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There are somali-christians and they are so many, they have their own church in kenya Atleast they believe in some god, unlike our pagans in this page
3:00 nin waaye waxa diraca qaba
Jacaylbaro;851043 wrote: تحيا جمهورية أرض الصومال
Love, is the love for ALLAH, The love for your mom and dad, the love for your wife/husband when you are married, that's love, and love be4 marriage is sin
Nin-Yaaban;851078 wrote: Waa ka gaarsinaa. soonka maa ka gaarsiinee, xaraam caleyk
xey isla qalqaloocee baraka beeshada
Ufff with somali news webs creating probaganda for the sake of hate I don't see them talking about rape here in south african website There were mixed emotions at Johannesburg's OR Tambo International Airport when South African couple Debbie Calitz and Bruno Pelizzari walked out of international arrivals to meet their families and friends on Wednesday. There were hugs, laughs, screams and tears from both the couple and their relatives - tears of joy and relief, and of pain and heartache symbolic of what the couple had gone through since their capture 20 months ago. The couple, whose release from Somali pirates was secured last week, were taken hostage off the Gulf of Aden in October 2010 after armed pirates hijacked their yacht as it was about to enter the Mozambique channel, south of Dar es Salaam. The pair was rescued last Wednesday and flown from Mogadishu to Djibouti and then on to Rome, where Pelizzari's mother lives. In the emotional homecoming, the frail-looking pair sounded strong spirit despite their physical condition. Speaking to the media shortly after their arrival, a tearful Calitz expressed gratitude to everyone involved in their rescue and those who kept them in their prayers. "We must have felt the vibrations of South African people because something kept us going ... We love you South Africa." The couple was received by International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane when they landed. The two spoke about their ordeal, which they described as inhumane, as they were treated worse than animals. Calitz said they were not fed well, were handcuffed 24 hours a day, and were also not allowed to bathe much. The couple was kept together and fed a high starch diet of rice, pasta and bread. "We were not allowed luxuries which meant no soap. We had one and half litres of water per day between us ... it was just terrible," said Calitz. Pelizzari, who holds dual South African-Italian citizenship, said they were happy to get their freedom back. Pelizzari, who said he came out of the ordeal a "new person", told reporters that it would take a lifetime to repay everybody. Hitting back at their captors, he said what the pirates were doing needed to stop. He added that South Africa had created a rainbow nation and, as a country, it had to help others to do the same. Caltiz's daughter Sam said their safe return was a miracle. "There are no words, it's emotions, we are happy," she said. Nkoana-Mashabane welcomed the couple, saying it was a happy moment. She assured the couple that no one would take their freedom away now that they were back in the country. The minister also took some time to express gratitude to both the Somali and Italian governments for their roles in securing the release of the couple. The instability in Somalia has exacerbated the growing scourge of piracy. Instability due to war and the absence of a functioning government have contributed to the worsening of the situation, while a lack of sustainable programmes for institution and capacity building also renders Somalia more vulnerable to natural disasters. Last year alone, 24 ships where hijacked in 134 piracy incidents off the Somali coast, according to the European Union Naval Force. Nkoana-Mashabane said Somalia, with the assistance of the international community, needed to evolve a developmental strategy that would a result in a prosperous and stable democracy. She also encouraged the families of those who were in similar situations not to give up. The couple is expected to debrief South African officials about their journey in the next few days Read more: http://www.southafrica.info/news/hostages-280612.htm#ixzz20j6UE9us source http://www.southafrica.info/news/hostages-280612.htm
macalim ayaa arday ardayda kamida weydiiye, haddii 7 neef ari lagu siiyo, oo tuugo inta kuu soo dhacdo, affar kamidah kaa kaxeysato, maxaa kuu haraayo ardaygi wuxuu ku jawaabay, "ciil iyo khasaaro, way oo way, mar uun haddaan tuugaas gacan ku dhigi lahaa, hilibkiisaan jar jari lahaa, alla ciil badanaayeey" :D
ciidamada ONLF maxaa wada rasta ka dhigay
Showqi;850653 wrote: (Dumarku wey hadal badan yihiin dee:D), :D
nice music
Looli dhaga laheydoo looli dhaga laheydoo laba goor tuskii helay Dhulkoo liqay xareedii rayskuna labeen yahayee rayskuna labeen yahayee Oo laamo ubaxiyo isku ladhay caleentii liiq liiqanayaa Saxan saxo lulaysiyo sida laydha laydha uduga leh laab qaboojiyaa Maxaa kaa lilaahiya caashaqa halalinee Siidii aan u laab kacay Siidii aan u laab kacay ladi waayey jiifkoo Sidaan ulaba lagdoodaan laaca waan la gowsahayee laaca waan la gowsahayee Labxadaya beerkiyo qalbigaad ka lulataa laxawgiina sii kodhodh Dhibka halista igu mudan inaan liito liito aragtayee intaan luxudka lay dhigin
What kind of Muslim Are You? How Would You Define Your Islamic Faith?
wiil replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in General
Thank you for your questions, which is of the utmost importance, I won't say I'm a good muslim, but As Muslims, we have to work hard to make our lives similar to the life of our beloved Prophet, and I am practicing Islam I do Respect all the religions, May ALLAH show us the right path.. -
Wow, what a player
dadka iga dambeeyo aan u dayno bal muriyey?
And stop trolling
Aadan Jugle;846054 wrote: libaax, why not just be honest and say your clanist emotion have taken over you mode responsibilities. Why hide behind "don't insult forumers" known well how your clan members behave in this forum. Admin;816124 wrote: Please respect the rules of the website and stop the childish insults. No you are not allowed to call anyone on this website names. This is the only warning you will get. Take Care Kid
My heart is still a child I remain awake in sleepy nights I remain a sleep in lost memories I keep wondering what to say when i meet you I Can live or die for a YES from you Do you also feel the same restlessness? You are the prayer that went unanswered Sometimes you look like the moonlight in the sky Are you a dream or an illusion?
Marti goor xun socotada gurigaaga oo madhan adigoon gasiin heeyn iyo gaabanow adhi geeluna irmaaneeyn dadkaba gobol aan laqadin iyo ogow gibil madaadsha ha loo gawracaa jira
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