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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Wadani;940562 wrote: True, most females r like u. It's an innate attraction that is rooted in the subconcious desire of women to find a man capable of protecting them and their offspring. Though such evolutionary biological explanations are anthema to some . Wadani, do you enjoy evolutionary psychology?
  2. Wadani;940563 wrote: lol, what if im the skinny Somali type. U know I always wonder what the people I talk to on SOL really look like in real life. I can start by telling you Safferz has a bidaar
  3. Apophis;940369 wrote: I don't mean to be harsh but you have shown (from your posts/threads) an average, at best, witticism and intellect for me to truly engage with you. And this maybe the reason why you find my comments infuriating (that is: wa dhufeysantahey). A shame really for someone whose's nickname promises an above average IQ. A damn shame. But what the hey, we can't all be brilliant Cool story bro
  4. Haatu;940364 wrote: Ok this has got to end. You ppl are taking a joke far too seriously. Haatu this will end soon. I assure you that. We are not at the early stages as Alpha is propagandizing. We are near the end my friend.
  5. Tallaabo;940209 wrote: I don't know whether I should join your spring revolution and take to SOL’s Tahrir square or stick with the entrenched tyrant because of the Stockholm syndrome I developed:confused: Tallaabo, you are quite the funny one eh? Join me and you will have your own lackey and be on the other side of the Stockholm syndrome mate.
  6. Apophis;940337 wrote: You know the solution to your problem right? Cut yourself. I'm just helping. so childish Apophis. childish fool.
  7. Apophis you spit nothing but negative tirades. We get it you are against the government. Enough your views are redundant.
  8. Safferz;940192 wrote: Ben Affleck or the suspect? affleck wrote good will hunting. how can i hold sadness for him. the suspect.
  9. Safferz;940186 wrote: I'm sure Ben Affleck is writing the script as we speak lol Safferz, is it wrong for me to feel some sadness for the guy?
  10. Safferz;940184 wrote: Grasping at straws my friend. I am sorry safferz I am not familiar with such saying. Is that some sort of sexual innuendo. If so, such advances are not appropriate on this site. Lets keep it professional.
  11. To my allies I ask you to forgive. To my enemies, I ask you to forget. To my neutrals I ask you to remember. Long ago, we have liberated ourselves from the basto loving and crooked teeth colonizers. Today we have freed ourselves from Alpha and his tirades, monologues, and tantrums. For that, as our forefathers and foremothers sang, we sing again today maanta maanta waa maalin weyne maanta. Only a month ago, I have made a promise, upon the request of members from Alpha's inner circle, to free the subjects of Alpha and restore dignity upon this thread. In less than a month, I carried out this promise swiftly, with minimal casualties and damages. This is how this new administration will be handled- swift and smooth. As a grassroots regime, unlike the previous one, I will be seeking input from any members and will take questions and answer them in due diligence. I will be giving my state address soon, but will not release when until 24 hours prior due to security concerns. Remember Alpha is still out there, along with the remnants of his gang. Don't be deceived and stay steadfast. Order will be restored soon.
  12. Blackfish, prior to identifying the bombers as Muslim, practically the entire diaspora ummah whether aloud or silently, were begging for the suspects to not be Muslim. When photos were released of one of the suspects rocking a snapback backwards, their minds were put at ease, as they believed the bombers to be other than Muslim. Shortly after, the news report the contrary. Worry + Ease + greater worry is too much for the mind to handle and makes the mind very receptive to denial.
  13. Safferz, don't attempt to dilute the message of such song. Murder kulahaa. And what is the motive behind such murder? Deep rooted psychotic love.
  14. Sxb, this is a new era. We run this shizz. We are no longer at the mercy of Alpha. No one is longer at the mercy of Alpha. The Kacaan era is over!!! Surely we must rejoice and if it is through reeyo you wish to do so, it is through reeyo you will.
  15. Safferz;940175 wrote: ... says the dude who seems to have worked out what time I tend to post on SOL Oh Safferz, I am simply observant. Though, you are... uh i think the song says enough
  16. oba hiloowlow;940173 wrote: reeyo I miss our pm exchanges what changed? :eek: Oba, would you like reeyo as war booty? If that will assure your loyalty, I will make it happen.
  17. Safferz;940153 wrote: ^^ completely agree Che, it really did feel like something straight out of a movie. All the guy has to do is commit suicide while in custody, and it will truly be a movie indeed.
  18. Juxa, this "happy Alpha" is a facade, a futile attempt of keeping oneself together through his final days. I extend you my utmost and sincere invitation to join my ranks, or at least remain neutral in this final moments of combat.
  19. Safferz, I didn't know thats how you felt about me. Uh I don't know what to say...
  20. Safferz why are you listening to music on youtube. Go to a club, get your 2 step on, maybe twerk here and there, and celebrate. Its Friday and your city is free and is no longer held hostage by a ex communist now jihadist teen ruski.
  21. Perhaps that is all he wanted safferz