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About Tallaabo

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  1. Which clans are in conflict? The Somali clans have no issues between them. It is the career politicians who are determined to make a living out of the people's misery. Let alone follow the rules, they break every agreement and corrupt every system put in place. The masses are equally guilty for supporting such low quality men.
  2. Don't you think that if the Zionists colonised our land instead of Palestine, today they would be much better off and would have had much less resistance?
  3. This is beautiful. Since childhood, I always liked Boosaaso and the Bari region. I have never been there and I don't know the reason, but I have always had a soft spot for that region, one of my favourites in the whole Somali territories. I truly believe, if the Somali people didn't worship a deity called qabiil, we could have had Africa's largest economy and most developed nation.
  4. This sounds like a theocratic dictatorship!! The public must reject any attacks on their freedoms under the guise of religion. Once they get away with one "restriction", more will follow soon after.
  5. I agree with you on this issue. This is just a storm in a tea cup.
  6. How do you know those accounts are fake Zionist bots?
  7. Trump mulls displacing Gazans to Morocco, Puntland, Somaliland: Report WWW.PRESSTV.IR Morocco, Puntland, and Somaliland have been named as potential destinations for Palestinians who can be forcibly expelled...
  8. The westerners who visit China can't believe how developed, sophisticated, organised, wealthy China is. https://youtube.com/shorts/VtuFS-WxAHE?si=3wnrl_ODBUIZsayF
  9. Cirro is right to make his first foreign trip to the UAE. Thanks to their huge investments, Berbera is now among the best ports in Africa. Top ten highest-ranking ports in Africa | Business Insider Africa AFRICA.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM In todays interconnected world, ports play a pivotal role in facilitating global trade and driving economic growth. Serving as crucial...
  10. You guys can plan to bring back the Pharaohs if want but our advice is: choose peace over war and be satisfied with your own deegaan.
  11. Waa dad gardarro qaawan wada. If they chose conflict over peace, so be it.
  12. This is a dangerous situation. Where did these people come from? I believe Daesh, al Qaida, Boko Haram, and the likes are mind-controlled Trojan Horses for CIA and Mosad Zionist dark forces to create upheaval in Muslim societies. They got to be destroyed before they set roots.
  13. One of the World’s Oldest Aircraft Resumes Flights: Aerojet’s DC-9 Story WWW.AVIACIONLINE.COM Aviacionline es el sitio de aviación en español más leído del mundo. Presenta noticias de aerolíneas, aviones, aeropuertos, y demás.
  14. In other words what you want is a loosely "united" Somali nations where the Somali UN can be ignored, sidelined, weakened, and discarded whenever your so-called member states/ independent nations feel like doing it. Why make it so complicated and not just declare independence?
  15. Why resort to personal insults when MMA merely pointed out the facts? The confederation you are peddling here is just a cover up for secession. What kind of a political entity demands full sovereignty and yet remains a constituent part of a sovereign state?