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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Of course of course, you two are from the same tribe :rolleyes:
  2. "Ignorance is the Enemy of Love by Faarax M. J. Cawl is considered the first literary publication in the Somali language, which had no official orthography until 1972. The novel, whose Somali title is Aqoondarro waa u nacab jacayl, was published by the Somali Ministry of Culture and Higher Education in 1974. The translation into English is by Russian linguist B.W. Andrzejewski and was commissioned by UNESCO. Unfortunately, the English translation of the novel is currently out of print." Based on the cilmi boodhari and Hodan love story translated Please share classic Somali literature, whether fiction or non fiction. Some background would be nice.
  3. Safferz, is that where you reside? If so, I am afraid I must call it off.
  4. Oba, I am going to have this song playing in my car to set the mood for my next date
  5. Safferz is from a respectable familiy, you see
  6. Thank you safferz you have saved me 15 megabytes of disk space!!
  7. Oba, we should download this video before dalmar gives in to the pressure of removing the video. Us 'modern' somalis are a bunch of debbie downers.
  8. Carafat, what do you have to contribute to this topic?
  9. oba hiloowlow;940632 wrote: damn i thought these kind of x-rated lyrics wasn't allowed in somali tradition good times huh oba?
  10. I'd like to see more modern Somali literature written in the mother tongue. And more diaspora writers to denounce English and begin writing their stories in Somali like my man Ngugi wa thiong'o
  11. How was the book? Bought it a few weeks ago, but I need some enticement to get me started.
  12. Thats interesting. I wonder if that caused any controversy. It is kind of a tricky situation whether you are an Al-shabaab supporter or not- removing the sign of Allah from a public site
  13. Mogadishu is moving forward indeed. I just hope we dont fall victim to a city-state
  14. From the picture you posted, it looks like they removed it.
  15. oba hiloowlow;940602 wrote: what 'Allah' sign bro? When Al-shabaab controlled the city they placed a metal "Allah" sign where the ahmed gurey statue used to be.
  16. oba hiloowlow;940591 wrote: Is this the latest picture of the Ahmed Gure statue? It looks like they removed the "Allah" sign. Is that the case?
  17. Wadani;940586 wrote: No im particularly good at chemistry. I haven't seen a periodic table since grade 12 lol. What do u study? Win for SP!! siyaasad
  18. Wadani, I am kidding. A psych degree is nothing to frown about. A degree is a degree.
  19. We expected better from you Wadani. P.S. Psych is a social science, so I may still be right. Good at chemistry Wadani? :rolleyes:
  20. Wadani;940576 wrote: Yeah it's pretty interesting. One of my profs was a well known evolutionary psychologist. It is very interesting. Though I find it quite horrifying as well. Safferz- I am going to guess that is not wadani's field rather a course he ended up taking. I am also going to guess Wadani is studying the social sciences though he is strong in the sciences particularly chemistry.
  21. Wadani;940567 wrote: loool, bilaash timuhu ugamay dadaan waatan habeen iyo dharaarba soo jeeda ee. Looooooooooooooool Wadani