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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. Inta dhimatay AUN, inta dhaawacantayna bogsood dhaqsi ah baan u rajayn. Eeda waxaa iskaleh ciidamada nabad sugida iyo kan hoggaanka meesha ka ah. Musuqmaasuqa iyo Afaara qabiilka inta uu jiro ama mardadabaanka lagu dhaqmayo, wax hagaagaya ma laha. Madaxwynaha waxaa loo xilsaaray inuu ku adkaado uuna soo celiyo nabadgalyada balse jubbaland iyo hebelland inta howsha lagadhigtay horay u socod warkiis haba sheegin.
  2. I think you're looking for ONLF
  3. You have my respect! Keep us in the loop. Thanks
  4. Waan ku raacsanahay waxa uu yiri sekkanada ugu dambeeya; Dowlad ka koobaan koox kaliya ma haboona mana aha mid uu dadka oo dhan u simanyahay! Balse, Ma dhan bay ka tahay mise wax kale buu ulajeedaa?
  5. The instability within the Somali Language | Xasilloonidarrada ka jirto Af-soomaaliga
  6. History and Development of the Somali Script | Taariikhda iyo Horumarka Dhigaalka Soomaaliga
  7. Actually, what landerPhillie trying to say is Ahmed was born in the self declared state ''Somaliland'' and is of Somali-American origin so the Somaliland media must have reported the news. Soo saas maaha, LanderPhillieooow/LanderPhillieeey inaar? PS: Ha layaabina, he's/she's an introvert so he/she can't say things straight.
  8. Congrats!! it came as a surprise to me though, because i wasn't aware of Ahmed Hassan's election. Reer Clarkston were sleeping when this was happening miyaa? How come we were not informed before or are all the Solers focused on Minneapolis because that maters the most mise something is not ok with Somalis in US! Ku soo dhawoow SOL Mr/MrsLanderPhillie
  9. Khayr inaar, You don't need to be too concerned with this.. I mean suicide and gun violence has became normal in the states and no one wants to hear it over and over again, the Muslim terrorist thing way tageenoo weey talaabteen, ma garatay? It's like visiting museum
  10. ^ Uchi, Arooska Safferz iyo Alpha baa soo dhow, marka we 're tested before we're invited to the Party. Only extroverts (party animals) ama kuwa aan xishoodka laheen are only welcome because there will be going a lot of crazy staff! __ Anyway, i took the quiz and my personality profile is E/I which means i'm an Ambivert taas oo markaa ah '''Meel iiroon malaha!'. Saas miyaa? :eek:
  11. Can you guys confirm it's not only me? please check from 29.36 and let me know if it's stuck there!!!! Edit: i performed different tests.. i'm sure something wrong with the video, they just uploaded without checking it! :mad:
  12. ^ Adigaa mudan walaal balse Qaybta ugu xiisaha badnayd buu ku istaagay viidiyoowga. I'll contact with the video owner. This is unprofessional, :mad: :mad:
  13. Doodwadaag ku saabsan Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed.
  14. Thanks Baashi, ok, i will .. let me know if you come across 'Mid dhamaystiran'.
  15. Yaa ii'sheegi kara halka aan ka heli/akhrisan karo, taariikh nololeedkiisa oo dhamaystiran, Mahadsanid.
  16. Warka soodaa = Release the info Warka ìsii = Give me the report/info
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;984456 wrote: ^^ Somalilanders can pronounce the letter P , koonfurians cant thats why Somaliland has the letter P. Xaaji, i didn't know you came back from Ukraine Btw, It's important to hire a good and knowledgeable artist/designer in such events. Here is a correct one from the 19th anniversary.
  18. Sannadguuro wacan oo wanaagsan baan dhihi lahaa Ciidanka Booliska. SL waxaan u rajayn nabad iyo horumar. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us Ibtisam.
  19. Good teaser/showreel but no where does it say "a movie". Inappropriate for children though.
  20. NATO, Russia say device used to scan crowds for explosives near completion The Stand-off Detection of Explosives and Suicide Bombers system (STANDEX) "could help NATO allies and Russia prevent terrorist attacks such as those carried out on the public transport systems in London, Madrid and Moscow" in the past decade, NATO said in a video news release that included Russian partners . Interesting ! Read More...