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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Apophis;921961 wrote: Sorry bro but you sound less like a Marxist and more like a a typical deluded neo-liberal. Existentialism is the end stage. There's nothing beyond realising the rather obvious nothingness. You think your on the last stage, while SP defined it as the first. Go ahead and misconstruct this dichotomy by placing yourself at the finish line. Its comforting eh?
  2. Alpha Blondy;921956 wrote: i find it quite sad when we equate progress and indeed judge its outcomes by a liberal western, i'm not saying this competition platform is uniquely western, but its been deliberately misconstrued, to somehow, indicate, this has only been possible because the recent defeat of Al-Shabab has created the necessary conditions for such events to occur. the big Somali Television stations have been showing similar shows for a long time now. at the same time, maybe it is a new competition but we MUST always be aware of the speech codes, semantics and discourses used by westerns to propagate the view, that Xamar was a apocalyptic wasteland , which has just reemerged from years of destruction and that miraculously this musical talent competition is witness to that. we should NEVER pick and chose with a selective memory. we MUST all times, aim to show the complete picture. its NOT only divisive to sensationalise but also unfavourable to our collective efforts in maintaining ownership of these homegrown, organic, and somali engineered efforts.............. just the other day, i was watching a youtube clip and this woman made a rather pathetic statement that xamar is now safe because she DOESN'T have to wear the hijab....that's messed up walahi..... Oba, can you please post the source... "Xamar being an apocalyptic wasteland" is that not semantics and discourse used to propagate the Somaliland nationhood?
  3. Apophis;921946 wrote: Except you right, Mr the exception? And btw, what school of philosophy are you a philosopher of? I'd like to think so. Aspiring Marxist. Though, I see philosophy in macro stages everyone goes through which encompass these micro ideologies we call school of thoughts. The first stage being very existential regarding our personal existence, which is the question of why we exist, the matter of our 'creation', religion etc. Most of us never pass that stage.
  4. Apophis;921933 wrote: They need harsh Simon Cowel type critic. I'm putting myself forward, not to be judged but to judge That is almost every Somali. is it not?
  5. Given the time difference, I guess I will be skipping class that day
  6. Britain ordered all nationals to leave Somaliland, why are you still there?!?!?
  7. Wadani- a loyalist of mine. Perhaps if the price is reasonable I will buy you Ri Carafaat- Care to provide some data analysis?
  8. For all the true 'nomads' let this be the market place for up to date and current prices reflecting the fluctuating market of livestock in Somalia- a virtual suuqa xoolaha. For all the bourgeoise and "reer magaal" folks, please continue in your scrambles for omega 3 rich fish at your local whole foods. As far for the nomads, anyone got current prices for geel? Hal? Goats? Do share.
  9. Going to Hargeisa is a politically sensitive issue that when the time comes it must be handled delicately. Though puntland is a much needed trip in order to show his authority.
  10. Apophis;920529 wrote: I'm having fun with this. As you were men. And seriously Alpha, death is a bad thing; it's the express train to hell. Don't think kid.. huh?
  11. Haatu, in terms of the name "Somali" aspect of this discussion, the "majority" rules argument does not hold given the D&M make up a significant portion of the population. As for the issue of the South, the geographical definition is irrelevant. The people that live "further down" are not a nomadic people, they are farmers. This holds for much of the territory below Mogadishu no?
  12. Oh interesting, I was bleeped out. well, lets try, they are the ancestors of the D&M or RRA as Wadani wrote
  13. Alpha Blondy;920436 wrote: you have successfully taken over this thread and deemed me irrelevant, ma fiican tahay? Nabad walahi. Thank you.
  14. The Sab are the ancestors of the *********, who are also the practitioners of this agriculture, non-nomad based, lifestyle
  15. Forget it, I was trying to avoid this bureaucratic procedure
  16. oba hiloowlow;920423 wrote: the only one time i will support is if somalia is consisting of 2 federal states, Brittish Somaliland and Italian Somaliland.waakaa That is a bit unfair eh?
  17. I for all all intents and purposes bring back to life another dead Alpha thread. Well, now I lost interest..
  18. Hmm visuals, it has been an awfully long construction project. Do most kids have access to education in Somaliland? I am familiar with the "free education" initiative by the government. Nevertheless are some students for whatever reason excluded or lack access?
  19. Hey, is the mall in Hargeisa, I think it was funded by Dahabshiil, finished? It was under construction when I was there
  20. Somalis pride themselves in their nomadic way of life and have for all practical purposes made the term "Nomad" synonymous to the Somali name. We have traditionally looked down upon alternative lifestyles such as farming with great disdain hence why we value this "Nomad" identity. This Nomadic lifestyle is one of which that exists predominantly in north and central Somalia. The Southern Somalis for the most part practice a different lifestyle, one that cannot be considered "Nomadic". Yet Nomad means Somali, Somali means Nomad. Is this not a form of exclusion from our Southern kinsmen, who make up a significant portion of our people. Continuing this point, the term Somali as some of us know is derived from a believed ancestor name "Saamale". The story goes "Saamale" had a close relative, perhaps brother I don't know, named Saab. "Saamale" is the ancestor for the most part of the northern and central clans (Nomads), whereas "Saab" for the Southern clans (farmers) Even in the original name itself "Somali", derived from "Saamale" not "Sab" there appears to be a form of exclusion both in the pseudonymous "Nomad" and the actual name "Somali". Is this not a form of exclusion? Is this "politically correct"? Has the 'Somali' identity been hijacked by a certain portion of its populace. Thoughts? Opinions? Please share
  21. I share Oba's views on federalism. Unfortunately, the constitution, the government, the international community, and even local Somali entities such as Puntland, Somaliland(if we are to be generous), are strong advocates of Federalism. In order for this path to not be taken one of the following must happen: A. The current Somali government collapses: i. The Somali government collapses with no solid or pleasant alternatives causing this hiatus on war to end. This is an unfavorable out come (Ai) ii. The Somali government falls from a revolutionary grass-root movement based on solidarity and nationalism (Aii) B. The government ratifies the Constitution and its policy on federalism. This will alienate states such as Puntland and even further alienate Somaliland. The international community will not be happy. This is an out likely outcome and may result in result Ai.
  22. oba hiloowlow;920369 wrote: the hell with federalism. That is treason
  23. I understand why his name is Dahir 'Lucky'