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Everything posted by Daqane

  1. Do not worry baashi soon enough you will get a chance to visit a safe secure and prosperous kismayu, how long has it been? P.s the RKB are not going to be in kismayu much longer, lets see what my payroll
  2. Baashi;955969 wrote: Mark my word fellas Hassan’s invitation as it stands now is akin to a trivial solution to a linear equation. At issue is whether the process that created JL state is in line with the Federal Constitution. Government’s view is the process that established JL is not in conformance with the constitution. JL thinks they are in compliant with the draft per verbatim. Both agree the dispute over the creation of the federal member state of JL is a constitutional in nature. There are two different drafts floating around according to Faroole  That being the case the 64k question is what has Hassan’s government done so far about this particular issue. Has it considered looking into the root cause of all of this and perhaps put its energy in clarifying the serious constitutional question. Has it tabled a request to Parliament to conduct a thorough investigation to the serious accusation that the constitution has been tampered with? By all indications this nascent government operates drive-by policy renditions. It is reminiscent of Anna irri . Guulwade crowd or the green dogs as Nurradin Farah called them in 70s are in mood to burst in mashxarad when their clan leader takes a move even if he contradicts himself they keep on singing kumbaya. oh the irony....
  3. xiinfaniin;955947 wrote: Daqane, perhaps the only option you have is to over consume the proverbial 'digir' then inaad ku dhuustid Kismayo , good LIqaye Adeer Siyaada baro, your hatred against my kinfolk is a twenty two year saga and it got you no where Hahaha Af nooli waa hadlaa Eeyna waa ciyaa
  4. You and the theft your kinsfolk were attempting to complete are the real failures, please tell uncle faroole no need for hard copy of the constitution, bahasha IPAD aya lagu akhrista maalmahan
  5. NGONGE;955917 wrote: The Imam is gambling his whole state for the sake of Jubbaland. He really should have stayed out of Jubbaland arguments (at least publically) and concentrated on this new constitution dispute of his. At least, this way, if Jubbaland loses, PL does not get sullied with that failure as a result. Now if Madoobe switches sides (and the man has history) or Kenya is forced to stop interferring in Somalia, the Imam will be left out in the open with no allies to call on. This is a very strange move by Farole! The one threat he could make wasn't made because it was no longer on the table.... he looks like he is doing a particularly theatrical hit song "I accuse you of love in the first degree" with the evidence in his hand no less...
  6. I would have been one of the first to hear so beenta caad ee loo cimamadheyn naga daaf dee
  7. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  8. This pure and utter nonsense, for a very long time you have wasted SOL bandwith with shhyte like this, unverifiable bullcrap which as usual you are the only one privy to, and supports what ever political wet dream you are having, isku xishood, just a human being of a certain age, waxaan caruurnimo ka liita... There is no such plan simply because that would be the end of any legitimacy of any kind for kenya to be in somalia either as a part of AMISOM or IGAD, waar ya crrap like this amiina... If you want a discussion on the president next moves and are insisting on standing behind a paper tiger like RKB and roaring ferociously that is upto you lakiin do not preface it with blatant lies falsehoods and crap that you only can tune into...
  9. How does this qualify for politics section?
  10. Those who trusted the SFG did so from day one, those that wanted to steal a march under the tutelage of the kenyans and puntland for differing reasons have failed, the goverments responsibility is to appoint a competent and representative interim administration, as well as increasing the number of troops in jubbada hoose directly taking orders from the capital, as for those with guns, stop making a scarecrow into a battleship saxiib, this is the same RKB that was routed countless times, by literally every one until they got the chance to play cannon fodder for kenyan armour on the way to kismayu, the only way that the situation could fail is if one of the ambiguous trigger happy SNA/militia precipitates a bloody confrontation in the tense city.
  11. Stadio konis almost finished...
  12. May 28, 2013 MADAXWEYNE XASAN SHEEKH: “Dowladdu waxay gogol u fidin doontaa dadka ku nool Gobollada Jubbooyinka” Talaado, May 28, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo maant dib ugu soo laabtay Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay gogol u fidin doonto dadka ku nool gobollada Jubbooyinka si ay u sameystaan maamul ay iyagu raalli ka yihiin. Xasan Sheekh oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa xusay in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan diidanayn in maamullo la sameysto, balse ay tahay in maamul walba oo la sameynayo ay dowladdu hormuud u noqoto. “Dowladda Soomaaliya waxay diyaar u tahay inay gogol u fidiso dadka ku nool gobollada Jubbooyinka si ay u sameystaan maamul ay iyagu leeyihiin oo ay raalli isaga yihiin” ayuu madaxweynuhu ku sheegay shirkiis jaraa’id, isgaoo xusay in dowladdu ay ka hortagayso wax dagaallo ah oo ka dhaca gobolladaas. Sidoo kale, madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh wuxuu sheegay in dowladdu ay raalli ka tahay wax walba oo ay doonayaan dadka ku nool gobollada Jubbooyinka, isagoo intaas ku daray in dowladdu ay wanaag la doonayso dadka ku nool Jubbooyinka. “Ma jirto cid dibadda la dhigayo, dadka Jubbooyinka oo dhan ayaa shirka loo qabanayaa. Talada waxaa iska leh dadka deegaannadaas ku nool doorka ay dowladdu qaadanaysana waa mid saacidaad ku siman,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray. Dhanka kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in xalka uu ku jiro Soomaalida dhexeeda loona baahan yahay in khilaaf walba oo jira lagu dhameeyo si ay ku jirto Soomaalinimo, fursadna mar dambena aan fusad la siin Al-shabaab iyo kuwa nabadda kasoo horojeeda. “Xal Soomaalida dhexdeeda laga waayay cid shisheeye ah ma keeni karto, waana in maanka lagu hayo inuu dhammaaday xilligii kala aamin baxa, is-xag-xagashada iyo in dibadda laga fiiriyo awoodda, wax walbana wuxuu dhexyaallaa Soomaaliya,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku daray. Ugu dambeyn, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inuu dadka ku nool gobollada Jubbooyinka ku waaninayo in dowladdu ay la jeceshay wanaag iyo deggenaasho. Mana jiraan wax ay dibadda uga keenayso oo ay halkaas geynayso, balse fusadda waxaa iska leh dadka gobolladaas ku nool. Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo oo ay ka mid tahay wasiiradda arrimaha dibadda Fowziyo Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan ayaa kasoo laabtay safar ay ku tageen dalka Itoobiya oo ay kaga qaybgaleen shirkii ururka Midowga Afrika. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  13. Puntland State of Somalia Petroleum and Minerals Agency PRESS RELEASE May 25, 2013 Puntland Government Position on Natural Resources in Somalia t has come to the attention of the Puntland Petroleum and Minerals Agency (PPMA) that over the past few months the international media has been covering matters concerning hydrocarbon issues in Somalia. Many of these reports have contained misleading information about the nature of the Somali Federal Constitution and the constitutional rights of Federated States. This press release seeks to correct and clarify the legal issues and rights and responsibilities surrounding hydrocarbon issues in Somalia. Puntland State of Somalia is a Federated State within the Federal Republic of Somalia, with an adopted State Constitution. The people of Puntland are proud to have contributed significantly to rebuilding Somalia through their efforts to ensure peace, security, governance, and economic development, and will continue to do so. On August 1, 2012, the Somali National Constituent Assembly – of which Puntland had delegates – adopted the Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC) in Mogadishu, under which the country’s current Lower House of Federal Parliament and new President were established. Provisional Federal Constitution Under Article 55 of the PFC, the Somali Federal Government (SFG) has the following four delegated powers: (a) Foreign Affairs; (b) National Defense; © Citizenship and Immigration; and (d) Monetary Policy. These powers, as the Constitution states, are the only “powers and responsibilities of the Federal Government” until all the Federated States of Somalia are completely established and reach a comprehensive negotiated settlement with the Federal Government, concerning the final constitutional allocation of power and resources between the Federal Government and the Federated States. The powers endowed to the SFG in Article 55 are also are subject to other constitutional provisions that guarantee the States’ rights of consultation with the SFG over federal matters and national security arrangements. In addition, all matters specifically concerning natural resources are dealt with in Article 45 of the PFC. This Article states that the “the allocation of the natural resources of the Federal Republic of Somalia shall be negotiated by, and agreed upon, by the Federal Government and the Federated States in accordance with this Constitution”. The SFG and the Federated States, once completely established, shall agree upon in a negotiated settlement a system of management and revenue sharing from natural resources, to be incorporated into the finalized Federal Constitution. Article 45 operates parallel to Article 208 of the PFC, which stipulates: “(1) Until such time that all the Federated States of Somalia are established and the Federated State Constitutions are harmonized with the Somali Federal Constitution, the Federated States existing prior to this Provisional Constitution shall retain and exercise powers endowed by their own State Constitution. (2) Existing Federated States must be consulted in the decision-making process regarding the federal system and national security arrangements”. Puntland State Constitution Following on from these Articles in the PFC, Article 54 of the Puntland State Constitution stipulates that Puntland State owns, administers and receives all the revenues from natural resources in Puntland. Under the provisions of the current PFC, Puntland shall retain its constitutional rights – enshrined in the Puntland State Constitution and in harmony with the PFC. Puntland Petroleum and Minerals Agency The Puntland Petroleum and Minerals Agency (PPMA) is the competent authority charged with the management, oversight and regulation of Puntland Government’s hydrocarbon and minerals policies and operations. Any entity, either from the Somali Federal Government, or any individual(s) purporting to be a consultant to, or having a role in advising the Somali Federal Government or Puntland Government, whether they are foreign or Somali nationals, are not responsible for, nor have the authority to discuss, negotiate or represent Puntland Government in hydrocarbon and/or minerals operations in any part of Puntland territory, onshore or offshore, to any Somali or foreign company. Confirmation of Support for Current PSAs in Puntland Petroleum and Minerals Agency PPMA reaffirms that the people and Government of Puntland shall honor, respect, and uphold the current PSAs with our partners. These contracts were signed in 2007 and are legally valid agreements. Further inquires, please contact: Mr. Issa M. Farah, the Director General of Puntland Petroleum and Agency at (dhollowaa@gmail.com)
  14. loool blackflash I doubt that salaax was looking for an academic discussion...
  15. Rajo IDP camp Part of ministiry of health building View of the port...
  16. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Laascaanood ee gobolka Sool waxaa ciidamada maamulka Somaliland ee ku sugan magaaladaasi xalay isku soo dhiibay ciidamo iyo gaadiid dagaal oo ay wateen, kuwaasoo ka soo goostay sida ay sheegeen maamulka Khaatuma State. Taliyaha ciidanka militeriga maamulka Somaliland gaar ahaan qeybta 12-aad Axmed Hurre Haariye oo xalay la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in abaara 8:00-fiidnimo ay isku soo dhiibeen ciidamadooda fariisinka ku leh gobolka Sool ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa maamulka Khaatuma iyo gaadiid dagaal oo ay wateen. Sidoo kale taliye Axmed Hurre Haariye waxa uu sheegay inay ciidamadan isku soo dhiibay ee ka tirsan Khaatuma State ay wateen sida uu hadalka u dhigay baabuur nooca dagaalka ah oo uu ku raKibnaa qoryaha sida darandooriga u dhaca amaba lidka diyaaradaha, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay si wanaagsan u soo dhaweeyeen ciidamadaasi, ayna kala wareegeen hubkii iyo gaarigii dagaal ee ay la soo baxsadeen, isagoo sheegay inay u lacageyn doonaan hubkooda. “Ciidamada isku kaaya soo dhiibay si fiican ayaan u soo dhaweynay, waxaana ka iibinay hubkii iyo gaarigii ay wateen, waxaan u balanqaadnay inaysan wax dhib ah la kulmi doodnin oo qofkii rabaa uu ciidanka ka mid noqon karo, kii rabaana uu dadkiisa dhinac ka raaci-karo, waxaana ugu baaqeynaa ciidamada kale ee weli la safan maamulka nabad diidka ah ee Khaatuma inay ka soo tagaan oo ay ciidanka Somaliland ee walaalahooda ah ku soo biiraan” ayuu yiri taliyaha ciidanka Somaliland Mr. Hurre Ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinaca maamulka Khaatuma State oo beeninaya amaba rumeynaya warka ka soo yeeray maamulka Somaliland, sidoo kalena ma aha markii ugu horeysay oo ay ciidan ka tirsan maamulka Khaatuma State isku dhiibaan kuwa maamulka Somaliland, waxaana maamulayaasha Somaliland. Xafiiska Warqabadka Dayniile.com Webmaster@dayniile.com Tafatiraha Wabka Dayniile.com Deyniilecom@hotmail.com Webmaster@dayniile.com
  17. Any suggestions how that can be done right now, as in within the next month, assuming everything is perfect how woud you go about it?
  18. Abtigiis;955048 wrote: Only a fool misses what is on the offing! War is inevitable sadly. From what I understand, Mogadishu's strategy is to send a delegation led by a man from Gedo, if all other things fail, and dare Madoobe to stop them. Obviously, Fartaag will be asked to do that job, but this move has the potential to anger Gedo-ans and as the two sides start shooting at each other, Mogadishu will send reinforcements. Taas kama fursan doonto, hadaan xal siyaasadeed la gaadheen. I am not in the mood of blaming any side at this stage. I am more worried about the vitriol and vilification of one Somali clan - Faroole's clan - who are singled out as the Jews of Somalia - in the same way Hitler singled out Jews for all ills in Europe. HAG propaganda against this clan is worrying. Likewise, SAHAL's hate for anyone that shares lineage with HAG (although does not share same philosophy) is also alarming. The end of IGAD as a scarecrow has caught HAG propaganda strategists by surprise. But they have regrouped rather well and have now turned the torch on a new villain - the MJs. In the coming few weeks, expect more stories about who started the first rebellion against Siyad Barre (implying revolting against dictatorship was wrong), who led Ethiopia to Mogadishu (as if Ali Gheedi was not on the first Ethiopian chopper that landed in Mogadishu along with Yusuf), and who is the lupus of Somalia's politics. Do you sense a Deja Vu, here! Don't worry if none of Sheikh Ahmed Madoobe and Fartaag are not MJ's. The omnipresent, the immanent MJ's are the cause for all that goes wrong in Somalia. Loool the only strategy being used is the one that was stated very clearly by gabbal.
  19. Ras kambooni is not the issue neither is Ahmed Madoobe walaal you have indeed been stating the obvious on these forums for a while but you are mistaken if you think that the SFG was expecting more than this, what was needed was the unmasking of the kenyan hand behind the project called ras kambooni and the new jubba land project created as a smoke screen for this warlord grouping. Kenya can not muster diplomatic cover any longer, either as a part of AMISOM or as a part of IGAD, to support the buffer zone projecting that they have clearly and often stated was their main reason for intervening in Somalia. The SFG had the mandate from the election of the president the kenyans wished to change the rules of the game mid wicket and if anything the rules of the game have merely restated by the IGAD and other members of AMISOM. It could have been madoobe or Hiiraale or what ever other puppet the kenyans would have choosen, we are keeping an eye on the puppeteer and not the puppet walaal. The second issue was the future constitutional dispensation of the somali republic genuine federalism or the loose confederacy envisioned by the punt land admin and since the IGAD restatement is clear the new dispensation is Mogadishus to do with as they envision. However, Ahmed Madobe and his supporters remain in control of most of Kismayo with the backing of the Kenyan armed forces The 2 ways this situation will continue mintid is if the Kenyans totally ignore and contravene all the agreements they have entered in futher overt support of black santa, or the SFG bungles up a local admin so terrifically it leads to bloodshed soley traced to the SFG. On the other hand the goverment has the momentum mandate and big asss LED light is shining on all kenyan actions from now on, this was merely setting up the tableau in the jubbas...nothing more...
  20. Che -Guevara;955044 wrote: A bit late... To be honest I do not understand you, contributions on your part are becoming more opaque, maxaad rabta che, if we leave all the qabiil talk out of it, what is it that YOU want and would like to see happening....and please no red herrings tafadhal, as some one who has been on these boards since 2002...
  21. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa kamid ah Wasiirka Gaashaadhiga Cabdixakiim Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi, Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo Garsoorka Cabdullahi Abyan Nuur iyo Wasiirka wafaafinta Boostada,Isgaarsiinta iyo Gaadiidka Cabdullaahi Ciilmooge Xirsi. Wafdigan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey oo heer Wasiiro ah oo gaara magaalada Kismaayo tan iyo intii shirweynihii Kismaayo lagu doortay Madaxweynaha cusub ee Jubaland iyo dhaarintii Madaxweyne kuxigeenka. Wafdigan ayaa booqashadooda lagu soo beegay xili shirkii ka dhacay magaalada Addis Ababa maalinimadii Jimcihii ay urur Gobaleedka IGAD ku baaqeen in dowlada Federaalka ay qeyb ka qaadato dib u heshiisiinta iyo maamul u sameynta gobalada dalka, isla markaana shir dib u heshiisiin iyo waan waan ah lagu qabto magaalada Muqdisho. Maamulka Jubaland ee uu hogaamiyo Axmed Madoobe oo shalay ka jawaabay baaqa kasoo baxay IGAD ayaa lagu sheegay in wixii waan waan ah ay soo dhaweenayaan balse aan caqabad lagu keeni Karin go’aanka ay shacabka ku dhaqan Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ku qaateen sameynta maamulkooda. Wuxuu sidoo kale maamulka Jubaland ku gacanseeray in shir dib u heshiisiin lagu qabto Muqdisho, balse codsaday in lagu qabto goob dhex dhexaad ah oo ay ummada ku wada hadli karto. Waxaa horey magaalada Kismaayo ugu sugnaa Xildhibaano ka socda dowlada Federaalka oo horey uga yimid Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo uu maamulka Jubaland ku dhaliilay inay khal khal iyo tafaaraaruq u joogaan magaalada. Axmed Madoobe Madaxweynaha Jubaland ayaa ku eedeeyey wafdigan inay doonayaan inay kala dhantaalaan ciidamada dowlada ee ku sugan Kismaayo, isagoo arrintaasi ka digay cawaaqib xumada ay la imaan karto. Wixii war ah oo kasoo kordha booqashada Wafdigan Wasiirada Gadaal baan idiinka soo gudbin doonaa haduu eebo idmo. Horseed Media News Desk
  22. Wafdi heer wasiiro ah oo gaaray magaalada Kismayo Wafdi isugu jira wasiiro, saraakiil ciidan iyo xildhibaano ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Kismayo, xarunta govolja J/hoose. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah wasiirka gaadhaandhigga, wasiirka gaadiidka cirka/dhulka, wasiirka cadaaladda iyo xubno kale. Waxaa garoobka ku soo dhaweeyay xildhibaano iyo saraakiil ciidan. Calanka.com: Isha wararka xaqiiqda