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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Alpha Blondy;919678 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@S.P you've been reading my exploits for too long ma istidhi? walahi, you got the technique right too. 1. a little exaggeration to begin with 2. state some bad news 3. overcome the bad news with some new hope 4. keep people in suspense over this new hope LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. As heir oops I mean soon to be conqueror to this desolate I must... I shall institute a 5 day virtual recovery plan to recover this thread from its pollutants. Expect a coupe, exile, and a cup of pleasant Ethiopian tea to accompany you on your sudden departure. Details will come soon...
  2. Lifting the arms embargo is key for the Somali government to gain internal sovereignty and to be considered the law of the land.
  3. My god, I just came back from a terrible terrible social event! Praise to Waaq that I am getting a new maid!!! Details will come soon
  4. I was reading the book description of "The Law of Somalis", a book that describes Somalia's customary law system. I hope to purchase the book, it sounds interesting.But anyways, Michael van Notten, a dutch lawyer, in this book argues Somalia does not need a democracy and any attempt to do so leaders to "inevitable chaos". The author clearly admires the sophistication of the Xeer system and deems democracy irrelevant with our customs. I did not read the book yet, so I do not know the details of his argument. But we can debate and reason among ourselves. This made me reconsider the 'success' of Somalia towards adopting a new constitution and government based on 'democratic' values. Perhaps this is not a move forward but rather a move backwards as we are forgoing our customs and adopting a 'imported' system that may not sit too well with our culture.
  5. These comments are ridiculous. You guys epitomize this so called Somali culture of negativity, criticism, and put downs. Good work Metta for your Somalinimo and your attempts to share with us channels to support our people.
  6. Lets face it, the Somali government is in need of money. And its not like we do not pay taxes to Somalia. We do informally through our dahabshill and hundreds of the money transfers. But what what about a tax on you collected by the Somali government? What services, conditions or provisions would you demand in return? How would you feel/respond? Think about it, instead of sending unsustainable money to our relatives. The money instead is given to the government to create programs and public services ie schools, roads, jobs, health services.. These will serve your relatives with much greater benefits than this monthly "biil" and perhaps you and your children one day. P.S. The U.S. taxes all of its citizens no matter where they live.
  7. Apophis;918382 wrote: Scared is the right word. You see, your type (hardcore religionists) have been in ascent since the fall of the republic (the last 20 odd years) but now , like all good things, your ascent is turning into a descent (the shabab lunacy really hit you hard and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future especially within the republic) and thus your ideologIcal hold on the society will wane. In sum, Somalia has started to liberalise and will far exceed, in my opinion, what we saw under the Kacaan government. Yeah, you will be a minority just like me. Apophis, I do agree the Somalis particularly will liberalize to noticeable effects. After all much of the change to conservatism in Somalia was circumstantial- largely the al-shabaab factor, getting close to god in bad times, lack of formal education with strong duugsi, and a wide array of other factors. Though from my encounters there has been a wave of conservatism from the diaspora side that to the likes of Aaliyyah, no offense just making observation, where these ties seem less circumstance based. The same riders of this wave have spent much of their lives abroad and have a great disconnect from the Somali culture outside the realm of Islam. These riders will come to Somalia and will propagate their ways. Some already have such as the diaspora Al-shabaab recruits. Obviously not all are extreme to that regard, but they do fall on the same spectrum. There will certainly will be clash to some degree. I do wonder how it will play out.
  8. Me, or 'us' stay in qurbaha. You do realize that this discussion began over your disagreement with what is going on in Xamar .It is you that should consider staying oversees somaha? Perhaps somewhere in the middle east. UAE perhaps, a good foundation of islamic culture but just the right amount of western culture you won't even realize it! But on the real, we are all welcome to Somalia. It is our country after all. No one can deny that right.
  9. Aaliyyah;918406 wrote: Hada you are a guy, I always thought you were a girl haha. Anyhow, our culture has so much to offer and is beautiful in many aspects. No one is denying that, I actually consider myself very much cultured. I am rather referring to that aspect of our culture that contradicts with our sacred diin.As for taking pause from the Koran, there is a hadith where Aisha radiyalaahu canha was asked how was the character of the Prophet. She replied "khulquhu kaana alquran" which means his character was the Koran. Now, why would I then take a pause from the holly Koran?..My diin and culture aren't exclusive, they complement one another. Yes I am as as the art of philosophy has a great prejudice against the female gender, which I try to make up for through my feminine characteristics of gentleness and smooth skin LOOOOOOOL. When we look at the evolution of our culture and see diraacas being replaced by veils that cover everything except for the naked eyes for example, it is evident that the diin and culture do not complement each other at least in the context of Somalia. Instead one tends to conquer the other leaving little room for the other to breath. Apophis and I anticipate and look forward to the the rise and conquer of the former, our dhaqan, while you look forward to the final few days of the Arab conquest. Perhaps Frantz Fanon's Black Skin White Mask should be written as Black skin Brown Mask as it is more relevant to the times.
  10. Aaliyyah;918373 wrote: scared? I don't think that is the correct word to use. I lived in non-Muslim countries for 22 years. I simply don't think it is fitting for Muslims to live the way Somalis did prior the civil war. Warkaas naga daa kow dheh. You could have been my date :cool: . Back to the main point Im sure you left the country early enough to not fully realize the Somali culture. Heck Im handicapped in that regard. I suggest you take a pause on the Quran and pick up a Somali history book because the 'way' we lived prior to the civil war was one of civility and unique culture. Do consider this 'way' you. promote has been birthed during an era of war and war has been in many ways birthed by it, most specially the later phase of the civil war.
  11. Where is Sharif Xassan? I hear Sheikh Sharif is now in or is heading to boston for an academic fellowship. Abdiweli is making tours here in the states. I'm curious to know where Sharif Xassan, the Machiavelli of Somali affairs has ended up?
  12. oba hiloowlow;917945 wrote: Birimo is performing in saxafi hotel and Lafoole in city plaza on valentines day. Yea I was in Xamar Alpha Blondy;918356 wrote: i just made a call to xamar in the last hour or so to inquire about some business transactions, but also more importantly about the city's valentine's day activities. i'm afraid, its bad news as a strict curfew has been imposed in several districts in the city to weed out decedent and immoral behaviour. the reports, i'm currently getting, indicate the guddida wanaag farinta iyo xumaan reebista, a local civilian action group, will be very busy in the following districts: 1. heliwa district 2. hamarweyne district 3. yaaqshiid district 4. karan district Is this really true? or does this belong in your cantarbaqash enclave
  13. Aaliyyah;918144 wrote: Anu waxanba aminsanahay in waxa ilaahay soomaali u habaarey ee tahay in ay back in the days ee ahayeen laidback oo ay diintoodi ka fogayeen inbadan oo ka mid ah. I hope we don't go back to those days insha'allah. I hope we do
  14. Got plans for Valentines days? Well Mogadishu does. Word on the street is City Plaza Hotel located in the Abdiaziz district I believe, kinda near lido, is hosting a Valentines day party which will include performances and a riwaayad I believe. The admission fee is $20 bucks!! Well at least you can pay with EZT eh? I am sure several of the 1000's of hotels (yes an exaggeration but it really feels as if there were that many) will follow suit. Mogadishu is moving forward, our should I say backwards to our laidback- go easy ways
  15. I am watching Beeneey Waa Run. I was quite intrigued by one of the firsts songs. Can someone be so kind and provide the lyrics and translation of the song? It will go greatly appreciated. Its from 15:00-22:00 but it repeats numerously
  16. James Thiong'o, an acclaimed Kenyan writer, denounced culture imperialism by forgoing Christianity and the English tongue. He know only writes in his native tongue he now partakes in Gikuyu religious practices. -- African-Americans in growing numbers are giving up Christianity and joining west african traditional faiths It seems as part of this 'African Century', African intellectuals are embracing their roots and letting go of this religious-cultural subjugation that Africa has endured for so long. Will Somali intellectuals follow suit? Will Nuruddin farah practice in the temples of El Wak?
  17. No probs. I feel ya. Unfortunately we don't appreciate our culture enough. We'd rather adopt Arab or Western ways.
  18. Alpha Blondy;917815 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@tea! i take it you didn't know Ethiopians drink buun. also known as coffee. when have you seen an Ethiopian restaurant serve tea. EPIC FAIL! Mhm, solid advice there. Next time I will try the coffee. Oh wow, this has become a restaurant review thread
  19. My friend, in a matter of 37 more pages, I will take over this page and it will be my name on the wall.
  20. Opps wrong thread, this was meant for the far more superior Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko thread. Sincerest apologies
  21. I've betrayed my people sxb. I left a Somali resturant to go to an Ethio one. Shame
  22. The Somali Calender is Solar unlike the Islamic calender The Months: Xagaa Season: Karan, Habar-Ari, Diraacgood, Dayrweyn Dayr Season: Dayrweyn, Ximir, Xays Diraac Season: Lixkor, Toddob, Aminla Gu: Fushade, Go'soore, Samuulad You can find out more below. It provides a well-detailed explanation and history of the Somali calendar.
  23. It looks like it was led by a group called SYL2. It looks like they are quite the active group. Anyone have any info about them?