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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. Well nobody is bothering Siyaad now, he is with his Creator. It would be better for Mr Shirdoon to ask the Somali people to forgive him not Siyaad.
  2. Stoic let me give you an example in order to ease your unfounded anxieties. Suppose you had an argument and a fight with a much larger fellow. Then with your quick moves you grounded that large fellow and he ended up in an intensive care unit fighting for his dear life with the help of some Ugandan, Kikuyu, and Habashi doctors. After some twenty two and so years that unfortunate man started moving his fingers and came out of the coma. In those two decades while your opponent who is now an unrecognisable shadow of his former self was in a ventilation unit with dozens of wires sticking out of him, you went to college, graduated, got a job, got married, had several children some of whom are now in their late teens, and became a respected member of the society(world). Will you them Mr Stoic be worried about what the recovery of that poor soul mean for your security and wellbeing? Edit: I forgot to add that a rogue kikuyu doctor gave a bad injection to the patient and as a result there are some serious complications on the lower part of the body.
  3. OdaySomali;932405 wrote: Djibouti is probably the worst example you could have picked... a tiny city-state that is economically entirely dependent on the port revenues it generates from Ethiopia and the fees it levies on the American, French and Japanese military bases. If it were not for its fortunate location and Eritrea seceding from Ethiopia, it would just be an insignifcant, tiny, barren coastal enclave with no political, social or economic clout or relevance to speak of. Adigu rumayso waxaad rumaysanaso, im not going to futher detract from the subject of this thread. This is an excellent thread but you can not ignore the fact that if the union of Somaliland and Somalia was good for the Somali people today we would have something to show for it.
  4. ^ I see no difference between those chicks with a bikini and a bottle, and the Somali guys who sleep with women outside of marriage. Both groups are immoral in equal measure.
  5. *Blessed;932428 wrote: ^Most of them are single..and would probably remain so until they get over themselves and actually see another person for their humanity rather than how they can mold them to their fantastical views of the world and most crucially learn to view women as equals with strengths as well as faults like themselves. No woman wants a man who sees her as a deficient minor who aught to be tolerated! This is sisterly advice boys, no offence intended Well said blessed. Just the other day some guys were unashamedly bragging about their “first white chick”, and now here we have others saying they can't find a "good" Somali girl. I believe it is the Somali male and not the female who is a total failure.
  6. ^ Where are the ladies? Please u jawaaba ninkan:eek:
  7. I think the government of Somaliland needs to learn a thing or two from the kacaan government when it comes to land management and the enforcement of the law. A very nice video indeed.
  8. nuune;931970 wrote: ^ Xageed ka jeclaatey islaanta, ma internetka With your comment you must have offended a lot of female SOLers. Are you suggesting a 35 years old chick is islaan??:mad:
  9. I don't have a problem with the size of the cabinet as long as the ministers do some work for a reasonable salary, are accountable, and transparent. And yes Xiin is right they are all political posts to keep the clans happy.
  10. Che -Guevara;931710 wrote: Jb....There was no Somaliland in 1982, atleast get the history right. Tallaabo...I thought your struggle was war of independence ergo not part of the Somali civil war. The war in the north of the former republic was not about the independence of Somaliland. There is no Somaliland in SNM, it was Somali National Movement. The SNM 's agenda was never about the secession of Somaliland but was about the overthrow of Siyad Barre's tyrannical regime. It was only when Siyad's forces were expelled from the north and the disillusioned and very angry refugees returned that the civilians demanded the restoration of Somaliland's independence. The SNM leaders who were all getting ready to go to Mogadisho and help establish and new central government there had no choice but to oblige. So yes the war in the north of the former republic was part of the Somali civil war.
  11. oba hiloowlow;931486 wrote: it doesn't sound somali at all tallaabo. Rendille langage is similar too somali tho Are these people Somali? I am confused lol.
  12. Samafal;931432 wrote: Caku iyo Soomali iyo dhul aysan dad u hayn yaa ku baroortay. War kii aan nala ku haysan baan hagaajin la;anahay ma midkalaad taag u haysaa. Tan kale aniga ha ii tirine ii sheeg meesha ay Oromo kaa qabsadeen. Diredawe waa magaalo la wada dago iyagaana kaaga badaan magacana iyaga luqadooda weeye ee is daji. Are you joking? Diri Dhabe not Diri Dawa as the Ethiopians call it, was the heartland of the Somali *** clan. It is named after that clan and has nothing to do with the Oromos. I too have a huge problem with the aggressive land grabbing policy of the Oromos, they should be confronted and dealt with but please let us not insult them after all they are our closest cousins.
  13. OdaySomali;931449 wrote: Similarities in language: Although both Af-Somali and Afaan Oromo use the latin characters for their alphabet, you have to bear in mind that we may not use the same letters with the same pronounciation e.g. we spell Wiil , they spell Weel . Meaning: Father Somali: Aabo, Aabe Oromo: Abbaa -- Meaning: Son Somali: Ilmo Oromo: Ilma -- Meaning: Mother Somali: Hooyo Oromo: Haadha -- Meaning: Daughter Somali: Inan, Inantaa Oromo: Intala -- Meaning: Man, Men, People Somali: Niman Oromo: Nama -- Meaning: Five Somali: Shan Oromo: Shan --- Meaning: Teach Somali: Bar Oromo: Bar teacher = barsiiso -- Meaning: Year, time Somali: Waa, Waaga Oromo: Waggaa -- Meaning: The man, the men Somali: Ninka, Nimanka Oromo: Namicha -- Meaning: The end, End Somali: Dhamaad Oromo: Dhuma -- Meaning: owns/has Somali: Qaba Oromo: Qaba -- Meaning: Name, [What is] your name?, the name Somali: Magac, Magacaa?, Magacan oromo: Maqaa, Maqaan -- Meaning: Mouth, Language Somali: Af Oromo: Af[aan] -- Meaning: I Somali: Ani, Ani[ga] Oromo: Ani -- Meaning: You Somali: Adi, Aid[ga] Oromo: Ati -- Meaning: He Somali: Isa[ga] Oromo: Isa -- Meaning: You have Somali: Qabtaa Oromo: Qabda -- Meaning: We Enter Somali: Gallay Oromo: Galla -- Meaning: We learn Somali: Baranaa Oromo: Barra -- Meaning: Ears, listen Somali, Dhego, Dhegayso Oromo: Dhagga, Dhageessa -- Meaning: Go/get up Somali: Kac, Ka' Oromo: Ka' -- Menaing: Break, Break to pieces Somali: Chab (Jab), Chachab (jajab) Oromo: Cab, Cacab --- Meaning: 'say' or 'shout' Soomaali: iyaa [yaah] Oromo (Galla): iyya --------- Meaning: 'crockodile' Soomaali: yaxaas Oromo (Boni): yahaas Rendille (Reer Diinle): yahasi --------- Meaning: 'wild dog' Soomaali: yeey Oromo (Galla): yeeyii Oromo (Boni): yeye Rendille: yaay --------- Meaning: 'light' Soomaali: if/iftiin Oromo (Galla): ifa ----------- Meaning: 'long hair' Soomaali: dab Oromo (Galla): daabee ---------- Meaning: 'back' Soomaali: dhabar Oromo: daban ----------- Meaning: 'young bull' Soomaali: dibbi Oromo (Galla): dib-icca ----------- Meaning: 'man' [calling a man] Soomaali: waryaa [waraa] Oromo (Galla): warra -------- Meaning: 'call, invite' Soomaali: waani/waano Oromo (Galla): waama ----------- Meaning: 'hyena' Soomaali: waraabe Oromo (Galla): warab-esa Rendille: waraba ------------- Meaning: 'boy' or 'child' Soomaali: wiil Oromo (Boni): weel ---------- Meaning: 'son, brother' Soomaali: walaal Rendille: walal ------------ Meaning: 'rhinoceros' Soomaali: wiyil Rendille: weyel -------- Meaning: 'fruit of cactus' Soomaali: tin [tiintiin] Oromo (Galla): tini ----------- Meaning: 'spit' Soomaali: tuf Oromo (Galla): tufe ------------ Meaning: 'beat' Soomaali: tun [tuma dadkaas] Oromo (Galla): tuma Rendille: tum --------- Meaning: 'she-goat' Soomaali: ri' Oromo (Galla): ree ----------- Meaning: 'follow' Soomaali: raac Oromo (Boni): raa' Rendille: raah ---------- Meaning: 'run' Soomaali: orod Oromo (Boni): irid Rendille: irid ----------- Meaning: 'womb, uterus' or 'pregnant (of animals)' Soomaali: rimay, riman Oromo (Galla): riimaa Rendille: rim ----------- Meaning: 'rain' Soomaali: roob Oromo (Galla): rooba Oromo (Boni): roob ----------- Meaning: 'cow' Soomaali: sac Oromo (Galla): saa' --------- Meaning: 'lungs' Soomaali: sambab Oromo (Galla): somba --------- Meaning: 'cripple' Soomaali: naafa Oromo (Galla): naafa --------- Meaning: 'breath' or 'soul' or 'life Somali: naf [soul] or neef [breath] Oromo (Boni): nef ---------- Meaning: 'man' Soomaali: nin [niman] Oromo (Galla): nama ---------- Meaning: 'breath' or 'breathe' Soomaali: neefso Oromo (Boni): neefso Rendille: nefsi/nefso ---------- Meaning: 'live long' Soomaali: raage Oromo (Galla): raaga --------- Meaning: 'elephant' Soomaali: maroodi Oromo (Galla): marode --------- Meaning: 'be drunk' Soomaali: [ma cabee], cabid Oromo (Galla): macaw ---------- Meaning: 'family' or people Soomaali: maati [people] Oromo (Galla): maatii [family] --------- Meaning: 'manger' or 'home' Soomaali: moora ['animal shelter'], old homes Oromo (Galla): moora ---------- Meaning: 'herd of cows' Soomaali: lo' Oromo (Galla): loon Rendille: loolyo -------- Meaning: 'hen' Soomaali: luki [lost word, now dooro] Oromo (Galla): lukku --------- Meaning: 'leg, hip' Soomaali: lug Oromo (Galla): luka, lukaa Rendille: lux ---------- Meaning: 'name' Soomaali: magac Oromo (Galla): maqa Rendille: magaca ---------- Meaning: 'house' Soomaali: minan Oromo (Galla): mana, manaa Oromo (Boni): min --------- Meaning: 'bone' Soomaali: laf Oromo (Galla): lafe --------- Meaning: 'companion, relative' Soomaali: lammaan Oromo (Galla): lammii ----------- Meaning: 'heart' or 'chest Soomaali: lab [heart] Oromo (Galla): labb [chest] ----------- Meaning: 'swallow' Soomaali: liqid Oromo (Galla): liqim ----------- Meaning: 'foreskin' [dead skin] Somali: qolof Oromo (Galla): qolofa --------- Meaning: 'cold' Somali: qaboow Oromo (Galla): qabbanawa Rendille: qobo ---------- Meaning: 'young female camel' Somali: qaalin Rendille: qaalim ---------- Meaning: to bite Somali: qaniin Oromo (Galla): qinina ------------ Meaning: 'high mountain, summit' Somali: qar [qarka] Oromo (Galla): qara --- Meaning: Tongue Somali: Carab Oromo: Arrabba -- Meaning: Teeth/Tooth Somali: Ilko, Ilig Oromo: Ilkaan, Ilkee -- Meaning: Leg Somali: Lug Oromo: Luka -- Meaning: Knee Oromo: Jilba Somali: Jilib -- Meaning: Head Somali: Madax (madah) Oromo: Mataa --- Meaning: Hair Somali: Timo/ Rif? e.g. timhaha ka rif Oromo: Rifaa -- Meaning: face Oromo: Fuula Somali: Fool That is what I am taking about. So I was not hearing my own echo afterall? And as predicted Xaaji is on fire with rage:eek:
  14. ^ For them the civil war started in 1991. Prior to that life was blissful and they cared little about what was happening in the far alien world of the North. They were just like the American citizens who will struggle to find Iraq on the world map despite their army obliterating that nation.
  15. Nin-Yaaban;930903 wrote: Social isolation 'increases death risk in older people' Worried for some of the people here. Don't worry SOL counts as family/friend;)
  16. Carafaat;931491 wrote: Au revoir to the Ottowa based diaspora Awdal State. They were in the top 3 of most popular diaspora states. The downfall of these internet states has already caused a huge financial crisis for a lot of businesses including coffee shops, dance halls, amateur photographers, web developers, fancy dress boutiques, etc and is perpetuating the Western world's economic recession. Perhaps these qurbo meer states should ask for a bailout from the treasuries of host countries to keep the wider economy going.
  17. nuune;931368 wrote: I take that back, after writing it more than 10 years ago. Inshaalah you will change your opinion of them again in about 25 years time;)
  18. GaroweGal;931557 wrote: I feel sorry for 'us' unsuspecting Somali women for having to deal with such cayaal suuqiin. war dee isku xishooda oo saqajaannimadiina banaanka hasoo dhigina. Alloow ceeb astur. I would advise my fellow Somali sisters to scrutinize their future spouse and make sure to get them tested for STDs. I cant help but notice the double standards of the Somali culture regarding boys and girls, I cannot imagine what the reaction would be if a Xaliimo dared to mention her ex cadaan boyfriend in SOL.. I am really sick of the hypocrisy and the double-standards of the Somali culture when it comes to upbringing boys and girls. I have observed that boys can play around and sleep around but the girls are expected to be pure and perfect. Well said GG. If anyone of those boosting about dating a white girl is told his sister is dating a white man or a Jamaican, they would be hiding in shame and embarrassment. The Somali man's hypocrisy is legendary.
  19. Some more information for this academic exercise: http://www.topix.com/forum/world/somalia/T39ACGC0D0385I82R Edit: In this Topix thread, one Oromo guy is claiming that the entire H@wiye clan is actually a sub-clan of Babiile Oromo. Hallelujah;)
  20. ^ Alla ninku waa Oromada Hargaysa nagu haysata:mad:
  21. ^ You have got a point. May be we are the ones who speak a corrupted version of their language.:confused:
  22. I am sure this thread will inflame the Xaaji and induce a tirade prejudice from others like Oba and Haatu but let us take some time to learn more about this Somali-like nation next door. For a start, the very obvious similarities between the Somalis and the Oromos are their distinct looks, their dress, their culture, religion and now after a short academic study of their Youtube clips I am of the opinion that they speak a dialect of Somali. I mean when I listened to them attentively, very attentively I could almost hear them speak a weird Somali. For a Northerner like me, their language sounds Somali but is just as hard to understand as Maay Maay. Here is one such clip for you to look at: