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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Wadani/Tallabo, how about your wives, or wife to be?
  2. ^^^^ thats not the sayid, that is sheikh sharif sheikh ahmed.
  3. good luck, i believe the owners are from your neck of the woods, london. though i wouldnt bank on it. these hotels are in high demand-- rooms are scarce. favors are scarce in times of scarcity
  4. Chimera;936183 wrote: MOGADISHU Hotel Sahafi - £13 a day x 3 months (91 days) = £1183. HARGEISA Hotel Maansoor - £20 a day x 1 month (30 days) = £600 GAROWE Hotel Garowe - £15/20 a day x 1 month = £450/600. That's roughly £2500 spend on accomodation for a 5 months period, and this figure doesn't factor in the brief stays in Bosaso, Berbera, Merka and other gems. The plane-ticket costs around £800 in the September-October period with Turkish Airlines but above £1000 during the summer period.The hiring of a car; employing a guide to visit historic places, construction sites and entrepreneurs/officials; buying sealed and canned food from the supermarkets; signing up with local gyms, and eating out would amount to another £1000. Total: £4500 - £5500. Security in some areas warrants more costs, I wonder how the situation will be in Merka and Kismayu come Oct/Nov. Also, how reliable are the old maps of Mogadishu superimposed on the city of today? The grid-system is pretty much still in place right? Hotel Sahafi is not £13 a day. It is at least 50 bucks a night. if the other prices are from the same source, i doubt the credibility of those
  5. Wadani;936008 wrote: Safferz, ur undoubtedly an intelligent and well-informed person who brings a lot of value to Sol's intellectual environment. But at times, like in the above post, u come across a tad bit condescending in your choice of words. Such a style will only shift the debate from an honest exchange and critique of ideas and positions, to one where egos reign supreme as each person becomes defensive and tries to reinforce his/her superority at whatever cost, sacrificing objectivity and the pursuit of truth in exchange for a perceived victory. +1
  6. Safferz;935987 wrote: LOLOL. You've already lost. be nice... let us mourn
  7. DoctorKenney;935924 wrote: Apophis is our Atheist Marxist friend on the forum. He fulfills the very important role of being the town clown. We need him for those purposes alone You fulfill the role of the Shakespearean fool trapped in plato's allegory of the cave producing a dark comedy. nevertheless it is enjoying indeed
  8. Safferez, the fiesty new intellectual of SOL
  9. Apophis;935872 wrote: Couldn't you make it yourself? It's just three sticks, some strings and a circular wooden looking base. Any carpenter will make one for you in a few days, or you could do it in your garage. I'm offering options here Apophis I appreciate the constructive advice. I did read there was a some somali musicians in Maine that made one after one trip to home depot. I might look into that option. Though I don't know what time of strings are needed
  10. Well for those who now are acquainted with the shereero keep an eye out for me will ya?
  11. Doctor, much of your arguments are tedious
  12. lol i see your not a fan. how about the classics "Love Does Not Know Obstacles" , "Dan Iyo Xarrago" "Geedka nolosha/The Tree of Life", or the epic of the mad mullah
  13. ^^ one day kulaha. its called somaliwood bro
  14. it is the kaban of the south
  15. Wadani sxb, yes its an instrument. predominant in southern somalia, indigenous to the somalis.
  16. Anyone have any idea where to get a Shareero in the united states? Know any one that makes? *Misspelling in title.. meant Shareero
  17. Safferz;935582 wrote: I was rejected when I used my university email address, but not when I used gmail lol SOL is trying to breed a culture of illiterates similar to the pol pot campaign
  18. ^^ Valentinah I heard they are near the $1,000 mark now, not sure on the exact price though
  19. Excerpts from the the man, the life, and times of the late Alpha Blondy part 2 Alpha Blondy;931925 wrote: Al: you leave me alone, you hear? how can i leave you alone, inaar. we're one and the same, dee. a third personality and we'll all be one big happy, trinity of a family? Al: such a lame joke! you think you're so smart, ma istidhi? of course i am. people like you when you're me, dee. you're an emotional wreak marka kaale and you look like an demented purposeless fool, at least that's the impression of 'us', you project all the time....... Al: you don't know what you're talking about! iska amuus hadaba, i'm warning you..... oh yeah? why should i? what are you going to do about it, inaar? your empty statements have long ago lost any of the bravado, you once possessed. people like me now, ma fahantahay? they don't like you, nor do they respect you, anymore. Al: whatever! you're all words and no substance, do you know that, horta? you're attitude is vicious and vile, can you please STOP that? what did i do, now? Al: you've made me look like a fool to others, miyaad isku xishootid? maybe you are one, dee? anyways when have i made you look like an fool? Al: all the time, dee. why are you writing my inner most personal thoughts on this bloody thread? i thought i'd contain your evil influence, by keeping you locked up here, but your sentimentalism and pathetic attention-seeking antics have gotten out of control and have caused me to lose my sharaf....! what? what ludicrous assertions!!! kulaha attention-seeking ? you're funny really, you're funny. i've NEVER seen a more self-obsessed egomaniac than you..... you've really lost touch with reality, ma istidhi? Al: only because you've made it look that way........... what way? why are you blaming me? there's only one of us to blame here and to be quite honest....its more your fault and your tarnished imagine issues have nothing to do with me! its your own doings ee sida uula soco! ma fahantahay? eh? Al: shut up! just shut up! leave me alone, you hear? you're just so EVIL.......(in tears: WHY oh WHY? how did you manage to outmaneuver me, you little rodent-faced weasel? how did you get out? how did i lose it....and to you? you fake!) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL....its NEVER your fault? is it? hadal dee, you pathetic melancholic fool. all your self-induced BS really smells of self-pity, do you know that, horta? and..... you're so WEAK. man, just look at you baal? you've been reduced to tears, a grown man crying never really impressed anyone!!!! this is the same pathetic imagine, you've sadly and rather pathetically seeped to others. you're WEAK and pathetic, you hear. you think your 'lets all rejoice and be one big happy family malakay'' impresses anyone, least of all me? you lost it a long time ago. but i didn't want to be the one to tell you, dee.....anyways, i'm glad we had this conversation as its ALL for your own benefit, you needed to hear the truth, bro. Al: like you'd know anything about the truth? you're just a fire-starter or better little tales and exposes of me are more akin to the pacemaker in a middle-distance run. don't you ever tire of playing the part of the little bait that foolishly solicits others to reach their targets and that in the processing outperform me? you hear me? you little wide-nosed nigerian..... you've OFFICIALLY lost it, inaar. hadaba iska amuus, yeah.... Al: or waayoo? you can't stop me from expressing my thoughts..... oh yeah? Al: yeah. and what's more i've made the decision to stop trolling and stuff, untill you've been buried and returned to that hole in hell you crawled from. you dig? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@ Al....are you serious? are you mad? if i go, what is left baal? eh? i'll tell you: a man whose's epic failures and inability to deal with his harsh environment? eh.... who'll get you attention? whose real? between the two of us? ME, and you know that because you've lost the fighting spirit. i'd admit, you possessed it once, but that was a while back, inaar...........oh and another thing, do you even have any REAL beliefs and convinctions anymore? inaar, are you even a Somaliland advocate? the number of times, you've insulted your land makes me sick to the stomach. you're FAKE and without a basis, marka you want to talking about burying and killing me off? eh? you're just a pathetic pretender....kulaha ''cultural critic'' .....i'm sorry but you're not very good at pulling that one off too, i mean what are you good at, Al? really, i want to know? inoo sheeg? Al: don't know what you're talking about. you evil little prick! is that ALL? is that ALL you could muster? eh? what's the matter Al? a cat got your tongue? eh? eh? you've never been lost for words? maxa dhacay, inaar? Al: you're not even worth it? ....and let me guess, you're more worthy? miyaa? eh? hypocrisy, knows no bounds, ma istidhi? the nerve of some people! Al: i didnt say that? what are you talking about? i don't want to talk to crazy alter-egos anymore, i'm going, now....bye......... is that how you see me? as an alter-ego? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Al. you back-stabbing jew. Al: Al leaves . oi? oi? oi? Al?, inaar? where are you going? don't you dare walk away from me? where are you going hadaba? come back now, i'm talking to you! ok...sii soco waad soo socondoontaaye eh, you WEAK fool! i will get you back, i swear it. i will destroy you. adigu baal eega, you doorfar fooqal dameer. Alllooooooooooooow, you're dead. i'll get you back, you just WATCH, inaar.....................................................................................................................................................................................................what a loser Al is, ma istidhi? i didn't think he had what it took to get back at me, walle. the little saqaajaan. he's still got it, in him, i reckon, balse, wuu soo noqon doona eh......... because he KNOWS he can't survive without me? but who really knows where that cat is concerned? he's an alright guy, really........ balse a little stressed and lacking direction, these days and i was able to capitalise on this, dee. in all honesty, i was rather harsh on him but the world is like that! he needed to hear the truth and learn this..... but i was too extreme in my ''attempts'' to help him toughen-up. screw him laakin, life goes on and i'll be fine but its a REAL shame he's left this thread for me. we worked well together and his postive contributions will be missed. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL x 1000. :p:cool: Alpha Blondy;923042 wrote: NOTICE i lied about going to ceel afweyn. i DID NOT go to ceel afweyn.......i would've continued posting, had it NOT being for seeing JB, yesterday morning near suuq hoose ee hargeisa. at about 3pm, he updated this status on facebook with......the following..... make the slighest of changes by capitalising A.U.N ......i realised i was busted when another SOLer also commented and liked the status update. since being busted...... i haven't bothered to update this thread. p.s - i was meant to go to ceel afweyne walahi but i couldn't go due to personal commitments. inshallah, i will go to ceel afweyn one day and i will blog about my real experiences and views of the place. p.s.s - if there are NO pictures to company my means i didn't go..... remember: NO PICTURES = NO SHOW LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :D:D:D:D
  20. Excerpts from the man, the life, and times of the deceased Alpha Blondy Part 1 Alpha Blondy;934665 wrote: on Apo a kane to my abel, a magneto to my charles xavier, a promoter of evil to Al's good conscious vibe. the guy is the ultimate enemy and punished he must be. he possess firm-held convictions and despite finding his views to be morally repugnant and stomach churching, there's a small potential for him to attest his loyalty to me. i've found his achelis heels and i'm using this against him. a long time ago a great friend but that a long time ago and he's a sworn enemy, now. we're very similar in style and in humour and we both understand each other's subtle nuances. but we're also both very proud and stubborn and this forum is not big enough for both us to rule supreme. if i were him, i'd just pledged loyalty to me but he's a renegade with NO allegiance to anyone or anything for that matter. i sometimes wonder about the potential of our combined efforts and its synergy. with me at the helm, we having the ability to change SOL forever but that will NEVER happen. a social recluse to my more ceremonial style, his activities outside of this realm are worthy of praise but he's a little saqajaan and always ruins my parade like a russell crowe, in the that epic scene from Gladiator, where he makes a mockery of the King's supreme rule. he's close to Oba, but Oba's firmly back to my side and i have to keep them apart. he's also in incoots with Haatu because they're of the same tribe and their politics is very similar and it troubles me, deeply. using haatu as a pawn against this potential challenger, is working to perfection but that haatu is so unpredictable and he could be swayed by the evil of Apo. if only i could control both Oba and Haatu, Apo's finished and all threats from him cease immediately but he's too close to Oba as they PM each other, which is actually concerning. he's also close to unstable haatu. i have TOTALLY crash his spirit and by any means too. NO ONE will challenge me, NO ONE! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Alpha Blondy;933164 wrote: ^ Wyre, inaar, akhi, you misunderstood my jokes for pure hate . i don't hate you, walahi. i like you loads, walahi. you're a nice guy but you remind me of myself and what i am in real life, dee. i hate the weakness you display on SOL and its almost like i see myself in you so i attack and bully you viciously...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. inaar, this is the internet and its 2013 for goodness sakes!. grow some balls for goodness sakes, dee. why are you so shy, miskeen-like and sensitive for? these traits are for weak people. anyways i know those Arabs have rented 17 rooms in your maskax but let me at least be on the waiting list, inaar. don't forget me bro! don't ignore me! don't close the gates of friendship to me, inaar. anyways, i'm sorry and iga raali nooqo sxb. lets start again but learn to take a joke. a few hours of hardcore trolling on this thread allows me to insult and mock people (except Oba) and frees me and more importantly Al from his inner demons and it provides Al via me...... an outlet to release the frustrations of his toxic existence and pathetic excuse of a life. i had an excellent day today but you've ruined Al's and my mood now, because of your sulking. inaar, do you have the painters in maanta? are you a jew? do you think sulking like this is impressing your Arab custodian? he'd be very disappointed, if he knew how easily you give up. inaar, 9 years is a long time to wait for your visa but 2mins is a long time to be angry at me, so please isku xishood and lets be friends, ya akhi? ''aana waxshi'', ''aana kalbuun'', ''aana saqaajanuun'' and all those dirty Arab swear-words, you little doorfar. i'm a doorfar, see, are you happy now? anyways, this is a little shiric (gabay/poem) i copied and pasted from yahoo maktoob. i have NO idea what it means walahi and its probably not even a poem but one of the news headlines. but i'd do that for you, wryeoow, inaar. i'd write you a arabic poem! i'd do that for you, walahi. البحرين والجزائر تستبعدان حلا سياسيا بسوريا
  21. SomaliPhilosopher;926645 wrote: Similar to the Islamic notion of our deaths being written, every virtual character has its time and when it comes there is no way of stopping it. I am afraid my time has come. It is only customary for me to give my resignation notice as I am departing from this virtual world. I have chosen Alpa's thread as my platform for reasons I prefer not to discuss in public nor private. Miyi's and Magaal's, I will not be taking an exit interview. Goodbye! Given that I may have acted as a home wrecker, this is take 2.
  22. Oh dear was my consideration to be addd to this group responsible for the break up of this tight knit family. Never thought I'd be a home wrecker
  23. why does the crew strike me as a crew to the likes of charles manson and his lil group.