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Everything posted by Maarodi

  1. Malika;875006 wrote: I am sure between you and lady - you can take the dude out. No self respecting woman would allow a random guy put his hands on her - with her stilletos and your fer am sure the guy would learn a valid lesson..Lol Or you could do what Swahilis do - With your voice raised so loud, issueing all sorts of threats to him, whilst asking folks to hold you back - cause you might just cause some damage to him With all that commotion am sure the meaty dude will back off.. lmao, Malika you have made my morning! Ideally: In practice: However Somalida will fight for themselves and on behalf of other Somalis and people in general no matter what the circumstance. It's admirable at times :cool:
  2. Macallinka;874752 wrote: I have seen the picture of the guy that was beheaded ......Feeling sick now, it was right on the front page on one of the Somali websites without warning :mad:!! It was disturbing indeed.
  3. Narniah If I could give you one advice it would be, whatever you do don't get fired.
  4. wyre, you don't like that parody? By the way I saw this one floating around FB
  5. Kulaha tweet about it! What a shameless dogoon.
  6. Read this funny parody of El Tahawy.
  7. Aaliyyah;872833 wrote: I drink but I'm not alcoholic kulaha maxey umadi halowdey. Many immigrants mainly Muslims are usually profiled it is not just him.But since he seems to have immersed into their culture he most likely expected to be treated like those Australians of European descent. llaahay ha soo hadeeyo Did he say, "I've never been called Osman before, only Ossie?" or was that just me?
  8. Do these people not know lying undermines everything they stand for and believe in? I've seen that "conversion" of the astronaut in many sites and people still haven't figured out it's a hoax. By the way, that video was freaky. How is it that the girl turned into stone but the saali is on top of the stone? Shouldn't the stone be on top of the saali?
  9. LOL @ 5:53. I was waiting for a "don't touch my junk bro" episode but a simple, "ohh oh"? C'mon former Chinese, Libyan, Egyptian diplomat! By the way, is there any truth in that statement? It seems highly dubious :cool:
  10. My favorite kid is the last one who goes, "YOU SNEAKY MOM!" oh and "2+2 = 5" lmao
  11. Somali philosopher;872104 wrote: Diano is the result of Somali inferiority complex, Reer xamars say, kor ka fanto............ Yeah, along with the blonde hair as well. It's truly sad when white people want to tan themselves and blacks bleach themselves! The state of Minnesota did a study of these skin lightening cremes and found that they have mercury in them and issued a state-wide warning and even banned it. It's crazy that I've seen most of these products in Somali stores and pregnant women applying them even though they have mercury and it's dangerous for the fetus. Some even cause miscarriages. “Lemon Herbal Whiting Cream” 33,000 ppm Lulanjina – yellow cream 16,700 ppm (jar on right) Lulanjina – white cream 12,800 ppm (jar on left) Added 6/15/11 Crème Diana C.T.R. – 6,370 ppm (middle box) Qian Mei – white cream 4,650 ppm Ducaysane wrote: macaa wiilasha ma Diana ayay mar san yihiin? I don't know about Somali boys but now there's a market for Indian men with "Fair and Handsome" instead of "Fair and Lovely" which is for girls. Here are some commercials for it This one is the funniest My reaction can be summed up with one facial expression from The Wire's Bunk:
  12. I don't know if you can call this a meme but ... (Source)
  13. I also loved The Wire, but I think season 5 could've been better. I was disappointed with the ending. Still I think it was one of the best shows ever.
  14. Chimera, I'm with you brother! InshaAllah let's hope for the best and work towards a better future, after all the ayah says, "Verily, God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves; " Just curious, have you seen these videos
  15. ^ Qalinjabin = graduation Taageer
  16. hehehe :cool: Oh I found those on Facebook too.
  17. Khadafi;870081 wrote: We should send some protocal expert, It was a shame when the president finished and went away, the hordes of Mp:s tried to follow him out, the usal diplomatic protocol is to let the guests (foregin) presdents leave with somali president. Yes, we really do need one. Nevertheless, the event went well
  18. Violence is never the answer. Why am I not surprised the media conveniently omits reporting the peaceful protestors, and the more populous Muslim countries that haven't had any protest at all. Do the protesting Muslims with violence make up 1% of Muslims? Here's the map. Exactly, that's why it was chosen on that date to get that reaction from the Muslims. They played right into their hands. Bait and provoke. "56-year-old intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion." (Source) Here's Tariq Ramadan's take on the incident" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  19. BoldNewSomali;869541 wrote: Im offended that this trailer is even posted in this thread. I actually watched it for the very first time on this thread and I must say it's so retarded, low quality and overall outlandish that it shouldn't even get the reaction its getting. Muslims over-reacting about this crap is giving it an audience where normally they wouldn't have (like back in June/July when it first came out). Seriously, I couldn't watch it for 3 mins because of quality and the obvious voice-overs (because they duped the actors). And for those saying we should kill people who curse the Prophet (pbuh) I think you need more education just as the people who made this disgusting video. Also we're being stern towards our brothers because they're the ones going around destroying people's properties and taking their lives when they had nothing to do with the production and publication of this video. The US gov't, German or British had nothing to do with this, why are they being attacked? I'm sorry but you have to get your facts straight and act in the best manner which is prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah and legal jurisprudence that come from them. The unbelievers aren't the ones killing, it's the Muslims. Here's something Suhaib Webb said, "Normative books on Islamic law detail that representatives of foreign governments and their property should be treated with the highest respect. Instead of saying, "Why does Islam encourage this," reality would dictate, "Why are some Muslims so ignorant of their own faith and ethics?" (emphasis mine) And I agree with him completely.