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Posts posted by malistar2012

  1. Ciidamada Nabad Sugidda iyo kuwa Booliska oo lagu Wareejiyay Amniga Muqdisho (VIDEO




    Taliska Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Oo Difaacyadii Muqdisho Ku Lahaa Ku Wareejiyay Hey’adaha Ammaanka “Sawirro”

    Published on December 1, 2014 by Musdafe xuseen · No Comments · 316 views

    Xaruumihii ay ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ee ka tirsan degmooyinka Yaaqshiid iyo Hiliwaa oo ay la wareegeen tan iyo markii Maleeshiyaadka argagaxisada Al Shabaab laga saaray Caasimada ayaa si toos ah ugu wareejiyay Ciidamada Nabas sugida iyo sirdoonka Qaranka iyo ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed kuwaa oo sugaya ammaanka guud ee xaruumahaasi ee lagu wareejiyay.


    Xaruumaha hey’adaha ammaanka lagu wareejiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah xerada Maslax, Warshada Nac Nac iyo xaruuma kale, waxaana munaasabad lagu qabtay warshada Nac naca ee Suuqa Xoolaha oo xaruumahaasi lagula wareejinayay hey’adaha ammaanka ka qeyb galay Taliyaha Ciidanka Nabadsugida iyo sirdoonka Qaranka Gen C/raxmaan Maxamed Tuur yare C/raxmaan Cumda, Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed Gen Daahir Aadan Cilmi Indhaqarshe, Abaanduulaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Gen C/risaaq Khaliif Cilmi, Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Gen Xasan Maxamed Xuseen Muungaab , iyo taliyaha Ciidanka Boliiska Gobolka Banaadir Gen Madaale.

  2. Wafdi ka socda Jaamacadda Carabta iyo Kuwait oo Muqdisho ku sugan, booqdayna xeebta Liido:




    Wafdi ka socday Jaamacadda Carabta oo Muqdisho ku sugan Labo cisho ayaa maanta maamulka Gobolka Banaadir casuumaad u fidiyay, waxayna kormeer ku tageen goobo ay ka mid aheyd xeebta Liido, iyadoo labada dhinac ay is dhaafsadeen fikrado ku aadan qaabka loo horumarin karo mashaariicda horumarineed ee caasimada ka socda.




    Wafdigan ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay horudhac u yihiin Wafdi ballaaran oo uu hoggaaminayo Ra´iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka Kuwait oo maalmaha soo socda la filayo inay booqasho ku yimaadaan Muqdisho.



    Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka siyaasadda ee gobolka Benaadir Maxamed Aadan Guuleed “Caano Geel” ayaa sheegay in Maamulka Gobolku ay farxad u tahay inay soo dhaweeyn u sameeyaan wafdiga ka socda Jaamacadda Carabta.




    Faiz Mohamed Al-Mudeiri oo ah mas’uulka hogaaminaya wafdiga Jaamacadda Carabta ka socda, isla markaana ah safiirka Dowladda Kuwait u fadhiya Dalka Jabuuti ayaa maamulka Gobolka Benaadir uga mahadceliyay casuumadda ay u fidiyeen.






  3. First she has good job well paid as Translator so its not exploitation second it was the girl choice to marry who ever she wants also their is good chance he could be Muslim ? stop being so sensitive Somali woman in the west are marrying foreigners by huge numbers ............





    on the contrary though what do you think about this Documentary Somaliland Girls getting ganged raped broad daylight?


  4. Ciidamada Nabad-Sugidda oo Howlgal Ku soo Qab-qabtay Rag lagu tuhmayo Shabaabnimo






    job well done Taliyaha Ciidanka Nabadsugida iyo sirdoonka Qaranka Gen C/raxmaan Maxamed Tuur yare C/raxmaan Cumda has proven him self security of Mogadishu should only be local initiative Next will be Amisom to withdraw out of the city complete ....................



    Great day

  5. Mogadishu police take over security the army and Amisom move out






    aliska Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Oo Difaacyadii Muqdisho Ku Lahaa Ku Wareejiyay Hey’adaha Ammaanka “Sawirro”

    Published on December 1, 2014 by Musdafe xuseen · No Comments · 316 views

    Xaruumihii ay ay ku sugnaayeen Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ee ka tirsan degmooyinka Yaaqshiid iyo Hiliwaa oo ay la wareegeen tan iyo markii Maleeshiyaadka argagaxisada Al Shabaab laga saaray Caasimada ayaa si toos ah ugu wareejiyay Ciidamada Nabas sugida iyo sirdoonka Qaranka iyo ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed kuwaa oo sugaya ammaanka guud ee xaruumahaasi ee lagu wareejiyay.


    Xaruumaha hey’adaha ammaanka lagu wareejiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ah xerada Maslax, Warshada Nac Nac iyo xaruuma kale, waxaana munaasabad lagu qabtay warshada Nac naca ee Suuqa Xoolaha oo xaruumahaasi lagula wareejinayay hey’adaha ammaanka ka qeyb galay Taliyaha Ciidanka Nabadsugida iyo sirdoonka Qaranka Gen C/raxmaan Maxamed Tuur yare C/raxmaan Cumda, Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed Gen Daahir Aadan Cilmi Indhaqarshe, Abaanduulaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Gen C/risaaq Khaliif Cilmi, Guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Gen Xasan Maxamed Xuseen Muungaab , iyo taliyaha Ciidanka Boliiska Gobolka Banaadir Gen Madaale.


    munaasabadaasi kaddib ayaa waxaa ciidamada Boliiska iyo nabad sugida ay qeybsadeen xaruumahaasi ay kala wareegeen Taliska Ciidanka Xoogga Dallka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan qeybta 12-april ee CXD, waxaana si buuxda ammaanka Muqdisho ula wareegay Hey’adaha Ammaanka.

  6. Statement on the National Policy Framework for the Integration of Regional Security Forces into the Somali National Army

    by A M | Sunday, Nov 30, 2014 | 175 views





    Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, HE The President: The integration of the various existing regional security elements into one, nationally cohesive force is crucial for the future of Somalia”


    The integration of regional security forces is a critical element in both the further development of the Somali National Army (SNA) and the achievement of state-building goals, in particular the formation of a federal Somalia.


    Vision 2016 and the Somali Compact, adopted by the Federal Government of Somalia in 2013 articulate specific priorities towards ensuring the security, political and development progress of Somalia. The London Security Conference (September 2014) further supported the integration of regional armed forces into the Federal security institutions as one of those priorities.


    Concurrently, the FGS aims to ensure a unified national security sector structure and creating increasingly cohesive entities within that structure.

    Our existing partnership with Puntland, the emergence of the Interim Juba Administration (IJA), the establishment of the Interim South West Administration (ISWA), and the work of the committee for the formation of the Interim Administration for the Central Regions (IACR) are testament to the FGS’s commitment to a unified, federal Somalia.


    The development of a national security force, and in particular the Somali National Army (SNA) must evolve in parallel with the creation of federal states. Formally integrating the various regional security forces is the next step in this evolution.


    We recognize and acknowledge the various security forces currently aligned with the emerging states and interim administrations, including, but not limited to, the Puntland Darwish, the Interim Juba Administration Security Forces (IJASF), the forces associated with Interim South West Administration and Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jama’a (ASWJ). The FGS envisages all of these ultimately becoming part of the Somali National Army (SNA).


    It is anticipated that the SNA sector divisions will fall in line with federal boundaries to improve coordination of forces and promote stability across Somalia. Progress on technical issues such as boundaries is essential to continue positive momentum towards the integration of our forces.


    It is our intention to negotiate and formalise an agreement to this end with the Interim Juba Administration, Interim South West Administration, and Puntland in the aftermath of the High Level Partnership Forum in Copenhagen.


    We also intend to begin a similar dialogue with the committee for the formation of the Interim Administration for the Central Regions (IACR). We expect this agreement to be formalized as soon as the IACR is formally established.


    The integration of the various existing regional security elements into one, nationally cohesive force is crucial for the future of Somalia. Now is the time to take advantage of the success of Operations Eagle and Indian Ocean that have driven al-Shabaab from their strongholds in the countryside. But the momentum generated following liberation of critical towns and districts from al-Shabaab control must be maintained. To achieve this, we must all commit to the development of a fully representative, meritocratic and accountable professional army.


    In line with this statement of intent, the FGS will oversee the urgent development of a concept note and operational plan that will layout the steps necessary to ensure our commitment is realised. Furthermore, the FGS reiterates its determination to implement all resolutions mandated by the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) on children in arm conflicts as part of the ethos of protecting and serving the people of Somalia.



  7. Dhageyso: Ciidanka Dawlada & Kuwa Axmed Madoobe oo la Isku dhafayo




    Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha iyo Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Goodax Bare ayaa waxa uu faah faahin ka bixiyey Heshiis ay kala saxiixdeen Xukuumada Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Kumeelgaarka ah ee Jubba.


    Kulanka Heshiiska lagu kala saxiixday ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Magaalada Kismaayo waxaana ka qeyb galay shirkaasi Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Soomaaliya Maxamed Shiikh Xasan Xaamud,Wasiirka Maaliyada Xuseen Cabdi Xalane iyo Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha C/llaaahi Goodax Barre iyadoona Xubno kasocday Maamulka JUBBA ay heshiiska goob joog ka ahaayeen.




    Wasiir Goodax ayaa sheegay in lagu heshiiyey in Ciidanka Jubbooyinka jooga la isku dhafi doono taasi oo ah mid lagu doonayo ciidanka Dawlada iyo kuwa Maamulka Jubba.


    Waxa uu Goodax Barre usheegay idaacada BBC-da laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga inay wax saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin Heshiiska ay la saxiixdeen Maamulka Jubba Khilaafka kadhaxeeya Madaxweynaha Dalka Xasan Shiikh iyo R/wasaare Cabdiweli Shiikh Axmed.



  8. Madaxweynaha oo ka hadlay baahida loo qabo mideeynta cududda ciidamada

    Published on November 30, 2014 by Mowliid · No Comments · 566 views

    Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay in isku dhafka ciidanka gobollada iyo kuwa Qaranka ay qeyb ka qaadaneyso dhisidda awoodda ciidanka iyo horumarinta federaalka dalka.




    War-qoraal ah oo ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxweynaha ayaa looga hadlay mustaqbalka Soomaaliya iyo sida loo mideyn karo cududda ciidamada ka jira maamul goboleedyada iyo ciidanka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed.


    War-saxaafadeedka ayaa lagu xusay in isku dhafka ciidamada ka jira maamullada dalka iyo kuwo Qaranka ay hore u dhigi karto yoolka ay dowladdu hiigsaneeyso oo ah hirgelinta nidaamka federaaliga ah.


    Sidoo kale warka ayaa lagu sheegay in Qarameynta ciidamada gobollada ay sii xoojineeyso awoodda iyo cududda ciidamada, ayna soo celin doonto sharaftii iyo kartidii lagu yaqiinay ciidamadeenna.


    Warka ayaa lagu xusay in shirar dhowr ah oo qaarkood ka dhaceen dalka dibaddiisa ay dhiirigelinayaan, horumarinta amaanka guud ee dalka, waxaana la tilmaamay in shirkii looga hadlayay amaanka ee ka dhacay London bishii September 2014-ka uu dhiirigelinayo horumarinta amaanka dalka.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa soo hadal qaaday mudnaanta ay dowladdu siineeyso dhiirigelinta maamullada ka hanaqaadaya gobollada dalka, wuxuuna muujisay sida ay dowladda uga go’antahay hirgeilinta nidaamka fedraalka dalka.


    Sidoo kale madaxweynaha ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in haddi la mideeyo cududda ciidamada maamullada iyo kuwa Qaranka. ay markaasi tabar iyo awoodba u yeelandoonaan xaqiijinta amaanka guud ee dalka, ayagoo guulo waaweeyn ka soo hooyndoona la dagaalanka kooxaha argagixisada ah.

  9. Mogadishu is second Fastest growing urban area in the world





    World Now


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    Population growth: Fastest growing urban area? It may surprise you




    It has a smaller population than San Jose, Calif. -- but it’s the fastest growing urban area in the world.


    New estimates from the United Nations peg Samut Prakan as the population center expected to grow the most between 2010 and 2015, its population anticipated to surge 9%. The Thai province located south of Bangkok is known for its fishing and boasts that it has the world’s largest crocodile farm.


    Close behind are the booming metropolises of Can Tho (Vietnam), Mogadishu (Somalia), Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso.)


    Of course, it’s easier for little cities to grow quickly, and even with big growth smaller burgs like Mogadishu and Yamoussoukro aren’t going to catch up to Tokyo, Delhi or Los Angeles anytime soon.


    But the cities on the list reflect a wider trend: Africa and Asia are expected to make up 86% of the growth in urban populations worldwide in the decades leading up to 2050, according to the United Nations. Newly released estimates show the urban population in Africa is expected to roughly triple, exceeding 1.2 billion; urbanites in Asia will soar from 1.9 billion to 3.3 billion.


    There's an upside to urbanization: Educating people and bringing them other services is easier when they’re clustered in cities. The downside: Countries will have to scramble to provide enough urban jobs, housing, energy and infrastructure to avoid an explosion of slums, the U.N. says.


    Where in the world is urbanizing fastest? The United Nations map above shows which cities are anticipated to grow the most between 2011 and 2025. For more information, check out the U.N. website, which includes online databases showing the projected growth of urban areas worldwide.

  10. 2014114201759443734_20.jpg



    Nigeria is in devastated situation hundreds of civilians are being killed kidnapped every month oko Haram are bloodthirsty Gangsters


    These are some of latest development with in Month its shocking Nigerian security are useless


    Scores killed' in Nigeria bus station blast

    At least 40 people killed, including five soldiers, in attack on bus station in Nigeria's northeastFri, 28 Nov 2014.


    Sixty dead in suicide blasts in Nigeria

    Two explosions by female bombers hit crowded market in Maiduguri in the northeast of the country Last updated: 25 Nov 2014 20:04 .


    Boko Haram suspected in deadly Nigeria raid

    At least 50 people, mostly farmers, killed in village in Borno state, sources say, in latest in a long line of attacks Sat, 22 Nov 2014.


    Boko Haram suspected in deadly Nigeria attack

    At least 20 people killed in attack on village in Borno state in country's northeast Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:28:04 GMT .


    Suicide attack targets market in Nigeria

    Female bomber blows herself up among shoppers in Bauchi state, killing at least 13 people, witnesses say Sun, 16 Nov 2014 10:


    Nigeria's Chibok falls to Boko Haram

    Impoverished town in Borno state synonymous with mass abduction of schoolgirls seized by armed group in new attack : Sat, 15 Nov 2014




  11. Scores killed in Nigeria mosque blasts

    At least 81 people dead and 150 injured after two bombs exploded outside central mosque in city of Kano.




    At least 81 people have been killed and 150 others injured after two bombs exploded outside the central mosque of north Nigeria's biggest city, Kano, just as residents were packing into the area for Friday prayers, local police say.


    The blasts occurred outside the Emir's Palace Mosque. Witnesses said they heard gunshots but did not know who was firing.


    "Two bombs exploded, one after the other, in the premises of the Grand Mosque seconds after the prayers had started," resident Aminu Abdullahi said, adding that a third went off nearby.




    The AFP news agency put the death toll at 120.


    Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh said the blasts took place in the centre of Kano, the largest city in the country's north.


    "It was a very brazen attack in the centre of the city. The crowds at the mosque is usually the largest in the city during Friday prayers," Rageh, reporting from Yola in the nearby Adamawa State, said.


    The Emir, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, was said to be inside the mosque at the time, with the explosions happening in an outdoor courtyard.


    There was also no immediate claim of responsibility, but suspicion is likely to fall on Boko Haram armed group, which has for five years waged a vicious insurgency against the government.


    Last week, Sanusi, a respected Muslim figure, called on the people of Nigeria to defend themselves against Boko Haram.


    "These people [boko Haram], when they attack towns, they kill boys and enslave girls… People must stand resolute," he told the Daily Post website.


    "People should be sensitised on the importance of being on the alert. And they should prepare, they should acquire what they will defend themselves with," he was quoted as saying.

  12. <cite>

    Waryaa Malister, the headline was about Tarzan and his new party. Maxaad xaga dambe Qoslaaye aad uga raacinayasaa?. Why are you disturbing Tarzans party and his day.


    By the way the slogan is grammatically incorrect. Thank you for your vote means for the past vote of 2012. On the Somali part of the slogan, you said " Codkiina nin U Qalma Ayaad Siisaan". If we are talking about the past it should be " Codkiina nin u Qalma Ayaad Siiseen".


    " Siisaan" is a present verb. It is like saying " you give your vote for the one who deserves. Kolay Af-Soomaaliga waa la idinka Habaarey.


    In other words are you campaigning for his return?.



    president Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud has set on example created political party based on ideologies and won the election ...........


  13. H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud good leadership and governance gave then citizens the assurance and confident they needed to rebuild their country , and invest millions of dollar seeing that the country future is bright and in good hands ....





    H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud one of his main pillar and promise was free education - today kids and adult are attending schools in Mogadishu and surrounding area for free no cost H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has delivered his promise of Equal opportunity .God Bless H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud





    The Average citizen in living Government held territories are doing better then the rest of the country why? in terms salary - education - Health -business opportunity - employment opportunity .....



    November 22, 2014 – Howgalladaan lagula dagaalamayo jidgooyooyinka sharci darrada ah ayaa waxa ay ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ka fuliyeen deegaanno ay ka midyihiin Muuri, No.50, No.60, Ceel-wareegoow, Buufoow, Shalaanbood, Qoryooleey, Buulo-mareer iyo kuwa kale, waxaana saraakiisha ciidamada ay goobaha laga ceyriyo maleeshiyaadka isbaarooyinka dhigteen lagu wareejiyay cutubto ka tirsan ciidanka xoogga dalka



    H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud one of his main pillar and promise was security - Today farmers and truckers move freely and making Profit in a secure environment God Bless H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud .........

  14. H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud good leadership and governance gave then citizens the assurance and confident they needed to rebuild their country , and invest millions of dollar seeing that the country future is bright and in good hands ....





    H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud one of his main pillar and promise was free education - today kids and adult are attending schools in Mogadishu and surrounding area for free no cost H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has delivered his promise of Equal opportunity .God Bless H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud





    The Average citizen in living Government held territories are doing better then the rest of the country why? in terms salary - education - Health -business opportunity - employment opportunity .....



    November 22, 2014 – Howgalladaan lagula dagaalamayo jidgooyooyinka sharci darrada ah ayaa waxa ay ciidamada xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ka fuliyeen deegaanno ay ka midyihiin Muuri, No.50, No.60, Ceel-wareegoow, Buufoow, Shalaanbood, Qoryooleey, Buulo-mareer iyo kuwa kale, waxaana saraakiisha ciidamada ay goobaha laga ceyriyo maleeshiyaadka isbaarooyinka dhigteen lagu wareejiyay cutubto ka tirsan ciidanka xoogga dalka



    H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud one of his main pillar and promise was security - Today farmers and truckers move freely and making Profit in a secure environment God Bless H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud .........

  15. Gole ay ku midoobeen 10 xisbi siyaasadeed oo maanta looga dhawaaqay magaalada Muqdisho

    by A M | Wednesday, Nov 19, 2014 | 4296 views





    Munaasabad maanta ka dhacday magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa looga dhawaaqay gole cusub oo la magac baxay golaha isutaga xisbiyada siyaasada Soomaaliya, kaasoo ay ku midoobeen illaa 10 xisbi siyaasadeed.


    Waxaa ka qeyb galay munaasabada looga dhawaaqayey golahan masuuliyiinta asxaabta ku midoobay golaha, xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamanka iyo qeybaha bulshada sida haween, dhalinyaro, culumaa’udiin, aqoonyahano iyo qaar kale.


    Xoghayaha guud ee golaha Isutaga xisbiyada siyaasada Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Nuux Timajilic oo furitaankii kulanka ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay ujeedada loo aasaasay golaha iyo himilooyinka uu higsanayo.


    “Golahan waxaa loo aasaasay sidii uu marxalada kala guurka kaalin uga qaadan lahaa sidii looga gudbi lahaa qabyaalada, looguna talaabi lahaa nidaamka axsaabta siyaasadeed iyo doorashooyin xor ah, himilooyinka uu higsanayona waxaa ka mid ah sidii xisbiyadu isaga kaashan lahaayeen doorashoooyin xor ah oo dalka ka dhaca sanadka 2016-ka ayuu yiri Timajilic.


    Waxaa sidoo kale kulankaas ka hadlay gudoomiyaha xisbiga Al-Ummah oo ka mid ah asxaabta ku midowday golahan Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi oo sheegay in xisbiyadani ay yihiin isku hadaf, muddo dheerna laga soo shaqeynayey dhismaha golahan.


    “Soomaalida waxa kala dhantaalay waa tafaraaruq iyo qabyaalad, fariinta ugu weyn ee asxaabta ku bahowday golahan waxa weeye iney dadka tusaan in la midoobi karo, si wadajir ahna wax loo qabsan karo” ayuu yiri Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi oo dhinaca kale ka mid ahaa asaasayaashii isbaheysigii dib u xoreynta ee Asmara lagu aasaasay 2007-dii.



    Prof. Saciid Ciise Maxamuud gudoomiyaha xisbiga DADKA oo isna munaasabada ka hadlay ayaa xusay in axsaabta ku midowday golahan uusan isu keenin qabiil balse ay u midoobeen Soomaalinimo.




    Waxaa sidoo kale hadalo jeediyey xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamanka Somalia oo ay ka mid yihiin xildhibaan Daahir Amiin Jeesow iyo xildhibaan Khaliif Maxamuud Xaaji oo xisbiyada ugu hambalyeeyey golahan ay ku midoobeen iyagoo u rajeeyey ineysan noqon ururo sidan oo kale horey loo aasaasay oo iska baaba’ay, balse ay noqdaan kuwo ka dhabeeya mabaadi’da ay higsanayaan.


    Gudoomiyaha golaha isutaga xisbiyada siyaasada Soomaaliya C/llaahi Shiikh Xasan gunaanadkii munaasabadaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in wada tashi 10 xisbi siyaasadeed u soo socday dhowr bilood ka dib ay ku guuleysteen in maanta ay ku dhowaaqaan golahan.




    “Xisbiyadan horey ayey u dhisnaayeen waxa maanta cusub waa golahan ay ku midoobeen ka dib markii ay isku feker ka noqdeen arrimaha dalka ka taagan iyo himilooyinka la higsanayo mustaqbalka” ayuu yiri C/llaahi Shiikh Xasan.


    Gudoomiyaha golaha isutaga xisbiyada siyaasada Soomaaliya ayaa dhaliilay waxqabadka guddiga baarlamanka u qaabilsan hirgelinta nidaamka asxaabta badan kuwaasoo uu sheegay iney ku guuldareysteen iney soo saaraan sharciga asxaabta iyo doorashooyinka, isagoo dhinaca kale ugu baaqay madaxda dowlada iney deg deg xal uga gaaraan khilaafka ka dhex aloosan oo uu xusay inuu khatar gelinayo jiritaanka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed.


    Waxaa sidoo kale munaasabadaas hadalo isugu jiray taageero, Guubaabo iyo dardaaran ka jeediyey xubno ku kala hadlay qeybaha bulshada sida abwaanada, majmaca culimada Soomaaliyeed, odayaasha dhaqanka ururka haweenka

  16. Tarzan former Mogadishu Governor sets up Social justice Party




    Munaasabad maanta ka dhacday magaalada Muqdisho ayaa looga dhawaaqay Xisbi siyaasadeed oo Guddoomiye uu u yahay gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Banaadir Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Trsan.



    Maxamuud Axmed Nuur Tarzan oo ahaa Gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Banaadir, ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho oo munaasabadaas ka jeediyey khudbad dheer ayaa wuxuu ku sharxay ujeedada iyo hadafka xisbiga Caddaalada Bulshada.



    “Xisbigan wuxuu xambaarsan yahay mabaa’dii rasmi ah oo salka ku heysa sidii loo soo afjari lahaa cadaalad xumada ka jirta Soomaaliya, oo nooc walba leh” ayuu yiri Tarzan oo sii raaciyay, “Waxaan aaminsan nahay in Soomaaliya aysan u baahneen in ay ku tiirsanaato waligeed kaalmo dibada looga keenay; dalkeena waa mid hodan ah, waxaana naga go’an in aan tayeyno kartida bulshada Soomaaliyeed si ay uga faa’iideystaan kheyraadka dabiiciga, una noqdaan bulsho iskufilan, oo leh waxsoosaar.”



    Tarsan ayaa sheegay in xisbigan uusan aheyn xisbi qabiil ama mid goboleysi ku dhisan, balse uu yahay mid u furan iney xubno ka noqdaan Soomaalida oo dhan kuna saleysan mabaadi guud, wuxuuna xusay in dhowaan la qaban doono shirweynihii ugu horeeyey ee xisbiga laguna dooran doono hogaanka xisbiga iyo maamulkiisa intaba.



    Munaasabadan lagu daah furayay xisbigan cusub ee Tarsan hoggaamiyo ayaa waxaa ka muuqday wajiyo ka tirsanaa maamulkii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir iyo Guddoomiyeyaashii hore.





  17. <cite>

    A nation led by Culusows you Sir are a Genius , as suuccesful as the Soomali.Shilling . Off to the central Bank with you to rescue our exhange rate against the stralinga and doolaar. Hurry Mr M.W.Itty.


    Yes A Nation led by Culoswo is progressing more then ever we are witnessing history ...



    H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has delivered we are witnessing history , within two years in office he has modernized southern Somalia made it self sufficient stable attract Investment .....


    the biggest commodities to be traded are


    Telecommunication - Livestock- Agriculture - Fishing Industrial - Construction companies - Southern Gas Somalia Plant There other small companies to be invest soda drinks - co cola factories - cement factory etc


    First factory to produce liquid laundry detergent in Somalia


    First Soft Drinks Factory Opens Shop In Mogadishu







    Traffic Muqdisho @ nights



    New Gas Plant






    God Bless H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

  18. Foreign footballers pouring into Somalia prior to top league opening





  The increase of foreign football professionals in Somalia is seen as a ‘significant’ mark for soccer progression in the country.


    For the first time in Somalia’s football history, last year the country’s Nation Link Telecom championship attracted at least 8 foreign players, and the current champions Banadir Sports Club were recognized as the pioneers for transferring foreign players.


    But now with more than a month to go since the beginning of the country’s top football league, the number of foreign players in the country increased, as more clubs transferred foreign players from different African Countries.


    “The show up of foreign players in the country is very noteworthy—some six clubs in the national league have transferred more players, so this is a remarkable progress for Somalia which is now recovering from decades-long anarchy” Somali Football Federation Media Officer Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar (ISLOW) said in a press statement on Sunday.


    He said that the appearance of international professionals in Somali league was also an outstanding marketing step for the country whose football has mainly been dependent on the financial assistance from FIFA.


    The statement went on to say that the lawless atmosphere in Somalia was preventing the country from attracting international sponsors, but now that the situation is returning to normal the SFF and its clubs were eying on local and international sponsorships.


    “Somali football is now recuperating from the wounds caused by the lack of stability we experienced for dozens of years and the path for more progress has now reopened” SFF Media Officer Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar (ISLOW) explained in his press statement.


    Below is the names of foreign players in the country, the clubs they joined and as well as their countries.


    HEEGAN FC: Mohamed Zubairu (Nigeria), Samsoniyke Chukwu (Nigeria)


    GAADIIDKA: Lehman Meheso Mwenza (Kenya)


    SAHAFI FC: Ambrose Mumo kula kalatai (Kenya)


    ELMAN FC: Elungat Martin, (Uganda) Ntaabazi Mubiru Eddie (Uganda) and Mugsha Ivan (Uganda).

    DEKADDA: Zubeir Yossuf Oduori (Kenya) OKoro Mattias Ogbokiri (Nigeria)


    BANADIR SPORTS CLUB: Marcel Odhambo Oyugi (Kenya) Thomas Mwancu Cuihobi (Kenya) and Mustapha .I. Maxwell (Nigeria).




    Somali Football Federation Media Department



  19. Somali shilling among 20 best performing currency 2014


    Given the impressive performance of the dollar, we thought it would be interesting to look at other big currency winners and losers this year. The performance (%) for all of the currencies in the table below are measured in terms of the USD, and we’ve also included November to date performance.




  20. Somalia’s new bourse sees seven firms listing on opening in 2015



    Wednesday, November 26, 2014Kenya (Source Reuters) – The Somalia Stock Exchange expects seven companies in the telecoms, financial services and transport sectors to list their shares when the bourse is set up in 2015, its founder said.


    Somalia’s economy is slowly recovering from more than two decades of conflict, although the government is still battling an Islamist insurgency. Amid the chaos, some businesses have thrived, including money transfer and mobile phone firms.


    “These are companies built by Somalis themselves and they have the potential to grow and attract international investment,” Idd Mohamed, chairman of the Somalia bourse, told Reuters on Tuesday. He did not name the firms.


    “The Somali companies are business-oriented. They have large amounts of cash and resources and they are willing to take this road,” Mohamed said on the sidelines of a meeting of African bourse chiefs in the Kenyan coastal resort of Diani.


    He said one of the biggest challenges was hiring staff after many educated Somalis fled their war-ravaged country at the height of the fighting. But he said now the bourse was recruiting some qualified Somalis who were being trained.


    The bourse is working with the Nairobi Securities Exchange in neighbouring Kenya to train stockbrokers and staff.


    The Somalia Stock Exchange has opened administrative offices in Mogadishu and other Somali centres like Kismayu, as well as in Nairobi, to help recruitment and in other related issues.


    Somalis who fled abroad to escape the chaos at home send back an estimated $1.3 billion to their families every year, a lifeline to many in Somalia and helping spark a mini-construction boom in Mogadishu.


    The remittances are sent using money transfer firms, such as Dahabshiil, which has an international network of outlets.


    Mohamed said the new bourse was also talking to companies in the energy sector who are prospecting for natural resources in the Horn of Africa country. “There is potential for Somalia to be the next oil and gas producing country,” he said.


    He said security was improving with the help of African Union peacekeeping troops, helping boost economic activity.

  21. Kenyan army indiscriminately bombing civilians in retaliation Beledxaawo




    Dowladda Kenya oo Duqaymo isdabajoog ah ka wadda tuulooyinka Xadka Soomaaliya



    ( - Posted at 25/11/2014 By Filsan

    Diyaaradaha dagaalka Kenya ayaa maanta duqeeyay deegaano ku dhow dhow xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, iyadoo meelaha la duqeeyay ay ku sugnaayeen dad reer Miyi ah iyo xoolo



    Duqeynta diyaaradaha milatariga Kenya ayaa jawaab u aheyd weerar Al-Shabaab ay sabtidii la soo dhaafay ka geystay duleedka magaalada Mandhera, halkaasoo ay gaari bas ahaa kala degtay rakaabkii saarnaa, iyadoo dishay ilaa 28 ruux.



    Gudoomiyaha degmada Beledxaawo ee Gobolka Gedo Yuusuf Kaanti ayaa sheegay in diyaaradaha dagaalka kenya ay si saf mareen ah u duqeeyeen tuulooyin xadka ku dhow oo ay ku laayeen dad iyo xoolo.


    “Duqeynta waxay dhacday shalay, doraad iyo maanta, waxayna ciidamada Kenya madaafiic ku garaaceen deegaano ka tirsan Beledxaawo oo ay ku noolaayeen dad reer Miyi ah, waxaa ku dhintay ilaa labo qof, xoolo badana waa ku baaba’een”ayuu yiri Yuusuf Kaanti.


    Afhayeen u hadlay Ciidamada Milateriga Kenya ayaa sheegay in duqeymo ay ka geysteen deegaanka Gadoon-Dhawe ay ku dileen ilaa labaatan dagaalyahano, sidoo kale ay duqeeyeen xero Al-Shabaab ay ku laheyd xuduuda.


    Dhinaca kale Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Sheekh C/casiis Abuu Muscab ayaa beeniyay sheegashada Kenya ee ku saabsan duqeynta, waxaana uu xusay inay nabad ku soo laabteen dagaalyahanadii fuliyay howl galkii ka dhacay Mandhera, waxaana uu beeniyay hadalka Kenya.


    Diyaaradaha dagaalka Kenya ayaa duqeeyay deegaano ku dhow dhow xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, iyadoo meelaha la duqeeyay ay ku sugnaayeen dad xoololeey ah.


    Duqeynta diyaaradaha milatariga Kenya ayaa jawaab u aheyd weerar Al-Shabaab ay sabtidii la soo dhaafay ka geystay duleedka magaalada Mandhera, halkaasoo ay gaari bas ahaa kala degtay rakaabkii saarnaa, iyadoo dishay ilaa 28 ruux.



  Isha wararka xaqiiqda