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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. ha, thats funny I read into that thread a few days ago. Where did he publish that originally?
  2. Somalia;937384 wrote: The author is a SomaliNetter called Warsame101, he also has a website called SomaliMind. Go on the former website and check what he posts to get an inside. He is from the place you mentioned. have you read the book sxb?
  3. Ok ok Safferz! do you agree with the observation i made above?? the ""iftiin" "qorrax" iyo "neecaw"....
  4. Safferz-Half of those are library books!! Have you guys ever noticed the emphasis placed on returning back to Somalia by the 'elders' (mothers, fathers, edos, abtis...) for the sake of "iftiin" "qorrax" iyo "neecaw"
  5. Mahadsanid sxb. does qorraxeeyaa mean to iron, as in clothes?
  6. SomaliPhilosopher;937369 wrote: Right now im reading a short book, pamphlet may be a better suited word, on hygiene and cleanliness, published by one of the ministries of the barre administration. Here is a quote from the chapter called Nadaafadda guriga : "“neecawda iyo iftiinku waa inay soo geli karaan guriga..." The man ran an interesting regime More from the chapter "“hufnaanta guriga bay ka mid tahay in musqushu ku taal meel xoogaa ka dhaqaaqsan qolalka la seexdo…”" Fascinating read.
  7. Safferz- That is still expensive!!! . Perhaps we can share a copy... Wadani- unfortunately the author's bio section of books dont show such things anymore
  8. Apophis;937368 wrote: I have the book and I have perused through it and, in my opinion, it's nothing but poorly constructed propaganda in favour of the Kacan and it's leadership. And I'm someone who supports Barre 100%. thanks for your input. is it more skewed towards his policies and Somalia, or his personal life? Or is it well balanced? Does it read well as in is it a good read? Academic value?
  9. Right now im reading a short book, pamphlet may be a better suited word, on hygiene and cleanliness, published by one of the ministries of the barre administration. Here is a quote from the chapter called Nadaafadda guriga : "“neecawda iyo iftiinku waa inay soo geli karaan guriga..." The man ran an interesting regime
  10. Wadani- I learned some new vocab from your post Safferz- yes, ive been yearning for a good bio on barre for a while, even considered taking the task upon myself. i am interested in checking this one out, but its a bit expensive...
  11. Has anyone read this book?
  12. Wadani;937286 wrote: Y assume my mother wasn't/isn't a career woman? already having troubles with the in-laws mate?
  13. ^^Hear of the oedipus complex bro?
  14. ^^^ Are your parents Asha Haji Elmi and Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon
  15. Apophis;937255 wrote: Because as a women, you've lost the lottery of nature dee. Don't blame men, blame nature for she's a cruel b1tch +1. Though I dont know about her being cruel...
  16. Coofle, thanks for the anylasis. Can you explain those two verses holistically and tell us in why and when you chose to quote those lines in particular
  17. ^^ waan ogyahay. mar hore baan sameenay guurka qudbo siro.......... ooops
  18. pisces_cutie911 batahay? shukaansiga iska daaf edo. waa hal bacaad lagu lisay
  19. I think this will be the first gabay I shall memorize. It is by Raage Ugaas. provided a decent background on the poem. It is a euology for Raage Ugaas's wife, who was killed by a lion. Who wants to dissect this poem with me? Koortii Yucub Sida koorta Yucub oo la sudhay, korommo buubaal ah Ama geel ka reeb ah oo nirgaha, laga ka xaynaayo Ama beelo keynaan ah, oo kor u hayaamaaya Ama ceel karkaarrada jebshiyo, webi karaar dhaafay Ama habar kurkii iyo wadnaha, lagaga kaw siiyay Ama kaal danley qaybsatiyo, kur iyo dhal yaabis Shinni kaaluf galay ama siddii, koronkorkoo oomay Xalay kololo’aygii ma ladin, kaamil reeruhuye Kunbulkiyo ardaagii miyaa, laygu kaliyeeyay? Wixii laygu kuunyeeyay miyaa, igu karaamoobay? Kunbiskii miyaa layga qubay, kolayo ii buuxay? Maantana kataantii miyaa, layga kala qaaday? Kob abaar ah oo dhexe miyaa, koore ila meeray? Kub miyaan ka jabay biixiyaan, kabayo loo haynin?