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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. oba hiloowlow;941801 wrote: excellent so the somalis copied this report? Oba, link-ga aan soo dhigay waa just sharing.
  2. oba hiloowlow;891900 wrote: hahah Walahi this oday made my night,living legend LOOL @oba you made my day sxb. I tracked your picture and came across this Long live Oba's Malayaacni-Thread
  3. For more info on Bajuni People:-->>
  4. SomaliPhilosopher;941658 wrote: what is kataan in this case sxb? Micnaha saxda ah ma garanayo sxb , laakiin .. here is a definition from the.. Qaamuus kataan: Shax laba jare leh; irmaan. Waxba kamaanan fahmin qeexida kor ku xusan . Maybe someone like Coofle/one of the forum members can explain it to you!
  5. SomaliPhilosopher;941653 wrote: Kunbiskii miyaa layga qubay, kolayo ii buuxay? Maantana kataantii miyaa, layga kala qaaday? Kataan, is that bedbug? Kataan is not a bedbug, Kutaan/Dhiqle is a bedbug Qaamuskan soo dejiso, it's helpful and i recommend it.
  6. Qaran iyo Qabyaalad ma is Qaadi Karaan? -- Iyadoo la eegayo xaga diinta Islaamka Interesting one for dummies like me Waxaad daawataa from @5:30 " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Alpha Blondy;941592 wrote: this is just ridiculous. this thread reeks of political correctness! uff fooqal uff. i will NOT be gagged and forced into a humiliating silence over my passion to discuss qabil! Alpha, Oba miyaan kuu wacaa mise Beerahaagi baad si nabad ah ugu laabaneeysaa? Random-nimada baan kugu taageersanahay
  8. nuune;941609 wrote: Waxaan ka ahey Dhagistaan Abbaas , erayga qabiil iste ma ahan eray Af Soomaali ah inta aan madoobeeyey, waa adoo dhaho oo kale kaasi waa aalkol iiste , qabyaalad baa dishey baa la oran hebel, erayga qabyaalad ma doorsoomo, micnaha ma kala gadoomo, hal qof waxxaad ku dhihi kartaa qabyaalad baa ku waashey, boqol qof waxaad ku oran kartaa qabyaalad baa idin waashey Waan gartay sxb, thanks for correcting me Soomaaligeeygu mid aan iskuul ugalay maahan , inkasta oo aan Soomaaliya kusoo barbaarey laakiin waa self-taught (Qoraal ahaan iyo faham ahaan).
  9. nuune;941587 wrote: I don't think this weird bahal that looks like Quraanjo or Shinni is free from qabyaalad , look how this bahal is standing first and tell me that she is free from isla-weyni, kibir and faan, these are the features of a qabyaalad characters. Ps: Please at least use the image of a bahal maskiin ah, like Yaxaas, or Waraabe, ama Kashiito. Pss: It is not qabiil that is problem, but qabyaalad, bal kala saar labadaa, sxb Loool, i didn't notice the right hand (islaweeynida) sxb, sawirka isagaaba dhiirigalinaye qabyaalad . Sxb, iguma soo dhicin erayga qabyaalad laakiin, waa maxay shaqasiga u dhaxeeyo? " haduu qof yiraahdo, "Qabiil Hebel baan ahay" soo "qabiiliste" lamadhihi karo :confused: PS: waan bedeley that weird pic Thanks
  10. @Khadafi Thank you sxb @Oba that's right!
  11. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  12. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  13. War ninkii helaa tala wacan helee
  14. Safferz;941466 wrote: This is the worst idea I've ever heard, and this professor is an embarrassment to the profession. Nothing offends me more than when Somali professors retrench people's faith in academics and use their position to spew the same old BS. +1
  15. Carafaat;940918 wrote: just tell him you love unity and you want Somaliland and Somalia to unite again. and that waqooyi and koonfur are two hands of the same body. Sidee baan wax ugu sheegaa ninkan, neeftii buu ba iguceliyeye Thanks for your understanding sxb
  16. *Blessed;940916 wrote: Haha. Labadiinu sheekada heesta ayaad noo matalysaan miyaa? Abaas with his aayar socod iyo af macaani and Xaji Xunjuf with his qawdhanite stand off .. LOOL, The Guy On teh left waa Xaaji, ma istiri
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;940906 wrote: But the topic is political if you wanted people just to listen to the song , you would have posted it in the general section but your intention was different you even mentioned saying that it wasn't intent to be for political purposes. When in reality it was but you still do not want to admit that. Do you know how many Songs carafaat daily post in the general section. You could have done that but you wanted to talk about politics but you still lying about that i wonder why? Again, My intention is NOT different and I don't like lying and I don't like to lie. To be honest i agree that there's a general topic but i missed it. The Admin can move it haddeey suurtagal tahay! PS: i'm a newbie here (that's not an excuse but believe me) looking for something useful and i'm not here to discuss about politics and i don't belong to political group/party. ^^ Xaaji yaa iga fujiya maanta waan gacangalaye!
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;940893 wrote: Unity section i am not aware of such a section The topic is political you posted it in the political section the song is political than why are you pretending and asking people not to take it political when the whole purpose of the topic is political? The reason i mentioned siyaad at first place is sababta oo ah waxaa jira dad lasoo boodaya Discussion and start judging you as if they know you... That's why. 2nd, Somaliaonline (Camelmilkthread) has category limits, waxeeyna kugu qasbeeydaa arrintaas inaad markaas decide gareeydo where to post. Kadibna Admin-ka go'aansado if your thread is correctly categorized . 3rd I believe in good politics and i don't see anything wrong with that music video other than sidii loo soo jeediyay. Mida kale ... My interpretation could be different