Somali philosopher

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Everything posted by Somali philosopher

  1. Aaliyyah;842408 wrote: People in the North? Be a little more specific next time. It is only reer waqooyi galbeed that want recognition in the name of "somaliland".Somalis from Awdal and Khaatumo are pro-somaliweyn and don't support secessionists. no disrespect khatumo state and awdal
  2. am not going to say our independence was taken away i am going to say challenged. when it happened somalis fought for their independence not begg. and we earned it. every country goes through war but for most countries their country men don't chose 4 days over 30 years. but the reality here is somaliand is a name given by colonizers to divide somali-LANDS. no different than owner giving dog a name. Wadani;842406 wrote: Somali philosopher, by pre union status quo i obviously meant the 4 days somaliland stood as an independent nation. If Somalia was stripped of international recognition today, would it's leaders not 'beg' the leading nations of the world for recognition in order to provide a better life for their ppl? U think somaliland lobbies for international recognition because its a favourite pastime? Come on man, get real.
  3. ^^^you are either somali or not. there is no such thing as somalilander. or puntlander for that matter. when you say "Somaliland was chosen to emphasize a return to the pre-union status quo" do you mean colonialism. because that was what was going on before union. what the hell do people in the north see in Britian. that they have to base everything apon them. land area, official name, and a desperate begging for recognition.
  4. kuwa saas u hadla majoogaan cirka ii fiiri xagee laga keenay
  5. i dont understand why LAND has to be added to everything. sland,pland, hadana STATE baa bilowday. ingiriiska ha laga saaro.
  6. somalia is understandable but even in the west there is nothing new
  7. Does anybody else think that Somali music hasn't changed since the 80. same music, same lyrics. one genre. no more originality. some people are starting to come up like Aar manta who is taking old and mixing it with new. but young people are not coming up with new music. we need somali jazz, rock, hiphop and classical music. the best somali music came from before the civil war. you would think living in the diaspora somali music would grow and be influenced.
  8. must hv been a reer mudug man. we are known for indha adeeg and la qabsi
  9. i wonder how humans taste. chicken, beef or perhaps camel.
  10. we somalis suffer from both. we use tribalism to divide and hate ourselves, and we also use racism to hate anyone that don't look like us. moonlight is right its the chicken and egg issue.
  11. ^^^ waa runtaa sxb safar baa yimid tuulooyinka wali waa laga isticmalaa. lakin magaaloyinka laga ma maqlo. bog-mareegeed horay u ma aqoon iyo tix qoraalo ba.
  12. micnaha literalka wa kan neef-tuuraya .............. breathing hard/orod ka bacdi is-dhigay .............. orday safarna .............. travel nagu riday ............. na saaray/raacnay xeri ............. ? xoolo-raacato ............... herder marxabayn ............. salaan habsatay .............. qabsatay camal/na heshay riiqday .............. baa bi'isay qushuuca .............. wey adagtahay sida loo micneeyo tan xayirmine ............. inaad meel katagi wey sid dhego nuglaan .............. ogolaansho dhago adeyg ............. wax maqal la aan jilaal .............. season ma higaan .............. kala joogsi la aan
  13. somaliya hadey fuundi u baahantahay china ha soo kireysato. raqiis weye sifiicana wey u shaqeeyaan. wadada xamar ilaa hargeysa ayagaa dhiseen wali wey fiicantahay lakin tii uu talyaniga disay labaatansano ka hor be burburtay.
  14. It is plausible to argue that the sudden rise of Khaatumo and its instant fame as a renewed fire of force for Somalia unity must have given the PM enough political capital to stand firm on this matter. they are beating Somaliland at their own game
  15. reconciliation can start after there is relative peace. in rwanda many people who committed crimes came forward and asked for forgiveness and in some cases to pay for their crimes. i really doubt any somali warlord would do that. in fact somalis would defend a criminal because they are from the same clan. after 21 years of civil war we still haven't realized the evil of qabil. btw i have been to rwanda and its amazing how they have rebuilt. there is large somali community there. its amazing country.
  16. was that the actual title. Mogadisho risks how is that a risk. i would take that.
  17. i guess guys dancing in music videos is a thing in Europe.
  18. welfare is a never ending cycle. it makes people unproductive. somalida indy ka fogaato oo shaqeysataa ufiican ma ogi xalada UK shaqo la anta lakin waligeed in laqaato welfare ma fiicna.