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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. I must have a special visa for this enclave? This is like going from Xamar to Hargeisa all over again................
  2. Alpha Blondy;934574 wrote: ^ he's weird....i don't know, inaar. Much Madness is divinest Sense - (620) BY EMILY DICKINSON Much Madness is divinest Sense - To a discerning Eye - Much Sense - the starkest Madness - ’Tis the Majority In this, as all, prevail - Assent - and you are sane - Demur - you’re straightway dangerous - And handled with a Chain -
  3. Men have the ability to marry the exotic non-Somali of their choice whether the gal is Muslim or not. Woman on the other hand are restricted from exploring this fetish unless the exotic man converts to Islam. So what do you expect of a woman when the forbidden fruit because within reach, have a go at it. The phenomenona of the somali revert frenzy solved. ..
  4. Oba, now nobody is gona read your threads loooool jk
  5. There is a Somali gabay, relevant to your prob, that goes like... Anigu naag ma qabo oo mid ma qadi karo ee ninkii mid qabo yaan ka qayb geli
  6. ^^This is a good resource. It holds a collection of Somali poems, along with an audio recordings, if one wants to just listen, or work on pronunciation.
  7. Alpha Blondy;934473 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ S.Poow i find your attempts to mimic quite amusing, inaar. you're a nut-case! Man, being called a nut-case by Alpha makes me want to do some serious self reflecting. I guess such comments are warranted when you satire the mad. I mean what else can ya expect huh? Back to SP's Food Critique.... This program has been cut due to SP's insufficient funds to eat out. Previous episodes will be syndicated Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko network. A contract is still being worked out with the Alpha Catarbaqash network.
  8. Stay tune for today's new episode of SP's food critique on the Alpha Cantarbaqash network. .. Preview of next episode: SP has betrayed his people again. This time by treating himself to columbian pancakes instead of tradition malawax. Will he surivie the guilt? Or will the food be too good to care. Does ge take the columbian waitress home. Stay tune for next episode! !!
  9. I am incapable of doing so, sxb. I am jealous i was not able to make such observation
  10. Tallaabo;934399 wrote: Dear Alpha, your thread started to resemble the graffiti wall of a lunatic in an asylum. Faataxada ayaan bal kuu soo marayaa inaar:D LOOOL Truer nor funnier words have never been spoken on SOL
  11. Have you guys ever heard of this poem by Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan. I have never heard of the phrase "ye waa daw", and have yet to find this poem outside one book written by a white guy, so i question its history. let me know, i enjoy the content of the poem Ninkii diinta Eebbahay dhigan, Daddaal ku dhintaa ye waa daw, Ninkii dabka qaatee duulee, Dagaal ku dhintaa ye waa daw, Anigu dadka waxaan, la yaabaa, oo haddana doqonnimo ku saaraa, 'Ninkii duunyo kaleeto foofsadayee, Ku daaqsada doobka caanaha eey. The man who learns the religion of God And dies with hard work is honorable. The man who takes up weapon for fighting, And dies in battle is honorable- But [of all] people, the one who surprises me And whom I accuse of foolishaess Is the man who cares for another's animals, and Receives [only] a vessel full of milk [as his reward].
  12. aero;934301 wrote: Thankfully my mother bought spaces, one of which is under construction. I wonder how much she'd rent those out for lol. I'm afraid to ask. does that burn you?
  13. SomaliPhilosopher;933082 wrote: I speak broken Somali, so I figured I can improve my language abilities by writing things in somali while incorporating new vocab. I just wrote this,perhaps someone here can edit, and perhaps point out grammatical flaws. tryna improve my somali here Marka Dayaxa wa buul Iyo Cadceedii wa kayn Marka Bisadaa oo mukar leh iyo jiirarka jirro leh Marka Hordhacaa oo la dabacii Iyo Suugaanta oo la dawakhay Marka afka waa muraan Iyo Lahjadaha oo dood Mahadnaq ya leh? Mahadsanid ana leh Perhaps you can point out my grammatical flaws oh this sxb, miskiin
  14. I think you are asking me, how would i interpret those phrases. if that is the case, uh I would guess "faralaab"- chep (literal translation I guess is something like folded fingers). the second "caga" I am guessing that is the foot body part, "jugleyn" without "jug", bruise, not sure how to translate. So perhaps "caga jugleyn" is something relating to strength, or unbruised, not sure
  15. Safety in Mogadishu and Hargeisa is night and day. The latter, I was able to to lurk around town 3 am (walking), while in Xamar, I was scolded on the daily for returning past maghrib (driving)
  16. I find it safest to stay away from haunted houses in general, grazie
  17. War Abbaas, grazie. I am a big fan of that song "In the beginning". Please provide some historical context and interpretation of the poem above ^^^^^^^^ I am curious
  18. Haatu--lool, going there with Alpha as protection is like going to a haunted house with a friend only to discover he is the ghost
  19. oba hiloowlow;934151 wrote: wow some true shid I and Somalia against the world. I and my clan against Somalia. I and my family against the clan. I and my brother against the family. I against my brother. knaan used that in a song with nas and damian marley
  20. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;934147 wrote: May I ask you a question. Why are you interested in suugaanta when you are Afsoomaali challenged? I mean, one doesn't try to run while s/he can't walk to begin with. You are starting from the top -- it will only make you more confused and harder to learn the basics of Soomaali grammar writing. Just an observation. P. S. -- keep your interests in Afsoomaaliga. Haka daalin. Afsoomaaliga waa af hodan ah oo farac iyo isir weynba. Miskiin, lets just say I can walk, but I walk like a cripple lol. So what do you suggest amigo. The way I see it it, if a cripple starts running, walking will be much easier.
  21. Blessed, I feel ya. I too missed out as I was raised abroad. After going to Dugsi and memorizing Surah after Surah, I am sure memorizing a few poems is within reach.
  22. That is an interesting poem Miskiin. Thanks for your contribution. Care to give us some context, and your interpretation?
  23. I guess its called Wardhiigley for a reason huh? lool. you know how a dead body/ murder drops the value of a house in the west. I guess we can account for Wardhiigley "low prices" from the name
  24. Grazie Wadani. We share the same struggle bro. Though my Somali is lacking, so for me its a great struggle. I guess learning some Somali poetry would help. Lets share resources