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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. 1 minute ago, Shurwac said:

    as surprised Farmaajo got this low first-round.

    Exactly. He couldn't even hit 80. so, Dani will back Hassan Sheikh. Folks, we got a Damujadiid government. Hassan Sheikh as president and Dani as a prime minister.

    If Shariif had passed , he could have gotten the vote of Farmaajo and Khayre

  2. Farmaajo is done my count is he got less than 70.

    even if Farmaajo and Khayre join they can't beat the opposition.

    In cabdishakur got 14, cosoble almost 13, add that to Dani who got almost 70 and hassan shikh. I think the opposition might win.

    One more thing , it seems like 5 to 7 % of the ballots are spoiled.

    • Like 1

  3. 24 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Odeyga Cabdi Xaashi warkiisa wuu gaabsaday oo midna lama kulmin musharaxiinta uu sanadkii hore aad iskugu dhawaayeen.


    If Cabdi Hashi is opposition you would have seen him campaigning for either Hassan Sheikh or Shariifow. These are off the record statements that is well known to those who flow Somali selection. Any decent Somali who have seen Rooble in action would take the opposite side. Everyone would like to punch the ugly bully in the nose.

    It is already Sunday morning in Mogadishu. Let us sleep early and see this long awaited day. 

    Sidii roon Rabi baa og.

  4. "Gudoomiyaha Aqalka Sare Cabdi Xaashi:  Koox qaldan  ayaan salaada ku xidhay, dib ayaan isku saxay. Waxaan maanta leeyahay Farmajo dib ha loo doorto".

    Wax Farmaajo dhaama ma arkayo, waxa sida yidhi Proff. Cabdi Samatar.

    Anigu Mohamed BK ahaan waxaan odhan Lahaa " Ilaahay Farmaajo Soomalda ha u soo celiyo".

    These were the latest statements from people who opposed or criticized Farmaajo before. These three are from the north who thought getting rid of Farmaajo could usher a new day, but like almost everyone, they realized late hoe evil was the plots led by the anarchists premier Rooble and those surrounded.

    From Djibouti to Borama and Garoowe,  and Banadir, Baidoa and Sanaag people are calling for the re-election of farmaajo. There was a party in Garoowe which loudly called for the election of Farmaajo. Poems were recited from Boosaaso to Garoowe:


    Puntlans duqey bey lahay laga dambeeyaaye

    Axdigii in uu dumiyey oo daaqada ka tuuray

    oo isagu xeerkii daldalay Dani ha loo sheego


    Here is another one from Boosaaso which says:

    Boosaaso Deequ ku cunay boqol kun oo ruuxe

    Naga buriya Soomaaliyey yuu na baabine.

    These are from his home town.

    There is a Hadhis which says. " if the plurality of the people calls someone to be pious and good certainly he is"

    From June of 2016 to February of 2017, Somali mps didn't get their salaries paid, so does the army. Today, even with dysfunctions of the federal government and infightings with Rooble everyone is paid. 

    The Somali people have spoken from Djibouti to the Kenyan border Rascambooni, and loudly proclaimed for the return of Farmaajo. Since 1975, in the hey days of the Kacaan and the euphoria of the SYL in early sixties, no Somali leader had galvanized Somalis. This reclusive and quite man seem to be the greatest hope of the Somalis from coast to coast.


    Cabdi qaybdiid said to his anarchist friends that in order to salvage their image and hope of getting one of the main cabinet portopholios of the incoming Farmaajo administration, they should go to Farmaajo and support him now. Cabdi Qaybdiid, as veteran of Somali wars and politics knows that HG won't get neither the presidency or the premier. 


    Waxa la yidhi raaca oo mara meesha Jameecadu marto. Culimadii Soomaaliyeedna dhamaantood waxa ay yidhaahdeen ha la taageero Farmaajo.

    By electing Farmaajo a large number of Somalis including those from Djibouti , believe they will have a good chance to get rid of Cumar Geelle, C/laahi Dani, Ina Biixi and many others. Also, the re-election of Farmaajo will eliminate for good Damujadiid, Shariifow who is running for the third time, fulgor clanist Sambaloolshe, loud mouth Ina C/shajuur and many more. We will have a clean slate with a new Somalia.

    Another thing I would like to mention is that every member of Parliament who is angry and tried to stick to his local dictator who humiliated him for a long time will do it without a fear. Imagine there is this local dictator in your town who drives with a convoy of 30 cars, shoots who ever is on the way fires and hires at will those who question him including your friends. You have to crawl in to  your knees to get that caveated parliament seat and finally you got and you are in Mogadishu to punish that local dictator and his minions back home. I do believe any human being who a power to say no to a dictator will do it happily. They also know that they might not need that little dictator in Garoowe, Kismaayo or Hiiraan.

    That is why the election is unpredictable and favors tremendously for Farmaajo. If you are in Mogadishu and you watch everyday the ugly chest bumping of Indhacade and company to threaten the safety of your town or Samblooshe saying only certain clans should rule, what you do? do you keep the status quo and flow Indhacade or you take revenge and vote your conscience?

    For me the biggest fear of all fears is the security of the election venue. Those who tried to stop Farmaajo from running might do the unthinkable thing and blow the whole place. Two weeks ago, the body guards of the premier went to the Amisom Teendho before the vote which was prohibited for any outsiders to get in. The old man Dhbancad called everyone to get , but the police chief and the intelligence suspected something and postponed the election a day or two before securing the place. 

    Djibouti had sent military intelligence people and land mine experts which was refused to enter Mogadishu. Folks, we should all pray that these selection ends peacefully.








  5. Khadaafi,

    If we are under the trust ship of the UN, why our leaders spell it out for us?

    Furthermore, how long do we have to wait until we could defend ourselves. all we need is general mobilization of the locals in coordination with the national army. 

    Other than the criminal elements which could be defeated with an organized intelligence, Al-shabaab in almost unspent force. The elimination of the Gaalkacayo cell had shown us that Al-shbaab is about mafia style killings that could be exposed. They don't have huge standing rebel army, but highly mobile group that intimidation for the unarmed civilians. They are not even close 10% of the Taliban. Just unleash Fahad Yasin to the Bakaraha based network and you could eliminate 50% of the financers. WE lost two years of bickering and electioneering.

    All you need is few determined security leadrs. 

  6. On 5/10/2022 at 1:47 PM, Samafal said:

    On another note though, 16 of these candidates hail from Unuka clan. 16@$40,000 is $600, 000 dollars!!!! Imagine how many schools would that build in Kaaraan, Adale, Balcad and all the poverty stricken villages around Mogadishu

    16 Unaka, 8 HG and 3 from Dayniile group. That is 29 from the HAG alone. What a waste of money. It shows how the Somali elite is out of touch of reality. Does money grow from trees in MOgadishu? why throw away 40 thousand while knowing your chances are zero.

    There was a local guy in out town who held a fund raising events here asking $500 for each person. I ignored and never attended the fake Shir.

    Is this a way to get a job in that corrupt town?

    What is missing in this contest is every sub clan must field its own candidate.

    Jufadii keensan weyda musharax waa mid xaqeedii doonan weyday, ceeb ayaana raacaysa.

    This Unaka crowded field and HAG in general reminds me of October 2004 in Embagati Kenya. 10 or more men who flew from Mogadishu run against the man of the hour the late president A/laahi Yusuf, and we know how it ended.

    Again 30 members of HAG are running against one man from Ansalooti, Mogadishu. I see the same parallel like 2004. If things unfold this way with 30 men against one man Farmaajo who is the man of the hour, I see a Farmaajo victory.

    Sagaal nin oo walaalaha sideenaas.

    Sideedna isku bah tahay sidinaas

    ninkuna bah gaara yahay sideydaas (Farmaajo).

    In fact, Fahad Yaasiin forfeited his own parliament seat without protest and concentrated to the bigger job of helping Farmaajo win.

    Last year the opposition said that "they will not accept " the election outcome if their voice are not heard. Well, they have been heard loudly, they controll the agenda, they forced the Ceel Waaq delegates with objections of Farmaajo and many more. Now, when they lose there will not any excuses. Thus is what one insider told me last week. 

    Ciyaarta iyaga ayaa ka siidhi wale( refree) ah, and if they got beet with their own game, they should go home quitely.

    After seeing this I see Farmaajo victory.







  7. 9 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    The farce that is Somalia:



    Waar meeshani way waalatay.

    Why in the world would the foreign minister appoint an acting ambassador in this late stage?  leave things the way they are . 

    Ma akhiri saaco ayuu ka  gaadhsiinaya, HAG anarchy and D block greed has no boundaries. I bet these news appointees are probably his cousins.

    Waa halkii Xaajiye Wanla weyn waa dameero malab la saaray.

    Labadaan reer maynu is dhaafino.

    Ciid Mubaarak.


  8. These people had looted the people of Djibouti who have no running water or affordable electric. Ismaaciil Doofaar has crossed all boundaries. Foreigners from west Africa had taken his two dauthers while abusing people in clubs and other entertainment places of Djibouti.

    He is a disgrace to the Somali name. The other half of Djibouti money is looted by people close to Ina Biixi. Ina Arab Geele who is well known business man had borrowed $25 million from foreign banks in Djbouti guranteed by the former chairman of Djibouti central bank Mohamuud Hayd, and then disapeared to Hargeisa. He refused to pay back by claiming that he left some of his companies which was collateral by the bank.

    Yet, no Djibouti businessman had ever been allowed to borrow huge amount and then disapoear. Waa dal la boobay oo koox Hargeisa fadhida iyo qoyska Ina Geelle boobeen.

    The hatred, jelousy, tribal acrimony is to the roof. If change doesn't take place things could get ugly. By change I don't mean one sub clan replacing another, but a real change through one of the big opposition parties.

    While Geelle Family lootes Djibouti his cousins, uncles and mothernal cousins are starving in Awdal coasts without help.

    Dhuunta bir laga geli muxuu nooga dhiman waayey.

  9. 8 hours ago, Samafal said:

    Hopefully we will not miss your insults, lies and fake nationalism I say: Good riddance.


    Saaxiib the so called CBB has so many reasons to support N&N. THere were ans still are so many reasons for people to wave the flag. We are cheering the national army is not sectarian unlike the army of Indhacade, N&N rescued Somalis roting jails in Libya and around the world, a leader who despite his reclusive nature , never insults or calls tribal names against his opponenets and so many other reasons. Somalis from Djibouti to Jigjiga felt a sense of belinging and the feeling of a great hope.

    Now, Mr. Samafal, tell us why we should vote for Deni for example. Did he brought unity and brotherhood among Somalis?, did he bridged the gab and the quarrel of the elections among the Somali leaders? did he show us hope and optimism? No. But he did shed blood in the halls of Puntland parliament, in down town Boosaaso, and he had shown to bad mouth everyone. All he said was he is against Farmaajo jusr like others.

    Believe me if people were given the chance to decide between those who you call " Fake nationalists" and the opposition, we all know who wins hands down.

    Besides, why are yiu denying the Somalis to dream for great future and hope and cheer their government. People around the world wave their flags despite the weaknesses of their nations.

    AS I said before , even Deni himself, while boarding a plane in Djibouti said, " Haddi Djiboutidan aan joogno maanta cod laga qaado oo la yidhaahdo Cumar Geelle iyo Farmaajo keed dooran lahaydeen, waxay dhihi Faramaajo, Waar ninkani dadku wuu sixray"

    My sister in law had the picture of Farmaajo in her house despite knowing little of Mogadishu. The support  of N&N has no boundaries, in fact, Farmaajo might get the majority of votes in Boosaaso. When we were growing up those who came to work on time were called " Guulwade' or pro Kacaan. Go figure.

    Please let Somalis dream and if they support their leaders without coercion and thinking he will do the right on their behalve, please let them hope for the best.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Arafaat said:

    Arintaasi fal foolxun oo inkaar ah ayee eheed oo maantana Somalia lacagta ugu badan ku deeqday Suuqii Hargeisa ee gubtay. 

    Most people consider certain segments of the north like cry babies who complain and feel entitlement since the union of 1960. When Somali refugees left Yemen and their ship docked, Berbera  Maamul refused the poor Somalis to come ashore, yet without shame they are welcoming the Waheen market donation from Somalis around the world.

    Does any one sent donations to the Southwest Somalis evicted from their homes.Why Not Xaaji Xanjuf and company rerurn the donations and help their people? When will this entitlement end?

  11. 1 minute ago, Arafaat said:

    Siilanyo removed Oromo’s not Somali’s.

    Ahmed Siilaanyo, despite his health, he was very careful and judicious on the Somali unity issues. He sent money and delegation during the draft. He probably could had huge effects if he was healthy. He was the last statesman of the north. Now we got jackels and prestenders who always talk about what took place 30 years ago.

  12. 6 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    f Qatar is willing to go hard, they can bring Farmaajo back the brink. Hands down. So don't count Farmaajo or Fahad Yassin out. Specialy considering the current indivituals who make up this parliament is the most corrupted and all know they came through in a

    That is so . mAybe FAhad who is traveling to QAtar this week could bring the cash and buy the whole thing.

    THese mps are the most corrupt in the history of politics in the world. The best parliamentarians were the ones selected in CArta in 2000. Most of them were selected by their clans without interference and were eager to rescue a nation.

    Somalia ma shawa xaaladeedy.

  13. This news is coming from people close to FArmaajo. After careful investigation of the results of the speaker of the parliament, which crowned former warlord Aadan Modoobe (he is not Sheikh), N&N had seen the writing on the wall.Their expected numbers from the first round would be around 90 votes which is similar number former president Hassan Sheikh got in 2017 which eventually resulted his defeat after the gang up of all other leaders except C/laahi Deni who added his 18 votes to his fellow Damujadiid.

    The sources said that while Farmaajo had extensive talks about the coming vote with Shariif Ahmed, this latest agreement is totally different and it is favoured to tolt the balance to the Shariif side.

    Among the agreements that was reached are:

    If Farmaajo can't secure over one hunfred threshold, he will tell his supporters to join Shariif Ahmed.

    Farmaajo asked Shariif to implement his vision on military and security by keeping both the military chief general Odowa and commander of the police general Xajjar. Shariif Ahmed axxepted to keep Odowa, but said he will make Xajjar as national security adviser or some other security related appointment. 

    THere could be some other agreements which we don't know yet.

    THe main task of the Farmaajo and N&N group is to block Hassan Sheikh and Deni which is financed by Cumar Geelle.

    Rather than become a sore loser like Hassan Sheikh and Shariif who were comapainging since the day Farmaajo got elected, Farmaajo had seen the light and decided to defeat his political enemies through proxy methods.

    I was thinking that if Farmaajo couldn't pass just over 90, and from there things could be for grabs with Hassan Sheikh , Deni and Shariif. Now it is clear the game is probably 3 vs 3. Ina C/shakur, Hassan and Deni against Farmaajo, Hassan Khayre and Shariif.

    With Shariif as a president there could be more surprises. He could pick the prime minister from OG in JUbbaland. 

    And one more thing. These Somali npoliticians ride the tribal card when threy insitigate things, but in terms of loyalty very few clans srick together in terms of voting. In fact, real democracy will pit local clans one against the other and would eventually eliminate for good the false blocks. In these selection, the biggest losers are the D block who don't even know for what they are looking for other than carry the waters for the Unaka candidates. And even worse ,HG politicians will never be elected to anything for decades to come. Some even say deep down they don't even want a government or even law and order.

    Folks, this is probably the end of N&N and even Damujadiid.

  14. This ugly Amxaaro should be domesticated and put on leash. They were crying just few months ago about TPLF and rather than fight their rivals they target the innocent Amhara Muslims.

    This should be a wake up call for Ina Cagjar. THey are coming all over Ethiopia to march in Jigjiga for their Maskel, yet they get the nerve to kill innocent MUslims because they display their Ramadan festival and break their Aftir in public.

    Jigjiga had probably missed Cabdi Illey interms of banishing the Amxaaro from the region. WAlaahi way kibreen.

    WE should expel them from the Somali region. This can't continue. 

  15. It is hard to predict how this selection could be a prelude of what to come. 

    Six men against the Rookie hand picked by Laftagareen. Being backed by powerful regional leader isn't enough for many. No one even knows this kid.

    If these six men ganged up against the N&N candidate, similar things could happen to Farmaajo. If the three from Unkaka( Hassan Sheikh, Shariif, and Daahir Geelle), join Hassan Khayre and Deni to defeat Farmaajo, they could get similar results. 

    Maybe Shariif Ahmed would make a deal with Farmaajo, or Khayre might be offered the premiership if he reaches aroind 40.

    Well, let the stupid selection begin, and for Allah sake give the people of Gedo their rights to be rapresented, THis is really day light robery by old mobb boss Dhabancad and his kid. I hope we don't have to hear anymore that fellow Dhabancad.

  16. They shouldn't be rushing things, especially considering the illegal moves of the prime minister to add the 16 Gedo MPS who were selected without the rules agreed upon.

    The security check should be level red. Today Dhabancad said he was attacked which was another false alarm. The police should get both the list and the coresponding pictures.

    This stupid premier should not be traveling out of the country and stop accusing everyone who disagrees with him as opponent. THe police are in charge and Rooble shouldn't call Amisom or anyone.