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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. 12 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    But even more crazier is that, they think a South Somalia politician will help them achieve that crazy idea. Just shows how much out of touch they are with reality. 

    I agree. This guy, Proff. Xaamud has been talking about this for ages and doesn't propose achievable goals.

    The main idea was if the south is rehabilitated and made peaceful, it could lead to a union eventually. The world or Somali people doesn't wait or attach their faith with one town called Mogadishu which doesn't care either its inhabitants and others.

    If those in Awdal want to achieve more self rule and prosperity, we have to do without relying the anarchists in the south.


  2. I have listened the three part interview of former national intelligence director Fahad Yasin.  The first part was mostly about his earlier  upbringing and his religious activities'.  He openly told us about his adherence to the Salafi (Wahabi) doctrine which is very rigid anti-social to the traditional open society Somali people were accustomed for centuries.


    He grew up during the upheaval of the nineties and early two 21st century when Islamic movements and warlords replaced the Somali state. He was a member of Dahir Aweys led movements who had brought nothing but misery, destruction and internationalizing of the Somali politics. Like most young men who grew up in that era, he went from the Salafi Madrassa to the Arabian gulf institutions which are different than what most of us were familiar. The Somalia of  1990--2004 was totally different. 


    Yet, despite his shortcomings by not attending state institutions, he succeeded in his endeavor to get educated and reach higher status. He became a writer and journalist where  people with higher IQ usually are been found. He became the first Somali reporter, editor and producer of  Al Jazeera channel. He mentioned his articles in Somali talk website in early 2000 to 2008. I do remember that in those days, that website was where Somali nationalists used to write issues of national security and politics. They were the first to report and publish the maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia . While they were vocally opposed late president C/laahi Yuusuf and the Ethiopian invasion, they were hard hitting and fearless. Among those I remember was C/waahid Khaliif who was the point in terms of Somali politics and C/laahi Yusuf moves. He was from Mudug yet was vocal critic of that government.

    One major character of the religious movements are they are not tribal in their outlook and they would act independently which might lead with direct confrontation with outside powers. In other words, they are not well versed in that art of swimming with sharks.

    Enough with past, like most of you I did listen with interest about his current interview aired by Geylaan Media, especially part three.


    For over a year, the Mogadishu based Somali opposition or HAG led by Galmudug boys had told us that the death of Ikran was the most heart breaking and crime act taken place in Somalia. Remember, Mogadishu was the place where people were assassinated, bombed, kidnapped , killed and murdered inside and outside Masjids. More than 40 people were bombed and then flowed by shooting those who survived. A truck filled with bomb exploded inside number 4 area of the city where the death toll reached 500. Yet, this gang through their greed and zeal to seize power by any means necessary, told us that the Somali intelligence service had kidnapped and killed Ikran whom they described as a veteran intelligence analyst. Through their local media Ikran allah ha u naxariiste was the biggest case.


    One thing the Fahad Yaasin interview revealed is that the deceased  lady neve  worked for NISA for the last three years since Fahad was the director. He revealed that the most senior members of the government colluded with well-known criminal elements and   killed her in order to create chaos and destroy the agency . I will add that not only the idea was to discredit and destroy NISA, but also take over the national security branches of the government like the military and police. While most of us were debating the election issues, premier Rooble was hell bent on taking over these security branches, and most of the battle between Faraamjo and him was about the security.


    In order to control the agenda and keep their propaganda, they sidelined or threatened minister of information Mr. Dubbe who disappeared and transferred the operations of national broadcasting to a criminal called Al-Caddala. Even before Fahad revealed some of us were raising questions why would Rooble   oppose for Fahad Yaasin to address the national security council? . If Fahad had openly revealed what he knew about the case in the presence of the security minister, defense minister, army chief  Odowa, police chief Xajar and Farammajo,  Rooble would have been arrested on the spot and tried for treason and murder.


    In order to stop this, Rooble had made some crucial moves. The first one was he sent the national security minister Mr. Hundubeey to UAE to get some funds for the budget. While the minister was on transit in his way to Abu Dabi, he heard that he was relieved of his duties. When he landed at the airport no one welcomed him except the Somali embassy people. Then he shuffled the defence minister and exchanged with the justice minister.


    He then proceeded and  suspended the NISA chief Fahad , and when the later requested to address the security council he fired and replaced with another hotel oligarch and criminal who got rich from the draught relief donated by Turkey and other.  His fourth move was to stop Fahad from physically coming to Somalia by detaining him in Djibouti and if possible, make him disappear through third party. The man who led the Djibouti leg of the plot is none other than director of Djibouti police C/laahi Cabdi known in Djibouti as " Magafe". 


    This police chief was arrested in Djibouti few months ago by Omar Geelle in order to please Farmaaajo in case if he wins the election.  After he was arrested,  the wife of Omar Geelle sent two of her security detail , opened a hidden save and took $1.6 million dollars from his office. Also, a month before the Somali election he was sentenced to house arrest for a year. Police chief Magafe has a son in Dubai who is involved with drug  and alcohol smuggling to the gulf and Yemen. Few years ago the son killed an Emarati citizen while driving drunk, but was released and paid compensation due to his connection to C/rahman Boreh.


    The criminals are in charge of security . I do believe that the killing of the girl by Mahad Salaad, Sanbloolshe, Rooble and al-Cadaala and eventually Mahad Karatey was not only a plot to destroy NISA and take over the security branches, but also to serve the interest of those who have been fighting the establishment of law and order in Somalia/


    President Hassan Sheikh has a tough choice to make.


    He is either get along with anarchist and criminal elements of Mogadushu and eventually sink with them or he could clean house and avoid anymore tribal moves which undermines his credibility within the Somali public. Despite the HAG election caravan or train as he put it, where a lot of undesirable cretins ride,  Hassan should know that the interest of the nation supersedes from that of special interest groups. 


    We know you did call the Amir of Qatar and demanded to the handover of Fahad Yaasin even though he is in Turkey now. That is a bad move. We would like to advice you that despite some of the exaggeration of the spy chief in some issues, no decent Somali could ignore or dismiss his accusations. Some of them are undisputable facts and prove of evidence. No one can deny the steps Rooble took to eliminate and silence him.


    From our side, we do believe that certain members of the Mogadishu criminal oligarchs have been put in charge of security.  The latest news in Mogadishu today is the hotel coffee houses are empty and everyone feels unease about talking. The Fahad Yaasin interview had sent shockwaves throughout the town. The parliament might not even convene , people might flee the city or worse the assumption of the mafia being in charge might create distrust of your government.  When I look the pictures of the Danujadiid pictures, other than a handful guys from other community, the majority are from Galmudug. You either serve Damujadiid like last time or the nation. I know you are very intelligent and experienced president who get a second chance to serve. 


    Fahad Yaasiin was the first non HAG NISA chief for the last 12 years and had shown some success although the threat of Al-shabaab is still present. I do believe the extreme hate certain members of HAG, especially the Galmudug boys  have for Fahad Yaasiin wasn't about being chief of staff or the right hand of Farmaajo, but about the extensive security files he gathered from the oligarchs , criminal elements and those who finance Al-shabaab. Mr. president I hope you are not part of the plot to rush the cabinet  confirmation  Mahad Salaad pushed by  Rooble. It is unusual for outgoing cabinet to make this big decisions. 


    Judging by the moves of this government, I don't think the premier will be coming from Puntland. Even a weak or incompetent Puntlander will not allow the oligarchs to rule with impunity. Also, those two groups, the Punties and Mogadishu oligarchs are antidots to one another. 


    The HAG can't have both the government and the mafia.


    President Hassan and company has both the presidency, the capital, the media and the business, but they can't have both the government and the looting and feeling helpless at the same time. Dawladnimo iyo sharci daro iyo boob isma raacaan. We are all shocked the extend their elders, politicians and media goes in order to make Fahad Yaasiin the biggest threat to their power. I do believe that Fahad has more  information about Rooble and Mahad Salaad including phone recordings and other damaging secrets. Mr. Fahad had just left about the right time or he would have been eliminated. 


    Do you thing that the main reasons for dismissing most of NISA officers and dismantling is because of Ikran Taliil?, I don't think so. NISA under Fahad was very diverse and that is a grave threat to the oligarchs just like they feared a diverse national army.


    I also heard that most of the influential Galmudug politicians including Cabdi Qaybdiid and others were briefed by NISA about the Ikran case and the main causes of conflict with Farmaajo. As Fahad stated, he was trying to take over the security, and most of them believed the government version.

    Mr. Hassan Sheikh would go down with Mahad SAlaad and Rooble or he would start a new begining.

    • Thanks 1

  3.  Who organized this? no one knows where everyone supposed to sit. And since when Madoobe became the chief stage manager?

    Arrintani waxay calaamad u tahay Rooble iyo hawlihiisa.

    Caleemo saar and the party that was going for close to a month is over.

    Shaqo ayaa loo baahan yahay.

  4. 20 hours ago, Samafal said:

    I ask you one question, bias aside, do you honestly believe that Said Deni is more corrupt and incompetent than Farmajo, discuss?

    Certainly C/laahi Dani is more competent than Farmaajo, but his attitude of the end justifies the means will certainly put him out of the national politics unlike Farmaajo who is probably more popular today.

    When I say " corrupt to the bone" it is not the people of Puntland who are  some of the finest Somalis, but the system is somehow similar to the communist party hierarchy  or places where  few corrupt families try to rotate. In fact, I will admit that Dani was the exception, because he was one of those self made man.

    If you look today and say who would flow Dani, the chances are the children of Faroole or Farah Juxa who In Somalia of today where people are bombed and murderer by hundreds every years, keep narrating about people fired or arrested by Siad Barre 50 years ago. He is a rebel who is trying to relive the past.

    Real change is impossible in Puntland. They are 25 years old, but the system is closed and immobile.

    That is why people like Saadiq Eenow will have no chances of being accepted by Dani or Aaran Jaan.

  5. 16 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    So what’s her qabil


    Adiga ma far waaweyn baa wax laguugu qoraa. 

    Miyaadan la socon nimanka Muqdisho koontrabaanka lagu geliyey ee ku dhuumanayey baabuurkii ay wadeen " Unaka iska Leh"

    Ragii lagu yidhi Farmaajo noo dhaawaca oo dhulka noo dhiga haddhawna hambada ayaanu wax idinka siin (Dani/Madoobe).

  6. Samafal keep saying " Sharciga ha la horgeeyo cidii dadka dulmiday"

    Did you know under the former administration of HSM people who spoke against him were murdered in a day light car chase within the city. Allah ha u Naxariisto Saado Cali and many others. There was Xildhibaan Faysal from C Saalah community who parked his car at villa-Somalia and after argument with HSM killed in a car bomb. There were Mr. Dirir and another man from Sanaag who visited HSM and after they left while driving an armored car carrying NISA chief C/raman Tuuryare who was the cousin of HSM fired them in Maka Al Mukarama killing both. 

    After they were asked why your soldiers killed the members of parliament, he said" they were flowing as closely and we thought they were suspicious. I could go on all day.

    Madoobe Nuunow who was trying to set up a parallel  maamul opposed to Shariif Sakiin was bombed in his hotel and after shot down with members of his group which about 20 people.

    Please tell one single case Fahad Yaasin involved were innocent people were killed.

    All the gangs with microphone from Suudi to indhacade and Mahad Salaad never felt unsafe .Because the mob protect one another.

    In terms of Ikram case Fahad Yaasin offered to brief the security council and tell everyone how she died. Rooble is deeply involved and no amount of wailing or lying will exonerate them. 

    Fahad is a man of good upbringing and career. He taught in Quranic schools, was part of the youth who were part of dacwah movements despite the problems of the " Salafi" groups, he was a high ranking journalist speaking few foreign languages and later a political operative.. Tell us what the Moorayaan Mahad did before he probably bought a seat in the parliament with stolen money.

    Why the Mogadushu criminal oligarchs fear this man? If they want to target the leader it was Farmaajo not Fahad. 

    Soon the truth will be unveiled. I will take the words of Fahad Yaasiin against that of a criminal who should never be close to any national secret let alone lead it. We all know Al-shabaab starts were the criminal oligarchs end or vice versa. 

    Siday ku dhacday in dadkii dadka baarlamaanka ku dhex feedhayey ee maleeshiyo beeledka geela u qaeybinayey ee lahaa ciidanka iyo nabad sugidaba hala kala dira dhahayey in loo dhiibo sirdoonka qaranka.

    In fact, I told you guys about a week or so ago that most senior NISA members had put their secret files to safe places before the criminal Mahad gets them.






    • Thanks 1

  7. Only in Somalia you would interview in a public discourse an intelligence officer.

    Their job is intelligence gathering not enforcing the law or even arresting people. No one should know the names of the rank and file intelligence members, except their director and deputy director.

    Maxay Ikraan uga hadlayaan sawkey budhcada hubeysani masaajid hortii ku dileen Abwaan bedel.

  8. Lately, the rumor mills were  about Dr. Saadiq Eenow .

    I knew him in Ottawa in the nineties and he is a good man, one of us. Yet by judging Somali traditions, the good guys never get the opportunity to serve.

    Saadiq Enow is different than the typical Puntland politicians who are  either corrupt to the bone or incompetent. Either president Hassan Sheikh get Dr Enow to get some honesty and real Somalinimo or have to find people pushed by their clans or " Milkiilayaasha".

    I wouldn't advice a Somali lady to take that job at this juncture. She have to deal with real losers and criminals masquerading as security chiefs.





  9. If Damujadiid want to create supporters, by all means welcome and do it.

    No matter how much money they spent or fill the airwaves for the dear leader, they will never get the spontaneous and unscripted Farmaajo support. Burco is not home of Farmaajo or even Somali Weyn, yet public support was wide.

    "Waa loo dhashaaye miyaa

    la iska dhigi kara waddani.

    Sidoo kale" Allah weyn ninkii aminaa awood leh.

    Mar waxay leeyihiin waa Laandheere Radis, marna Farmaajo lacag u qeybiya. 

    The so called troll farms are giving their hard earned money to Farmaajo to say thank you. Waa halkii C/laahi Dani e dadka miyuu sixray? Maya ee dadka wax buu tusay. 

    Edebta ka daran, weligii afkiisa wax wasakh ahi kama soo bixin.

    Hargeisa ayaa waxa laga hayaa in Wakhtigii Ina Cigaal ay dhihi jireen " Waar Yaa naga Aamusiiya, wakhtigii Rayaalana, " Waar qofkan Yaa Ka hadashiiya".


  10. 11 hours ago, Samafal said:

    That and the basket of deplorables


    be careful of the deplorables, even the author of that fraise , Hilary Clinton, is regretting by now.

    Anyway, N&N ( The deplorables) supporters or majority of those who participated had voted to build the Farmaajo house in Baraawe or Mundul Baraawe. The campaign to move the capital to a peaceful region had started. If Farmaajo house is built in Shabeelaha Hoose, certainly that region will be a great place.

    Mind you no one is going to Hiiraan or Shabeelaha Dhexe, but everyone is thinking about Koonfur Galbeed. Why live in a fear of killed, assassinated or bombed.

  11. Waar ninyahow ninkani Samafal nin akhyaar ah ayuu ahaa laakiin hadda dagaal ooge ayuu isku bedelay.

    If you guys know anything about state secrets, you wouldn't be broadcasting these accusation by a double agent who took money from the spy agency. You fully know that there will be no one to refute these acusations.

    You are even comparing the Moorayaan Mahad Salaad to Fahad Yaasin. Mr. Fahad was a long time journalist for one of the major media companies in the world, namely Al Jazeera which isn't an easy gig to get through your tribal connections.

    He was producer and editor for horn of Africa for AlJazeera. He was campaign manager for HSM, chief of staff for Farmaajo and NISA leader for three years. You don;t see him insulting government institutions and security people. He even accepted the injustice court verdict.

    He hails from community who are well known for trade, education and Islamic dacwah. 

    Lately that community is targeted for assassination and land confiscation because one of their community member was in a possition of leadership. Why not they target general Odowa who refused to flow the order of Rooble. It was just few weeks ago they targeted Abwaan Bedel. So, stop demonizing public servants who are doing their job.

    Warya, leave Fahad Yaasin alone. He and his family are targeted by tribal criminals. I thought you would knew better that spy and security agencies are not a one man show but a combinations of exceutives and professionals recruited around the country to stop terrorrists. The acting NISA director and his deputies hailed from Mogadishu, Kismaayo and other regions. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    If the newly elected Presidents manages to achieve the following;

    -Push back extremist from all areas between major cities;

    and this leads to;

    -reduction of the nr of suicide attacks in Mogadishu;

    Mr. Carafaat,

    That is major achievement if he does just those few step. It was almost more than 20 years ago after the Carta, Djibouti selection that people requested Cabdiqasim to just create a ploice force for Banaadir alone and pacify the city.

    12 hours ago, Dalmar1 said:

    Our Honorable President HSM who is in charge of a Federalized Somalia will focus in the coming years solely on consolidating politically his home States which consists of KG, GM, HS and Banaadir State

    Why not became the leader of Banaadir and pacify that one city.

    Shabeelaha Hoose is the home of southern D...r and people who are an accommodating and good people, otherwise many from Galgaduud would have settled in middle Shabeele.

    in 2004, the late president C/laahi Yusuf was told how late Osman Caato would welcome him to Mogadishu. C/laahi said" aniga iyo Cisman Caato waxaanu kawada nimid Gaalkacayo, Xamarna iguma soo dhaweyn karo" or something to that effect.

    If being HAG makes Banaadir your tribal home , Shabeelaha is my home as a member of D....r group.

    Anyway, we are hitting Hassan these days, not because we dislike him, but we want him to return to the right path. 

    Dawacooyinka ku wareegsani waxay rabaab in ay jar ka tuuraan. Waxa laga yaabaa waxa ay rabaan markay ka waayaan in ay sidii ay horeba iyagu u rideen haddana ay mar kale fashiliyaan.

    He is our president and we want him to succeed.

    By the way , those from Somaliland like me,  have also a say in Mogadishu.

    • Like 1


    Shir albaabadu u xidhan yihiin ayaa waxa uu dhexmray, Madaxweyne Hassan Sheikh, Mahad Salaad, Sanbloolshe iyo Agaasimaha madaxtooyada.

    Waa shir socday saacado badan oo qoraalkan aan lagu soo koobi karan, laakiin waxaanu isku dayi in idiin soo gudbiyo qaybtii koowaad ee dooda ka dhacday Villa-Somalia.


    Sanbaloolshe: Mudane madaxweyne inkii Farmaajo ee aanu madaxtooyada ka saarnay ee aanu nidhi weliba xilka yaanu wareejin maalinta caleema saarkaaga ee waa in uu todabaad gudihii uga baxaa villa-Somalia, ayaa weli baraha bulshada iyo saxaafada ku jira. Waxani wax loo dul qaadan kara maha ee waa in aynu talaabo ka qaadnaa.


    Madaxweyne Hassan:  waar ninku waa madaxweyne hore, hadal weyna waa iga dhacay oo waxaan idhi " aargoosi siyaasadeed" ma sameynayee maxaa tala?


    Mahad Salaad: Sanbaloolshe ayaan ku raacsanahay, Farmaajo lacag waa buuxaa oo bangiyada ayey u taalaa, hadana waxaan maqlaynaa guri baa loo dhisayaa. Waa in aynu lacagta la wareegno, dhismaha gurigana joojino.


    Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada: Mudane Madaxweyne, way adag tahay in aanu horjoogsano guri madaxweyne hore loo dhisayo, laakiin waxaanu samayn karnaa in aanu olole cusub oo xafiiska madaxtooyadu hagayo ka bilwno baraha bulshada, sida kacaan cusub oo la yidhaahdo "Soomaaliya oo nabada" oo maalinba tuulo cusub aad booqato.


    SB: Wakhti badan ayaanu u baahan nahay si aanu awood ugu yeelano baraha bulshada, laakiin talaabada u horeysa waxa weeye in Fahad Yaasiin la soo qabto, Farmaajana dalka laga saaro.


    HSM: Farmaajo sidee dalka ooga saara? Fahad Yaasiin waa maskaxda waxaan ka dambeysa, aniguna nabad kuma seexan karo inta ninkaasi nool yahay oo dalka jooga. M. Salaad Hawshaas maxaad ka qabatay tan iyo kulankeeni hore?


    MS: Mudane, saakadii hore ayaan ciidan iyo rag diray, Fahad oo katiinadaysan ayaa NISA la iigu keenya, waxii koombiyuuter hurigiisa yaalayna waan soo qaadaya, dadka ku aasan dayrka gurigiisana waan soo faqaya.


    AM: Mudane, Fahad dalka ma joogo. Hore ayuu ka war helay in uu Mahad Salaad u soo nsocdo warkuna suuqa ayuu galay. Mid kale taliyaha NISA ayaa dad inta uu gacabtiisa ku dilo ayaa gurigiisa ku aasaya wax aqliga galaya ma ahan. Ma aha in aynu rumaysano wararka beenta ah ee aynu baraha bulshada inagu geynay.


    HSM: OO ninkii Fahad ee aad ilahayd waan soo qabanaya ilayn dalkaba ma joogo. Waar madaxweyne labaad idaacadaha iyo wararka in uu habeen kasta ku jiro oo maalin walba la yidhaahdo gurigii Farmaajo maanta daebigii baa la dhisay, todobaad ka dibna daaqadihii baa la wadaa oo hadhawna saxaafada caalamiga sida BBC, CNN iyo Al- Jazeera loo yeedho oo la yidhaahdo, waa " Madaxweybuhii u horeeyey ee Africa ee weligii shilin qaadan", anigoo og in lacagtiisu bangiyada dibeda taala wax la ogolaan karo ma ahan.


    SB: Mudane, wiilka aad adeerka u tahay ee Taabit Cabdi gobolka Banaadir u magacaw, ka dibna u sheega in uu diido dhul guriga Farmaajo laga dhiso.


    AM: Mudane madaxweynihii hore ayaa dhul guri loo diiday ceen ayey nagu tahay. Boqolaal qof oo reer Muqdisho ah ayaa jagooyin banaan siinaya. Ololaha baraha bulshada haddii dhaqaaleheeda la ii dhiibo, aniga ayaa abuuraya Youtubers cod dheer oo hawada qabsada.


    MS: Madaxweyne, waxa jira in aad u magacaabayso Khayre i uu arrimaha lacaga dibeda inagaga xaniban soo celiyo. Bal kawaran haddii aynu qabsano shirkado iyo looyaro caalami oo soo ogaada kadubna aynu soo qaadano lacagaha Farmaajo u Yaala Turkiga, Qatar iyo Marykanka?


    AM. Mudane, waad og tahay dhibkii kaa soo gaadhay lacatii dibeda taalay ee aad rabteen in kooto dibeda ah lagu shubo. Arrintaas ka fagow ayaan ku leeyahay.


    MS: Horta waxaan la yaabanahay wiilkan agaasimaha ee wax walba iska jirta uun ku cecelinaya, ma waxa uu rabaa biyuhu in uu godka inoogu soo galo?


    SB: Haddii aniga la ii magacaabo wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, waxa aan adeegsan Booliska, kuwan baraha bulshada ee gudaha dalka joogaa aragagax iyo cabsi ayaan gelin, saxaafadana gacan bir ah ayaan ku qaban. Markale aan ku celiyo, haddii aynaan Farmaajo iyo kooxdiisa hadda joojin oo arrinta gurigaan aynaan xal u helin afar sano gudahood dib la inoo arki maayo.


    AM: mid waan idinku raacsanahay oo Farmaajo doorashadan ogaan buu inooga hadhay oo guusha si dadban ayuu inoo siiyey madaama dad badan oo mucaarad ahi ku kacsanaayeen, laakiin waxaan shaki ku jirin in soo laabanayo isagoo la gelbinayo oo cod shacab haysta. Baraha bulshada ka sakow talo kale ayaan hayaa mudane.


    HSM: waar afar sanaba ma gaadhayee, talada aad hayso ii sheeg.


    AM: Mudane, koox kale oon HAG ahayn oo shanqadh badan oo xaga saxaafada iyo baraha bulshada inaga caawin karta ayaa jirta.


    MS: Cid aan madaxda mucaaradka xubin ka ahayn oo ina caawin kartaa ma jirtee ayaad u jeeda?


    HSM: dhamaantiin aamusa. Agaasimaha ayaan rabaa warkiisa.


    AM: Mudane, waxaan kugula talin lahaa in aad Raiisul wasaaraha dhaqso u soo magacwdo, saxaafada iyo baraha bulshadana xagaa u leecino. Sidoo kale haddii aad wasiirka koowaad u magacwso reer Puntland, iyaga ayaa dawlada difaaci oo hawl gelin taafeerayaashooda, inagana gaashaanbuur inoo noqon.


    SB: Mudane wasiir koowaad ma magacaabi karno ilaa aynu golaha wasiirada dhamays tirno. Reer Puntlandkuna waa niman dhib badane, waxaan kugula talin lahaa nin beelaha kale ee Daa...d in aad magacawdo. Mida kale, weli shuruudihii aanu karabnay wasiirka koowaad lama dhameystirin. 


    MS: Mudane, inta aynu hawlaheena ka dhameysanayno, Rooble ha inoo joogo saddexda billod ee soo socota. Miisaaniyada sanadka soo socda Rooble ha diyaariyo oo waxa aynu rabno haku daro. Inagoo miisaaniyadii iyo qorshihii aynu ugu tala galnay sirdoonka iyo amaanka dhamaysanay, bisha sideedad wasiirka koowaad ha yimaado.


    HSM: Madax ayaa i xanuunaye, bal aynu waxooga shaaha soo cabno oo isku soo noqono. 


    Waxa dibeda u baxay Mahad Salaad,, " Agaasimaha madaxtooyada iyo Sanbloolshe. Waxa xafiiska dibediisa fadhiyey C/raxmaan C/shakuurWarsame oo yidhi arrintii guriga Farmaajo xal malaga gaadhay?. 


    CCW: Horta anigu wadaad baan ahay waxoogaa xagga diintana waan idinka badiyaa, markaa waxa jiray markii Rasuulku SCW u soo hijrooday Mediina ee masaajidka dhisay, waxa jirtay qolo munaafaqiin ahayd oo rabay masaajid kale in ay dhisaan. Rasuulki SCW wuu diiday waxa uuna yidhi hala dumiyo. Anigu waxa aan leeyahay Guriga Farmaajo loo dhisayo waa aqal fidno ee marka la dhiso hala dumiyo oo cagaf halamariyo.


    MS: C/raxmaan haddii Farmaajo gurgiisa la dhiso oo uu olole bilaabodalkana isku dayo in uu lawareego afartii sano oo aan dhamaan maxaa talo ah?


    CCW: labaatan wiil oo NISA ah ayaan diri lahaa habeen badhka sidii aniga la ii weeraray oo kele. Rasaas ayaan ku furi lahaa ka dibna waxa aan dili lahaa dhamaan waardiyayaasha Farmaajo, isagana waan garba duubi lahaa ka dibna waan siidayn lahaa. Cabsi ayaa geli lahayd dalkana wuu iskaga bixi lahaa.


    MS: waar war cajiib ah ayaad haysaa , dhinacaaba kama fekerin. Waxa aan kaa dhiganayaa la taliye.


    AM: C/raxmaan, waxa waardiyahaaga toogtay waxa uu ahaa Saadiq John iyo Khayre, Farmaajana shaqo kuma lahayn.


    SB: Dhegta ayuu si sir ah C/raxmaan C/shakuur ugu yidhi" Hawshaas waxa laga yaabaa mustaqbalka in loo baahdo, sidaa darteed cidna yaanay warkaasi dibeda u saarin".


    CCW: oo gabankan reer baydhabo saw inama maqlayn.. 


    Sanbloolshe : imisaan madaxweynaha kula taliyey in agaasimhaha madaxtooyada iyo dadka ku wareegsani dhamaan HAG noqdaan.


    Waxa albaabka soo joogsaday C/rahmaan Diinaari oo Hassan Sheikh mudo macaariif ahaayeen. Madaxweynaha daarada maraya ayaa arkay, markaasu yidhi waar bal kaalay.


    HSM: Gurigii Farmaajo ayaa hujuun siyaasadeed igu haya, waxa baraha bulshada laga leeyahay Farmaajo waa malag Soomaaliya loo soo diray, anigana tuug baa tahay ayaa la leeyahay, sidaan haddan ku socdo waan fashilkmayaaye maxaa talo ah? mida kale waa halkii C/laahi Daniye, ninkani dadka miyuu sixray.


    Diinaari : arrimaha abaaraha iyo mishaarka Farmaajo ayaan isku xidhaynaa. Waxaan dalbanaynaa in Wasiiradii koowaad ee hore sida Khayre, Madaxweyne Shariif iyo adiguba aad  lacag jeebkiina  ah ugu deeqaan abaaraha. Idaacadaha iyo baraha bulshada ayaa laga baahinayaa. Farmaajo waxa la leeyahay, " Gurigu hakuu dambeeyee abaaraha ugu deeq mushaarkaaga . Qaadhaankana u leexi abaaraha.


    HSM: waar ilayn aduunyada anagaa wax aragnay. Waxa aan isku wareejiyey dawacooyin iyo ay dibadeed raba wax ay qaniinaan. Waar Mr. Diinaariyoow waxaan kuu magacaabay la taliye aan la shaacin.


    Shaahi ka dib dib ayaa la iskugu soo noqday. 


    Qaybtii labaad way I dhaaftay. Madaama aan ahaa " A fly on the wall" waan baxay. Waan ka xumahay in aan idiin soo gudbiyo qeybtii labaad.


    There were few guys in this page who always accuse me of inventing things, so for once, I decided to report this news while I was a fly on the wall of Villa-Somalia. 

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  14. Samafal, why you acting dumb? 
    you know a country where people assassinated without notice and bombs blowing markets , you need a competent director not a political hack deployed to insult and agitate inside parliament. 
    the top five executives of NiSa came from different backgrounds regardless of clan. The young officers value the prestige their title carries and the salary. If you immersed with clan litmus test we will all fall?.


    This is the most important job of all in country where insurgency is active. We don’t need dogs that supposed to bark or campaign operatives fir the dear leader. 

    By the way, your boy Dani is out of the race to be prime minister. It is confirmed 

  15. In his first speech when he won the election, he said" there will not be a political revenge". 

    Folks, this is the first lie this president has openly said by doing the opposite. Today, goons ordered by Mahad Salaad raided the home of  former NISA chief Fahad Yaasin by taking security details including bullet proof cars and computers from his home while he is away. I know many among the opposition were mesmerized by the former intelligence chief while seeing every thing under the rock as a serpent trying to kill them.., it is a government protocol to keep safe former intelligence directors who have the knowledge of big state secrets. Since these people always flow the money, they are probably targeting Fahad Yaasin for the interest of foreign groups like UAE. This is not the first time Fahad was targeted including the attempt kidnaping in Djibouti while he was on board of Turkish airlines.

    Yesterday morning , bulldozers and heavy equipment attacked makeshift homes and residents in " Kaxda" district early in the morning by claiming to be enforcing by laws. These are Fahad Yaasin community district in Mogadishu. How about those in Shiircole and others places?.

    THere are scenarios that president Hassan Sheikh might not govern as last presidents, but he might be even impeached before the first year due to his tribal actions and greed.

    The news from Baidoa is Hassan Sheikh is trying to create new boundaries while abandoning the agreed upon regions.

    First, he is trying to create the Banadir state coupled with Lower Shabeelle which is part of South West region. That move is unacceptable to the people of KG and the indigenous population of Shabeelaha Hoose. By the way, this isn't the first time Hassan has waged war in lowers Shabeelle and even Hiiraan against the D...r community. A clan dominated national army militia attacked people in Janaale, KM 50, Marka and other places to uproot the locals. The locals resisted and repulsed that effort. Under Farmaajo and Laftagareen , Lower Shabbelle was calm and peaceful due to control of KG. 

    Both the people of Lower Shabeele and Laftagreen will not allow to take away their ports and one of the most important regions which compliments the whole KG. Unlike Shariif Sakiin, C/caziiz Lafta is former RRA member who knows one or two things about the greed of those the president is backing. He told Hassan Sheikh that he will be taxing any vehicle that is leaving or entering Afgooye.

    This delusional president had the nerve to take Saransoor, the would be future leader of KG,  and his HAG henchmen to Baidoa and expect flowers. C/caziiz has refused the entrance of these people to the lunch banquet or even the Badoia palace. The problem about Somali clans is that they are their own eco chambers, living in clan bubble and not even realizing the mood of the public. There are reasons why we have friends outside our sub clan circles or leaders hire outside their tribe for counsel and advice. It is like Farmaajo taking Barre Hiiraale to kismaayo, how would Ahmed Madobe react?.

    Now, this scenario of pulling Gedo from Jubba and joining Lower Shabeele to Banaadir is none starter. The D...r community from north, central and south Somalia will not allow this. Hassan Sheikh will only create more wars and strive.

    If that is the case, how about the other corrupt and greedy group called the D block? do they object these moves? . I don't know, but I heard, C/laahi Dani was promised to create a state from Sool and easter Sanaag as one and half state. Some observers say that the corrupt Puntland elite will never let the Sool& Sanaag people go as independent states for fear they might flow their own interest and even vote against vthe wishes of Garoowe. Somaliland will see this as destabilizing and will join among those opposing Hassan Sheikh. 

    Folks, while we are talking about Al-shbaab, security and state building this man is busy creating more tribal homelands for his clan. He might only rule from Galmudug to Mogadishu while everyone else is either objected him or stays away.

    If he flows this route, he will be probably be  impeached or worst could create a civil war. Laftagareen isn't alone. He already objected the rumored presence of Egyptian intelligence in Mogadishu. He also has friends in higher places. Even the Americans are talking about integration KG to Ethiopian trade by building roads and trade routes to off set the Chinese presence in the region.

    Ahmed Modoobe want to get rid of Gedo from his domain , but that is impossible.

    Fear is already griping the Mogadishu. A friend of mine told me that military men with civilian clothes are robing cell phones from the people at night. Gangs are rooming free and so on. I hope he is wrong.

    Hassan Sheikh is out of touch. He appoints a dozen clan members and rushes to Baidoa where the wounds of the elections are still not healed. Traveling there is a good move, but why take with you with those who are political enemies of Laftagareen?

    One big thing that I would like to state is Hassan Sheikh should know from the beginning that he isn't supported by the public. Have you seen any spontaneous public support from Burco, Borama or Boosaaso? no. There were zero public supoort in Baidoa, Kismaayo, Garoowe, Laascaanood or even in Mogadishu, except those who were spraying bullets at night to the wary neighborhoods of Mogadishu, and we know who thoise people are.

    We thought that reclusive and quite man Farmaajo has to wait another four years before he rides back because of public cry ( Tolow waa halkii C/laahi Dani e dadka miyuu sixray) for his return. When I saw Joe Biden and company welcoming Hassan Sheikh, I knew he won't succeed, because if America supports you , it usually means the public doesn't.

    Waxa ka sii daran, ninkii Farmaajo lacag la'aani ma hayso, hase yeeshee N&N waxay tidhi shacabkaa guri u dhisaye. How can you you stop that kind of movement. We are building house for the poor and honest president who is renting a house means the guy who flowed him is a theif with half dozen mansions. Bal adba ka jawaab.

    I knew the selection was the most corrupt " Saylad" market ever taken place in Somalia, but I didn't know it might take down the whole system down this time around. WE might not even get a corium to approve the prime minister or even a secession of the parliament. Everyone feels to be a " false witness" and would like to either disappear or hide. Last two years of Hassan Sheikh was terrifying for members of the parliament with dozens who spoke out being murdered in a day light. You were either hide in your hotel or be killed. With Mahad Salaad it could be worse.

    At the moment , we are waiting his third acceptance speech. The first one was the night of the election, another one took place when Farmaajo handed him the presidency, and now we are waiting a third one for inauguration which might take place in an empty parliament chambers.

    Tighten your seat belt is the slogan of the new gang. Watch and and learn.












  16. This could be the first president who wouldn’t start with peace of mind. 
    reliable sources say that Mr.Lagtagareen refused Sanbalookshe , Ina Cabdishakur, Saransoor and others to enter Baidoa palace. 

    His entourage was mostly HAG and few from KG.  This president doesn’t realize the ugly tribal connotations of his moves. Why would you keep travelling with Sanblookshe the man who says he will only accept a HAG as a leader.  It is sending a bad message, it is like Farmaajo taking Barre Hiiraale and others who oppose Madoobe to Kismaayo. 

    well Mr. Laftagareen didn’t appreciate these moves . He even refused to accompany Ina Shakuur to the internally displaced people’s camps. It used to be Hooyada Federaalka to give  headaches to the Mogadishu leaders. , but now Baidoa will be giving hell to those who think Somalia is Mogadishu 

  17. According to some former N&N, despite the nice welcome, meeting between Hassan Sheikh and Laftgareen didn't go well. The sticking  point is mainly Shabeelaha Hosse where the KG leader want consolidate power. Hassan even demanded major positions for his clan in KG, but was rebuffed by Laftagreen who told him that he is a president not a tribal leader.

    At night he met  with  KG military officers without the presence of general Odowa and Laftagareen.

  18. I have no doubt that this Mahad Salaad will destroy NISA. 

    When Hassan Sheikh was president last time, NISA salary was paid by various nations who had their own people within. The French used to pay some, the UAE, the TPLF and others. Under Farmaajo All that was eliminated and the finance came from one single source, mainly from Qatar.  

    After bombing of their engineers by Al-shabaab through the proxies of the UAE, the Turkish brought in their people to figure things out. Remember that Mahad Salaad had accused NISA members for the killing of Ikraan, the girl that was missing before NISA confirmed her death. I heard many of the major files of the agency were were taken out before they fall in the hands of Mahad Salaad.

    Another major issue was that after major investigations carried out by NISA had  discovered that despite the poor foot soldiers dying after being paid or brain washed, the major financers of Al-shabaab and the business associates are based in Mogadishu, especially Bakaraha. 

    Time will tell if Mahad Salaad is here to protect his kin who are the financers or if he want to confront a clash with them.

    The talk i Mogadishu is foreign intelligence is filling up the hotels at the moment including Egyptians, Kenyans, UAE and some Europeans.

    One lesson Hassan probably learned from Farmaajo will be that Ina Salaad will concentrate his efforts mostly to stop motions from the parliament.

  19. This is probably one of the political strength of Hassan Sheikh to sit down his perceived opposition. Farmaajo would never go to Kismaayo  or any place where he had disagreements. It seems Hassan Sheikh has confidence to sit down with any Somali.

    Also, there are rumors about an opposition forming headquartered in Baidoa. I even heard about enlarging the southwest to add Gedo and middle Jubba. Hassan Sheikh must stay away any group that is trying to unseat C/caziiz Laftagareen if he wants to have a peace of mind from the South west.