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Everything posted by Maqane

  2. Alpha Blondy;981874 wrote: Aabbas will make me a website and add paypal to the site. you'll then donate and so will everyone else, abti. wa war cad. somaha Aabbasoooow, inaar? Al, you serious horta inaar ? if so, i can help setup a simple website for fundraising (domain,logo,give some space of my hosting, (with no costs involved) but not for the library at this moment because i've got a lot of projects to do as i told you before. For further questions i'll PM you, ma garatay?.
  3. Sheikh Hawdianoow, thanks for the warm welcome marka hore, mar labaad, salaan boqol iyo toban iyo afar iga gudoon, mida sedaxaad, our women are being hijacked day by day by non nomads and this is trending as you know, what can we do about this? Mahadsanid!
  4. Alpha Blondy;981706 wrote: how am i going to get $10,300 guys? .
  5. Somalis had once upon a time inter-qabiil marriage issues but they now took it to the next level (inter-racial) which i think it's a good progress, but at the same time an old trend (ama wax laga tagay!).
  6. Mooge;981741 wrote: i fear our resident beauty safferz may be lured by these scrupulous foreign hungry men. Mooge, just give up abti, after reading the quote below. Safferz weey tagtoooooooow weey talaabteeeeeeeey ee get over it! Safferz;978530 wrote: Busted a white dude claiming to speak Somali today (he's a visiting student here, and said he speaks it during one of our grad workshops)... introduced myself and asked him how he's doing, and he didn't understand a word. I'll have to mess with him another time to figure out where he's at with the language, but the only thing he seemed to know in Somali was "iska warran" lol. Damn. He said he wants to study Somaliland :mad: Source: Al's cantarabaqash
  7. This aroos is part of mataaneeynta project. No comment!
  8. Kolleey, waxaa la yiri ''luuq luuq maroow laasinkiis laamigaas yimaadaa" waxaa taas ka sii daran, he made it even worse.
  9. @0:32 Ma Shiinees buu is mooday mise ruuxaantii baa dhexgashay This made my day, lol
  10. Wiil Cusub;981641 wrote: Xamda Queen (Xus Jaceyl) Official Video HD :cool: |X|amda Queen. Waah waah, she's got an Incredible Voice!
  11. Nin-Yaaban;981636 wrote: Labo nin oo Xoolo dhaqato ah, ayaa kayimid miyiga iyo baadiyaha oo waxeey soo galeen Masaajid khudbada jimcaha kasocoto. Cabaar markeey fadhiyeen oo eey khudbada dhageesanayeen, ayaa labadii mid kamid ah, ooyey. Mid Arab'ah oo agtiisa fadhiyey ayaa madaxa u salaaxay oo yiiri...'Alla maskiinkan ilahay dartiis ayuu u ooyayaa'. Markii eey khudbadii dhamaatay oo lasoo wada baxay, ayaa sxbkiis wuxuu kii kale ku dhahay, 'Af.Carabi' mataqaanid oo Baadiyaha ayaan kanimidee, maxaad la ooydey? Kii kale ayaa wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Shiikha khudbada akhrinayey ayaa Garkiisa wuxuu u ekaa, Orgay (ariga midka ninka ah) labo bilood ka hor iga dhintay. Oo marka saas baan u ooynayey. :D
  12. You've summarized my future expectations of xaalada Soomaaliya iyo sida ay ku sii socon doonto. I too indeed share your saadaal and sentiments. Thanks abti. PS: what is 'xerow' btw?
  13. Uuf Uuf Uuuuf Ya Salaam :D اوووف اوووف اوووف يا سلام I.....l....0....v.....e...y....o...u....m...a...m. ..a I..l..o..v..e..y..o..u..m..a..m..a Ilove you mama mama معاشل:بنيتي الحبوبه حلا :انا مشاعل:حلوة وطيوبه حلا:انا مشاعل:بنيتي الحبوبه حلا:انا مشاعل:حلوه وطيوبه حلا:انا مشاعل:لما ابيها تنام تمسك ايديا حلا:انا مشاعل:وتطلب هاديه حلا:ماما مشاعل:يمى نام الله يهديك يمي نامي يلله حلا:مابي مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله حلا:مابي......لو تبيني مني آآنام يلا نامي جمبي مشاعل:مابي حلا:لو تبيني اني آآنام يلا جمبي مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام مشاعل: من شنو تخافين ماما حلا:مابي مابي مابي مابي مولازم انام انا آخاف أخاف اخاف لحالي أخاف انام .................................................. . .................................................. . .................................................. . .................................................. . .................................................. . حلا:Ilove you mama mama مشاعل:Ilove you 2 mama مشاعل:بروحي اضمك حلا:انا مشاعل:يسلم هالمك حلا:انا مشاعل:بروحي اضمك حلا:انا مشاعل:يسلم هالمك حلا:انا مشاعل:عسل يا عالم عسل....مافي مثلها حلا:ماما مشاعل:ودي آكلها حلا:ماما مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله حلا:مابي مشاعل:يمي نام الله يهديك يمى نام يلله حلا:مابي......لا بغني اغنيه وحده وانتي سمعي يلا مشاعل:يلاه حلا:لا بغني اغنيه وحده وانتي سمعي يلا.....اوووف وميت انام يا ماما قولو يا سلام مشاعل:يا سلام حلا:اووووف اوووف اوووف اوووف يا سلام مابي مابي مابي مابي مو لازم انام ....انا اخاف اخاف اخاف لحالي اخاف انام مشاعل:من شنو تخافين ماما مابي مابي مابي مابي مو لازم انام ....انا اخاف اخاف اخاف لحالي اخاف انام ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ماماه....ماماه.....ماماه....يلا روحي نامي حبيبتي..ــه
  14. Al, the guy you're talking to is not who you think he/she is, waa jaajuus :mad: . Please take a look at this picture carefully and explain to me what you see, wax baa meesha ka qaldan!!.
  15. Naxar Nugaaleed;981477 wrote: Why would you title this a tirade? Simple verifiable facts equal tirade +1
  16. 100% ku raacsanahay mudane-han! Qofka (wadaniga) markuu dhaqankiisa barto ayuu horumar gaaraa
  17. ^ here is rough translation link btw
  18. ^ Waxay ka dhaadhiciyeen oo ay ku yiraahdeen inay filin jili doonaan oo ku saabsan nolosha burcad badeedka, markii garoonka diyaaradaha ee biljim laga soo dejiyey beey katiinad ku dhufteen baa la yiri I laughed so hard when i red this ;D Source: POLITIE LOKT PIRATEN MET FILMROL NET EEN FILM BELGIË 14.10.2013 . 20.25 stuur door Een stelletje bazen zijn het, de politieagenten in België. Ze wisten de Somalische piratenkoning Mohamed Abdi Hassan, roepnaam 'Afweyme’, naar Europa te lokken door hem een filmrol te beloven. De piraten dachten dat ze in België zouden meewerken aan een film over het leven als piraat, maar werden bij aankomst op het vliegveld in Brussel meteen in de boeien geslagen door de federale politie. Dat meldt VTM. In 2009 werd de bemanning van het Belgische schip Pompeï zeventig dagen lang gegijzeld in Somalië en de politie denkt dat Afweyme de leiding had over de piraten. De actie waardoor Afweyme kon worden opgepakt, is maandenlang in het geheim voorbereid. BERUCHT Afweyne en zijn zoon worden in VN-rapporten genoemd als de meest beruchte en machtigste piraten van Somalië. Sinds 2005 zou hij met zijn piratenbende miljoenen dollar hebben verdiend met het kapen van schepen. De piraat verklaarde begin vorig jaar op een persconferentie te stoppen met piraterij om zich met politiek bezig te gaan houden, maar zag een leven als acteur dus blijkbaar ook wel zitten.
  19. Maqane


    Ma midii muxubo faabrikas iyo b + isku bixisay oo hadba buuro fuushay oo isku mooday balaayada, alloow yaa ku dikaacsha oo kaa qaniina barida (ambalii ?) boga kaaga fariista 100x jeer ku dharbaaxa Muxubo is an intelligent and a feminist girl whether you like her or not. the call seems to me a ''setup'' btw.
  20. Coofle, mahadsanid, sax weeye, ... lol @personal opinion, war heedhe, Kormeere is not even closer to dhexdhexaadiya, lol we should sometimes post some qarxis stuff to test our Somali understanding level Yes, you're right, The translation of a term may also vary depending on context, and of course we should use our common sense and intuition. Btw, Recommend this (i.e post) to your friend; in Somali you would say 'U jeedi (as MMA mentioned before) (tus. qormadan) saaxibadaa/ saaxibadadaa u jeedi qormadan. " What do you think and how would you translate this "The report made very specific recommendations for policy reform"? Mahadsanidiin.
  21. +1 Wonderful! 2x Heelee hibiiloo wayaabaale, wayaaba heelee wayaabaale Qoraaga heestan?