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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Jacpher;924589 wrote: ^I haven't but I know it doesn't specifically say "PM does not have to be Muslim" It's time we take responsibility and stop blaming the 'white man' for all our problems. The white man invented the AK-47 only for the skinnies in Africa to skin each other out to death. Now answer the question nuune asked. Of course it doesn't... Though when it says the president must, and what the prime minister doesn't, what does that imply Jacpher. Does everything have to be written out explicit for you to consider its implications?
  2. nuune;924579 wrote: ^^ Dastuurkii ayaaba laga dhilleysanayaa ma is ti dh i, to the poster, can you cite when or where it is mentioned, using that exact wording you used: "PM does not have to be Muslim" I don't remember where I read it the somali version. But here is the english. Article 88, article 98
  3. Jacpher;924575 wrote: ^That's your own interpretation. The dastuur doesn't say "PM does not have to be Muslim". Ha, my interpretation! Hasty to make judgement eh? have you bothered even looking at the dastuur?
  4. No test whatsoever should be conducted. We share the same language, culture, religion for the most part. We do not need to differentiate ourselves with these irrelevant genetic test
  5. Wadani;924512 wrote: It's a sad state of affairs isn't it SomaliPhilosopher? Very sad indeed.
  6. The integrity of this thread has been compromised through the persistent futile discussion of the so called 'origins' of our people. ABORT now
  7. yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the white man is going to let us play with new toys Somalia: Daddy, I want this toy now!!! UN: Did you read the age label? Look you are too young, it says you must be 5 years old Somalia: Daddy!!!!! I turned 8 last summer! UN: Ok son Somalia: Thank you dad, you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am guessing these test involved the more so stable regions of Somalia i.e. Somaliland perhaps Puntland in which the south the more so diverse area was neglected. If that is the case, I would not guess for that test to be all so accurate.
  9. How accurate can such test be given geneticist have had very little access to the country over the past few decades
  10. Marksman;924357 wrote: Apparently no one cares. Hmm note worthy. Unfortunately, it seems like that is the case. The white man hands us a constitution and we take it with little questions. We consume ourselves with the sole issue of federalism which is merely a clause of very lengthy constitution. Does this not raise any questions people?!?!?!?!??
  11. The doctor has a point. A double standard of praise for Chavez and condemnation of Barre seems to exist. Doctor, I think this double standard can be explained through the fact that the general ideals and values propagated by "Socialist" leaders such as Chavez and Barre are one of which we admire. Though when these leaders nastily infringe on the "rights" of its citizens as a means of consolidating power is when we begin to to turn this admiration to condemnation. As Somalis, we are able to criticize Barre because these infringements have been felt by us or people close to us in essence it is personal whereas the infringements of Chavez is something very distant to us, something that is hard to see or feel. So instead we can only see Chavez in the lens of his values and ideals.
  12. It gives you a comparative advantage in the Somali job market
  13. Alpha, I agree 100%. Today I was listening to Maandeeq and the sentiments you have expressed were flooding through my head. It is the arts that can bring us together, reinvigorate our morale, reestablish our dhaqan, and do much more.This investments made by the Turkish government, the UN, or any foreign entity can only do so much whereas a cultural movement of sorts including a new wave of music, plays, ect can in essence make us a country once more. Perhaps we need a playwright president like Vaclav Haval and not a Sheikh.
  14. I was reading the Dastuur a while back, and noticed something interesting and was just reminded of it. According to the eligibility criteria the President of Somalia must be Muslim. This provision is not included in the eligibility criteria for the Prime Minister. This provision is even more interesting when placing this in context of the country. The current President and the former President, the only presidents who held office during this dastuur, are both "Sheikhs". Whereas the current Prime Minister and the previous ones such as Farmaajo and Abdiweli are technocrats and appear to be secular in nature. Also, what reaffirms this 'technocratic" nature of the office of the Prime Minister is the requirement that the Prime Minister must hold a university degree whereas this is not necessary for the President. Thoughts? What grand implications does this have? Why was this difference made between the office of the PM and the president? Please share.
  15. The money will come ninyaho. it just has to be included in the budget. Money is pouring into Somalia by the second.
  16. That is true nevertheless it is truly a misfortune. The Somali government should welcome back such figures and provide them with a hero's welcome along with proper accommodation.
  17. It has come to my attention the former Prime Minister Abdirizak Haji Hussein lives in Minnesota in the rundown Ceder Riverside Apartments. How does a PM of such stature end up in Ceder? Quite unfortunate
  18. Don't forget Ahmed Bile, son of the great Abdi Bile. Wouldn't it be great if all these guys decided to run for Somalia? Would most certainly boost the morale of the country.
  19. This "saamale" is a long standing tradition that has been recorded by Shariif 'Aydaruus Shariif 'Ali's Bughyat al-amaal fii taariikh as-Soomaali in 1955. It is not something that can be so easily dismissed.
  20. Apophis;922000 wrote: Oh yes you did. Indeed you're right, I wouldn't be receptive to new age feelgoodery nonsense. A blanket claim once more
  21. Apophis;921981 wrote: But that's exactly what you did. And since you seem to have an insight into the nothingness, and possible beyond, why don't you educate us lowly purposeless inchworms. I await your, bound to be profound, lessons. I did not say I have left the first stage. You tend make hasty judgments. lol even if I did have the ability to "educate" you, through your semantics and discourse (words of the day) it appears you would not be receptive to such insight nor do you seek it. So I pass Apophis. I pass.
  22. Alpha Blondy;921982 wrote: don't be ridiculous. this is absolute NONSENSE.....our relative success and road to recovery efforts were solely with the focus of building a grass-roots, homegrown, bottom-ups efforts. our success has never been tied to that of Xamar or off Somalia. at the same time, we've NEVER taken pride in ''the troubles'' that blighted Xamar and Southern Somalia all the years. we wish the people of xamar our very best.....and we're very happy to see the progress that is continually occurring in xamar. I am happy to hear that