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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Maarodi, thanks for the encouraging words and useful advice. Yes, the vocabulary is the greatest obstacle. I gota make friends with some odeyal. I will take a look at the podcast. Best wishes to both of our journeys mate.
  2. Ama geel ka reeb ah oo nirgaha, laga ka xaynaayo ** so how would this particular sentence translate?
  3. Naxar Nugaaleed;936592 wrote: me thinks radical feminism would ones who blow stuff up lol waa caadi ninyaho
  4. Xiino, it is my friend. It surely his. One can only survive the mental decay of the west for so long. I want to chill in Barawa bro, learn the shareero, meet a nice Bravanese chick, and put it all on my instagram!!! lol but for real, do you know anything about land prices in Barawa?
  5. lol, a somali brother can not inquire about his land? I am interested in purchasing some land sxb. how much is land in Barawa? The philosopher cant be a philosopher forever eh? He must lay roots
  6. so a real estate bubble, similar to xamar, has already begun?
  7. Where is the cheapest land in Somalia? How much does a plot go in that area? Make your guesses/claims
  8. a cariish? are you referring to a hut? ina'addero you must be joking..
  9. ina'adder, can you tell me the real estate situation in kismayo?
  10. Africaown, you employ such words as "heathen" failing to realize these people stand naked to the word exposing their breast to their friends, familys, bystanders, in essence the world. why? because of the likes of you. They are protesting you my friend. you drive, fuel, and energize such "heathens" It is said satan whispers to the creatures of adam. You scream my friend. you scream
  11. Yea, I am not talking about what he actually ended doing, but the ideology and campaign itself of eradicating qabilism I am not saying it should be eradicated. Fully embracing it may be a good thing as well. But we cant do some one foot in one foot out- one foot in this "modern state" and one foot in "qabilism", we got to fully embrace one.
  12. Xajio, I think Siad Barre was on to something with his campaign to eradicate qabilism. Somalia must chose qabil or a "modern state". The two cannot exist together. and as long as the qabil begins to drive Somali politics in this "modern state", we are destined to fail. One of the extreme must be chosen for success.
  13. actually though, is it sad? These social groups we call identify with has served people well in terms of providing a sort of insurance. Perhaps this notion of abolishing qabil is a western construct, a cousin of irredentism. Perhaps the problem is not qabil itself. but the idea of combining qabil, a somali rooted system, with this western system of governance. maybe that is where the problem is.
  14. Qabilism is so ingrained in our culture it is sad really, sad
  15. ^^I thought the hotel was partly government owned?
  16. your up for a surprise mate. with the way your talking, you are gona be too busy for her. she will bounce, no doubt about it. I don't think woman will sit around while men enjoy these "rewards", surely they wont.
  17. a date in your bed? isku xishooood cadareey
  18. Will they be with other men? Will you be be with other woman? Are you two obsolete to each other... ect?