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Excellent thread!
Chimera;789615 wrote: A good relationship has a small celebration day every week, a medium one every year and a massive one every two years, like going to Al-Andalus, or Istanbul, or Tokyo, or Dubai, somewhere new, somewhere exotic. If you have kids below the age of 5; dump them with your close relatives, and only let them join when they are above 5. That will keep the marriage fresh and exciting. It is interesting how keeping the marriage fresh and exciting entails the spending of money and for it to be "romantic" it has to be the guys money somaaha
Mogadishu Genocide 2007-2009: The EU and US Must Compensate Victims!
Daqane replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
oba hiloowlow;917106 wrote: Daqane bro all clans has suffered marka now its time to move on. Lol brother that is the logical thing, the honest thing, the thing that is actually happening on the ground lakiin watch the reaction from ciyaal qurbo as they spit out their caano niido... -
Mogadishu Genocide 2007-2009: The EU and US Must Compensate Victims!
Daqane replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
Hawdgirl;917102 wrote: Who is going to compensate those who were shooted and killed, raped and tortured and overall young children who witnesssed war-related traumatic events that left a long last impact on their lives? How about those who lost their parents killed by the ********S! in the 90s. How about those who want their properties back but who can not get it! Get your facts Oba before claiming and trying to advocate VICTIMS that doesn't exist, we all know who the real victims of the Somali Civil-War is! Hahaha look at this right on cue and in a dress no less! -
Mogadishu Genocide 2007-2009: The EU and US Must Compensate Victims!
Daqane replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
Waar aan ku sheego oba, if you grow up every single day being feed a drip of what happened to only you and your relatives you forget that those who you dismiss have as a long a memory as you do, 1988 hargeisa was bombed to powder and internationally witnessed genocide carried out against the inhabitants of a certain clan in the north west, but if you ask them they will dismiss the mass graves and full containers as people finding "camel and chicken bones" in the desert! An entire ummah who grow a proboscis when they have the upper hand and lament like a woman when the same tasty stew is dished out! Simply put be a MAN about stuff and simply say we were revenging and we wish more were killed! That is why I respect somalia's sentiment Shame a Final Solution wasn't proposed. but to pretend that nothing happened in 1988 or during the 80's in southern somalia or anywhere else, liidnimo intaas le'eg dadka qaarkood ayey caadi uu tahay. -
Iska horimaad culus ayaa xalay waxaa uu ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari kaasoo la isku adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, iyadoo dadweynaha magaalada ay sheegeen iney maqlayeen qaraxyo waaweyn iyo daryanka rasaas culus. Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in iska horimaadkaas uu yimid ka dib markii kooxo hubeysan ay gantaalaha baasuukaha loo yaqaano ee garabka laga gano ay ku weerareen xarun ay yaalaan Matooro dabka siiya magaalada Boosaaso oo ay leedahay shirkadda Isgaarsiinta Golis taasoo ah shirkada ugu weyn dhinaca isgaariinta degaanada Puntland. “Marka hore waxaa uu weerarkaas ku bilowday qaraxyo ka dhashay dhowr gantaal oo lala abaaray goobtaas ka dibna waxaa xigay tacshiirad xoogan oo ay isweydarsadeen kooxihii weerarka soo qaaday iyo raggii illaalada ka ahaa xaruntaas” sidaa waxaa saxaafada u sheegay mid ka mid ah goob joogayaal ku sugan Boosaaso oo magaciisa ku soo koobay Ciid C/llaahi. Weerarkii xalay oo ahaa mid aad u xoogan oo argagax geliyey dadweynaha magaalada Boosaaso ayaan illaa hadda la ogeyn kooxaha ka dambeeyey iyo sababta ay u beegsadeen goobtaas matooradu yaaleen, mana jiro war ka soo baxay maamulka shirkada Golis. Illaa hadda lama soo sheegin wax khasaare nafeed ah oo ka dhashay weerarkii xalay ka dhacay Boosaaso, saraakiisha amniga maamulka Puntlandna waxay sheegeen iney wadaan baaritaano faahfaahina ay ka bixin doonaan saacadaha soo socda marka baaritaanadu u soo dhamaadaan. Xafiiska Warqabadka Dayniile.com Webmaster@dayniile.com Tafatiraha Wabka Dayniile.com Deyniilecom@hotmail.com Webmaster@dayniile.com
Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga Qaranka C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inuu socdo qorshe isbedel loogu sameynayo maamulka gobolka Hiiraan ee ay magacowday dowladii uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed. C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed oo la hadlayey idaacada VOA ka dib markii uu soo dhameystay kulamo uu magaalada B/weyne kula soo qaatay qeybaha bulshada iyo waxgaradka gobolka ayaa waxaa ku amaanay howlaha uu gobolka ka qabtay maamulka hadda shaqeeya ee ka howlgala B/weyne. “Ka dib markii saddexdii cisho ee la soo dhaafay aan kulamo kula soo yeeshay magaalada B/weyne qeybaha bulshada iyo waxgaradka, wada tashiyo badana la yeelanay ayaa waxaa nooga baxay kulamadaas baahida loo qabo in maamul cusub oo KMG loo magacaabo gobolka Hiiraan inta dadka dadk degaanku ay ka soo dooranayaan maamul rasmi ah” ayuu intaa ku daray wasiirku. Wasiirka oo shalay dib ugu soo laabtay shalay Muqdisho ayaa waxaa safrkiisa ku wehliyey gudoomiyaha gobolka Hiiraan C/fitaax Xasan Afrax oo wararka qaarkood ay sheegayaan inuu magaalada loo keenay sidii looga dhaadhicin lahaa inuu xilka wareejiyo marka maamul cusub loo magacaabo, lamana oga inuu ogolaan doono iyo in kale. Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga Qaranka C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa dhinaca kale ka hadlay gudoomiyihii xilka laga qaaday ee gobolka Bay C/fitaax Geesey oo diiday inuu xilka ku wareejiyo maamulka cusub ee loo magacaabay gobolkaasi ayaa arintaas ku tilmaamay wax lala yaabo, isagoo xusay in gudoomiyaha xilka laga qaaday uu markii hore ogolaa inuu xilka wareejiyo hase ahaatee uu markii dambe isbedelay. Xafiiska Warqabadka Dayniile.com Webmaster@dayniile.com Tafatiraha Wabka Dayniile.com Deyniilecom@hotmail.com Webmaster@dayniile.com
Mogadishu Genocide 2007-2009: The EU and US Must Compensate Victims!
Daqane replied to oba hiloowlow's topic in Politics
Jacpher;917011 wrote: ^Only a stubidh Moor.yaan would think Cali Geedi, Cadde Muuse, Faroole, C/wali Gaas committed genocide in Muqdisho. Have any of these men ever manned the infamous Muqdisho isbaarooyin or raped the city over twenty years? You must have such a short memory or convieniently forgot the real genocide took place under USC. Remember Baydhabo? Have you not seen it on your TV screen? Sxb don't post here what tolka tell each other behind closed doors as factual stories. Muqdisho went through many deadly and horrible phases. Why is '06/07 is genocide and not in '91? I expect this kind of argument from the likes of keydmedia not you bro. That there was clan cleansing in 1992 is no doubt and in 1988 in northern somalia and in 2006 in mogadishu, your peoples blood is niether sweeter or more precious than the others, if the author is talking crap or fadhi-ku-diriir it is the same crap we have all been hearing for the past 21 years as well from the mouths of keyboard jockeys such as your self, as for the houses, provide documents and go claim them as almost all reer waqooyi are doing in xamar right now... instead of moaning all over the net or holding clan confrences, with senile T.B ridden old men miles away from the properties you claim. -
A high-ranking provincial administrator who requested not to be named due to sensitivity of the matter confirmed the figures. Besides local traders who come from various towns to buy stuff from Garissa Lodge, it has also been a key wholesale market for traders from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. These people have started shying away from Eastleigh on growing perceptions of insecurity in Nairobi peri-urban shopping centre and most importantly, because the people they used to buy from are running away. Incidentally, certain sectors of the Eastleigh economy have received a boost since the sporadic attacks and subsequent security operation with the most notable being security companies and taxi operators. Providing alternative means of transport for staff unwilling to travel into branches in Eastleigh was the principal cost of the situation for two banks that have branches in the area. “They have deployed more security personnel at their premises and we now have to pick and drop members of their staff who fear being caught in potentially explosive situations in the area,” says a taxi operator who requested not to be named. It is booming business for taxi operators and security guards who now have extra duties, but the situation is not enjoyable because we also have to check what is happening behind our backs.” There are now fears that the relocation of businesses from Eastleigh could have longer-term economic repercussions revenue collections. The fall in property prices, reduction of business activities and its impact on the retail and hotel industries could also have far reaching ramifications in the country. Financial institutions that provided loans towards the construction of some of these properties could be facing a potentially crippling situation as they could end up with assets in collaterals whose value is way below the amount given. For example unofficial estimates show that Nairobi City Council would collect Sh50 million less in taxes than in the previous fiscal year, with loss of parking fees and other licences from traders responsible for a huge chunk of the loss. The remainder is a result of the decreases in value of other property in the area and, interestingly, by a reduction in the value of hotels. http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000075554&pageNo=5&story_title=Traders-cart-away-capital-from-Eastleigh
MMA as I said, what I wrote is my opinion, you can dismiss it as you like that is yours and other peoples prerogative, but your a grown man, there is no need to call someone you disagree with a liar Traders cart away capital from Eastleigh On the brink: The bubble that was Eastleigh is threatening to burst as shoppers and traders flee the area in the wake of mysterious terror attacks The picture of Eastleigh is one of total withdrawal and subjugation. The poor roads that had caved in under the weight of human traffic are empty. Human traffic within the Eastleigh peri-urban shopping centre has thinned to unimaginable levels like the morning dew that evaporates with the rising sun. The flow of toxic sludge — evidence of human life and activity — onto the roads is gradually drying up. The verandas of mega buildings that teemed with hawkers and wares on display have been zone off with mean nylon ropes — as if to keep the ‘bad guys’ away. The hawkers, whose daily bread singularly hinged on shouting, have since gone mute — vending their wares in silence and only occasionally waving gently at a passing onlooker. The stalls that housed not just the merchandise but secret safes hoarding millions of shillings are deserted in their dozens. Public transport is a sorry portrait of a battered sub-sector. PSV conductors — known for the sub-culture of violence and ruthlessness — have been reduced to a tame lot. Seated in their vessels, they count on providence and blank stares to bring passengers their way. The drivers, openly bored due to an alien culture — one of total order and silence — drift off in thoughts. With vehicle stereos in the mute piling onto their misery, the drivers often doze off as they await a signal from their conductors to step on the pedal. Shoppers and traders alike talk in low tones — occasionally glancing over their shoulders as they barter their suspicions. This is the new Eastleigh where fear of the unknown is the new commodity in stock. The recent wave of terror attacks in the area has sent a chill down the spine of residents and shoppers alike. The security crackdown that followed has only made life harder and business near impossible. Businesses worth billions of shillings are either closing down in Eastleigh or being relocated to other countries. Business Beat has authoritatively learnt that proprietors are fleeing the region’s business hub to escape a sting of security operations targeting aliens — most of who run a chain of businesses in the area. Massive withdrawals Banks that rushed to the area are already feeling the pinch of the fleeing businesspeople. Our investigations reveal that an estimated Sh10 billion was withdrawn from 12 banks that operate in the area in the past three months alone. Efforts to get a comment from Barclays Bank Managing Director Adan Mohammed proved futile, as he did not respond to our phone calls. Paul Sesi, Head of Operations at Chase Bank, which also operates in the area said Chase Bank hadn’t witnessed any panic withdrawals. “We are yet to see anything untoward,” said Sesi. “We haven’t been affected and are operating normally.” But even as operators in the areas denied knowledge of anything unseemly, Barclays Bank, which used to operate two branches on a 24-hour basis, has since stopped night operations due to lack of customers. “Barclays now operates only day time because the night business is dead,” says Hussein Roba, Chairman Eastleigh Residents Community Association (ERCA). “People no longer sell or buy at night because nobody wants to dare the police to a duel.” A few months ago, the Government outlawed the alien card — apparently the only identity and security some of the traders held — making their stay in the country untenable. “The government recently issued a directive that such people should either go back to their countries of origin or refugee camps,” says Eastleigh District Officer Charles Muiruri. Some of the traders are reportedly fleeing to Somalia, Uganda and Dubai while others are said to be ‘melting’ into within the country — most notably at the Coast. Analysts say the developments in Eastleigh — previously believed to be nexus of unexplained cash flows from piracy and sneaked goods from Somalia, vindicate a report by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) for the quarter ending June 2012. The report showed that unexplained forex flows dropped to the lowest level. “There is widespread belief that some of the money used to fund the booming property market in Kenya and other businesses is from Somalia,” says Job Kihumba a director at Standard Investment Bank (SIB). “It is likely that this money found its way to Eastleigh.” According to the KNBS data, unexplained foreign money in Kenya’s banking system fell to Sh6.5 billion ($76.5 million) mid last year from a high of Sh170 billion ($2 billion) at the beginning of 2011 — the lowest in five years. Cheap imports Kenya had also been flooded by billions of shillings worth of goods imported through the Al-Shabaab controlled Somalia coastline — and sold cheaply into the market. However, this has severely been affected by the fall of Kismayu. Provincial administrators say smugglers have been trying to sneak in goods from Ethiopia through Moyale into the area, but this has proved costly, especially with the influx of cheaper goods from China. The security operation in Eastleigh started slightly over six months ago, but has intensified in the recent past following a series of blasts in the area. It is believed the successful excursion of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF’s) in Somalia has helped stem piracy in Indian Ocean and blocked the routes used by smugglers to sneak in goods to the country. “Eastleigh is at a critical crossroads and will likely emerge from the ongoing crisis looking quite different from the one we know today,” says Kihumba. “Most businesses that operate there will be affected in some way, regardless of how the security operation unfolds.” The exodus of moneyed immigrants, mostly of Somali origin, has also left property owners in Eastleigh chalking up huge losses in lost rent. In fact, the provincial administration is now fighting to stem an explosive situation brewing between thousands of vacating tenants who are all demanding back their rent deposits and reluctant property owners, some of who are still repaying the loans they used to build the houses. “It is true we are swamped by numerous cases between landlords and several tenants who are vacating,” says Muiruri. Muiruri says the situation is so complex that in some instances, a property owner is swamped by more than 20 tenants all demanding their deposits back because they are relocating. In a familiar tale of high-living in the boom years, followed by an uncomfortable return to reality, the landlords borrowed heftily from banks to construct houses for the incoming immigrants. The exodus of the ‘refugees’ has triggered a plunge in the value of the assets the loans were based on — with some borrowers reportedly having trouble making repayments. The fleeing traders have also left several business premises in prime areas like Garissa Lodge unoccupied. A survey by Business Beat revealed a number of vacant business premises in Eastleigh’s business hub where 16 tenants vacated a mall referred to as Yaburiani last week. According to Hussein, Sh500 million used to exchange hands in Eastleigh’s major business hub before the security operation, but things have since changed with estimates. showing the figures could have plunged to Sh150 million.
Things just got physical!! Xaaladda Magaalada Baydhabo oo kacsan Jimco, February 08, 2013(HOL): Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta u ah Gobolka Bay ayaa waxay sheegayaan in xaaladda magaaladaas ay aad u kacsan tahay kaddib markii ay la weeraray hotel uu magaalada Baydhabo ka deganaa guddoomiyaha cusub ee ay dowladda Soomaaliya u magacawday Gobolka Bay. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in ciidamo uu horkacayay Guddoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Bay C/fataax Ibraahim Geesey ay weerareen Hotel Eeden oo uu degan yahay Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Gobolka Bay Cabdi Aadan Hasoow. Intii aysan ciidamada Guddoomiyihii hore gudaha u gelin hotelka ayaa waxaa goobta soo gaaray Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah, kuwaasi oo la wareegay ammaanka Guddoomiyaha, waxaana lagu soo warramayaa in Guddoomiyihii hore iyo ciidamadiisa ay goobta ka tageen ka hor intii aysan soo gaarin ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah. Ciidamo faro badan oo raxan-raxan u socda ayaa gudaha magaalada lagu arkaa, kuwaasi oo aan horay gudaha magaalada loogu arki jirin. Guddoomiyihii hore C/fataax Geesey ayaa ka soo horjeestay go’aan ka soo baxay Dowladda Soomaaliya, kaasi oo guddoomiyenimada gobolka Bay loogu magacaabay Cabdi Aadan Hasoow. La soco wixii ku soo kordha xaaladda Magaalada Baydhabo. Xafiiska Wararka Hiiraan Online
Snap and thanks for that
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Renovated ministry of transport
Would love these two on a full season release!!!
Well firstly I am here for two weeks since I relocated back to somalia, I have not been a resident of eastleigh but lets face it all roads lead to islii if you are a somali in Nairobi my observations are by nature subjective and anecdotal.... First thing you notice about islii nowadays is that the population has gone down dramitacally! It is very noticable, apartment buildings going for 30,000 ksh for a two or three bedroom are now going for 15,000 in the heart of eatleigh and 12,000 in areas abit out of the hub, regardless the occupancy rate for these exorbitantly priced and highly in demand apartment buildings are at around 30-40%, compare this to when they were fully rented and had waiting lists!! There is very little casual work it seems to me, all the jaariyads are standing around in groups and confessed they have to wait for weeks for a little weekend work, previously they had very little unemployment and ones that could keep up with the hectic life of serving somalis were literally fought over. Most hotels are very lightly occupied and some like bushra hotel are getting their overheads paid by the owners out of their own pocket, as a visitor to islii u must remember how hotels had to be booked weeks in advance if you wanted any sort of surety and quality. Now the most intreasting thing is that most of the malls upper floors are un occupied! apart from the ground floor and the shops facing the street, the other shops are either empty or boarded up. The banks are closing some of their branches, the money of islii attracted venerable institutions such as standard charted into the open sewer called islii, but now they already cutting their branches there by half! Finally were are all the people!! it is frightening for anyone who was used to the hustle and bustle of the place to see how kind of empty it looks!! As I said subjective but almost all small traders are out, the big boys are going to follow I predict!! They are reviving a plan to audit all somali properties in kenya, if that happens trust me no somali wants people asking him where he got the monies to put into large infrustructure & housing projects....
Firstly here is a little description of the show This show is really good, its got kevin spacey who has pulled off the show [david fincher is an executive producer on it], but as usual it has been both dumbed down, as well as sexed up for the american audience, to my mind it has nothing on the original BBC series that introduced me to the writing of Micheal Dobbs and he's main character the slippery, intense b@stard Francis Urquahart and his oft quoted and imitable response non-response "You might very well say so, but I could not possibly comment!", also in the end if I really think about it, I could beleive a cheif whip could pull off scheming to be P.M in a parliamentary system, but a 11 term congressman from south carolina forcing himself in to the vice-presidency almost single handedly? Naaah! the systems seem too diffrent to me, But apart from that the most intreasting thing about this show is the way it has been released all in one big juicy chunk on netflix, and it ruined my life for the past couple of hours, I lack self control, would you guys do the whole binge thing if you had the chance on your favorite shows??
I think he is going to be replaced they already appointed a new consul for the embassy Siyad Shire, so maybe he is next he is at best a piddling ambassador, and for a man who lived in the west for so long, he is command of english is sub-optimal, he seems like he is going to chock on his tongue when ever he attempts the excercise, but to be fair and realistic, no Somali ambassador would be able to stand infront of the forces that have taken years to unleash, indeed the only things that is giving the kenyan goverment food for thought are the upcoming elections as all candidates would use and such move to drum up support for themselves and the western NGO's who are so eager to start shooting off of memo's and what ever they do in the fotress of solitude in the UN headqauters in Gigiri nairobi. All I know is that bussiness is in islii right now, rents are in islii right now....
He has done the rounds on the kenyan t.v stations and radio, but in the end he is a diplomat and if it got to the stage of him screaming blue murder on roof tops he would have failed miserably. That being said I think it is time he was moved on, he has been there since his appointment by Ali geedi, any diplomat would get stale in such a situation.
thanks ya boss! Planning to keep this as a rolling thread... Xildhibaano kasoo jeeda Beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle oo kasoo horjeestay Maamul ay Dowladdu u magacowday Gobolka Bay Khamiis, Feberaayo 07, 2013 (HOL) —Xildhibaanno kasoo jeeda beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle ayaa shir jaraa’id oo ay ku qabteen magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxay ku sheegeen inay kasoo horjeedaan maamulka cusub loo soo magacaabay gobolka Bay. Shirka jaraa’id ayaa waxaa ka hadlay xildhibaan Mustaf Mukhtaar Guudow isagoo sheegay in maamulka hadda lasoo magacaabay uu yahay mid khalad ah oo waqti-xaadirkan lasoo magacaabi karin, wuxuuna sheegay in magacaabistaas ay dowladdu ku deg-degtay. “Waxaa fiicnaan lahaa in la sameeyo doorasho dadweyne ee uusan qof keliya soo magacaabin maamul,” ayuu yir xildhibaanka oo ka mid ah xubno si aad ah uga soo horjeeda maamulka ay dowladdu u sameysay gobolka Bay. Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxaa baryahaan ka jiray xaflad qado-sharaf ah oo uu qabanayaye guddoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Bay, Cabdifataax Geesey isagoo raadinaya codka shacab si ay u taageeraan una diidaan maamulka cusub ee dowladda fedaraalka soo magacowday isagoo isku-dayey inuu maamulkiisa difaacdo. Dhismaha maamulkan cusub ayaa waxaa qayb ka qaatay malaaqyadii soo dhisay dowladda federaalka oo ka kooban dhammaan beelaha Digil iyo Mirifle, iyagoo u gudbiyay wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo xafiiska madaxweynaha. Sidoo kale, waxaa jira hadallo kasoo baxaya golaha aqoon-yahannada Digil iyo Mirifle kuwaasoo sheegaya inaan arrintaas aan lagala tashan; sidoo kalena aan lagala tashan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada. Waxayna xuseen inaan lagu soo xulay xubnahan aqoon. Baydhabo ayaa waxaa ka jira xiisad dhallin karta gacan ka hadal, waxaana magaalada ku arkaysaa maleeshiyo iyo ciidammo tiro badan oo magaalada gaaf-wareegaya. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
They are planning to herd those refugees in to the thika stadium approximately 50 km from nairobi.