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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. The USC in Somalia didn't suffer at all under Marxuun Siyaad Barre. They were " Gofanihii ku Naaxay Kacaanka". yet from day one they started occupying public buildings. Rather than keeping the security forces like police for order they dismantled thanks to Ciil Qabe Ina Carte Qaalib. Anyway, if what Che mentioned are taking place Syria will be Ok. Also, the most important thing is they got a caring brother like Turkey. In Somalia, who is guiding us to rebuild the state?, the treacherous British who are hell bend in dismembering Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti which are all opposed a strong Somali state.Having a caring neighbor is crucial.
  2. Brothers , this is huge. It is like the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. Syria is the the heart of Arab and Muslim civilization. A very small minority of Alawites (10%) who were not even considered Shia until the middle of the 20th century, who lived in the western mountains of Syria, had oppressed 80% Sunni population for 50 years. Fake Arab nationalism had created nothing but despots while the plight of Palestinians got worse by every decade. The Evil Iranians had supported the demise of Arab dictators from Saddam, Khadafi to Mubaarak, yet when the worst of them all, the Assad family were toppled they moved all Shia resources from the Hazara of Afghanistan, Hisbulah and others to murder half million Syrians to keep Assad in power. Syria isn't Libya and the rebels had seen the worst blood of all spilled for different names. THey will be helped and managed by Turkiye which supports a unified Syrian state. When I saw Ahmed Shara the leader of Tahreerul Sham enter the Umayad Masjid , I felt something special. This 5000 years old civilization will change the middle east. Aleppo, the oldest city in the world, was always the trade route between Baghdad and Istanbul. If the Gulf Arabs invest Syria and with Turkiye's builders, the sky's the limit. Why people would even worry for minorities like Christians who lived among Syrian MUslims for over thousand years. There are thousand years old churches in Aleppo, Damascus and Homs. The so called sectarian thing is started by America and Iran, and if these two are removed from the region peace will prevail and brotherly communities will live together just like before. The biggest worry isn't the Alawi sect which is very small to do any damages. The biggest challenge is the Arab despots from Jordan, Egypt and UAE. They might finance the 100,000 elite soldiers that changed their clothes and disappeared to the coast, Iraq or in Kurds area. Also, elections and democracy are the biggest threat for Arab despots who fear the people's power. Folks, it is a great day for the long suffering people Syria. We wish one day the Somali people might have closure like everyone else. Too bad the Somali small Kurds (Hargeisa) in the north and the anarchists Led by HSM might be defeated soon InshAllah.
  3. Here is the docile man Cirro in action. That is only memorable action in 20 years in parliament.
  4. I don't expect anything good from Cirro. The guy has been leader of the parliament for 20 years and he has done nothing significant other than punch Baashe Farah the deputy chair. He is surrounded by all the thieves and corrupt wanna be politicians created by the project since 2000. Forget about auditing anything, he is hungry and is surrounded by hungry group. He might negotiate with HSM to gain some financial aid by pretending to be for unity. We all know Biixi was his own man. For bad or worse he made the decisions by himself. You might not believe it, but Biixi stopped the cash bribes to the elders and other hangers on. Somaliland was looted during the 7 years of the Siilaany ALah Ha u Naxariiste. Both Xirsi and Mohamuud Hashi got rich during these years.Now one financed Cirro and the other bought his own party. This going to be the most corrupt we even seen second only to Siilaanyo era. In these parts of the world the later is always worse than the former.
  5. Waxaan maqli jiray in qiyaamaha qofka gacmihiisa iyo afkiisu ku markhaati furaan. This president HSM is dead like a duck. He is finished. There is no honor among thieves. He talks about constitution day and night yet, where did he get the authority to extend the terms of regional governments to one year? he might as well give them another four years. HSM is a walking contradictions. Madoobe has every right to hold the election on schedule. The only thing that holds Somalia together since Carta of 2000 is the open selection of the president. After it concludes, no one contestes the result and the elected president is given a clear mandate. HSM want to end that final trust among Somalis. Am I going to accept the ballot boxes filled in Caliyaale or Al-shbaab controlled Ceelbuur? No way. I think Illiria, was correct in this issue since day one. HSM should never be allowed to create an unattainable election. He can't travel to Jowhar or Baidoa, yet he wants inclusive elections. Another issue most people forgot to mention is HSM is fully supported by the separatist mercenaries based in MOgadishu. We must fight this by any means necessary. He rejected the peaceful Puntland inclusive election and went inside that fake Masjid in Villa Somalia and loudly pronounced his objections from the pulpit, yet he want one in Al-shbaab infested Jubbaland. We will be going to the Teendhada Xalane again, but I don't know how it would be. It could be modified slightly from the last time. Take that to the bank.
  6. There is no exit strategy. This mission is open ended. If that is the case why this president is reshuffling the chairs of the sinking ship. Ten years ago when they said the mission will end 2025 and despots from Uganda and Ethiopia will implement democracy, we the diaspora were shocked. Now this thing will reach 2030. This president must stop this fake election and go struaght to the " Teendhada Xalane" to select the next guy who might have some backbone.
  7. MMA, this woman didn't even tried to meet the Arab community in Michigan. For 12 months her base ( students and democrats) were asking a cease fire that could have saved lives on both sides but decided to ignore. The lobbyists might give you money but the people vote. For these democrats, abortion was the main topic. They didn't had any other message that could helped people. All she talked about was Trump being a fascist and abortion. Biden could have declared his intention not to seek reelection in January and could have allowed a well fought primary to get the best candidate. Instead they denied others and anointed her without opposition. This party is corrupt and everything is decided behind closed doors.
  8. Bayle has lost in so many ways. When he left Mogadishu and reached Minneapolis in 2022, the Somali community has welcomed him as a national hero. Some business people even suggested to him to organize and lead an investment program tailored for Somalis. Few months ago he came to the city frpm Hargeisa and he was alone and isolated in his home with no one to visit him.
  9. When the Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed fought the TPLF , he mobilized the Amhara militia bordering the Tigray region to help him defeat the formidable TPLF. He distributed both small arms, machine guns and gun mounted pickups. Using ethnic militia to fight the TPLF while the national army was available, sent a clear message to everyone that Abiy Ahmed was desperate. He never looked to the future or the danger of arming non state actors and civilians. As soon as that was over the Amhara militia turned their guns to Abiy himself. Taking a page from Ethiopia, the Hargeisa clan had created what it called " Ciidanka Madaniga" or clan militia to fight the Khaatumo SSC administration and their military. We have also seen the G36 militia or GX militia with their technicals mobilizing from Burco to Buuhoodle. The Hargeisa media publicizes the movements of these militia from their news feed. You don't see the Somaliland army from Oog, Burco, Buuhoodle to Ceerigaabo.The so called G36 militia has two purposes. First to challenge Biixi if he tries to steal the election and confront him directly, the other is to show they are ready to defend the overall Habro clan agenda. Every clan is armed. Everyone is either a hyena, dog or fox. The only unarmed sheep is the Awdalites and sooner or later they will be eaten by the Hyena or the fox. Also, these wars had exposed the weaknesses of the Hargeisa regime. Despite tens of thousands of soldiers, clan militia and " Ciidanka Madaniga" the Habro had shown to be very weak in terms of real confrontation. The Buuhoodle based SSC forces almost captured Qorilugug before withdrawing. Last time, at the battle of Goojacade, the SSC could have destroyed the Oog base and could have reached Burco, but decided to keep the green line the divides the clans. Burco intay soo gubaan ayey soo noqon lahaayeen, laakiin diideen dulmiga. While Khaatumo SSC is organizing a real army with command and control, Somaliland had went to its original clan based militia of early nineties. Biixi affiliated militia already patrols and intimidates opposition groups in Hargeisa. Just like the Amhara Fano, these militia could turn their guns to each other sooner or later.
  10. Che, I heard about the changing prices of the airport, but personally I went through the VIP and handed the passport to an agent. Anyway, other than kilometer 6, Maka Almukarama and old town Shabeelle, the rest of the town is really dirty. Waaberi was the worst with trash filling the roads. I asked the driver why the so called mayor doesn't clean these roads, and he said, " Waa nin reernimo lagu keenay oo madaxweynaha hawlo kale u haya". When they close the main road going to number 4, you have to travel through Waaberi and you could see the trash and garbage filling the roads. By the way Huriwaa is the worst place in terms safety . My in laws owned house there and were unable to even see it. By the way, how long you stayed ?
  11. Che, isn't general Assad the guy who crushed Al Shbaab and engaged in Galagala mountains. Unlike others at least he commanded a real army or an intelligence unit before being appointed.
  12. Ask yourself, why would a police chief travel just like HSM. He is networking alright for he future roles and his plans to defeat Barbaarta. I welcome general Diyaano Jr. to be the next premier. Infact, I would advise HSM to appoint this guy and give a new blood to his stagnant government. HAmza is " Caano Ma Daadshe" but he doesn't have charisma or enthusiasm for the government. President HSM is almost dead unless he shakes up things.
  13. The new generation of Somali leaders from Puntland. One thing I know about this guy is he is tough. He fought and defeated Al _shabaab in Puntland. Instead of the police chief, he should have been appointed as the intelligence chief. My gut feeling is that this guy is going to be the prime minister that could be replacing Hamza Barre ....?
  14. Well, we are in an election or selection season in Hargeisa and the major debate among the Habro is how to continue the project and allow a new greedy clan to enrich themselves and loot the public coffers once again. There is no secret or debate that whoever is in charge and his clan will leave very rich with millions after their 7 or 8 years in office despite the legal term of the so-called president being 5 years. The best example of this is the East Burco looters. People talk about certain anarchists and looters in southern Somalia, but those in the south are mostly in private business or got rich with lack of national government. These looters from Burco had used the system to get rich and rob everyone in a day light. The two richest men in Hargeisa politics today are: Mohamuud Hashi and Hersi A. Hassan (Hirsi Gaab). These two guys were not bankers, top ministers or even in charge of the treasury, yet they achieved the biggest theft of resources by Somali politicians for the last 54 years. In July 2010 the would be president Ahmed Siilaanyo, who otherwise was a capable man throughout his life, suffered stroke and lost most of his cognitive elements. While he was physically fine in terms of movements and appearances, his mental decline through dementia was well known. When the issue of his mental decline became apparent, the logical scenario was to place him under the care of his family and transfer the power to his deputy. After long debate the family decided to conceal the illness as much as possible and take the power. Two unelected people, His wife Amina and his chief of staff Hirsi Gaab decided to exercise the power and hide the sick man behind the scene. In order to minimize the opposition they appointed almost 70 members of the cabinet, they increased the salary of the ministers from $500 to $5000 dollars a month and added another $5000 dollars for a consultant for the minister. Thus, every minister hired one of his cousins, paid him a couple of thousand dollars and pocketed the rest. Other methods to silence critics were that when they fired a minister they allowed him to keep the government vehicle and keep his full salary. Furthermore, rather than being isolated, they went to London, Istanbul and other capitals by accepting the one Somalia policy in order to access millions of funds for development.They falsely entertained two presidents from Unaka community by appearing to be unionists and dumped them when they got their cash. From 2010-2014, the security situation of southern Somalia was so bad that most of the capacity building funds were allocated to the Hargeisa regime and in smaller ways to Puntland. Hundreds of millions poured in from the European Union, UK, USA, Turkey, UAE and specifically from Denmark and others. For instance, $152 million was donated to improve Hargeisa city water needs. millions for electric grid from world bank, health care improvement and money for other developments including irrigation, education and road construction.Very dew of these projects were implemented. The Hargeisa water project was the biggest failure of all the developments with fractions, probably less than $40 million spent to build pipes to haul water. As we speak the city uses trucks, donkeys and other means to get water. That money was stolen by Mohamuud Hashi. The looting of the development money was made easy by the foreign NGO’s based in Nairobi and by DahabShiil bank. One well known method was firing the minister in charge of the project as soon as the transfer of the money began. They, I mean Hirsi Gaab and Mr. Hashi who both had 4 years and 3 years in charge as chiefs of staff of Mr. Siilaanyo or I should say as cabinet chiefs, kept monitoring the development files and when the funds were supposed to be released by the donors, they either fired the minister or transferred him to another portofolio. Since there is no national bank to transfer the money, they use Dahabshill in Nairobi to take the money and release the funds as per their wish. To make the scheme proof of any middleman or a wrong person to question their scheme, they appointed a so-called Nairobi representative who was the son in law of Ahmed Siilaanyo, Cawil Morgan. That young man Mr. Morgan had retired in Dubai with millions.b was called By the end of the seven years of Siilaanyo term, they both ended up with $40 or $50 million each. Hersi Gaa( Afartan Jir Afartan malyuun Haysta) a 40 years old man with $40 million dollars. As the so- called election concludes, both of them have bought their own political parties and are in charge of Waddani and Kaah. The latter will be replacing UCID. While it is good news that the political prostitute and loud mouth Faysal Waraabe will be out of the picture while cashing millions from Ina Biixi, the looters from Burco are bad news for all. The delusional Prof. Samater, who is out of touch like his other brother in Mogadishu, had lost his way by either sucking up to Biixi or dithering on both sides. He made a decision a while ago and quit the project, yet ended up being called again by Biixi after his left over party joined Waddani. Since he is a very cheap carpetbagger, he was bought and sold by Biixi at will. He has zero chance of getting any traction at this time. The Hungry West Burco guys who were sidelined for over 30 years had to make a deal with looters Hersi Gaab and Ina Haashi to finance their campaign and pay the East Burco elders including the gangster called Buurmadow to win this time around. When the Ceel Af Weyn clan war was raging a few years back, Buurmadow was one of the elders who signed a peace deal that failed. During the deliberations the east Burco elders were asked to put their hands on the Qur’aan for the swearing ceremony. Buurmadow decided not to put his hand on the top of the good book but put his hand over five or six others knowing that he wouldn't be honoring his oath. That is who Buurmadow is ( Waar gacmaha kale ha iga horeeyaan anigu Kitaab gacanta saari maayee). Usually, it is the business lobbyists who finance election, but here in Hargeisa, two unelected bureaucrats with no history of wealth are bankrolling everything. To make the story short , despite the loss of SSC Khaatumo and the forgone conclusion of East Sanaag ( Badhan, Hadaaftimo, Laasqorey and Dhahar), the Habro through that a new hungary group might be able to continue the project. With two lieutenants of Siilaanyo and all corrupt politicians sitting in Hargeisa hotels joining Waddani, nothing will change. How Awdal State will deal with this new Waddani group. by far Waddani is a huge threat to our liberation movement for many reasons. First, the Waddani or I should say the GX propaganda of the last five years had reached everywhere including many Somalis and Awdalites. They portrayed themselves as pro Somali pragmatists who were willing to deal with the unity issues without fear or precondition. They appealed to the Awdal community and even encouraged their internal uprising. Furthermore, many Awdalites see themselves as the natural allies of the GX community. They were allies during the Rayaale reign and were in the same boat for the last 14 years of Jeegaan alliance. Secondly, they denounced most of the ugly anti Somali actions and rhetoric coming from the Biixi and his clan. These and many other actions may cloud the judgments of the larger Somali and Awdalite public. For us, the Awdal State, we prefer Muusee Mideeye to steal the election and confront us. Yet, despite the good will of the GX, I will urge the people of Awdal to ignore the Habro Shalango taking their turn and focus on the main issue at hand which is ruling your own region and developing your ports, airports and roads. Time will tell if the hungry GX will act overzealously with the project and create more mess. Unlike the west Hargeisa crowd who are naturally discrete in their verbal attacks, the GX truly have a loud and vulgar mouth that will be felt quickly by most Somalis. While east Burco folks are the most odious in terms of vulgar insults and need a mouthwash, the south Hargeisa crowd of sand dwellers and others are well known for their swearing on religion and sacred things. Furthermore, If chairman Cirro keeps the status quo and thinks he could extend the life of the separatists project, he will find himself in a loud awakening. With the dangers coming from Ethiopia and others in the region, the anti Somalia and isolationist policy of the project will not only fail, but the unemployment and economic stagnation will eventually catch up to him. With dwindling coffers, and hungry entourage that surrounds Cirro at the moment, he won’t be able to manage unless he changes the course. This is my first salvo to the current campaign. I will add my few senses in the coming weeks.
  15. Few days ago president of Djibouti , Ismail O. Geuleuh was airlifted to France after suffering stroke. He was taken to one of the American hospitals in Paris. After few days his immediate family joined him in that country. Reliable reports indicate that after operations he suffered in to coma and at the moment he is in life support. There were rumors about him passing away both inside Djibouti and outside. The suspicion came when the Djibouti Telecom shut down the internet for the last few days, then when of the top contenders minister Muuse Dawaale posted a tweet mocking the so called haters and proclaiming his full health saying " he got a bad knee and he is human like everyone else". Then they released a video footage showing Omar Geelle landing at the airport to calm down things. The problem is that video was and old clip from 2023 when he came back from some unknown illness last year. The son of Idris Omar Geelle the late brother of Omar Geelle, Finance minister Muuse Dawaale and the step son of Omar Geelle who is an Affar from the previous marriage of his wife are the main contenders. His eldest son who is a construction tycoon could be the compromise candidate although he isn't involved in politics. If the life support is true, Omar Geelle, the oldest serving leader in the horn of Africa along Isais Afwork , will have an impact in the whole region.
  16. Abiy is delusional, he could not defeat Amhara Fano for the last two years , yet he want to threaten the tough mountaineers of the horn of Africa. Aabow ka yar iga celi oo ka weyn igu siidaa. Probably Mustafe Cagjar and few cowards would believe this false bravado from the Baptist preacher.
  17. Certainly would like to meet Che and use his wisdom for betterment of the Somali people. He never changed his colours since 2013 which is when I joined SOL
  18. Xildhibaan Abiib is kidnapped by the son of Muuse Biixi and his clan, now Abiib needs his clan to free him or even kidnap some of the Biixi family members. Since there is no rule of law these Awdalite clans should go to the mountains, cut the roads and create fear. It is the only way. Awdal is cooking well, just waiting some ignition. MMA, we should team up and kick out both the separatists, HAG corrupt leaders and even C/laahi Dani. Let us clean up the house, you guys must ditch the useless speakership and seek the top job. But first make sure Laftagareen should crush both the anarchists and Unaka in Shabeelaha Hoose for good. I am the class of Sayid M. Hassan who crushed the clans and the British by invoking something higher. Let us kick some rear.
  19. Che, I need your help. I want to be the dark horse. MMA will be my campaign manager.
  20. Both are possible. Today almost everyone agrees that there won't be one person one vote for the 2026 election. What you are seeing today is the prelude of what will take place a year from now. Reer Galmudug want to dump HSM for the next election. Even former premier Rooble might throw his hat on the arena. The HAG vote will be divided among many, so the major group that will tilt the balance are the 78 members from South West. To achieve that both HSM and Rooble want their own SW puppet, probably minister Tik Tok or some unknown minister sponsored by HSM. Laftagareen should have to win again to stop the failed HAG politicians to come back.Both the Ethiopian issue and Egypt will be history within a year. I will not believe that HSM want to defend the land from Abiy, if the issue is serious he would have helped us stop Ethiopia. I want the African troops to leave Somalia, but this fake president who is already in re-election mood doesn't have the credibility or the integrity to defend the nation.
  21. He might have some valid points on the issues, but this prof. is out of touch on the overall Somali politics. We have to make sure he vacates the Awdal seat for the next election. The Samatar brothers are done.
  22. Iliria, even Trump said he want to be a dictator for one day. Aren't we all tired of the shenanigans of Mogadishu and everywhere else. The Great Darwiish came to Berbera at the end of 19th century " Isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya" and within few years created the movement that fought the British, we had the first president rule with grace and left with honor, we had Sharmaarke say " We will vote with one hand and fight with other" rather than postpone the election during the war of 1964. Cabirasaaq was the most competent premier, the Kacaan lifted the nation, wrote the Somali language, expanded education by reaching 75% literacy and earning UNESCO award. Despite the evil rebels of Mengistu, " Dawladii Soomaaliyeed waxa ay ahayd Geed weyn oo lawada Hadhsanayey". Even C/laahi Yusuf slept in makeshift house , brought his own guard and managed with less than $ 30 million dollars. Now we get these corrupt and weak men who fly around the world and couldn't achieve anything tangible for their term. They got 40,000 soldiers and 1 billion dollar budget , yet could,'t reach Afgooye. Do you think we will debate with C/laahi Dani and Ina Cabidishakur, and entertain the weak secessionists? No , will will march when we get the gavel in our hand. Any decent Somali could do better and manage these few towns despite Al-shbaab.
  23. If this was great why send hundreds of soldiers in every corner of the city? They just arrested six women from Xays women's organization who were preparing to protest. And why arrest Mohamed Abiib who has the support of many people? He want to demoralize the people by targeting those they look up to. Damn it why not target this warlord in the road?
  24. I did talk to one of the best observers of Somali politics and when I told him about Fahad Yasin and Farmaajo, he said " Farmaajo is done, it is like a ship without a captain. It is probably some of the conditions his new backers had demanded.