia must let go other nations. Putin murdered 80,000 Chechens , and he still bombing civilians in Syria. Having nuclear weapons doesn't make one superpower, heck Pakistan , India and others have it. I hope Ukraine to be the quagmire that will weaken Putin and company. -
Xaaji waan ka hadhay boqortooyada, I wish they were hounrable. That is a good point. I was just reading an article by the British telegarph today, and they mentioned how Djibouti is becoming the Berlin of 1950's where the western nations faced the communist block. EVeryone is talking about the Chinese base. No one knows how many soldiers are in the base or how they even they landed through the air or by ship. The Chinese don'r intract with the local and don't leave their base. The western diplomats don't know what is going on behind the barbed wires and the concerete building.
Fahad I uu Laandheete Qaran yahay shaki Luna jiro. Cayayaanku ha ka Dana oo aan.
Kulahaa waa sawirkii ugu dambeeyey. they are making Fahad a super spy unknown to the people. Who knows , since the Mogadishu media made him the power behind everything, he could be the deputy parliament speaker and all hell will break lose accusing him of running the parliament
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