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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Xaajio, how does one memorize a Somali poem? From my understanding there is a certain tune to it, no? Can one be able to properly memorize, a level appropriate to recital, just by reading it?
  2. Location is "the" factor. Live in a big house near the airport could cost you as much as $6000 a month, live in Xamarweyne you get can a a small humble home for 300, single home in war dhigle we are now talking 1.5k, but thats a big home. there are various factors at play, size and location Living near the beach is another factor. which beach? If we are talking Jazeera, you can find yourself a nice place for a cheap price. you may even be able to afford to buy some land. but with the bumpy roads we are talking a 30-40 minute drive to the heart of the city, because jazeera lies in the outskirts. Lido, will cost you. Xamar weyne is on the coast as well, though not the most attractive beach, you can find some cheap prices there. You can always drive to one of the beaches. it wouldn't take you very long. plus chances are you will be able to get a view of it from most rooftops in the city. so i wouldn't make that a pivotal factor. Ibtisam- prices are not going to go up, they are going to go down. Xamar is experiencing a housing bubble
  3. aero;933736 wrote: Does that burn you? huh?
  4. War Xajio, which is the more accurate translation/
  5. Miskiin, you have been of great assistance. Perhaps you can visit the "Su'aashan bal ka jawaab" and perhaps edit a short somali poem, written by myself, a somali illiterate.
  6. what exactly does the idiom "faro ku tiris" mean Does it signify something is so small that it can be counted using the hands?
  7. Can you name a few of the poems with the authors, perhaps the ones that were most mainstream to memorize. Where and who taught you such poems
  8. Everyone too busy memorizing the quran i suppose?
  9. What makes you sick XX is you post on this form with claims of a "important announcement" so that when this "event" occurs you can reap the pleasure of being the bearer of such news, the "I told you so" mantra. Instead make prayer waryaa.
  10. How bout mahadcelin and mahadnaq. Is there a difference? Regional?
  11. Memorzing poetry is a big part of the Somali culture or at least it was. Either taught through your parents or maybe even school. What are some must have memorized Somali poems. What poems were you forced to learn as a kid?
  12. Awayyyyyyyyy Aaliyyah awayyyyyyyyy awayyyyyyyyyyy Aaliyyah awayyyyyyyyy arageeda waaye
  13. wyre, you forgot to add April Fools at the end of the story buddy
  14. You may enjoy this Haatu. ^^^Periodic table in Somali
  15. ^^They were celebrating Valentines day shortly ago, so I wouldn't be surprised.
  16. XX, Hargeisa= Somaliland, no? Problem is the entire Somali peninsula consist of city-states. galmudug=Galkayo... list goes on
  17. I speak broken Somali, so I figured I can improve my language abilities by writing things in somali while incorporating new vocab. I just wrote this,perhaps someone here can edit, and perhaps point out grammatical flaws. tryna improve my somali here Marka Dayaxa wa buul Iyo Cadceedii wa kayn Marka Bisadaa oo mukar leh iyo jiirarka jirro leh Marka Hordhacaa oo la dabacii Iyo Suugaanta oo la dawakhay Marka afka waa muraan Iyo Lahjadaha oo dood Mahadnaq ya leh? Mahadsanid ana leh
  18. what is the difference between Mahadnaq and mahadsanid. is it regional?
  19. Whats the difference between Kayn iyo Buul
  20. Conspiracy alert!!! Sources has told me, along with a few leaked documents, that all but 1-2 people on SOL are SCRIPTS OF ALPHA!!!! The REST ARE ALTER EGO'S of this exiled brit!!!! BE CAUTIOUS to who you talk to.
  21. Saalax;932497 wrote: The PM properly does not realize it but It is an admission of guilt. It is obviously an admission of guilt. The man committed grave atrocities