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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. When do the Somali people stop blaming others. You have an elected government with a mandate, these IGAD issues and other maneuvers are part of international diplomacy and pressure tactics. we all remember as soon as the president Hassan was elected a Kenyan foreign minister came to mogadishu to meet the leader which coincided the blowing up of the hotel by al-shaaab, after he returned to Nairobi he accused Shariif to be the culprit. guys that was the first bullet of diplomacy waxani ciddii kala furfuri lahayd ayaa la rabaaa. waa maxay blaankiisu. Shariif baa wuxuu yidhi` Àddeer dabagaale ayaan dabin u dhigtay Maroodi aaa iigu soo dhacay`. waa sidii oo kale, wadan hawlihiisu u baahan yihiin khibrad iyo furdaamin oo shisheeye iyo sokeeyaba curyaamiyey miyaa Ustaad yar oo Xamar iyo Nairobi u dhaxeeya kala furdaamin.karaa. hadaad xasuusataan Samatar iyo dadkii wax fahmayey waxay dhaheen wadanku xaalad adag buu marayaa oo u baahan karti. reer Koonfurka waa lagu yaqaana diyaarado la raaco oo mar uun madaxweyne la dhaho.
  2. It is a new cash cow for the `(bariga iyo badhtamaha afrika)., you remember the old days when Somalis travel to Sauudiga to make hard currency, we use to call them ``Janaale` , well folks it is the same thing. They make 1200 dollars a month while the somali solder in beledweyne couldn't even get his 100 dollar per month. Qoslaaye thinks buy laughing like a boy who met his favorite idol when meeting world leaders will bridge the gab. The problem in this country is their is no stranded . a country who has suffered so much must must build it`s reputation and honor slowly rather than begging neighboring countries. Why not send the so called foreign minister or the slow moving prime minister to set the stage and discuss the outstanding issues with other leaders before hand. reliable sources said that he left empty handed both from Ethiobia and kenya. When you get a small time traded from Gedo with no government experience as prime minister and low level ustad who never met difficult challenge in his life , no wonder after 100 days they didn't left the door.
  3. President shariif as soon as he was elected in Djibouti flew to Addis, without even considering that the Ethiobian army crushed his movement few months ago. rather than build the bridge slowly and restore some honor he was interrogated by foreign minister Musfin. this nation's honor was rapped many times. Have you seen any minister or prime minister setting the stage before the president embarks this voyages. the agenda of the state and the contentious issues must be discussed extensively with other leaders by the foreign minister or some body else before you hit the capitals. He keeps smiling like a teenage who met his idol.
  4. The most pressing issue is national security, for every dollar they get , ninety cents must be spent on national army. this president thinks having entourage and friends in villa Somalia will do the trick. He visited Ethiopia and he gave the shop away, for what . he thought getting close to Ethiopia would marginalize Kenya from Kismayo. he failed on both sides. listen, this southern elites can`t save this country. they only think being called president is enough. Their only hope is foreign aid. Even today he was complaining the allocation of money from donors. Look at his cabinet, there are no heavy weights who could bring any meaningful help from the international community. This is the foundation of their thinking, avoid those who may have higher understanding of government and politics. fill the deck with no bodies. what a waste of four years.
  5. In the real world hundred days usually gives you an idea where the elected government is heading. It took the prime minister over two months to complete the cabinet. some ministries have a minister, minister of state and two vice ministers. their is no job for four guys. they don't have any plan to raise internal revenue, they have no idea how to build a national army and their only hope is foreign aid and African troops. This country can't afford people who sit idle and spend 100 days to nominate a cabinet. They should be working sixteen hours a day to improve the lot of the people. What a waste of time especially the prime minister.
  6. Does any one remember booli qaran in mogadhisho, that is exactly what you see. all these buildings and mansions are owned by the ruling class with foreign aid money. it is the most expensive place in Africa. the ruling class get paid one million franks a month which is equivalent of 6500 dollars. it is one city of 700,000 people including the small towns. the only airline they have is owned by the president and it is parked in south Africa, when he needs to fly some where the south african pilots bring to Djibouti. electricity costs $300 a month for the poor., water is scarce, unemployment is 50% for the youth , their are no universities and the elite send their kids to France. It is treble place if you are poor or a regular people. He gets money from France, European union, Saudis, Iran and many other countries. their are no newsapers or private Tv and no one can question the dictator