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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Those who know him say FEIT chief Muuse Geelle is up to no good. Late president C/laahi Yusuf expelled him from Puntland after he exported female livestocks which is illegal. ONe thing I know is people from Qandalla produce once every generation a trouble maker who leaves a huge impact. THey used to be some of my favorite SAleebaans, and people say they are ythe largest group in Bari and Puntland despite their lack taking the helm of Puntland. THe man who shot president Sharmaarke was from Qandalla, so does Khaliif Sheikh Mohamuud, the man who single handedly incited Somali clans against Siyaad Barre in 1980 with his hard hitting poem " Hurgumo". In my future book he has a chapter. He was probably the one who pushed the " Habro" to take up arms after he said: Somalilanders marduuf qaad helay waa majnuun falane. And also, he compared the Galmudug guys, " Maata caana leh oo la iska maalayo". After that poem every clan decided to have their own Alphabet rebels starting with the SNM Habro and so on. And now this Muuse Geelle. Wallee Qabdalla balaayaa ka timaada. Anyway guys, if they put about 300 members of parliament and elect the speaker, both the job of Rooble and Farmaajo will be over. THe parliament will select an independent committee to manage the election and we might not even hear Rooble and company after that. Sida qorax dhacday Rooble dambe dib u maqli mayno. All we need is Ahmed Madoobe select his 16 from Gedo ana Olla, we got an election.
  2. They keep insisting don't show the strenth of the army. Even 30 jir 30 miilion says ' WAa in ay xeryahoodu gudahoodu ku dalbaadegaan ". What is the problem if they march among their citizens to show their strenth?
  3. Inta aanan ka jawaabin qoraalkan ku saasbsan aassaaski jabhada SNM, waxay jecelahay in aan dul joogsado dhawr arrimood ku saabsan sobobta dadka Soomaaliyeed ee taarriikhda qora iyo kuwa naqdiya dagaaladii sokeeye ee dalka dhacay ay haba yaraatee aanay si balaadhan aysan uga gadlin arrimaha ku saabsan jabhada SNM haday noqoto aassaskeeda, dambiyada dagaal ee galeen ( war crimes) iyo raadka ay ku yeesheen jiritaanka ummadeed ee dadka Soomaaliyeed. WAxaan odhan karaa waxa kalifay dhawr arrimood: waa marka horee ayagoo dadka beeshaasi ka dhigay dhacdooyinkii gobolada woqooyi sida xasuuqii Yuhuuda ee dagaalkii labaad oo hadhii aad su'aalo ka keento tirada dadka dhintay lagugu eedeynayo " Neo Nazi" iyo xagjirenimo wadata nacybka qoomiyadda Yuhuuda. Sidoo kale way ku adag tahay dadka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa reer koonfurka in ay si qoto dheer (critical way) uga hadlaan arrimahan. Waxa markiiba qofka dhaliila jabhada guud ahaan iyo dhaqanka gooni goosatada lagu shaabadaynayaa qof neceb beesha oo dafirsan dulmigii ka soo gaadhay maamulikii kacaanka. Sidaa daraadeed ma arkaysid qof taarriikhda waxa ka qora oo faraha la geleya arrimaha. Taas waxa dheer in sanadihii ugu dambeeyey haddii aad tahay aqoon yahan falanqeeye siyaasada Soomalida in aad si qun yar u socoto ( Fine line) oo aad iska illaliso si aan shirarka Soomaalida lagaaga mamnuucin oo imkia badankooda ay gacanta ky hayaan Matt Bryden, The Heritage Foundation iyo kuwa gacan saar la leh, islamarkaana kugu adkaanayso in aad ka qeyb qaadato. Haddaba anigu Galbeedi, ma ahi qof ay ku eedeyn karaan in uu dulmi u geystay, islamarkaana aanu igu jirin nacayb beeleed, balse ah kuwa raba in ay fikirkaan la naaxnaaxiyey doonaya in ay toosh ku ifiyaan. INtaas haddan ku dhaafo taas waxa aan dul istaagaya qoraalkan ku saabsan abuurka jabhada iyo bilawgeedi sanadkii 1981 kii. SNM aasaaskeedu waxa uu ka soo unkamay dibedda, siiba waddamada Khaliijka Carbeed, gaar ahaan waddanka Boqortooyada Sacuudi Areebiya iyo waddanka Ingriiska. Koox ka mid ahayd dad hore waddanka uga haajirey, una cuntami waydey siyaasaddii Kacaanka iyo qaarkood tii dawladihii rayadka ahaa ee ka horreeyeyba, ayaa ahayd ibo-furkii muuqdey ee aasaaska SNM. Gudaha laftiisa dareenkaas dad la wadaagaa iyana si qarsoodi ah ayay uga jireen. Waxaan ogsoonahay marka jabhad hubeysan la billabayo waxa lagama maarmaan ah in ay jiraan dhibaatooyin waa weyn oo dadkaas ku kalifaya in ay qori qataan oo ay dagaal galaan sida: xasuuq baahsan oo loo geystay, cunsuriyad dhaqan ama mid dhaqaale, xabsi iyo dil joogta ah, bara kacin iyo faquuq shaqsiyadeed. Laakiin sida qoraalkan ka muuqata waxa " Jiray dareen" . Haddaba si aynu u ogaano in waxaas iyo wax la midi ay dhaceen waa in aan dul joogsano wax yaabihii dhacay labadii sanadood ee ka horeeyrey bilawgii 1981. Ama mudaddi u dhexeysay 1970-77. Bal aynu duljoogsano labadaan wakhti. Abuurista Jabhada ee SAudi Arabia ma ahayn shil ama dhacdo caadi ah. Somalia waxay ahayd dal shuuci ah oo militarigu awooda dalka gacanta ku hayo, hase ahaatee tartan ka dhex socday golaha wasiirada Soomaaliya ama dadkii ugu cadcadaa kacaanka ayaa waxa uu kalifay in Soomaaliya ka baxdo nidaamka shuuciga ahaa oo ay xaga wadamada qarbiga u leexato. Si kale hadaan u dhigo assaasida jahada ee Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ma ahayn dhacdo caadi ah balse waxay ahayd arin laga soo shaqeeyey oo mudo soo socotay markii dambana qaadatay waji kale. Dukomentiyo dahsoon ( clasified documents) oo burburkii Midowga Soveyti ka dib laga soo gudbiyey dalkii la la odhan jiray Garmalka Dimoraadiga ah (East Germany) waxa ay muujiyeen xogo sheegaya in uu general Mohamed Cali Samatar iyo C/rahmaan Caydiid oo isagu ahaa hogaamiyaha fikirka shuuciga ah ee Somalia ( chief communist ideolog) ay iska soo horjeedeen koox ku xidhan khaliijka Carabta ---oo dhaqaale aad u badan helay ka dib markii qiimaha saliidu saddex jeer laban laabmay dagaalkii Carabta iyo Yuhuuda sanadkii 1973-- oo ay ugu weyn yihiin Ahmed Saleebaan Dafle iyo Cumar Carte Qaalib. Labadaan nin nina waxa uu madax ka ahaa sir doonka gudaha dalka, ka kalina arrimaha dibeda, si kale haddaan u dhigo waxa ay gacanta ku hayeen siyaasada guud ee dalka iyo dibeda. Ka dib markii Jimmy Carter loo doortay madaxweynaha Maraykankii, waxa ay bilaabeen in wadamo ay ka mid yihiin Somalia iyo Suudaan ay ka soo celiyaan Shuuciyada ayagoo kaashnaya lacagta Khaliijka. Gebagebadiina Dafle iyo Ina Carte Qaalib way ku guulaysteen in ay Soomali ka saaraan Ruushka wakhtigii dasgaalka Soomaali Galbeed. Sidoo kale dadka jabhada horboodayey ee fikirka salka u ahaa waxay ahaayeen wadaado Sucuudiga degen oo la fikir ahaa mujaahidiinta Afgaanistaan, calaamadaha waxa ka mid ah in calakooda ay u eekeysiiyeen kan Sacuudiga Tawhiidna ku qoreen. Cumar Carte waxa uu buugiisa ku qoray in uu asagu ka dambeeyey abuurista jabahada. Ugu dambeyntiinse waxa uu ku guulaystay waxaysan jabhad Soomaaliyeed weligeed ku hamiyin waxa uuna kale diray ciidankii qaranka 1991 taas oo horseeday fawdaddii ka bilaabantay dalka. Waxa casharkaa Ina Carta Qaalib Qaatay Donald Ramsfield oo ciidankii Iraq ee 400,000 ahaa kala diray, taas oo fawddadeedi dhamaan la'adahay ilaa hadda. Awooda siyaasadeed ee beeshu ku dhex lahayd Golaha Sare ee Kacaaka (SRC). Marka laga soo bilaabo 1970-1977, beesha SNM gaar ahaan iyo guud ahaan dadka ka soo jeeda gobolada waqooyi waxay ahaayeen udub dhexaadka dawladii kacaanka. Mar waxa jirtay ay beesha bariga Burco kaligeed ay golaha wasiirada ku lahayd xubnaha dawlada ee ugu muhiimsan oo ay hogaaminayyeen Ahmed Siilaanyo, Ahmed Xassan Muuse iyo Ismaaciil CAli Abokor. Weliba Mr. Abokor waxa uu mudaadsi madax ka noqday dhamaan ololeyaashii uu kacaanku hirgaliyey haddii ay yihiin kii qorsta Af Soomaaliga, kii ka hortega abaaraha iyo kii horumarinta reer miyaga. WAxa uu ahaa gacanta midig ee jeneral Mohamed Siyaad Barre. Ilma Xawaadle Madar, Cumar Carte Qaalib, Axmed Mohamuud Faarax iyo Ina Gahayr ayaa sidoo kale golaha ku jiray oo dhamaantood Hargeisa ka soo jeeda. Taas waxa u dheer taliyaha jeelasha iyo madaxda ugu sareysa ee boliska. Haddii reer waqooyi layidhaahdana, 40% golaha sare reer waqooyi ayuu ahaa sida: Mohamed Cumar Jees (Hargeisa), Mohamed Cali Shire iyo Ahmed Saleebaan Dafle (Laascaanood iyo Sheilkh), Muuse Rabiile iyo Farah Wacayd Duule ( Awdal). Golaha sare ee kacaanku gacantooda ayuu ku jiray. 1974 markii abaartii daba dheer ku dhufatay gobolada Sool iyo Togdheer waxa u gurmaday kacaanka, waxaana isla markiiba booqasho ku tagay Jaalle Siyaad iyo wafti culus oo uu hogaaminayo. Markii uu soo laabtay ee dood dheer laga galay golihii sare iyo wasiiradiisu waxay go'aan ku gaadheen in sida kaliya ee dadkaan dhibkan looga saari karo tahay in dhamaan la soo rarro iyaga iyo xoolahoodaba oo la dejiyo dhulka ay maraan labada webi ee Shabeelle iyo Jubba. WAxa la diyaariyey danwadaagta beeraleyda iyo kaluumaysatada ee Sablaale, Tajuuma iyo Kunti waareey. Gacmo furan ayaa lagu soo dhaweeyey. Miyaad maanta dad Soomaaliyeed intaad ka qaado Diinsoor ama Caliyaale aad Burco iyo Laascaanood gayn karta? . Taa waxa ka sii daran kuwan hadda edeecadaha inagu wareeriyey ee siyaasada Soomaaliland hor booday ee reer Burco badankoodu boqolkiiba 60% waa dadkii Sablaale kacaanku dajiyey. Bal aynu duljoogsano 1979-1981. Waa maxay masiibadan dhacday ee kaliftay aburiista jabhada bilawgii 1981. Dhamaadkii todobaatameeyadii dadka u ololeynayey in Mudug gacan bir ah lagu qabto waxay ahaayeen reer waqooyi. Beelaha Puntland iyo kuwa HAG ee koonfureed midkoodna madax kama noqon milateriga, boliska, arrimaha dibeda iyo dhaqaalaha, laakiin beesha SNM ayaa intaba soo qabatay. Dadkani waxay ahaayeen dadkii ku naaxay kacaanka. Cabasho badan ayaa ka dhex jirtay golaha sare oo looga cabanayo awooda sida buuxda gacanta ugu gashay dadka reer woqooyiga guud ahaan. Hadday noqoto xagga maamulka dawliga iyo maareynta ( beraucracy and management), waxa ay bilaabatay markii C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen Raisilwasaare noqday 1964, kadibna luuqada dawladu ku shaqeysana ( offical language) ka dhigay afka Ingriisiga. Weli miyaad aragteen dadka reer koonfurka oo kacabanaya markii luuqadii Talyaaniga ee ay wax ku barteen la tuuray gebiahaanba. Waxaan safar ku maray xagaagi anigoo arday iskuul dhigta ah 1981 Djibouti ilaa Muqdisho. Inkasta oo dhaqaalaha dalku furfurmayey dhamaadkii todobaadtamaadki, hadana Soomaliya guud ahaan dhaqaaluhu waxa uu gacanta ugu jiray Kacaanka, ganacsi xor ahina waa yaraa. Habka dalka badeecadaha iyo gaadiidka lagu keenana waxa uu ahaa LC oo dawlada ayaa ruqsada siisa dadka ay rabto. Habase ahaatee gobalada waqooyi waxa ka jiriay nidaam u dhaw suuqa xorta ah ( free market economy) . Anyone can send a car, a bus or merchandise from the Gulf to Berbera port. If you were in Hargeisa by early 1981, you would be amazed the huge difference between the low inflation economy of MOgadishu and the booming free market of Hargeisa. Trucks transporting goods from the Djibouti commercial hubs were lined up from Lawyacado to Burco. I saw them all because I even rode one of them from Djibouti to Hargeisa as junior high school student. Infliation was so high in Hargeisa "one Shilling" coins had disappeared from circulation. Inta aanan u soo gudbin magaalada Mudisho waxa aan ku hakaday laba billood ku dhawaad magaalada Burco. Duleedka magaalada waxa taxnaa baabuur xoolo la saarayo iyo kuwa lagu kakinay tuulada Beer oo Burco duleedkeeda ah, ayagoo baabuurta xoolaha wadaa ay ka immanayeen Hiiraan, Galgaduud iyo Nugaal. Huteelada magaalada waxa fara waaweyn oo iftiimaya ku qornaa numbarada telefoonada iyo Telex ka. Maadama aan ahaa wiil yar oo Awdal ka yimid waxa aan markii iigu horeysay kor u qaaday oo dhagta saaray waxa la yidhaahdo telefoon waxay ahayd magaalada Burco. Magaalada barwaaqo ayaa taalay. Dadkuna waa isku dhex jiray oo dadka ganacsiga iyo degaanka Burco ku leh boqolkiiba 20% waxay ahaayeen reer Sanaag bari iyo reer Sool. Marka aad soo dhaafto gobolada Woqooyi eed soo gasho degaanda Puntland oo ka bilaabanayey duleedka Garoowe ilaa woqooyiga Gaalkacayo, waxay u ekaayeen dhul laga guuray oo hawanaya (ghost towns) , adigoo cabsanaya oo is leh armaa wadada laguu galaa. Hadaba Soomaaliyada intii ka horeysay 1981 waa taas aan tilmamay oo dadka ugu ladan ay ahaayeen beesha SNM. Dadka ciidamada ku jiray ee gacanta birta ah ku qabtay degaanadaasi badankoodu waxay ahaayeen beesha sNM oo ay ugu weynaayeen Kornayl Dhagweyne. WAxa la yidhi SNM waxaa Sacuudiga ku aassaasay rag ay ka mid yihiin: Sheekh Yuusuf Sheekh Cali Sh Madar (AHUN), Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, Xasan Aadan Wadaad-diid (AHUN), Axmed Ismaaciil Cabdi (Duqsi, AHUN), Prof Cabdisalaam Yaasiin Maxamed, Axmed Maxamed Jaamac (Dable) iyo Axmed Maxamed (Seyidi). Nimankan badankooda ee kor xusan ee jabhada SNM ku assaasay dalka Sacuudiga waxa ay ahaayeen dadkii ka faa'iidaystay fiisayaashii shaqada ee Carte Qaalib ka soo qaaday Khaliijka ka dib markii Soomaliya ka mid noqotay Jaamacad Carabta. 4000 oo fiise ayey Carabtu bixisay, laba kun oo ka mid ah waxa qaatay Carte Qaalib inta kalena waxa loo qaybiyey Soomaalida inteeda kale. WAxa aydun maqashaan beelaha Hargeisa oo mar walba ka cawda qoondada koonfurta Soomaliya ka qaadatay dawlada Soomaaliyeed, hase ahaatee ma jirin shaqo ka muhiimsanayd sanadahii todobaatameeyadii fiiso shaqo ( work pemitt) laga helo Khaliijka oo dhisme hor umarineed ka socdo. Dadka ka yimaada Khaliijka Carabta ee dalka fasaxa ku yimaada waxa la odhan jiray " Janaale". Hargeisa waxay la ciirciiraysay Janaale. Sdai ka muuqata magacyada dadka jabhada ku dhawaaqay waxa ay boqolkiiba 70% ka soo jeedaan beesha Carte Qaalib ee Hargeisa iyo Galbeedkeeda degan oo qaatay 80% fiisayaashii Khaliijka. 1982kii anigoo Hargeisa jooga ayaa nin saaxiibkay ahaa waxa uu iigu dhaartay in jufooyinka hoose ee Carte Qaalib in qoys kasta hal qof ka joogo Khaliijka Carabta oo ka faa'iiday Fiisayaashii qaranka. Waxay ahaayeen dadkii ku naaxay shaqooyinka Khaliijka. Hadaba maxaa dhacay oo kalifay in ay mashuurucan qaataan? Hadaba waxa isweydiin leh maxaa ku kalifay dadkaan in ayaga oo casiir ku cabaya Khaliijka Carabta in ay ku dhawaaqaan jabhad hubaysan oo saldhig ka dhigata dalkii markaa cadawgeena ahaa ee Ethioipia? Dhawr sobobood ayaan is leeyahay way ku kaifeenn dadkan ka midka ahaa dabaqada dhexe ee Khaliijka joogay. Waxa ka mid ah ........... la soco qeybta kale......
  4. African envoy Mr. Madiera just landed in Mogadishu today. 30 Jir 30 million said yesterday the Ambassador will not be allowed to retun to Somalia. These fools forget that the most important job of the African union is to protect the national government and the important landmarks like the airport, the port and Villa-Somalia. Personally, I wish the Somali army takes over the job and let these guys go home, but.. Anyway, my sources told me that Mr. Francis Madiera had been welcomed by a contigent of Amisom regiment at the airport with full protocol of state leader ( they are in charge right) and later addressed the officers. He told them that Amisom must keep the country safe until the election takes place. He also said that " we accept and answer only three phone calls: from the Somali president, the chief of the army and the head of African union. Anyone else the typical Somali " Xadhigjiid" or something of that sort.
  5. Also, the military chief disagreed with Imran Khan about the Ukraine war
  6. You are right. There were few stints of president Zia ul Haq from late seventies to 1988 when his helicopter crushed. Can you imagine his own members of his party get paid and voted against him alla Somali style?
  7. Have you also heard about Jawaari when they asked about the south west members who have returned to Baidoa? waxa uu yidhi looma baahna. How can this guy rapresent reer koonfur galbeed. If he thinks he could be speaker again his is deluded. It seems the Norwegians are working over time here. It has been also revealed they were the ones who recorded the Amisom envoy while in closed door meeting with international donors. Marba kuwa cusub ayaa shaxda kuu soo biiraya. who would have thought the Norwegians becoming the new players wrecking the Somali boat.
  8. These Mogadishu based mafia doesn't know the south west people have deep wounds that mustn't be touched. They have lost over 300,000 people due to the actions of the D block and USC in early ninties. They decided to forget and move ahead for the cause of Siomalihood. THeir people have been expeled from Somaliland without a right cause and compensation yet they are not compaining or fragile like our northern friends. Guys, one more thing. Did you remember about a certain statement made by C/laahi Deni before the end of the year or early January when Rooble and Farmaajo deadlocked and Rooble kept demanding to be in charge of security? C/laahi Deni said , " Wax la aqbali karo maha, mana ogolaanayno kuwa raba Somalia in ay ku celiyaan Teendhadii Carta". I heard that statement but never understood. I thought he meant " Teendhada Xalane". But, an informed guy told me yesterday that Rooble and company including Ahmed Madoobe wanted to create an evironment of fear and instability in Mogadishu and then relocate the election in Djibouti. The idea was to elect Mohamerd Jawaari as the speaker and elect Shariif Ahmed as prsident with the help of Djibouti, Kenya, Somalilnd and others. Remember Shariif Ahmed had never won an election in his political life. He wanted to get crowned just like last time. My friend tells me that the issue of Carta was well prepared except Deni refused to go along. If this is true this Rooble guy is nothing but a trouble. He is trying to fillful his contract even if it leads to civil war. Even his Mogadishu agitators had explictly wanted to disolve the whole government and begin Carta style conventions. Why? because if either Farmaajo or Deni get elected it will not be business as usual . Even a Shariif Ahmed presidency has no chice but to deal with the agitators who have no any desire of a functioning government.
  9. Rather than the people electing the prime minister a backroom deal between groups are choosing the premier. The best way is to call an election and reform the system. THese are colonilzed nations since they can't even lead independent foregn policy. Besides two families have alternating for power for the last 30 years.
  10. Ceebay tacaal ma maqli jirteen? This Rooble guy is had dishoured the office of the prime minister. After these statements from Lafta Gareen, he should hide his face from the public. Xaaji Hawshani way iska socon . Last fall I was saying that we wiould be luckyif they conclude by end of the year. This Rooble guy is trying to turn a three month selection process in to a year and half. Aaway shacabkii? Tan oo kale kacdeoon shacab in ay keento ayey ahayd.By the way this are the same froup that rejected the national government since Carta in 2000. Isbaaradu goormay dhamaan?
  11. MMA, it also shows that the so called 4.5 system is a backward and illogical way of governing. The Galmudug guys thought that they were intitled to be the premier just like many from Puntland thought it was natural to pair them with any " Unaka" president. Khayre was the exception and that appointment was well suited and served Farmaajo well. I even heard that when the dispute between him and Khayre came out, some people tried to fix the rift and make a deal with Khayre in order to succeeed Farmaajo after the second term. But, Moodey and others pushed Farmaajo and told that thay could eliminate Khayre easily. THey just did that while he was traveling to Mudug the land of trouble makers. Those same guys brought Rooblaawe. Making two consective bad mistakes one sfter another should tell us the judgement of Farmaajo. I think the country needs a new leadership. THe contest is probably between Shariif Ahmed and C/laahi Deni.
  12. A disaster is looming. Rooble might conveine 140 members and claim to have enough forum to hold the election. He isn't even trying to hold the Garbaharey selection and its 16 mps. Rooble and his group are insulting our intelligence. It isn't Farmaajo who wants to prolong the election because he is a lame duck president with no powers discharge, so election is the only way to sort things out. In fact, it is Rooble who want to keep staying in his office and hiring and firing people almost every day.
  13. Propogandhaha Jabhada dhiiga badan daadisay, shacbkana jahawareeisay sodonka sano waanu ka soo jawaabi. Ramadaan iyo daal awgeed gadaal baan u dhigan.
  14. Are we now taking the words of Al-shabaab as the truth? I don't think so. THese bombings are intended to saw discord and anarchy. Ethiopia used to deploy Al-shabaab many times before, now it is probably Kenya and other intelligence operatives residing in Nairobi. Even KIsmaayo which never had bombs for years, had allowed a successful one when Hodan Naaleeye and others who seemed to be the opposition to Madoobe were killed including strorming the hotel after the bombs. One thing we all know is that people who ally themselves with Rooble have extensive connection with none state actors, warlords, criminals and other for hire mafia people . Who else has militia and other killers in their nidths?
  15. Despite how the selection process proceeded , at the end we had an election to clear the air. Under Rooble that opportunity is denied. Imagine, Hassan Sheikh and Cumar Sharmaarke were both running for president , yet they never interfered with the rules of the game agreed upon and never replaced an election commissioner after being appointed. This Rooble guy has fired both the federal election chairman and conflict resolution chairman which is illegal interfreince. How could anyone accept the outcome of this election. As Che mentioned, there are probably other forces leading them to coalition course. Even this statement from NISA is amateurush. All they needed to say was that the "leadership of the Somali government is targeted and we are taking security precautions". They don't need to mention names. The heads of the army, police and intelligence must deploy their security forces and hunt these people before it is too late.
  16. People said the same thing during the regime of Hassan Sheikh, especially when crirics of Hassan Sheikh were murdered. Madoobe Nuunow, a promenent South West leader opposed the formation of three provinces and wanted six provinces including JUbbaland as one enurty. His opponents were Shariif Sakiin and Hassan Sheikh. THen suddenly, Al -Shabaab not only bombed the hotel but also strormed with hald dozen men to finish them off. We were all shocked, why would Al-shabaab eliminatethose who were obsticle for the formation of two seperate antities of JUbbaland and south west. It is a strategy to dismantle the intelligence service. We have seen this before. Why any decent person accuse those who guarantee me and you (the people of the capital) to sleep at night in peace and walk streets is beyond me. This is beyons Al-shabaab. The chaos theory in Somalia has many beneficiaries within and without Somalia.
  17. Before the Hiiraan bombing Rooble recieved a text message threatening serious harms if certain seats were opened for context. Rather than take a security measure to secure the venue, he attended a mourning event for the deceased and told everyone about the texts. What was the ise of advertising these messages after the fact.? THese two fools, Farmaajo and Rooble might lead to either an forseen catastrphe like serious bombing or worst a civil war. A freind of mine told me last weekend that Farmaajo has to make a serious decision to save the country from unievitable civil war. His opponenets are hell bent to either oust him or lead a civil war. I asked him what are the options for Farmaajo? he said, resigning and refusing to participate a corrupt system while declaring to the Somali people that his decision are based for the best interest of the country and to avoid any clashes with the opposition. I would add that after resigning he could proclaim his own political party ( Nabad Iyo Nolol) officailly and prepare himself for the next election. Some people believe that even if he wins the dysfuction will continue.
  18. Che, You don'y get it. THe goodwill from the Somali government might reach the captive population and generate a sympath for dialogue and brotherhood . These can of moves are threat and danger for our friend Xaaji Xanjuf. Just to see his reaction why not Farmaajo say he intends to visit WAheen market, and hell will break lose.
  19. Our investigation continue. 8 days ago, the house owned BY Sheikh Sunne who either released or escaped from Hargeisa prison was torched by fire. It was burning in Hargeisa and the fire fighters had refused to take the fire out. WAtch this clip.
  20. Here a member of Somaliland parliament ' Xildhibaan Abiib" mentioning the connection between the Sheikh Sunne released from Hargeisa, and other incidents including men with face masks beating opposition journalists in Hargeisa. He also mentioned the presence of constant fire several times within Waheen market last week. Listen
  21. Another ugly truth I hate to say is the WAheen market is owned by almost 90% by those who oppose the the current Biixi Maamul. Now in the next election, Muuse Biixi will face an opposition with zero support from their base.
  22. while Waheen has a narrow streets, locals say it has some streets to access for the fire. The government say there were no fire access which is not true. I repeat , we need an investigation.
  23. Brother, Baraso Wanaagsan. Anigu horta shacab ma ihi. So, please direct your sermons to the innocent public. I am an angry politician who have his own idea of anything related to Somalia including Hargeisa. I have even my own " Biciidkaan Dili doono" which includes burning the " Suuqa Bakaraha" if I couldn't stop them financing terror bombs and regular open payments to Al-shabaab in the tune of $30 million dollars a year give or take few millions. In any case you are doing a very good job of already absolving the authotities and others of any suspicions. In any fire of this mangnitude, you need an investigation, and this investigation should take as soon as possible. A shop was burining for more than 10 minutes while people were trying to break the door. there are reports of another fire starting from the opposite side of this one. I agree with you about the openess Reer Hargeisa and their tradition of speaking their mind. Also, in any fire like this with the close nit small traders and the public, helping one another is expecting, which confirms my proclamation that the Somali public in general are good people " Shacabku waa xalaal". Yet, we need to hear from the people now and in the coming days. WE need also to monitor the pronoucenments of the government officals and others. Mind you the Waheen narrow streets were in the news many many times before, and the owners of the sky scrabers don't appreciate these small traders blocking the business district. THere are other cases for the fire to be suspicious, but I will not say at the moment.
  24. What we all forget is Ukraine was the most important nation within thev Soviet Union after Russia with modern earospace industry, neclear and other sectors. Some estimate even put 250,000 standing army and another 150,00 reserves. The American style of Iraq war was " shock and aw" bombing anything that moves. Look at Raqqa Iraq, nothingv is standing. in Ukraine, the death toll isn''t even 1500 when you count the civilians casualty , plus we have seen Ukrainian civilian protesting infront of the tanks with no fear of being shot. Millions of Ukrainians evaquated from east and south east went to Russia, what that tells you? you don't evaquate in an enemy territory. This is a war among cousins. Yet, you are correct, the Ukraininas are making great damages and probably this stif resistance is forcing the Russians to change their earlier goals. Regime change in Ukraine is out of the question at the moment and occupying the second largest country in Europe is out of the question. You are correct that with all of NATO weapon stores opned wide for UKraine, Russia can't sustain this war for a long time. Even ERdogan said that Putin needs a face safing. Tet, I think the Russian primary goal of destroying Ukrainian military capability and infratructure is being achived with the destruction of bases, military instalations, command control buildings and equipment. It might take a decade or more for Ukraine to be back to where it was, while the threat of partition is laso looming. When they intially invaded, everyone was talking about Donbass and two republics who declared independence. By attacking Kiev, the Russians were probably expecting quick surrender. Also, this Ukraine resistance gives smaller nations the hope of fighting for their independence within their soils. I remember when Ethiopia was attacking the Islamic courts, I told my friends that the war will take less than two weeks since it was involved none state actors.