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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;926339 wrote: ^^ When pigs fly:D If that is conditional to the Somali government being welcomed in Hargeisa. Then I guess we all better run indoors. Because we wouldn't want to touch any pigs, would we?
  2. SomaliPhilosopher;926264 wrote: The french did not colonize Somalia nor Somaliland, but they did colonize Djibouti, which makes them a former colonizer of Somali lands. Xaaji, I take it you are from Somaliland. Would the traditional compensation of geel make any significant difference in making peace? Perhaps collecting geel from all the southern regional states in attempts of showing solidarity and paying war contributions from the past. I ask with the utmost seriousness. I am waiting for your response, Xaaji
  3. The french did not colonize Somalia nor Somaliland, but they did colonize Djibouti, which makes them a former colonizer of Somali lands. Xaaji, I take it you are from Somaliland. Would the traditional compensation of geel make any significant difference in making peace? Perhaps collecting geel from all the southern regional states in attempts of showing solidarity and paying war contributions from the past. I ask with the utmost seriousness.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;926252 wrote: Well we heard that President hassan wants the Qataris to mediate and its not certain if president siilaanyo will visit Qatar, i wont recommend Qataris i dont think they're Honest mediators. The Brits do not want to mediate i think we should look in Africa Kenya South Africa Maybe or perhaps the french themselves. Fuuck the Brits and the French, we should not look to our former colonizers to "mediate" our domestic affairs. Qatar is also useless as they have expressed very little care for us over the past twenty years. Perhaps a shir under a tree consisting of northern and southern elders would be more appropriate.
  5. Will the greater somalia dream ever be realized? Will the 5 pointed star actually represent its original intents? Will the NFD ever raise the blue flag? Will galbeed leave its suitors? Will Djibouti ever join Somalia? Please discuss in respect to certain regions of its likelihood so we can have a holistic discussion.
  6. I am watching Beeneey Waa Run. I was quite intrigued by one of the firsts songs. Can someone be so kind and provide the lyrics and translation of the song? It will go greatly appreciated. Its from 15:00-22:00 but the song repeats several times " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;925666 wrote: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Angry angry mudane siilaanyo. I bet turkey is trying to loosen him up before Somalia gets on one knee and pops the question.
  8. Waranle_Warrior;925392 wrote: What does patriarchal mean? I can't be bother to check the dictionary. Waranles dont need to know such words
  9. Wadani;925319 wrote: Well in that case I was talking largely from a Western standpoint, even though my general point of men graciously granting right to women is applicable the world over. So back to ur initial question. The women's suffrage movement, along with first, second and third wave feminism did not systematically break down the patriarchy on their own. The patriarchial hold on society was loosened because men felt sufficient guilt, as a result of feminist activism, to cede rights to women. Men are physically stronger than women, and had at their disposal sufficent finacial and technological means to keep woman subjugated, but it was our benevolence rooted in chivalry that resulted in the 'emancipation' of women. I concede.
  10. idk. the standpoint that was used as your point of reference for your address to me and underdog.
  11. Let me ask you. So before these rights were given to woman ever so 'graciously' by men, who kept them in void of such rights all along?
  12. Watch your syntax bud. Somalicentric won with the "give them"
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;924987 wrote: Its very simple the 2 kids in the play illustrate that the Somaliland kid is in disagreement with the Somalia kid on the case of Somalilands for statehood, which is a reality case in 2013. Why should we hide it from our kids. The Somalia kid plays that he wants Somaliland under Somalia the Somaliland kid refuses to be under Somalia, i think its a good play for other kids to watch. By the way i think there is nothing Xenophobic, you have special cases when people just dislike other people because of things that happened civil war, and than sometimes emotions cannot be controlled. But there will always some sort of cultural bond between Somalia and Somaliland, and there will be maybe some sort of political Somali solidarity in the horn. But we are not that far yet, because i know a kid he is not a kid any more but in 1989 he was 15 years old back than, his father was a soldier and died in the 1977 war so he grew up with out a father, when the war broke out in Somaliland in 1988 his mother was killed in the war. i remember when i was in London few years ago and there was a demonstration against the Ethiopian occupation of xamar in many Somalilanders took part of the demonstration and he was asked to come and show somali solidarity. He told the people who invited him adeer, Hooyaday na Somalia dishay , abahay na Ethiopia dishay aniga waad i simantihin kuwa kala doonta. So there are cases of deep seated hatred, but it will fade away after 2 generation or so. I understand where you are coming from. Though I think these parents went overboard with the script including things like having the kid rhetorically ask if we are in xamar when the other one was bombed.what does that teach the kid?
  14. Wadani;924969 wrote: How are they in anyway promoting or exhibiting an intense and irrational fear of people from Somalia? U did use the word xenophobia right? Do u not realize that u can't walk a few meters in Hargaysa without coming across a Somali from the south? Somalianders are not xenophobic to southerners, how could they be when they r the same people? That would be absurd. This somaliland/somalia issue is 100% political, nothing more nothing less. My good sir, Wadani. I did indeed. I am well ware of the demographics of Hargeisa; I was there this past summer. But we are not talking about the people in Hargeisa, are we? As far as the kids, if you pay attention to their subtle diction you can observe this fear. When the kid gets bombed, the other one asks if they are in Xamar, making a mockery of the situation Southern Somalia has been in as well as showing his association of "bombs" with Xamar as if Hargeisa is immune to such tragedies.
  15. Alpha why don't you watch this one and tell me once more these guys are driving a political point and not a victim of indoctrinated xenophobia towards "Somalia" This is by far the worse one Oba,
  16. Same act, different place!!!!!! Wawareeeeee these parents don't stop. Oba, you have sent me on a quest to trace down all of these videos
  17. ^^^^ "please don't put bad comments. we are kids" kulahaa. Oba I agree Al is this you? Or are these your kids.
  18. Take 1 (practice makes perfect eh) loooool. It looks like these parents only have one act
  19. I heard the one on the left is a descendant of Barre kidnapped by the parents of the kid in the right for the purpose of creating such videos
  20. Apophis represents a very short branch of cynicism of an unfortunate long tree of cynicism
  21. You are ignorant jacapher. Lets resume this discussion in an intellectual capacity.
  22. Jacpher;924626 wrote: If you're worried about gaal PM for a country over 9.999% Muslims, then your worries are misplaced. I've never seen or spoken with a Somali gaal so I know chances are ZERO for a gaal PM to lead the nation especially in this day and age when the Somali MUSLIM government officials get killed for being murtadiin. I expect for AS to play that card to frighten people and claim Somalia is taken over by gaalo and the 'white man' This dastuur needs lots of work and it is not a holy and sacred book of the angles. If you want to personalize the issue; I am by no means worried. But this is not about my worries. Its about why the writers made the requirement for the president and not the pm to be muslim, why the past two president have been sheikhs while the pms have been secular technocrats. Is this intentional? What are intentions behind it if so?
  23. Oba, I have no problem with a non-muslim PM or a President for that matter. In fact I would enjoy a secular Somalia. Nevertheless I am still curious to the intentions behind this discrepancy