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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. 3 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    I met Che in 2011, 13 years ago in Nayroobi. Very quiet spoken and rational, something not for qabyaaladiste politics.

    Certainly would like to meet Che and use his wisdom for betterment of the Somali people. He never changed his colours since 2013 which is when I joined SOL

  2. Xildhibaan Abiib is kidnapped by the son of Muuse Biixi and his clan, now Abiib needs his clan to free him or even kidnap some of the Biixi family members. Since there is no rule of law these Awdalite clans should go to the mountains, cut the roads and create fear. It is the only way. Awdal is cooking well, just waiting some ignition.

    MMA, we should team up and kick out both the separatists, HAG corrupt leaders and even C/laahi Dani. Let us clean up the house, you guys must ditch the useless speakership and seek the top job. But first make sure Laftagareen should crush both the anarchists and Unaka in Shabeelaha Hoose for good.

    I am the class of Sayid M. Hassan who crushed the clans and the British by invoking something higher. Let us kick some rear.

  3. 1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Two things might happen this year or next year, SW admin bringing Lower Shabelle completely under their control and dissolution of the Ethiopian empire.

    Both are possible.

    Today almost everyone agrees that there won't be one person one vote for the 2026 election. What you are seeing today is the prelude of what will take place a year from now. Reer Galmudug want to dump HSM for the next election. Even former premier Rooble might throw his hat on the arena. The HAG vote will be divided  among many, so the major group that will tilt the balance are the 78 members from South West. To achieve that both HSM and Rooble want their own SW puppet, probably minister Tik Tok or some unknown minister sponsored by HSM.

    Laftagareen should have to win again to stop the failed HAG politicians to come back.Both the Ethiopian issue and Egypt will be history within a year. I will not believe that HSM want to defend the land from Abiy, if the issue is serious he would have helped us stop Ethiopia. I want the African troops to leave Somalia, but this fake president who is already in re-election mood doesn't have the credibility or the integrity to defend the nation.



  4. Iliria, even Trump said he want to be a dictator for one day.

    Aren't we all tired of the shenanigans of Mogadishu and everywhere else. The Great Darwiish came to Berbera at the end of 19th century " Isagoo baakoorad laad laadinaya" and within few years created the movement that fought the British, we had the first president rule with grace and left with honor, we had Sharmaarke say " We will vote with one hand and fight with other" rather than postpone the election during the war of 1964. Cabirasaaq was the most competent premier, the Kacaan lifted the nation, wrote the Somali language, expanded education by reaching 75% literacy and earning UNESCO award. Despite the evil rebels of Mengistu, " Dawladii Soomaaliyeed waxa ay ahayd Geed weyn oo lawada Hadhsanayey".

    Even C/laahi Yusuf slept in makeshift house , brought his own guard and managed with less than $ 30 million dollars. 

    Now we get these corrupt and weak men who fly around the world and couldn't achieve anything tangible for their term. They got 40,000 soldiers and 1 billion dollar budget , yet could,'t reach Afgooye.

    Do you think we will debate with C/laahi Dani and Ina Cabidishakur, and entertain the weak secessionists? No , will will march when we get the gavel in our hand. Any decent Somali could do better and manage these few towns despite Al-shbaab. 

    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Why would he want that he just paid a successful visit there within huge turn out and welcome 


    If this was great why send hundreds of soldiers in every corner of the city? They just arrested six women from Xays women's organization who were preparing to protest. And why arrest Mohamed Abiib who has the support of many people? 

    He want to demoralize the people by targeting those they look up to. Damn it why not target this warlord in the road?

  6. I did talk to one of the best observers of Somali politics and when I told him about Fahad Yasin and Farmaajo, he said " Farmaajo is done, it is like a ship without a captain.

    7 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Farmaajo ayaa saaxiibadiis Fahad Yaasiin, Kulane Jiis iyo Cabdishakuur Cali Mire u cadeeyey in ololihiisa dambe ee doorashada aysan qeyb ka noqon doonin, wax garab ahna uusan uga baahneyn.

    It is probably some of the conditions his new backers had demanded.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Reer  Galmudug are not reliable partners. Reer Unuku Leh are.

    The problem is of Galmudug have deep quarrel which isn't going to help you even if you give them the premiership. Last time they had thrown away their premiership and helped HSM for unknown reason other than tribal hatred. Furthermore, this election might pit the usual suspects, Farmaajo, Dani and HSM.

    Puntlanders say Dani is similar to HSM in terms handling politics, Farmaajo is timid and HSM is ruthless.  I don't foresee any new leader.

  8. 19 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

    How many days it took to bring these cheerleaders from Gabilay and Hargaisa?

    Some of the photos also Photoshopped 


    I think Maakhiri1 knows the plot. I was talking to someone just one hour ago and he assured me that 25 buses of women were brought from Gabiley and Hargeisa to be welcoming and giving interviews.

    Government employees, Saajin family run private schools were forced to come , but the locals stayed away. Everyone in Borama knows this.

  9. It could be a plan to hide Fahad Yaasin behind the curtain. Then again this man isn't treacherous. Last night I was at the ONLF anniversary ceremony and few people I talked to told me that  the Galmudug boys and HSM had departed ways for good. Reer Galmudug don't have a candidate, but there is a plan to support Shariif Ahmed.

    Fahad had hand with early administration of Shariif, but he wasn't one of the principles. He deposed Shariif and helped HSM, then he left Hasan and brought Farmaajo. This king maker isn't someone who should be taken lightly. will see where he moves.

  10. Waxaan maqli jiray qofka Muslinka lalba jeer meel lagama wada qaniino.

    This guy lost every credibility he had. His party was denied to run for the presidential contest and left with angry outburst. His lieutenant Abubaker Haamuud took over as a leader and begun negotiating with Wadani. His boss Biixi called him and told him to stop the merger. The fool came back again after he was promised few shillings and tried to fight his own group for the control of the party. 

    he is a dead horse.

    We Awdalites should kick from the political arena these so called academics who know nothing about politics. Ilma Samatar Ha Na Dhaafaan.

  11. Che,

    Muuse Biixi went to Burco, met the elders and explicitly told the HY that there won't be an election unless we get back what we lost. Even some of the elders who were in the meeting openly said " Dagaal baa loo diyaar groobaya".

    The HY will be losers if they end up waging a war that will make the pariah just like Biixi. These fools went to the mountain twice and come down without achieving the bare minimum. They led are elders not politicians.

    They will be divided by Biixi in two or even three groups. The Sanaag guys will be pushed for war while the Hargeisa branch is gearing for election. Personally, I want the election to pushed till next summer so we could enter Awdal and stop the fake boxes coming to Awdal. we need at least four to six months.

    Logistica;;y, they couldn't even supply Goojacade with paved road and 70km , yet think they could supply 300 km of rugged mountains. At the end Maakhir will have its own boundaries just outside Ceerigaabo and might join SSC Khaatumo. With Boosaso clans supplying and the man power of Reer Bari , I don't see the SSC losing if war comes.

    The best option is dismantling the project and for the Habro to manage their own regions. With the economy in ruins the Habro overestimate their capabilities. I don't understand why you want to hold something that doesn't belong to you.

  12. The Ceel Af Weyn war between HY and HJ was politically motivated and no one was able stop. If the election thing comes whe, it will start quickly. This war is pushed by Muuse Biixi and his Jeegaan alliance from east Burco. He told the opposition clan that if " you want to be in charge you have to wage the war first". Haddii aydaan dagaalka gelin xukunka idinkuma wareejinayno. If this war of Sanaag/Ceerigaabo comes, the losers will be HY. Muuse want them to share the mess he is in.

    On the other hand, this war might pull off the mask the GX clan , who were acting like anti war pro peace while in opposition,  might show the prelude of their coming ugly face now. As usual Xaaji Xanjuf is boasting not knowing how far Sanaag from logistics and quick help due to rugged roads. 

    Ha lugayn Reer Sanaag. Even Faysal Waraabe said while ago, " Waar Sanaag maxaa yaala".

    • Like 1

  13. I must say that all the points you raised are accurate. The king has no clothes. This glorified secretary has a zero confidence to address the issues you raised. He doesn't even understand how to maneuver and tell the truth without uncovering the plots of HSM.

    I was curious last week or so when C/laahi Dani said that the fight against Ethiopia by HSM is smoke screen. Now I understand it is all fake. Flying around the world and begging others to own a major part of Somali resources without any concrete strategy to fight or stop Ethiopia is smoke screen as Dani has said.

    I think without Puntland standing up to these incompetent oligarchs, the country will go down the drain. Hamza is no body and we all assume all these lies Illiria mentioned are from his boss.THere is no hope for  HSM doing the right thing. I was always for a strong Somali state and anchor for our national and regional interest, but if these kind of weak, lying and corrupt people get their way we are doomed. They don't even understand the difference between politics and national sovereignty. None of the Somali leaders of the past acted this way, never.

    For Hamza to say he doesn't know Awdal and ignore Khaatumo while Abiy is openly trying to annex some part of Awdal is delriction of his duty. The parliament should ask him to resign and vacate his position. The guy has no honor. How could you negotiate some who is hell bent to sell the land or separate.

    I think we the outsiders ( Awdalites) should refer these issues and how to confront the Mogadishu oligarchs and their puppets like Hamza Bare to those who understand better like Puntland. HSM is going down as the worst president in history by far.


  14. These things are none negotiable.

    very strange. secessionists are given the the microphone to oppose sovereignty issues.

    East Burco are the worst and add that to their natural vulgarity, go in downtown Burco and after you listen them for  five minutes,  you will need a soup to wash their mouth. Waar af xumaa oo akhlaaq daranaa. I don't know how we ended up sharing anything with these people.

  15. Che,

    Thanks for the update.

    We will be taking part the celebration of the " Victory Day" in Laascaanood. It wasn't about defeating the Gooni goosato militia, it was the weakening of the colonial concept which returned to our country after we got rid of them in 1960. I know the Hargeisa regime is weak and the people are hungry, the only reason this concept survives is through the colonial powers  empowering them. Both the TPLF and the British were arming them for the last 25 years. 

    Baarka loo fidhayaa mooyee sanad ma gaadhheen.

    Important agreements will be signed with Khaatumo including military, political and even cultural exchanges. We will for a united front against the corrupt government in Mogadishu who had failed both Khaatumo SSC and Awdal.

    And by the way Hamza ( Mooge) who has proven to be not only weak but an opportunistic and glorified secretary just collecting some cash had crossed the line. Last year he ignored Khaatumo, a day or two ago he was asked about Awdal and said' Ma ogi ee Somalilnd ha soo heshiiso. Can you believe that?

    There is something fishy in HSM and his government. The people can't wait the next two years to be done as soon as possible. Even in Egypt, there is a reports about his family trying to bring Egypt Air to mOgadishu and get the contract. You can't have both the power and the business. 

    IF this is how he wants to conclude his four year term may Allah help us. If he has any chance to achieve anything, he better change the regime and get a new premier and cabinet or keep looting and became the worst president in the history of Somalia like Ina Biixi.

  16. IsnsahAllah when day I will write a long article why I will always choose a white man over an Indian. She is fake all the way. She couldn't even last until the start of the first primary before she dropped out in 2020. She got less than one percent of the vote. Yet, she was chosen to be the successor of Biden. Now, four years later they couldn't even allow a regular primary because she would have lost despite being the vice president.

    The powers that control America were  even prepared this year for something very strange, but a miracle happened and prevented that plot. If Trump was killed or jailed, they had prepared a contest among two Indian women: Niki Haley ( Nita Nimrata) and Kamala. Now how is that democratic. Among the 400 million Americans , you have  to choose among two Indians? They are both zionist and Indians. Haley wrote " finish them" on Gaza bound bombs and the other one is even more deadly, because a dithering and weak person is more dangerous than the barking right wing blowhard who is not a hypocrite. Look at Biden and his minions, they have been traveling to the middle east for the last six months talking about a fake cease fire. They don't even worry to preserve the diplomatic prestige of their country by looking weak.

    By the way, the Indians are fast tracked to western power and will soon replace local people. In Canada, 950,000 Indians came here through student visa with less than a quarter  of them attending university after getting their work permit.

    As usual, Muslims watch sound bites and respond with emotions. Look what took place among the Muslim nations between 2009 and 2016 when Obama was president. They destroyed Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and when Biden came he finished off with Sudan. For this nations to survive, you need to end the American colonial rule and you need an isolationist as a president. Trump is one.

    Vote for Ilhan Omar and other to have a minor voice in the congress, but don't be fooled by the party of women, LGBT, abortion and transgenders. Why Muslims always acting like a needy and vulnerable puppies looking for someone to like them. Furthermore, the world doesn't revolve around race. It is more about culture, power, economy and the future. Stop allaying you self with weak people. Is is our responsibility to preserve the families and the well being of and traditional western nations that welcomed us rather support those who undermine them. Isn't Islam supposed to be about family, tradition and moral foundations of society rather than promote degeneracy because you both weak.

    If you are a Muslim and in America , you have to make a well thought and moral stand  before casting your vote or just say uncommitted as they did in Michigan.