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About galbeedi

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  1. Meeshii Land ka la odhanayey waa lagu kala tegay. Every clan among the Habro has its own militia with gun mounted technicals. This was the legacy and plan of Muuse Biixi. The few weapons salvaged from Goojacade are given to HJ militia, while the so called G36 is a GX militia. Now Xaaji Xanjuf boys are arming themselves. as you mentioned the only unarmed are Awdal clans. Muuse Biixi had taken a dozen or so advanced armored vehicles to his compound. Anti mine armoured vehicles, and other bulletproof personal protection vehicles. He dictated who will attend the power transfer ceremony and so forth. He refused to disband his clan militia and if confrontation takes place, he could defeat Cirro in Hargeisa. The gangster called Buurmadow want millions of bribes as usual or he will keep his militia in the east. Also, most of the clashes in the Haud are for trade routes. Cirro and company want to build new routes that goes from Oodweyne to to Hawd, or from Berbera to Hawd that enters Ethiopia from Daroor .Biixi and company want to disrupt any other trade routes whether it is from Awdal or other places. Furthermore, HJ doesn't want any peace , they want the war in the east to continue. Have you ever seen people who are against the peace Cirro is calling? So, the law energy guy Cirro is in a mess. the treasury is empty and he doesn't have money to bribe the so called vagabond politicians sitting in Hargeisa hotels. Some folks in Hargeisa West has been sucking the treasury for 20 uninterrupted years and will not let go the unearned perks. If the clan militia refuses to disarm, what will Cirro Do? Another issues is that Somalis everywhere are shocked the unhinged behaviour of the Habro in general in social media. It seems they gone insane. It is the only region where mothers, girls, boys and old men are barking about clan names and clan insults day in and out. Certainly the Khaatumo defeat had exposed the Habro as out of touch lunatics. The only sane person I see is Talaabo and few others. In 1994/95, Biixi was weak, yet he refused the peace proposed by Cigaal who removed him after he saw how crazy he was. Now with money and militia from the east to west, he might have other plans.
  2. President HSM is in a big mess. The management of the state in terms of policy had some setbacks', especially the Ethiopian file. The only way to salvage the remaining year and half is to appoint a new government to engage Jubbaland and Puntland. As expected, the blame will go to the premier. I expect a new premier before the end of the month. That is possible if HSM want to shake things up, but conventional wisdom says they will sink together.
  3. Dictators do not behave like HSM. Somali would be dictators don't chase after money, but power. He is a weak oligarch.
  4. I don't appreciate Jaalle Siyaad being compared to these guys managing one big city and few villages. Authoritarian rule could be tolerated if it is keeping the real peace, honoring the dignity of the nation with incremental economic progress. Siyaad barre went out of his way to liberate Somali Galbeed, but these morons could not travel to Jawhar or Baydhabo, yet go one thousand kilometers to Raaskaambooni to have their mischievous political reasons. Few years back, I used to debate some reer Jubbland during the Farmaajo regime. Waxa ay dhi jireen, " Waar Farmaajow ama kaalay oo xoog nagu qabso, ama xeelad la imow, laakiin adigoo tabcaan ah ha noo hanjabin". My own concept is that the Somali nomad was born free and must be allowed to room the land, talk and have the natural free will. Yet, no one could ignore the natural anarchist tendencies of the Somali people. Somalis could develop and grow in a society of law and order. Personally, I would prefer a benevolent dictator who creates equal opportunity for the whole nation than corrupt elected oligarchy with no honor or national pride. The dysfunction isn't only at the national level. Somali regions including PUntland couldn't be taken seriously in terms of their goals of achieving confederacy or any other system before they implementing basic credible governance and working institutions. There is no transparent tax collections, functioning justice system or reliable government services. Yet, looking the greedy nature of the Somali clans, the devaluation of power to the local people level is a must. Paying millions to the oligarchs and getting back nothing is very painful. As you mentioned when Puntland leadership was talking about building blocks from bottom up in in the late nineties to early 2000, we thought it was a political gimmick by late leader C/laahi Yusuf to challenge Mogadishu political monopoly , yet as times went by, the federal thing seems to be the foundation now. Xaaji and company will probably oppose any reforms and changes to keep the status quo. YEsterday it was " Xadka ha la soo Xidho, today it is " Ceerigaabo lama qaybin karo', iyo Awdal waa Somaliland., At least these Puntlanders are shuffling the decks ( Turbkay baandhaynayaan) and who knows they might inspire others who are tired of the Mogadishu quagmire. I am watching the next moves from Puntland to gage what is coming. If HSM stuffs' boxes from Hiiraan, Mogadishu and Baydhabo, and then moves the capital to Caliyaale, many things are possible. Anyway, the worst thing to happen for all of us is " Soomaali la kala gooyey". there is nothing bigger than to fight the dismemberment Somalia. If one want to fight for something , that is probably the most noble after your faith in Islam.
  5. People usually forget that among those seven countries general Clark mentioned, each one of them were divided along sectarian lines. In the levant it is the Kurds and Shia, in libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen its the separatists. These people could go and join Al-shbaab in Jilib, Haradheere or many coastal region, but specifically decided to harass and keep busy Puntland. How did they get there unless dropped by air. There is no access from Afghanistan mountains to the Indian oceans. They want to keep us fighting for ever. I heard around 300 of these men had arrived for the last six months in Puntland. Who is doing this relocation? I heard also that there is a clan angel on these issues, but I don't have any reliable info to discuss here. Who could tell us what is really going on? In the latest tragedy of people killed in New Orleans, Louisiana, we just heard from FBI that the guy was inspired by ISIS. What does that even mean? ISIS stand for Syria and Iraq ten years or so ago. Yesterday ISIS is today Hayaat Tahriirul Sham. So, they need to explain the real or the plausible motive behind the killing of these innocent people. For 14 months 50,000 Palestinians had died, and so far we haven't seen one single incident where Palestinian or MUslims target innocent people here in North America or Europe. That shows that the Muslim community is the most peaceful in the western world. Or is this the season to ramp up the so called war on terror for political motives? We haven't heard this kind of terrorist attacks for the last six years, and suddenly it is going up. America lost its technological, military and economic edge visa the Chinese while chasing monsters in the middle east from 1990 to 2015. These humongous Chinese cities were built from 2000-2016 when America was chasing Muslims. Is the neocons want to distract America for one more war in the middle east before ? . Every knowledgeable person understand that the middle east and Africa wars are over. America has to either face the big boys from east or just concentrate to rebuild its declining economy. Debt payment alone is one trillion a year. Here in Canada we need some kind of economic integration with America, especially with one single currency. Our dollar is almost 60 cents.Sending money back to families is double. Anyway, Somalia needs active drones to stop the redeployment of mercenaries (ISIS) from Afghanistan and Iraq to Somalia.
  6. I knew the Habro were unhinged and crazy, but I didn't know they were suicidal. This is nothing but an isolation in steroids. They think everything is revolved along clan lines. When the road to Garacad is improved the triangle will be out of business.
  7. I don't think the confederate thing will happen, but something radical must done to the Mogadishu based HAG government. Why they don't call it " Maamulka Muqdisho iyo Gobolada HAG? This HSM guy is running a regional government not national government. Ahmed Fiqi is in Cairo, Sanblooshe is in Addis and Hassan Socdaal was in Asmara. Where are the other Somalis. This isn't a national government. Neither Puntland nor anyone else have a say of how they managing the state. The HAG clan is running the military, foreign policy, intelligence, presidency and the few remaining posts are managed by their in law secessionists. Dramatic moves are needed by Puntland and others to stop this fake national government. Hamza and company spend $12 million dollars within 30 days to catch Ahmed Madoobe and bribe his militia. The Badhaadhe mayor is in Turkiye after he pocketed few hundred thousand dollars with false promise of defeating Madoobe. Couple of enterprising Culusow clan crooks also stole a half million dollars for airlines from Kenya. Since these planes were flying in conflict zone they charged high premium insurance. How could you deploy soldiers in an island that doesn't have access? How are you going to supply them if attacked? Just like in Mogadishu, they thought they could buy everyone. Yet the prime minister is still there. PUntland must take dramatic actions if these man ignores the nation and goes from one frying pan to the other. Do we have to wait when stuffs' boxes with fake ballots and declares himself president. Ahmed Madoobe derailed his plan to rule south central Somalia and forget the rest of the country. Do you ever hear him mention Awdal or the Red Sea? Furthermore, Puntland might know something we don't. In his last sermon inside Ethiopian parliament the Revered Pastor Abiy said, " We have problems, but Ethiopia is united , we are not like others who are selling their own country". I don't know who he meant, but it is probably HSM. The other day I asked a wise guy , what is the next move after these failures? He said " forget about HSM or his plans, the only open option is a new government?, when I said there is no time left he said, " Hamza can't go to Puntland or Jubbaland to manage the next election, he doesn't have any credibility left or capacity to bridge the gaps. " . So, in order to start some kind of reconciliation and prepare for the next Teendho selection in Halane, he need a new premier. What ever HSM touches goes down badly. And one more thing, despite the elections and the so called change, the most conflict prone and unstable region in the country , where clan conflict rages is Galmudug and the sessionist enclave. For the last three years and even today most of the Somali deaths and casualties are within the region of the Goonigosatada. From Ceerigaabo, Buuhoodle, Dacaweley and beyond. The Habro are suicidal these days.
  8. Che, This wasn't the usual Somali Geeljire skirmished with deadly results or the Liyu Police shooting civilians to scare them taking arms against them. This was a well calculated war and ambush by the Habro. Not only the did kill the mayor of the Qabale, but murdered the police garrison at the village and ambushed those who tried to help. Well armed technicals with heavy guns crossed and killed the lightly armed police. Reliable people say the ambush of the Liyu was well planned. The Habro want to saw chaos in the Somali region and fragment them along clan lines. Also, as they killed and ambushed , they went to the airwaves and cried fault of the Liyu killing people. Certainly they mastered the propaganda. They had made some success since the federal government ordered the police to leave the are of the conflict. Their strategy is to fragment the DDS region along clan lines. Furthermore, there is a strategy created by Muuse Biixi this year to create a well armed clan militia among the Habro. Both the GX and HJ had already created a clan militia with pick up trucks and mounted with guns. Clan insignia like G36 or SBS are painted along side the regime forces. During the Ceerigaabo clashes, the war was between Khaatumo SSC forces on one side Vs clan militia (GX and HJ) and regime forces on one side. They doing this openly. Two years ago we have seen Abiy Ahmed arm Amhara militia with heavy guns and ammunition to fight the TPLF. a year or so later those guns were used against his army with deadly results. The law energy fool called Cirro is watching the Biixi militia taking the initiative without realizing the danger. Let the chickens come home to roasts. We have seen clan militia taking charge in south central Somalia with deadly results. Waxaan sugnaaba waa Dahabshiil oo diyaarsada tekinikadii u ilaalin lahayd maalka iyo Darraha Shirkada. The later is always worse than the former. It is a well tested tradition.
  9. The USC in Somalia didn't suffer at all under Marxuun Siyaad Barre. They were " Gofanihii ku Naaxay Kacaanka". yet from day one they started occupying public buildings. Rather than keeping the security forces like police for order they dismantled thanks to Ciil Qabe Ina Carte Qaalib. Anyway, if what Che mentioned are taking place Syria will be Ok. Also, the most important thing is they got a caring brother like Turkey. In Somalia, who is guiding us to rebuild the state?, the treacherous British who are hell bend in dismembering Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti which are all opposed a strong Somali state.Having a caring neighbor is crucial.
  10. Brothers , this is huge. It is like the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. Syria is the the heart of Arab and Muslim civilization. A very small minority of Alawites (10%) who were not even considered Shia until the middle of the 20th century, who lived in the western mountains of Syria, had oppressed 80% Sunni population for 50 years. Fake Arab nationalism had created nothing but despots while the plight of Palestinians got worse by every decade. The Evil Iranians had supported the demise of Arab dictators from Saddam, Khadafi to Mubaarak, yet when the worst of them all, the Assad family were toppled they moved all Shia resources from the Hazara of Afghanistan, Hisbulah and others to murder half million Syrians to keep Assad in power. Syria isn't Libya and the rebels had seen the worst blood of all spilled for different names. THey will be helped and managed by Turkiye which supports a unified Syrian state. When I saw Ahmed Shara the leader of Tahreerul Sham enter the Umayad Masjid , I felt something special. This 5000 years old civilization will change the middle east. Aleppo, the oldest city in the world, was always the trade route between Baghdad and Istanbul. If the Gulf Arabs invest Syria and with Turkiye's builders, the sky's the limit. Why people would even worry for minorities like Christians who lived among Syrian MUslims for over thousand years. There are thousand years old churches in Aleppo, Damascus and Homs. The so called sectarian thing is started by America and Iran, and if these two are removed from the region peace will prevail and brotherly communities will live together just like before. The biggest worry isn't the Alawi sect which is very small to do any damages. The biggest challenge is the Arab despots from Jordan, Egypt and UAE. They might finance the 100,000 elite soldiers that changed their clothes and disappeared to the coast, Iraq or in Kurds area. Also, elections and democracy are the biggest threat for Arab despots who fear the people's power. Folks, it is a great day for the long suffering people Syria. We wish one day the Somali people might have closure like everyone else. Too bad the Somali small Kurds (Hargeisa) in the north and the anarchists Led by HSM might be defeated soon InshAllah.
  11. Here is the docile man Cirro in action. That is only memorable action in 20 years in parliament.
  12. I don't expect anything good from Cirro. The guy has been leader of the parliament for 20 years and he has done nothing significant other than punch Baashe Farah the deputy chair. He is surrounded by all the thieves and corrupt wanna be politicians created by the project since 2000. Forget about auditing anything, he is hungry and is surrounded by hungry group. He might negotiate with HSM to gain some financial aid by pretending to be for unity. We all know Biixi was his own man. For bad or worse he made the decisions by himself. You might not believe it, but Biixi stopped the cash bribes to the elders and other hangers on. Somaliland was looted during the 7 years of the Siilaany ALah Ha u Naxariiste. Both Xirsi and Mohamuud Hashi got rich during these years.Now one financed Cirro and the other bought his own party. This going to be the most corrupt we even seen second only to Siilaanyo era. In these parts of the world the later is always worse than the former.
  13. Waxaan maqli jiray in qiyaamaha qofka gacmihiisa iyo afkiisu ku markhaati furaan. This president HSM is dead like a duck. He is finished. There is no honor among thieves. He talks about constitution day and night yet, where did he get the authority to extend the terms of regional governments to one year? he might as well give them another four years. HSM is a walking contradictions. Madoobe has every right to hold the election on schedule. The only thing that holds Somalia together since Carta of 2000 is the open selection of the president. After it concludes, no one contestes the result and the elected president is given a clear mandate. HSM want to end that final trust among Somalis. Am I going to accept the ballot boxes filled in Caliyaale or Al-shbaab controlled Ceelbuur? No way. I think Illiria, was correct in this issue since day one. HSM should never be allowed to create an unattainable election. He can't travel to Jowhar or Baidoa, yet he wants inclusive elections. Another issue most people forgot to mention is HSM is fully supported by the separatist mercenaries based in MOgadishu. We must fight this by any means necessary. He rejected the peaceful Puntland inclusive election and went inside that fake Masjid in Villa Somalia and loudly pronounced his objections from the pulpit, yet he want one in Al-shbaab infested Jubbaland. We will be going to the Teendhada Xalane again, but I don't know how it would be. It could be modified slightly from the last time. Take that to the bank.
  14. There is no exit strategy. This mission is open ended. If that is the case why this president is reshuffling the chairs of the sinking ship. Ten years ago when they said the mission will end 2025 and despots from Uganda and Ethiopia will implement democracy, we the diaspora were shocked. Now this thing will reach 2030. This president must stop this fake election and go struaght to the " Teendhada Xalane" to select the next guy who might have some backbone.
  15. MMA, this woman didn't even tried to meet the Arab community in Michigan. For 12 months her base ( students and democrats) were asking a cease fire that could have saved lives on both sides but decided to ignore. The lobbyists might give you money but the people vote. For these democrats, abortion was the main topic. They didn't had any other message that could helped people. All she talked about was Trump being a fascist and abortion. Biden could have declared his intention not to seek reelection in January and could have allowed a well fought primary to get the best candidate. Instead they denied others and anointed her without opposition. This party is corrupt and everything is decided behind closed doors.