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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. The Egyptian negotiators had begun their work already. The news is HisbuAllah has warned that if there is a ground war in Gazza they might enter the war from north. Cooler heads must prevail before this gets out of hand. If HisbuAllah enters Lebanon will be effected and Iran could be involved. Biden could make history if he fixes the old issue of Palestine/Israel in this term. Forget about the republican hawks who are in campaign mood.
  2. Also, a friend of mine who follows Arabic media says that there was a plan by Netanyahu to wage a big war against both Hamas and west bank after the Jewish holiday and that secret plan was leaked to Hamas. It seems to be pre emptied strike by Hamas Folks, this is the end of Netanyahu. A new different government might rise from the ashes of this war. This thing is keep happening every few years with no real solutions. If you remember that former prime minister of Israel Yair Lapid was a charming guy who visited Turkey, UAE and many places, and was replaced by Bin Givr and other extremists. The world and middle east needs Lapid as the leader for the future.
  3. MMA, There is certainly an intelligence failure. Since Israelis are mosaic community with Arabic speaking Jewish citizens they have easy access to gather information. Everyone knows that have human intelligence in Gazza. My take on the failure is that the spy agencies and some members of the military leadership and I might add the Biden white house don't like Netanyahu. They prefer the leadership of the last government and there could be a plot to undermine Netanyahu and his far right government. This was probably a calculated plot to get rid off Netanyahu. If this far right guy leaves the scene the possibilities are huge in the region in terms of peace, trade and many things. The liberals are sophisticated and this is their plot stop him.
  4. Our Ugaas has a family in Canada. Garaadks SSC is home based . He vowed not to visit Laascaanood until it is liberated and kept his word for 15 years. I want our Ugaas to learn from him and vow not to visit Awdal until it is liberated. We have to learn some wisdom from this new Sayid Mohamed (AHN)
  5. This will lead a lot of suffering and destruction for Gazza. The Hamas strategy is probably to thwart the rapproucment between Saudis and Israel and other Arab nations. They are saying you can't make a deal until you address our situation. Iran also might have a hand. Is these rockets imported or manufactured locally?
  6. Che, it is fake. The Ugaas is traveling from north America son and will meet the Garaadka Guud ee SSC soon. Will share the real meeting soon.
  7. The SNM boys used to say Calanka anaga keenay lixdankii, many Gaas dhagoole from south central Somalia and Puntland kept repeating that fallacy. They were one among four clans who came to Mogadishu. In fact some of them were having second thought few months before union, but the USP party insisted total union. Everyone should mark this day. If some northern clans used to claim, " we were two governments joined in 1950", today SSC Khaatumo brought the blue flag to Mogadishu voluntarily just as they did 60 years ago. Look at the delusions of the East Burco boys like Maareeye. SSC is controlling 100km west of Laascaanood to Oog, another 130 km to Garoowe in the east, furthers to the southeast another 160 km to Taleex and another 160 km to Hawd and Buuhoodle. Yet this fool says the village of Caynabo is equal. Furthermore, Maareeye is one of those airlifted from Sool and Togdheer by the Kacaanka Barakaysan to Sablaale during the drought of 1974. They should be die hard unionists because it was the state not the clan that saved them. SubhanAllah, these SSC guys are lifting the fake faces of the Hargeisa crowd. Why would anyone want to talk to Biixi now. IT is SSC who decides the future, whether they join Puntland, Have their own state or even join Awdal as one province. Calankii reer woqoyiga ee midnimada ayaa xamar la keenay. What is left?
  8. This is the typical modus operandi of the chaos theory to deny developing nations to extract resources in their regions. They deploy small group of vagabonds led by intelligence operatives to wreck havoc the unsuspecting populace. Mozambique has very small Muslim community in the coastal area with zero history of grievances or violence. Some even say the insurgents had crossed from Tanzania. To make sure that these are paid killers to shut the development they beheaded the civilian population in the street. I could even hear that when they say Allahu Akbar, these men couldn't be even Muslims, but paid killers. Can you imagine 50 or so ruthless killers could terrorize a whole population? The Mozambican army with help of EU and Portugal couldn't do the job even after years of training, yet a very small contingent of Rwandan army has pacified the region. The biggest takeaway is that their experts just like Sahan group in Nairobi claim that the national army could not defeat this minor insurgency. I could even say that these are hired mercenaries by the gulf boys and other foreign intelligence. The largest mercenaries operating today are the Wagner group and UAE has huge stake in this and many others. They also have stakes in Academi and others owned by American companies which are deployed to Libya, Syria and Somalia. the intension is to create chaos in the Red Sea region, Indian ocean including Kenyan ports of Lamu and Mombasa all the way to the coastal area of Africa. If you want to see corrupt government, nepotism, looting, deception and clan hegemony all in one, just watch carefully the Dhuusamareeb Xadhigjiid.. HSM could go back to Mogadishu without men and money. Last year when the war was taking place in Hiiraan, we said that this thing should be wrapped up by the new year in order to succeed. While the of people of Hiiraan had punched more than their weight, that war isn't over yet. The Hiiraan people should not be lifting one finger to fight for Reer Galgaduud, they should only be worrying for their homeland. In Somalia, there are two groups that must be defeated for peace and unity to reign. The separatists who should be carrying their shoes in their teeth and the anarchists' of Galmudug/Mogadishu . THey have zero vision of nation building other than fill their pockets, yet they can't deny hope to the people after 30 years. They will be defeated in South West region and could not keep the people of Mogadishu for hostage. That is when Al-shbaab will be defeated. I said it.
  9. Who are you arguing with. No one mentioned the United State here. At the moment America is helping us against Al-shaaab, but there are many other actors in the region who want to keep the chaos to continue. The biggest foreign meddling of Somalia is from the gulf. The UAE had either destabilized or have total control of all major ports in the Red Sea region. They destroyed and control Aden the largest port in gulf of Eden, Mogadishu is partially functioning, Bebera is a giant strip with just 5% capacity, Boosaaso is managed remotely and its trade capacity reduced sharply, lately port Sudan is mess due to general Hamdetti bankrolled by UAE. Nigeria the biggest gas and oil producer in Africa is destabilized by Boko Haram a Wahabi outfit from the gulf, and Somalia is the other future oil producer that could challenge the gulf. Other than money laundering what is Dubai? Yes, they are free port, but they don't manufacture anything, and anyone could create a free zone. Furthermore, the United States historically had never defeated a local insurgency. The Somali governments based in Mogadishu hotels masquerading as national governments had abandoned a huge chunk of the nation to Al-shbaab for the last 15 years. Al-shbaab built a deep network of elders, traders and family relationships in these communities through fear, constant payroll and salary payment and a functioning system. People would rather go the Al-shbaab court than the one controlled by corrupt anarchists' in Mogadishu and other places. Personally, I don't believe the Galmidug boys who are leading Somalia through HSM are people interested in nation building. Look C/rahman Cabdishakur, the man deputized to feed the hungry and help those displaced is speaking against people from Caabudwaaq fundraising to help the SSC people due to his illogical affinity with separatists. People like that without a vision will not go far. I would advice the good people of Hiiraan to vigilant of the anarchists who want to ride their tale. If the war against Al-shbaab is real, let Galgaduud guys finish the job and stop making money on the project. Why would the president spend two mounts in Dhuusamareeb? Because he can't trust the Galgaduud boys. A corrupt clan based system couldn't defeat a well organized extremists. It is a fact, and the Americans know it. They spent billions to arm Afghanistan warlords, but they were defeated by few Talibans. I am not saying Al-shbaab is equal to Talibaan which had Russians smuggled weapons and Chinese money to fight the coalition, but Al-shbaab has a very weak and corrupt opponent. They advertised that it is HAG who are fighting Al-shbaab not the nation.
  10. I agree. Just one month after the municipal and parliamentary elections were concluded, Muuse Biixi pulled unexpected one from his rear end and said political parties will expire next year December 2022. The opposition had planned to contest the election in November 2022 before the so called expire date. Yet, I understand why Proff. Samater is angry. He was led to believe that since the courts, the Guurti, and election commission all agreed that the parties will contest first and then the presidency. He spent his energy, money and efforts and now all that was in a vain. Everything is overruled by a single clan protecting its interest. Furthermore, he knows that since SSC has left the stage, the Habro would focus on reforming the system and bring the other clan in the west to the power table and address the economic issues mostly the blocked ports and denying of development money, but they decided to to focus on themselves like nothing had happened. Also, his maternal cousins, the corrupt HA had privately promised him to help him elected. Anyway, it is end of the journey. One more thing. Early this morning , we got a message from Djibouti about the where abouts of Ina Biixi. Days ago he left Hargeisa with a an NGO car went to Bebera and boarded a small plane. In Djibouti, he met HSM and OMar Geelle. THe news is Geelle, American defense secretary Lloyd Austin had signed to give the Americans a base in Bebera. This true report said that Mr. Austin never met Biixi, but singned with HSM, and later president HSM asked Biixi to sign a separate later. It is strange a Somali president needs a Don or head of the mafia to sign contracts with a foreign leader. THere is no governments or cabinet anymore. Biixi was hiding this from the foreign minister of the enclave Mr. Kayd. Same thing goes with HSM , no one from the cabinet was there.
  11. Carafaat on the issue Puntland defending the constitution, I will get back to you soon. I want to make a well founded argument. stay tuned/
  12. Carafaat, The good proff. is eating a crow. He has been lecturing us since 2022 to get onboard and form a political party. He didn't realize he was being played by Muuse Biixi to sideline the opposition. When Biixi went to Washington he faced the typical talk of one clan masquerading as a national while controlling the three political parties. Proff. Samatar and Bashiir Goth arranged a meeting between Biixi and the Awdal elite from USA in Washington. While putting down the Ged...rsi elite he said, " sidoodii ayuun bay cabasho bilaabeen, markaass ayuu Muuse yidhu, " Waar Xisbiyadii waa la furayaaye kaalaye oo siyaasada ka qeyb gala, Awdalna waa meesha Soomali odhani u soo nolol doonanaysee". So, as a naïve or an astray dog looking for shelter he jumped up and formed his party. He told us in a conference call that if you guys want to challenge the system and get the power support my party and will run for the next presidency. Some of us including the current leader of Awdal State Movement, Dr. Cali Bahar told not to waste his time about the Habro games, but didn't listen. Now without consulting to him the Habro made a deal and said this is the time for GX to preserve the wealth of East Burco and the trade routes for HA. Waagii baa ku baryay. Even if his party joins the chosen three he has to wait until 2030 to run for president. . The Jeegaan are trying to bail out and make a deal , the long prediction proff. Samatar had made long ago about Somaliland clans raising to Mogadishu and each one seeking his own deal. Waa Halkii Allah ha u naxariistee Khaliif Sheikh Mohamuud, " Markaanu ka soo degno malkada Haeowo, Allahayow Waxaanu maaganahay yaa maslixi Doona". I want the good Proff. Samatar to call our cause to be just and hit the airwaves. Waxaan sugnaaba waa isagoo leh, " Maxaan sheegayey ayaa dhacay goboladii galbeedku way baxayaan mar haddii hawshii qabaa'il ku noqotay". I sorry our GX friends will be holding empty bags.
  13. This is definitely connected to foreign intelligence. These bombs can't be assembled these nomads. These are army grade improvised explosive device (IED) that needs only to attach to the vehicle by magnet. Only advanced countries could build this. The biggest obstacle to defeat them is that these operatives have no any religious or human morality. He probably get paid $100 dollar or less. I have seen the interview of young killers who went to take pictures or play soccer after killing innocent people. A few well trained intelligence gathering cadre could easily apprehend these killers.
  14. I thought Biixi will relocate 30km from Laascannos and put his forces at Adhi Cadeeye. That intensive could have effected some of those leaning to stalemate or negotiations. They were not in Tukaraq, Taleex, Boocame and between, yet they decided to bomb the city and siege the population. Actually, later I said they will be defeated sooner or later if they do not relocate.. Anyway, it was difficult to predict what took place in Maraaga and Goojacade. Once Puntland put their muscle and efforts behind the liberation of Sool, things had changed quickly. While SL was sitting like a duck, SSC military leadership was maneuvering and consulting many different experts including modern commanders educated in Turkey and other old guard senior leaders. Furthermore, in Somaliland, the overall commander General Nuux Taani isn't up to the job. For the last twenty years he was chasing lightly armed clan militia and few technical from Puntland trying to assist SSC. Back in Somalia in late seventies , he used to be a cook. The name Nuux Baasto was thrown first by late president C/laahi Yusuf. In early 2004, when they told him that Nuux is the general in charge of SL army , he said, " Waar nikaasi ninkii qaybta 66aad joogayey ee baastada macaanaa ee Nuux miyaa" Modern armies need new leadership and new blood to face new challenges, yet they have this guy in charge for 25 years. How can a 70 years old former cook could face the experts that gathered in Laascaanood. Furthermore, like closed communist society there are no real debate within Somaliland. Even if the king had no clothes who could say it loudly. I saw a drone made out of wood and carboard being paraded in Hargeisa like a real drone, or Suldaans wearing military gear, just like the talk of Xuduudaan tagaynaa by Faysal Waraabe who got rich of talking from his rear. I did talk to a friend this morning from Borama and he said there is deception among the Habro leadership and everyone's plans are in the open including the political war in Ceel Af Weyn which is created by Kulmiye to create hostility among the eastern clans HY/HJ. He told me that there is a talk in Hargeisa to crown Cali Warancade as the chairman of Kulmiye and their candidate to face C/rahman Cirro. The Jeegaan want a boot licker like Waracade who was the last intelligence supervisor of the Villa Somalia the night before Macalinkii Kacaanka, the late Jaale siyaad left. Also, in the old days he used to test tea and food for former Somali intelligence director and interior minister Saleebaan Daffle. Either way the delusion continues. THere is no debate to fight the rampant inflation and economic hardship that is gripping Somaliland. The exchange for the paper money is 11,000 for one single dollar. Despite this I do believe the key oligarch that must be removed for the sake of the people of the north and Somalis in general to have genuine peace is to remove that fat and old guard Omar Geelle. Most of pro French despots in west and central Africa are dead or overthrown, and it is high time to remove this despot from the scene. Furthermore, Puntland should be there as a focal defender of the future and the rule of law ( Constitution) to fend off these gathering hyenas who don't no one except their own political survival.
  15. Don't be shocked if you see Jeegaan kala dhuumanaysa oo kala cararaysa. their stock is down. Hargeisa iskaga qaylila waxoogaa.
  16. I can't believe these fools are jumping up and down the fake message secessionists are sending to measure up themselves to the real nations. They would probably begged the Somali ambassador to facilitate these while bribing the southern boys who are interested of getting few beeso and get the headlines. Omar Geelle is cooking something and this Uganda thing is distraction. The value of the so called Somaliland is done. They would just be like Galmudug or HirShabeele . they won't rapresent SSC or Awdal.
  17. The plan is not clear, but Omar Geelle is worried what could happen if the project was disintegrated. On the other hand the two jeegaan want to preserve their businesses , trade deals and everything else and buy time. HJ accepted the possible narrative that if the war among the Habro continues from Gacan LIbaax, the next bullet could be fired within Hargeisa.. They are the richest clan now. Not only the business people like Dahabshiil and Indha deero, even the richest politicians in Hargeisa are Hersi Gaab and Ina Hashi. The Sand Dwellers and some HY clans based in Hargeisa doesn't want any war within Hargeisa no matter what, but if the conflict continues it could take on the wrong turn. The killing of 10 RRU officers had shaken Biixi and the HJ groups. If the war heats up, the rebels could cut Burco from Hargeisa and Berbera from Hargeisa. HJ will be a by standers who could lose a lot. You and I know that in Somaliland most of the import and trade monopolies are controlled by Jeegaan and those who will lose is them, so they decided to make a deal that the GX can't refuse. THey told them " Cidna idinlama tartamayso". I don't know how that could happen. To rule you have to win the election, that means Mohamed Kaahin and Kulmiye candidates have to stand down. It is complicated. I could tell you that a well placed guy who is based in Halane told me last month that after Omar Geelle complicated the rapprochement of Abiy to make a deal between Biixi and Farmaajo, the Ethiopian premier changed course and agreed a transition plan with Waddani chairman Cirro. This information is 100% correct and Cirro was supposed to be the premier to manage the government while Farmaajo had agreed to be ceremonial. The TPLF war delayed the plan and Farmaajo was asked to add his rule two more years which was thawrted by HAG and Puntland leaders. After Biixi found out the deal, he made a move and rather than hold the presidential elections on time, tried to weaken Waddani and hold party elections instead. Since Djibouti intelligence and others are aware of this they are probably trying to move before a GX leadership takes over in December 2024.Furthermore, if the plan is to give power, why not prepare in 6 months and transfer power to the elected government. Omar Geelle is planning to do his power transfer to Mogadishu before things change by either bringing the wrong people to power or disintegrate. That deal in Mogadishu supplanted by the marriage of mob in Djibouti is still on. THe new Awdal governor who is agitating against us is brought by Geelle himself. One other thing I have learned in Somali political tradition is clans do not open the door for others for fear of losing influence, unless you are insignificant enitity. That is what I heard. Now Mr. Carafaat, tell us the plan to transfer power to GX. I know lately the GX is flexing their muscle and calling to defend the project. Even their tunes in social media has changed, but for us Awdal State movement nothing has changed and we want out of this fake project.
  18. Folks, it is over. Prof. Samatar wasn't consulted or even asked the Habro agreement. I like answer he gave about his meeting Dr. Cali Bahar, the ASM leader and others in Minneapolis. I expect the good Prof. to denounce the Habro project soon. The desperate HY guys were thrown a bone like a dog, but they might not see any meat in that bone. Biixi and Omar Geelle are working in their plan already and some of us are aware. The plan concocted by Abiy Ahmed and rejected by Omar geelle is now being pushed by Geelle to Mogadishu and HSM. The Jeegaan are moving their business in Mogadishu as prime ministers while the hungry HY will hold an empty bag at the end of next year, but there won't be any Somaliland by then. In realty, any sane person knew Somaliland was fake and not more than small arrangement by clans to buy some peace while south central Somalia was burning , but they went too far. It was impossible legally and even geographically. The H..rti inhabit 35 to 40% of the land , the Habro 40 or 45% , the remaining 20% is Awdal. While SSC and Awdal are both on the borders, it was impossible to separate. They are not Kurdistan on the edge of Iraq or Catalunya on the east of Spain. Even the wisest among Habro, Egal hasn't tried the so called " Xuduuda Ingriiska". SSC showed the world how the narrative was false and the and the future agenda was small that could be disintegrated in few months of sustained pressure. It was the first real challege to the project in the last 25 years and couldn't survive. The false narrative and urban legends started in early sixties. Mohamed I Egal with less than 18 members of parliament wanted to be premier which was mathematically impossible in a parliament of 133 members. To form a government you needed 67 members and he didn't even had 25% of the needed majority. Yet, they kept repeating " Laba dawladood oo isku tagay". Furthermore, the speaker of the parliament and deputy premier went to the north. Then, a small junior officers staged a protest crime not a coup and arrested some of their commanders by claiming that the national army led by general Dauud has taken over the country by military coup. As soon as the communication with Mogadishu was established, they were apprehended within three hours with zero casualty. The highest officer was lieutenant, while captains and colonels from the north were present in Hargeisa. Yet, that saga was narrated as a coup. I hope they realize their mistakes and get out of the fake reality and live with other Somalis and compete as equals. The problem is they can't compete with others and want to have small enclave and jump like a big fish. Neither Omar Geelle nor HSM will save them. We , the Awdal State Movement will take care of OMar Geelle soon, and the Habro will be their own.
  19. There are universal things people across the world desire to have in their countries, like freedom, peace and stability, better health care, good education for their kids and so on. I thought the main reason for the delegation of power to the local level was to provide the services people need in their counties, towns and regions.. There are unitary states that have all the necessary requirements for local self governments and the delegation of power.. I do believe that those Somalis who are advocating the federals system of government are taking their reference point from military government of Somalia where power was not only centralized, but also services where located in the capital region, be higher education, passport services and even employment opportunities. This model by itself was unique to Somalia and few African nations where resource is based on one major location due to the size of the population and the character of the ruling group. In many former Soviet countries where power was centralized, services were provided through the local party apparatus. They had infrastructure, higher education institutions, vibrant cities, airports and so on. Look at China today, where the Chinese Communist party has lifted 600 million people out poverty through market economy, yet power is centralized through few men from the communist politipuro who has less than 30 people in a nation of 1.3 billion people. Both India and Chinese state were established in late forties, yet the Chinese have surpassed India in most of the important human development metrics. So, I ask those who are advocating for vthe federal system, is your intension is to copy what you see in USA, Canada and few other countries, or you have a federal model that fits uniquely for the 15 million Somalis concentrated in few regions of the country while the rest of the country is empty vast land. Nations like Canada whose vastness of the country-- being the second largest in the world --which is almost like a continent, requires to be governed like a federal state. The same could be said USA, India or Nigeria with later having very diverse population. Illyria is talking about the efficiency of the free market based businesses in Boosaaso, Borama and Hargeisa where uninterrupted electric or water services are much better than state run places. I will add that the Somali telecom service is much better than the state Ethiopian telecom where five star hotels provide very weak WIFI services or bad connectivity with the outside world. I think all that could be done in a system unitary, or federal system. The main issue here when you build a system you have to either create a unique system that fits your needs, character and nation or you copy others. No one can deny that the Somali federal system is copied from Ethiopia in so many ways including the names of leaders as presidents, the security apparatus of having paramilitary force (The Liyu police) and the rivalry that pits ethnic groups (Clans) in a way that encourages a system that justifies the end. There are no other nations in the world where you have six or seven presidents with both the federal and regional leaders are called presidents. We have a rich Somali language to find a name suitable to the these governors. Another issue Illyria raised is the cost of doing services. IN the current system cities and towns do not exist at all. They don't have established and law based formula of collecting taxes and allocating services. Furthermore, after you leave the city limit, there are no governments, services or even a leadership to serve the rural people. They have fake " Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal, Bari,and Mudug and so on with zero taxing ability.. Just like Somaliland which called it self a country, Puntalnd has regional governors with single office of Gudoomiye, Police chief and few other offices that doesn't concern themselves what is beyond the regional office. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Awdal, just like the one in Bari, has one small office and the ear of the the so called president, nothing more. Regional leaders in Puntland and other federal states require large parliament with minimum of 100 people, two or three dozen ministeries, their budgets, security details and so on. Galmudug has a district in Gallkacayo, Dhuusamareeb town and five minor districts with a population of less than a million people, why would they need a federal bureaucracy to manage these small counties. Even in Puntland, if you remove the Bari region and its bustling port of Boosaaso, what you got is Garoowe, Gaalkacayo and few small towns.. Furthermore, everyone isn't Puntland where you have basically one single major clan and their associates. Hiiraan, Awdal, Gedo, Shabeelahsa Hoose and many others would like to manage their own affaires without being lambed to others. If the idea is to delegate services, maintain their unique characters and salsify the needs of the local community, you can't force those who are in one region to others. Those of us who in the west have sensitized with the system of quarreling, yet functioning government, but not everyone is capable of copying that system. In the cities, despite the mayor and councils, most major decisions are pushed by the business community. Singapore, China and many central Asian countries had proven that there is no such thing as one system ( Western) for all . Here in Canada with proven age old federal system, most of the important aspects of the citizen revolves around the national government. Our pensions are managed by the national government, so is our employment insurance if lost jobs, health care transfers to provinces and so on. Rather than consider these small collections of Somali districts as major federal state, they could be regions under the unitary governments. Regardless of which system there has to be an overriding power at the national level. At current system, regional presidents are almost like kings, especially the way they spend the public money with zero accountability. At the end it would be probably Puntland and few others pushing the federal system. Furthermore, any system could only be implemented with public referendum. I would have asked the Reer Bari if they want to join Puntland or be their own region, the same goes for Hiiraan, Lower Shabbelle, Hiiraan, Awdal and Gedo.
  20. I agree. In any clan, group or regional gathering, there are always emotions and some times outlandish claims. Dr. Kaahiye is among Awdal elites accused of neglecting the needs of the people and his speech was probably aimed to appeal to the crowd. Also, in our big ambarella we have some who are attacked to the Somaliland project for a long time, and these group always starts their speech " Xamar aniga maxaa iga Yaalla, Soomaalida kuwii madaxda iyo raiisul wasaaraha ka noqonayey ee waxii soo galaba qeybsanayey haday diideen, maxaa aniga i daba dhigay". Our communique clearly states that we stand for unity, Yet, there are issues that most Somalis neglect. If you keep playing with fire, eventually, it might burn the whole house. I will add that the Awdal issue will be much more complicated compared to SSCl. The Awdal State Movement project might effect the geopolitics of the region.
  21. Back to Ustaad Ahmed Naaji Allah Ha u Naxariistee. THese people supposed to die among their people , buried in national cemeteries and their life long history narrated by the public broadcasting. C/laahi Qarshe, Hassan Sheikh Muumin, Mohamed Saleebaan, Faadumo Qasin and Ustaad Naaji are all died in exile. What a shame.
  22. In the middle of eighties as a young high school graduate, I visited Djibouti. Before I came one of distant maternal cousins asked me to bring some Somali songs and I remember taking with me the great song about " Webigii qaadayow Taan weheshanaaye" sang by Allah ha u naxariiste the blind singer Ahmedey Abubaker. She was young and liked her, and after she listened she said , " Huuno goormaan arki doonaa webiga Shabeelle iyo Jubba". Don't forget either that in those days Radio Mugadishu was blaring in the airwaves of Djibouti. Arts are about imaginations, creativity and the events around your town, nation and the wider world. When I finished school and they told me I was going to Shabeelaha Hoose instead of my old town , I was delighted. What would you sing today. Naciima Abwaan Qorane is probably one of the few who has imaginations when she created " Jigjigaay Gudahada mar inaan ku dalxiiso Buurahaa gunta dhheerla galabtaa ku dalxiiso. Folks, me missed our nation.
  23. Sorry guys, I just missed the early discussion between Carafaat and Illyria. Certainly, the localized out look o the people affects the imaginations of the people .Of course Walaalaha Hargeisa and other localized Somalis had risen to stardom through the nation, but the imaginations of the authors , artists and musicians were always national and Somali Weyn. There won't C/laahi Qarshe without: Dadkaa Dhawaaqayaa Dhilkooda Doonaya Hadday u Dhiidhiyeen Allahayow U dhiib. Or Qalabaa calankeedu waa cayne, There won't even love interesting songs without the vast land of the Somaliweyn like when Hadraawi was lamenting " Beerula in Beled Weyne" Why we say " Wardheer Dal wanaagsanaydahaye" Great arists always imagine beyond their village, that is why we hear, " Hobey Afrikkay Hurudooy Cadaw ku heerye Huruudoy" If you are in Garoowe , Kismaayo or even Hargeisa what is your dream if you remove the dreams of your grandfathers, fathers or our own kids now who know no village but the big blue sky. The same goes with the great Banadiri composers and singers. Without that great Somalia, what would they say today? Allah Ha u Naxariisto ee Faadumo Qaasin would say, " Xeebtii Xamar Adaan Kaa soo xushee" What would a Banaadiri say today about Xamar, or Garoowe. Manage your local affaires, but drop the clan flag. Few weeks ago, I made speech aboyt the decline of the national aspirations. Both the 26 Juun and July 1 celebrations were minor compared to PUntland anniversary. Where in the world did you see people considering their local flags iconic. I don't how the city flag of my town looks like or even the provincial ones. No American would care about the Vermont or Network flag, certainly they would carry the star spangled iconic American flag. Build your communities, dismantle the corrupt top heavy bureaucracies of the corrupt Somali governments, but the nations is the foundation not the regions. When I was coming to this country, I was coming to Canada, not Toronto or Alberta.
  24. ah, we have been denied to rejoice among our people. These youth are the future. Most of them are probably unemployed and tuned to the phone screens. Give them jobs, sport , give them freedom to intermingle and we might see different Somalia. You know why Puntlanders will last longer than many regions? Despite the cynicism most Somalis associated the political dealings of Puntlanders, they score better in valuable metrics. I don't see them trying to massacre other Somalis, I don't see them occupying land belonging to others or forcing other regions to join them. Heck, when they were forming Puntland 25 years ago, they could have added most of Mudug, especially Gaalkacayo, either by, force, persuasion or even bribe. Yet, they decided not to force no one. THe Siwaaqroon in the Indian ocean and the man in Garoowe in the seat of power, have equal opportunity to export, import or trade. No trade monopolies. Folks, in the land of injustice, Somalia, from Jigjiga to Hareisa to Djibouti that is impossible. Hope had disappeared from most places. Hargeisa, the place most Somalis wanted to visit during peace times, kept detaining people for mundane things, like a girl from Mogadishu wearing a bracelet of blue flag throwing her in jail for a weak. Xaaji Xanjuf would say, " Liinta jeelka ha ku cabto". Before being side tracked, let us enjoy this nice song from philosopher Kaynaan.
  25. colorful, especially the blue. beautiful people. Peaceful regions like Puntland and Somaliland should be doing this regularly. Somali youth every where love to play sports and the public would like to watch , yet the chance to play or watch has been denied. For the last 13 years, despite having ministers for sports, maybe two or three times has been held in Somaliland. I wonder whether the aid agencies had provided the money since nothing is done without them.