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Posts posted by malistar2012

  1. security force capture alshabaab militias with arms explosive device and Toyota Hilux SURF vehicle used to kill Saado Cali Warsame - xildhibaan Xeyd, maareeyaha hey’adda duulista iyo saadaasha hawada oo isna lagu dhaawacay gaarigan iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada qalabka sida.


    This was a big break the vehicle was used to kill many Gov workers and MP's -Police in Mogadishu have spotted the vehicle followed to it a resident , special Task force was dispatch and raided the houses found bombs suicide jackets militias etc significant step and moral and confident boost to the Security forces congrats .


    Rag is Qarxin rabay oo ay Ciidamada Nabad Sugidda Hoygooda ka soo qabteen (VIDEO)


    November 14, 2014 – Howlgal ay xalay ciidanka hey’adda nabadsugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka ka sameeyeen Muqdisho ayeey kusoo qabteen maleeshiyaad, gaadiid loo adeegsan jiray dilalka inta badan ka dhaca magaalada, jaakadaha qaraxa, hub iyo rasaas farabadan.


    Howlgalkani oo ka dhacay degmada Dharkeynleey ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa fuliyay ciidamo si gaar ah u tababaran oo ka tirsan hey’adda nabadsugidda iyo sirdoonka qaranka, kadib markii ay hey’addu heshay xog ku saabsan in guri ku yaala degmada Dharkeeynleey ay degganyihiin koox maleeshiyaad ah oo ka tirsan Shabaab kuwaasoo shalay dilay sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidanka Asluubta.




    Ciidamada ayaa xalay u dhacay gurigaasi waxeyna ku soo qabteen tiro maleeshiyaad ah, gaari Toyota Hilux SURF ah oo in muddo ah lagu raad joogay kaasoo hore u fuliyay dilalka dad isugu jiray shacab iyo mas’uuliyiin, hub, rasaas iyo walxaha qarxa.


    Dadka lagu dilay gaarigan waxaa ka mid ah Allaha u naxariistee xildhibaan Xeyd, Saado Cali Warsame, maareeyaha hey’adda duulista iyo saadaasha hawada oo isna lagu dhaawacay gaarigan iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada qalabka sida.


    Ragga gurigan lagu soo qabtay ayaa la rumeeysanyahay ineey qeyb ka yihiin gacan ku dhiiglayaashii fulin jiray dilalkaasi, sidoo kale waxyaabaha gurigaasi laga helay waxaa ka mid ahaa jaakadaha qaraxa, dekumintiyo iyo boorsooyinka haweenka oo lagu xiray qaraxyo.


    Maleeshiyaadkan ay ciidamadu soo qabteen ayaa la xaqiijiyay ineey yihiin kuwa dilalka iyo qaraxyada ka geeysan jiray magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo hore u galaaftay nolosha dad badan oo abriyo ah.




    Xafiiska Muqdisho

  2. PM yuulka entertaining The IC and warlords - spoilers in the Parliament will not stop the Gov progress or the Motion .....



    president xasan sheekh has reformed the south in all aspect justice system good governance etc - -


    while things are going very well for the Gov in critical time some much achieved , The Prime minister decided to cause trouble removing minister who are moving the Government Forward not consolidating with President taking Unilateral action variety of issue?



    Prime Minister Yuulka has failed he needs to step down he failed his Promises to work with President respect vision the 2016 Six Pillar strategy that highlights stability and economic recovery .......







  3. photo.jpg.fee63424.jpg

    Southern Gas Somalia, SGS for short, offers reliable and affordable modern energy solutions to our domestic consumers and businesses across Somalia. Our unique LP Gas business model is a remedy to avert and minimize the heavy reliance on traditional wood fuels as the only available fuel energy to cook with and convert to renewable and clean energy sources with SGS Company. The need to secure modern cooking fuels such as LP gas is critical to finding solution to Somalia’s environmental issues and the continuous logging, burning of charcoal and firewood. A study by the United Nations estimates about 14 percent of Somalia was covered with woodland, and that figure may now be as low as 4 percent. It’s difficult to imagine the extend of environmental devastation taking place in Somalia and particularly in the south, where much of the charcoal trees “the acacia groves” known “qurac” to the locals, are located. Please, read below briefly some of the articles and studies published about Somalia’s deforestation and the need for cooking fuel.

    “It’s estimated that each Somali household consumes an average of 10 trees per month”.

    “This inter-riverine area, Juba and Shabelle rivers, takes a heavy toll on the acacia forests of southern Somalia as traders clear-cut entire swaths of forest for shipment. Somalis who rely on the acacia forests for their livelihood will see their opportunities for supplementing their income decrease, as forests shrink and dies out, desertification hurts farming, and the eventual destruction of the acacia groves affect their grazing land and farming. Considering this extensive use of trees, the serious affects of deforestation should be noted. Deforestation not only exacerbates soil erosion, it also reduces rainfall availability. In addition, trees are a vital component in carbon fixing, which is the natural process of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Unfortunately, as forests become sparser and population continues to grow, the demand for charcoal energy increases. With charcoal supplies shrinking, the cost of fuel for domestic use will also continue to rise, thus raising the cost of living for every Somali family”.


    A message from the CEO,

    Abdikarim Arif Gassim

    With the emergence of SGS, we recognize the importance of conserving Somalia’s precious natural resources, and that we have responsibility to our country, our people and to our communities in which we operate that our business actions have direct impact on sustaining and protecting Somalia’s trees, forestry and environment.


  4. <cite>

    I don't know very much about this Prime Minister Abdiweli, but he's looking very bad right now.


    And I can safely say that Qoslaaye is the most ignorant jaahil ever to reside in Villa Somalia. He has no intelligence, no patriotism, he doesn't care about Islam.


    He doesn't care that Somali women are being raped every hour by foreigners.


    He doesn't care that Somali teenagers are dying in the Mediterranean while trying to escape the poverty in their homeland.


    He doesn't care that the rest of Africa is leaving us behind while we're running around in circles.


    He doesn't care that Al Shabab still exists and is still a major threat in the country


    But he
    does care
    about his buddies being fired by Prime Minister Abdiweli. He does care that some Ministers were shuffled around. Anyone who supports this jaahil xayawaan doqoon should be ashamed of themselves.





    Khillaaf Siyaasadeed oo Ka Dhax Aloosan Maddaxxweyne Xasan iyo Ra�iisulwasaare C/weli
    May 28, 2014





    Can you elaborate to us when the khilaaf started between the President and Prime minister ?


    Prime Minister acting as the President taking unilateral decision to favor his future career position or clan for the last 6 month was not proactive and heading for show down ? Naming ministers sidelining clans with out the President consolidation is a threat to the Government .


    The country is heading right direction Alshabaab are on the loosing side and are on the Run ,SFG controls south normality is and good governance has returned Hiiraan - shabelle hoose- shabelle dhex - Gedo - Galgaduud jubba - bay & bakool. Federal states and Mogadishu are in good terms cooperating in every level ...




    Prime minister is in the business of entertaining dawladiids and warlords - clans and etc to further his career why ?






  5. The UN / IC and other donors Partners are pushing for Dialogue and compromise sustainable agreement until 2016 the issue is bigger then Farax and Cabinet reshuffle .Today IC and American delegation are meeting with President and Pm if Nothing comes out today - meaning The President and Prime minister don't agree on to work together then the Motion will pass and the faith of the Prime Minister is in the Hand of Parliament .......




  6. Somalia establishes new state

    96 18 Google +3 0



    Saturday, November 8, 2014




    Somalia ratified its newest regional state at the end of a two-week conference in the south-central city of Baidoa, a local official confirmed Friday.

    "The South Western [state] has been born today despite the problems we faced before and during the conference," Mohamed Nur, a representative of the Bay region – one of the new state's three regions – told Anadolu Agency by phone.


    South Western, which is now Somalia's fifth state in accordance with the country's federal constitution, also comprises the Bakol and Lower Shabelle regions.


    The other states are Jubaland, Khatumo, Puntland and Galmudug, each of which is led by a federal government.


    According to Nur, 370 delegates from the three regions were present at the conference.


    "The delegates unanimously agreed that the capital of the new state should be Barawe," Nur told AA.


    The port city of Barawe was liberated from the Al-Shabaab militant group last month by African and Somali army forces.


    A political tussle between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed threatened to derail the formation of the new state.


    A ministerial delegation dispatched to monitor the process was recalled to Mogadishu by the premier three days after the president opened the conference.


    Mogadishu hopes the establishment of federal states will help restore stability in the Horn of Africa country, which has experienced on-and-off fighting over the last two decades.

  7. <cite>

    AU didn't build this, nether did nicolas kay. Nether did the communist afweyne barre. We built it from scratch. Shows what people can do for themselves if they use xaaq, reason and xalal logic and stay away from tribalists so called unionist nationalists who are really just tribalists. Across this country from the Djibouti border to las canod you will see slow development that is people driven. While the government is charge of security and the rest.


    Odey enjoy...but your hate means nothing to us. Keep your fake nationalism down south till you see the light and repent.














    AU Has no money to build House but UN and IC Build Somallland facts are from Police Uniform to Sillaanyo salary is paid by IC and UNDP so stop the chess beating , largest Army funny you having hard time with khaatuum bribing clan elders warlords what happened with Xaabsada got rich switch side now LA is in jeopardy?





    Somaliland Police have the same blue and white Uniforms the same throughout the country sxb you can't even afford to Pay Uniforms talking about we control something sad reality your under Tigreeyn protection fact . Tigreeyn secret service run somaliland they move freely arresting whom ever .




    what happened in Borama sxb tells us about incident were tigreyn agent was arrested what followed serious backlash and consequence , Sillanyo admin had to kiss ass and arrest officials in Borama torture what followed . You Need to free your self from decades of shame ...........




    Togdheer buuhoodle You don't control shit other then your triangle clan resident retarded boy ......

  8. <cite>

    I can only hope, for the sake of the country, that Mr Xasan doesn't turn it into an ugly tribal politics with detrimental consequences.


    mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud far from tribal person the man is more loyal to his vision and circle of partners then his clan ...


    The is issue is about constitution that gives the President and Pm the same Power of executive order.The big factor and Problem lays with mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud for not Picking a Prime minister that shares his view and vision for Somalia ....


    Every Prime Minister from time of Somali got its Independence has his own political ambitions views different from the President Party which leads to Political infighting .


    In a democratic world the President and Pm Campaign for the same vision or have similar Agenda and view which leads to honest Power sharing ......



  9. <cite>

    Malister a supporter of mass rape of Somali women by AU forces and the offspring of the very people shown in the videos above. Commenting on the success and achievement of others in mockery.
    While his own so called president is escorted to the toilet by a Burundian whose part time hobbies include the rape of malister sister


    Retarded boy i see you still going through sexual frustration talking about sister getting raped daily on this forum now your attacks are becoming personal .... They say one of the reason retards like cillsuldan join terrorist groups are luck of Female companion .....


    Perhaps Your sisters was blessed by German Porn Industry lol or was a victim of rape Gangs you yourself are part of since the Triangle state has highest rape Gang cases in East Africa ...








    we are discussing politics retarded boy stop bringing me down with you you handicap kid go join Faysal Ali Warabe kid in Syria i heard he is a slave of Arab Amiir lol.....






    Somalia (AP) — An upsurge of gang rapes has hit the breakaway region of Somaliland — a normally peaceful enclave considered by many to be a sanctuary from Somalia's decades of violence.


    Knife-wielding young men follow women along the dusty streets of Hargeisa, the capital of the region, dragging them inside buildings to rape and rob them. Children are among the victims. Cillsuldan In Action stop raping the kids you retarded kids then Join Alshabaab and ISIs


    At least 84 women have been raped since the beginning of this year, according to rights activists and medical officials.

  10. <cite>

    By the way, Culusow should give President Silaanyo a telephone call and ask him how things turned out for him after making certain remarks about the U.N in general, and Nicholas Kay in particular...


    Commander In chief indeed Bringing Pm to Airport while also firing him soon for misbehaving



    Most Successful confident leader since Siad Barre rip - The mudane Culusow will defeat terrorist Nabaadiids - Spoilers . Raise Somalia from failed state Congrats .....



    This Mogadishu sxb IC are irrelevant they either support the Road map vision 2016 or shut up let the Commander in chief fulfill his vision and and plan that is working successfully ....



  11. Somali MPs demand apology from UN envoy

    17 1 Google +1 1




    U.N. Special Envoy, Nicholas Kay, claimed that some MPs had been bribed in order to influence their vote in a no-confidence vote on Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.


    Wednesday, November 5, 2014



    A number of Somali lawmakers have demanded an apology from U.N. Special Envoy Nicholas Kay for allegations that some MPs had been bribed in order to influence their vote in a no-confidence vote on Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.


    "It is an insult to the Somali Parliament," MP Dalha Omar told Anadolu Agency on Monday.


    "Kay is implicating that Somali MPs can be used to manipulate the future of this country. This is untrue," he said.


    "Yes, we may be facing challenges within the government but we also have ways to deal with that. Kay's approach was more of interference by an outsider," Dalha said.


    The issue is likely to be tabled in the Somali Parliament on Tuesday.


    Lawmaker Ali Nur, for his part, called on the Somali government to officially write a protest letter to the U.N. over the statements.


    "Kay's remarks were careless," Nur said.


    "What Somali MPs want is for Kay to apologize to not only the Somalia Parliament but to the Somali people too. The U.N. envoy may be having a hidden agenda on Somalia," he said.


    Somalia has recently seen infighting between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and his prime minister.


    On Sunday, Kay said that the infighting in the Somali government was having a cost on the "functioning of the federal institutions and Somalia's state and peace building goals."


    He further said that he had received allegations that some Somali MPs had been bribed in order to influence their votes in case a vote of no confidence is introduced in Parliament against the prime minister.


    The Somali president fell out with his prime minister over a cabinet reshuffle last month. Two ministers, who are close allies to the President, were moved to less privileged portfolios.


    In an apparent reaction to Kay's allegations, the Somali President called on the international community to respect Somalia's sovereignty.


    "While I appreciate the concerns of the international community the best way to support Somali leaders and institutions is to respect and allow them to resolve their differences through legitimate means and within the existing and maturing institutions," Mohamud said in a statement availed to AA on Monday.


    Last year, former premier Abdi Shirdon was removed in a no-confidence vote that followed differences between him and the President over the formation of the cabinet.


    Somalia has remained in the grip of on-again, off-again violence since the outbreak of civil war in 1991.


    The country appeared to inch closer to stability after government troops and African Union forces – deployed in the country since 2007 – drove the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabaab group from most of its strongholds.

  12. SOMEAT local and export meat company opened a modern meat shopin in Mogadishu





    Across Mogadishu, new buildings are rising where the shelled structures of two decades of war once stood. Workers this week installed cables on the top of a new 10-story building that will rent office space and apartments. Across the street a high-end restaurant served Arabian food.



    "Feels like you are in Nairobi or Manhattan," said Ahmed Mohamed, a Somali-British man, while sipping coffee. He expressed hope that Mogadishu would emulate those two cities rather than return to violence.


    The installation of Mogadishu's first ATM inside the high-end Jazeera Hotel has been hailed as progress for the city.


    "We are planning to install at all other major hotels, the new airport terminal, and all major Salaam Bank branches in Somalia," said Mohamed Abdulahi Ali, communications manager for the bank.


    "A real change is taking hold here. No going back," said Mohamed Hassan, a dual Somali-Dutch citizen, withdrawing cash this week.


    Last week U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon traveled to Mogadishu with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. Ban said that peace and security cannot be sustained without development and that the two should go hand in hand.


    "Even though my visit is very brief today, I can already see and feel how the country has made remarkable progress since my last visit," said Ban, who unlike his first visit to Mogadishu did not wear a bullet proof vest this time.


    Read more here:

  13. <cite>

    niyoow rumor is that Turkey is slowly dissociating itself from on Qoslaye. Turkey is cleverly looking to expand friends now with other actors. Qoslaye is the most corrupt individual that has ever been called Somali President. he will damage Turkey's reputation. qoslaye takes all accolades with Pride and doesn't hide his corruption. he is paying MPs now to get rid of Yuulka even though EU and UN told him that they know what he is doing. He is challenging everyone to do something about it. loool. what a baffoon.




    Safirka Turkiga ayaa shalay Garoowe Qamaadi iyo Bariis gaarsiyey







    Now receiving Food ration Qamaadi iyo Bariis some how threat and challenge hoping to collapse Mogadishu or the President of Somalia mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud Yaab ...

  14. Rer Waaqoyi Galbeed are funny they are enduring same poltical rift as south they are contributing to Somali blood shed with wealth and Mans ....


    Today Burco rer Habeel Attack us we have drawn clans in Burco this lady screems



    They invaded SSC regions blood is being shed for decades non stop , SNM boys are forcing rer Borama to accept to be Ruled by Hargeisa Fact we see the elders crying out loud daily on the News .



    What system is working for Somaliland other then Force shedding blood and Bribing warlords in Somaliland ? The only system that's working is unity of the triangle clans period .


    In South they are involved heavily The top leaders and Founders of Alshabaab are from Waaqoyi Galbeed ?




  15. More great news This week Mogadishu security force are conducting joint operation , Alshabaab militias are being uprooted in Mogadishu Vehicles - houses - Weapons - Bomb Making materials - Army Fatigue seized .




    Alshabaab terrorist are being Funded heavily were are they getting money to buy new Vehicles- Arms ?



    Mogadishu security force are getting more confident and precise hitting alshabaab cells catching Alshabaab Amiirs well known individuals - Arms hideout . hay’adda Nabad sugidda are well trained and are conduction them self as a professionals security force .



    Sustainable stability is were south Somalia is Heading The future looks Great

  16. DSC08685.jpg



    Howgallo lagu soo qab qabtay hub iyo maleeshiyaad oo laga fuliyay caasimadda

    Ciidamada hay’adda Nabad sugidda iyo sirdoonka Qaranka ayaa hawlgallo baaritaanno oo ay ka sameeyeen xaafado ka tirsan degmooyinka gobolka Benaadir ku soo qab qabtay hub, waxyaabaha maanka dooriya iyo dad lala xiriirinayo maleeshiyaadka Al-Shabaab.



    Howlgalkan oo gunaanad u ahaa wajiga koowaad howlgal guri guri loo baarayay degmooyinka Gobolka Benaadir ayaa maanta ka dhacay xaafadaha degmooyinka, Hodan, Howlwadaag, Warta Nabadda, Yaaqshiid iyo Heliwaa, kuwaasi oo guri guri baaritaanno looga sameeyay.



    Xaafadaha Degmada Hodan ayaa howlgalkii laga fuliyay waxaa lagu soo qabtay waxyaabaha maandooriya, sida qamriga la mac-malay ee loo yaqaan Calaqa, xashiis iyo dadkii ka ganacsanayay, waxaana dhismayaashii lagu gadayay waxyaabaha maanka dooriyay la wareegay ciidamada hay’adda Nabad sugidda ah.



    Ciidamada ayaa xiray dhamaan waddooyinka xaafadaha degmooyinka Howlwadaag, Warta Nabadda, Yaaqshiid iyo Heliwaa, waxaana guri guri loo baarayay xaafadahaasi, iyadoo howlgalkani uu yahay mid lagu xaqiijinayo ammaanka caasimadda.



    Guddoomiyaha Warta Nabadda Yaasiin Nuur Ciise oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in howlgalkaasi uu yahay mid lagu doonayo sidii xaafadaha degmooyinkaasi looga saari lahaa maleeshiyaadka ku dhuumaaleysanaya.



    Xarunta hay’adda Nabad sugidda Gobolka Benaadir ayaa lagu soo bandhigay maleeshiyaad lala xiriirinayo Shabaab iyo sodon qori oo laga kala keenay xaafadihii maalmihii ugu dambeysay howgallada laga sameynayay.


    Afhayeenka Wasaaradda Amniga Qaranka Maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan oo la hadlay saxaafadda ayaa yiri “Howlgalladii ugu dambeyay waxaa lagu soo qabtay 82 qof, baaritaanno dheer kaddib waxaa la ogaaday in 22 ka mid ah ay noqdeen horjoogayaal la yaqaano oo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab, waxaa sidoo kale lala wareegay labo garaash oo lagu diyaarinayay walxaha qarxa iyo shan gaadiid oo ay isticmaalayeen maleeshiyaadka magaalada fowdada mararka qaar ka geysanayay”




    Wejiga labaad ee howlgallada ka dhanka ah haraadiga Al-Shabaab ayaa la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda uu ka bilowda caasimadda.

  17. <cite>

    You certainly are As Sahaaf. You don't even see the potential burning fire right behind you!


    Typical. Soomaali wataa. Waa reerkeygaan wax la qabaa sax iyo qaladba. Adeer Sahaaf mar danbe ha isticmaalin ereyga 'dawlad' fadlan.




    Defending the 275 members of Parliament which Nicolas Kay accused of Allegation of corruption and Motion based on Bribery is some how wrong?

  18. 2012-09-11T160347Z_1426247855_GM1E89C003


    President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud commander in chief of SFG has the right to defend Members of Parliament against corruptions bribery allegation without evidence ....



    Mohamud said he appreciates the concern of the international community, but said the world must respect Somalia’s “sovereign right… to determine its own future.”




    A member of parliament reacted bitterly to the allegation by UN Secretary General Special Envoy to Somalia Nicholas Kay that some Somali MPs exchange their vote of no confidence with cash.


    MP Ali Nuur Bodaaye told Dalsan that MPs were very sorry about the remarks of Nicholas Kay as he said it is an insult to the entire parliament. MP Ali Nuur Bodaaye called for Ambassador Nick Kay to apologize the parliament regarding his remarks as he is a senior person in charge.


    This happened amid a heightened disagreement between the president and the PM, a time when so many calls to end the disagreement are coming from the international community.



  19. C/llaahi Sh. Xasan “Nicholas Kay wuxuu ka gudbay xadkiisii diblomaasiyada”






    Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Nabada iyo Dimoqraadiyada C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan ayaa wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeeray Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Nicholas Kay, isagoo ku tilmaamay mid sharaf ka dhac ah.


    C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan ayaa sheegay in Nicholas Kay uu ka gudbay xadkii diblomaasiyada, waxaana uu cadeeyay in Baarlamaanka ay shaqadiisa tahay inuu mooshin keeno.


    “Nicholas Kay wuxuu ka gudbay xadkii diblomaasiyada, in Xildhibaanada loo gafo waa arrin meel ka dhac ah, Baarlamaanka waa shaqadiisa mooshin waa keeni karaa”ayuu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan.


    Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Nabada iyo Dimoqraadiyada ayaa ugu baaqay madaxda dowladda inay xaliyaan khilaafkooda, ayna eegaan danta umadda,


    Dhinaca kale Xildhibaan Prof. Maxamed Cumar Dhalxa ayaa sheegay in loo fasirto in mooshinka Baarlamaanka uu keeno inuu laaluush yahay, balse aanu mooshinka yahay mis howsha Baarlamaanka oo ah in wax lagu saxo ama looga hortago.


    Ergeyga Qaramada Midoobey ee Soomaaliya Nicholas Kay ayaa walaac ka muujiyay khilaafka soo kala dhex galay madaxda dowladda, isagoo xusay in qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanada ay codkooda lacag ku bedelanayaan, si ay mooshin kalsooni kala noqosho u keenaan.

  20. Mudane Katirsan Barlamaanka oo si kulul uga hadlay warkii Nicklos kay.


    Monday November 03, 2014 - 13:31:04 in Wararka by Warka Dalsan

    (Rating 0.0/5 Stars) Total Votes: 0

    0 0






    Kadib markii war xalay kasoo baxay wakiil Q,M u qaabilsan Arimaha Somalia Nicklos kay lagu sheegay in xiligaan uu socdaan warar sheegaya in xildhibaanada Barlamaanka Somalia qaar kamida loo sheegay in ay codkooda lacag ku iibsadaan ayaa arintaas waxaa jawaab ka bixiyay Mudane katirsan Barlamaanka Somalia.


    Xildhibaan Cali Nuur Bodaaye oo la hadlay Idaacadda Dalsan ayaa sheegay in ay aad uga xumadeen markay maqleen warka kasoo baxay xafiiska Q,M ee Arimaha Somalia islamarkaana uu yahay mid loogu gefay guud ahaan Barlamanka dalka.


    Waxa uu xildhibaanku ugu baaqay Ambasaddor Nick kay in uu raali galin ka bixiyo warkaas madaama uu sheegay in uu yahay masuul sare.


    Arintaan ayaa timid markii qilaafka u dhaxeeya Madaxweynaha iyo R/wasaaraha uu noqday mid cirka isku shareeray islamarkaana ay soo bateen baaqyada beesha caalamka ee Qilaafka ku wajahan.





    The president of Somalia is telling the United Nations to keep out of the country's internal politics.

    Monday's statement from President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud came after the U.N. envoy to Somalia, Nicholas Kay, expressed concern that lawmakers are being bribed to vote against the prime minister in a possible no-confidence motion.


    Determining its own future


    Mohamud said he appreciates the concern of the international community, but said the world must respect Somalia's "sovereign right... to determine its own future."


    He said the "best way" to support Somalia's leadership is to allow them to resolve differences through what he called "legitimate means and within the existing and maturing institutions."


    Tension between the president and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed has raised concern that Somalia could slide back into political turmoil, slowing progress toward stabilizing the war-torn country.


    Numerous Somali governments have been brought down by political infighting in recent years.


    UN expressed concern


    The U.N. has led international efforts to create a stable central government in the country, after more than two decades of violence and chaos, and an insurgency by militant group al-Shabab.


    In his message Sunday, U.N. envoy Kay offered to help Somali leaders reach "a mutually satisfactory compromise."


    He also warned that any action by any party that creates political turmoil would be reported to the United Nations Security Council.

  22. Great week for the security force and resident of Mogadishu large Numbers of Alshabaab fighters weapons ammunition explosive device ..


    security force are using e metal dictators digging ground catching buried weapons - medical Aids serious blow to Alshabaab this week


    the campaign to sweep remittance of alshabaab militias that are hiding in Mogadishu are going very well , Security agencies in Mogadishu have improved in Intelligence Gathering Monitoring alshabaab movement . Most important are public cooperation which are leading successful raids - Alshabaab cells are being busted weapons ammunition fighters - shipments .