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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. /: AUN, wariyahan aad baan codkiisa u jeclaa, had iyo jeer waan dhageeysan jiray markii ay BBC-da soo gasho. Afsoomaligiisana qof sidaa ugu hadasho/u aqrido waligay ma i soo marin. Inkasto oo aan Taariikh Nololeed-kiisa oo dhameeystiran aanan ogeeyn waxaan jeclaan lahaa hadii aad si fiican u taqaanno wariyahan, fadlan in aad nala wadaagto, sidoo kale hadii aad cajalad cod/maqaallo ka hayso. Mahadsanid
  2. Tillamook;980318 wrote: ^ LOL Abbaas, please have patience with our resident Doctor who has formed an aversion to perceived "haters". I didn't expect that from the Doctor dee, .. thanks for the heads up
  3. ^ Link broke Mooge, use URL shortener services like google to bypass censored (**) letters on this forum List available url shortener services:
  4. Alpha Blondy;980021 wrote: Abti, Abbaas, more equality. more opportunity for the youth. decentralisation of power. less nepotism. less suspicion. more trust in authority. more unity. less division. the time i gave this poor looking old man 1000SLSH as a goodwill gesture and he produced a wad of $100 notes. he should have seen my good intention..... instead, he replied by saying.... ''aar baal tan eega, adeer maxaad no maleyneysa. isku xishood!'' . i politely smiled but he still took the dosh. the sense of entitlement in this society runs deep, ma garatay? i've learnt to grow up. spent a lot of time thinking and stuff. i've come to appreciate many things that i previously took for granted. it's made me more ambitious. and of course, i now spend less time on dwelling on the shoulda, coulda and woulda of decision making. to become the President of Somaliland. failing that, to be famous. my humility. my excellent well-rounded personality. my grassroots approach to life. the world is a cycle. shaqaadu ma dhamaato, dadka dhamaada. heed this advice. :cool: 10mins is too long. let alone 1 month. markasta iyo meel kasta, abti. gacmo furaan. Mahadsanid abtiyoow
  5. Can 'Moderator' also be called dhexdhexaadiye in Soomaali or kormeere (supervisor) ? In this case, i mean (Computer Science) a person who moniters and or moderates the conversations in an on-line chatroom for bad language, inappropriate content, etc
  6. AUN. Waa dhacdo aad murugo u leh. Hooyadu waxay leedahay wuxuu ahaa nin/aabe fiican, laakiin nolosha ilbiriqsi beey isku bedeli kartaa marka maxaa ku kallifay inuu caruurtiisa dilo, xiriirka iyo kala tagga labaduba u dhexeeye ka sokow?
  7. Coofle;980192 wrote: Doorbiditaan = preferring Waxaan doorbidayaa = I would prefer Recommendations = talooyin (erey ka sii haboon baan ku soo fikiri waa xilli danbe imikee) Feature = more emphasis please...according to use, Remember sometimes Direct translations will not do the trick and you might need to replace the whole words. For instance : Comment score below threshold (the limit.) (( Faalada tan way ka koobantahay/ yartahay Xaddiga la ogolyahay )) My bad.. recommend is not what i though. Mahadsanid Coofle, Faallada tan way ka yartahay xaddiga la ogolyahay is more appropriate .
  8. Abbaas;980151 wrote: Safferz, we 're trying to transalte this string, in this case it's a point. English -- >> Comment score below threshold (the limit.) Somali --> Faallada xadka score-ka weey ka hooseeysaa Do you know a proper Somali word/string to replace score-ka is Dhibcaha :confused: Mahadsanid. No, it's not a point, in this case score is a verb
  9. It's all about money + ignorance. Interviewer: Do you have any daughters, would you be willing to marry them off at 13 years old? Trafficker: Impossible, i would die for them, i would sell my eyes before i sold my kids. Wish all the best/peace for these suffering girls, the war torn Syria and displaced Syrians that's affected by this tragedy , hope this will come to an end.
  10. maxwelloow inaar, bala ku kondomeeysay ee orod oo jamaica aad, halkaas baa laga yaqaannaa waxaase. No, you can't find condoms in Somalia/land. 90% of the folks don't use sexual protection stuff there, ma garatay? Yes, AFAIK, it's too difficult to get with the local women, unless you bring/take one from hell with you or at least your partner which i am afraid you don't have one because you're desperate. I don't know the best places in Hargeisa/Bosaso to go at the moment, let other nomads advice you.
  11. xiinfaniin;980184 wrote: Xagee kuugu dambeysay gudoomiyihii gobolka Shabeelada Hoose? October 1, 2013 Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa kusoo waramaya in Gudoomiyihii Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose Cabdiqaadir Siidi oo kamid ahaa xubnihii wafdigii ka socday DFS ee lagu marti qaaday shirkii New deal ee Brussels uusan dalkii Somalia dib ugu laabanin walina uu ku sugan yahay Yurub. Hadii warkani uu dhab noqdo wuxuu masuulkani noqon doonaa masuulkii ugu horeeyay ee soomaaliyeed oo isagoo gudoomiye gobol ah iska dhiiba wadan shisheeye. Waxaa laga yaabaa inuu markii hore halkaas u aaday ulajeedo tahriib
  12. *ANWAR*;980158 wrote: If the government was run by these people.. Then my AK-47 would have seen the dawn again.. May Allah guide them *ANWAR*, i didn't know you were Moory@@n, AK-47 kulahaa. I'm shocked by your Al-shabaab minded comment. Why kill while you can speak up against them. Hobbes is now in wilders mode, ee faraha ka qaada dee. @Abti Hobbes, caadi iskadhig nooh.
  13. Safferz;980149 wrote: Score as in point/goal, or a mark? Safferz, we 're trying to transalte this string, in this case it's a point. English -- >> Comment score below threshold (the limit.) Somali --> Faallada xadka score-ka weey ka hooseeysaa Do you know a proper Somali word/string to replace score-ka is Dhibcaha :confused: Mahadsanid.
  14. Dr_Osman;980144 wrote: Abbas are you getting desperate again. Check out the bosaso booming thread you will leave in tears with your cuqdad jealousy Abti, what cuqdad, what 're you talking about, are you drunk commenting again?
  15. Recommendation = Doorbiditaan. Recommend (verb) = Doorbid To recommend = Doorbidid
  16. Good move.. and also all caaqil iskusheeg should be sent to school regardless of age.
  17. Abti Alpha, What changes do you most want to see in your Homeland (SL republic)? What has been your most embarrassing moment in SL? Have you had an experience you would say has impacted your life? What is your biggest goal in life? What do you like most about yourself? What is your point of view of the world? What would you do without Internet for 1 month? *I have too many questions that i can't think of 'em for now, may come back for more!
  18. Reeyo;979893 wrote: I'd like to log an official complaint in-relation to the 'Vote Warsame' banner on top of the forum page. Can you please remove it? ! I thought i was the only one
  19. src Al-Luhaidan added that driving could have a reverse physiological impact on women and could affect her ovaries and push the pelvis higher as a result of which their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees. He further stated that 33% female drivers caused car accidents in Arab countries as opposed to 9% male. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, he was afraid to say "women can't drive" which is true :mad:
  20. Y'all Nomads faraha baad ka baxdeen, y'all react off-topic at the same time. The topic is not about the women in west or how they're used or who they 're or what to do with them or how to defend them or whatsoever ma garateen? :mad: These Sheikhs iyo kuwa lamid ka ah oo ka soo horjeeda xuquuqda eey dumarku leeyihiin waxaa mudan in qoorahooda (their balls) xarig inta lagu xero oo laga soo laalaadiyo geed. Malcom X AUN baa hada ka hor wuxuu yiri Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a hu-man (woman or man), you take it. Dumarkan iyaga baa isasoo uruuriyey oo isasoo abaabuley, meeshii eey ka yimaadeen ama ka timid fikradooda waloow meey ahaato reer galbeed fikradooda ama reer Miyi, iyaga baa gacantooda ku dhacsanaya xuquuqdooda ee sidaa ulaa socda, ... DUF HA IDIN KU BAXDEE :mad::mad: