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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Oba, what is with you and this hoax stories that can be found no where else on the web....Saacid resigns kulahaa
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;938867 wrote: Carafaat i dont mind that even if you were born on mars you are still an ethnic Somalilander and they view you as one the few SL crooks in Somalias govt they view them as outsiders , remember professor samatar statement. Waad iman kartan laakin hadal badan idin ma ogalin:D I have lived more of my life in Somalia than i did in Somaliland but that doesn't make a difference. Carafaat Somalia of the past is no longer ours every one knows that sawta laga xigsaday wax fahan. Its a shame you feel that way. it really it.
  3. Safferz;938826 wrote: English speakers continue to do all those things to Somalia. Was Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia not a US proxy war in their "war on terror"? But you're still missing the point -- English is a colonial inheritance, it still symbolizes all the oppressive practices I mentioned, and therefore (using your logic) just as problematic as Amharic, if not more so. I have no problem with speaking Amharic, just like I have no problem speaking English or French. Languages embody many things, and for my purposes they are tools to help me do the work I want to do. Safferz, now say all of that in amharic
  4. Safferz;938762 wrote: I think it's a wonderful language and an important one in the Horn. And learning it is the only way to find out what they say and write about us. A mole in the making huh?I should put you in touch with the somali national security agency. Perhaps you could have won us the galbeed war
  5. Safferz you will be fine. This is only one day of many days to come.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;938401 wrote: The SL case is first not secession since Somalia was never the mother country of SL , but the 2 formed a union to form the greater Somali republic, one side left the union , the other side wants a union but its not certain how to have one. There is no special bond between SL and Somalia matter infact Somaliland has great relations with the 3 inhabited Somali speaking countries. I still do not get Somalinimo la no laayey i have never heard that i first wanna know what Somalinimo is what does it mean to you what does it mean for a person in garisa what does it mean for a person in Djibouti and jigjiga. Jacpher Somalinimadu ma walefare dawlad Somaliyeed bixisa ba ma dad gaar ah Somalinimada micnaheeda og. Yaa Somaali ah yaase ahayn micnaha Somalinimo halkay ka timi waxayalas oo dhan ba suaalo u bahaan in laga jawaabo. Oba laftigisa inu Somalia dhiso bu raba,laakin dad ba leh Somalinimadi baanu kontrobaan ku haysana ana iyada laftigeedan fahmayn.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;938394 wrote: Mogadishu loses nothing if SL goes , its just the emotional attachment they have with SL , but practically they will lose nothing 90% of the Mogadishu people have never seen Somaliland or lived there. Somaliland and Somalia case is much easier practically than the south sudan and sudan case and the eritrea ethiopia case. I feel like making a gabay in response to this
  8. Somalinimo began during the SYL era and was molded and defined during the Kacaan era. What we see today is remnants of it.
  9. Xaajio, be cautious America believes in the freedom of their people nothing more
  10. Chimera;938251 wrote: Who hasn't? The man was probably called a dreamer and a optimist too, until he turned the African development project sustained by the West on its head, and actually made progress. The rail-network he established is still benefiting Burkina Faso, it united the country. Unfortunately, a lot of people haven't from what I noticed. Yes, I was going to mention his railroad initiative. Amazing really. Regular citizens building the railroad together piece by piece. The Kacaan era had a culture which probably allowed for a similar project, a domestically built railroad. Though this administration seems like it will be going through the traditional route of seeking external support.
  11. Hi. I am a visiting tourist. Can someone tell me about this "troll" enclave of yours? Population size, exports, traditions, you know the general gist?
  12. Port has been looted bro. 2007 "Waxaa isa soo taryesa Qeylo-dhaan lagu dalbayo in la joojiyo dhoofinta Biro waa weyn oo yaala gudaha Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho" Anyways, have you heard of Thomas Sankara Chimera?
  13. Looking back, I see DoctorKenney's analogy rooted in snideness deeming your response a tad bit more appropriate. nevertheless his comment does provide historical precedent making it a warranted claim that not much of the railroads would survive had it been built. I noticed your counter of "prewar established heavy infrastructural", but I don't find that to hold much weight given roads and ports are not a fair comparison to railroads. Railroads are better suited to be compared to the statues that were looted, and these "telephone lines" given railroads are made of steel, or a similar element, and can be easily disassembled and sold on the black market. The point I'm addressing is not whether Somalia is the "land where men take down telephone lines" or the land with highly organized and entrepreneurial people that created Africa's most affordable telecom service.
  14. Lol Chimera, if you only you knew.. I am very optimistic when it comes to Somalia. But when someone makes the point that the telephones lines were stolen as a counter to your retrospective proposition that railroads should have been built and you argue back with Somalia has the "most connected and affordable telecommunication systems" is just............. And actually this is the second time I used the straw man fallacy card on SOL... tonight......
  15. Highlights the reactive nature of the Somali military strategy instead they should be proactive in the war.
  16. ^ Blissfully naive my son. Optimism is great, but do not let that distort your world view or be irrational. Chimera;938229 wrote: The land where men took down telephone lines and in turn established one of Africa's most connected and affordable telecommunication systems, that Somalia?. Like come on this is the biggest straw man fallacy I have seen. Chimera;938229 wrote: Rubbish, it wouldn't be any different from the road-network or the panamax ports, in a bad shape yes, but still functioning. The days of self-deprecation and underestimation of the Somali Nation is over sxb, this is 2013, get on board we have a future to build. Again, distorted logic
  17. Excellent collection. I really like the picure of Sayn yar. If anyone knows more about this tuulo please share
  18. Wadani;938198 wrote: You guys need to stop ganging up on Xabad. He's right that most of hip-hop is nothing but grown men rapping about b*****, cars, drugs and guns. I grew up on rap, but i'm not gonna deny that much of it is utter garbage.
  19. Che -Guevara;938192 wrote: Xabad. You are not racist, you simply have prejudice against African-American arts and culture. There's difference. Somali. We will be changing Safferz's thread into troll corner if we start discussing Che. What is the appropriate platform as I would like to know.
  20. Che, can you share with us the views you hold towards the late Che Guevara