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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Safferz, similar to how this "clan" structure we have today is more or less an imported system, the idea of a national identity is imported as well
  2. I am inclined to agree with Wadani. If you read into Sayyid and poems from the dervish era, there is a lot of evidence of this "qabilism"
  3. The original of that ^^^song I believe kooxda Iftin- Jacayl Iima Roona
  4. Yes, like the British empowering tribal chiefs and strengthening the tribal system to make tax collecting more convenient in countries like Sierra Leone. Tanzania was successful compared to their Kenyan neighbors in mitigating the colonial legacy and creating a national identity. Though many African countries were on this path like Burkina Faso with Thomas Sankara and even Somalia with Siad Barre. During that time period 70's/80's there was a wave of energy to dispel of these colonial legacies. Now, many countries have reverted back and have become very dull in their ambitions involving this matter. What do we do Safferz? No adding clans as a surname you say? Well do we have the energy as a people to lead a campaign to create a national identity? Does this new system of federalism cater to the status quo or can such movement be created under such a system? We reside in different times Safferz. An Africa with visonless leaders.
  5. May god bless this thread. Where are my night dwellers Safferz and Wadani? Have they found purpose elsewhere tonight?
  6. Abbaas;941655 wrote: K a taan is not a bedbug, K u taan/Dhiqle is a bedbug what is kataan in this case sxb?
  7. Kunbiskii miyaa layga qubay, kolayo ii buuxay? Maantana kataantii miyaa, layga kala qaaday? Kataan, is that bedbug?
  8. lool xaajio this is not something that that simply be "tried" and tossed to the side if it doesnt work out Xaaji Xunjuf;941509 wrote: It should be tried and lets see how people react to it its worth trying at least we can say later if it worked or not. Our neighbors identity themselves with their regions and than their clan and sub clan. But since we our nomads we identify our selves with the clan and sub clan I listened to the professor and it seems like he is a very intelligent man he brings solutions. With in the Somali society its that the clan identity is very strong the moment a President is elected we already know his opponents. And ofcourse the President has to nominate a prime minister not based on his CV but primarily his tribe. For many Somali identity means little it means just a language and a close association but it doesn't mean kinship nor nationality.
  9. And what about the minority clans?
  10. I am reading Dhibbanaha aan dhalan right now, so far good read
  11. A quote from a dua for a girl, ""qayrkeedna dhaafi"" . dhaafi in this case is referring have offspring in which case the girl's "qayr" can be passed along. is that the right read?
  12. A quote from a dua for a girl, ""qayrkeedna dhaafi"" . dhaafi in this case is referring have offspring in which case the girl's "qayr" can be passed along?
  13. Alpha are you familiar with the Somali migration to Cardiff in the late 19th/ early 20th century? I may be wrong, but from the first couple of pages, I believe the author was apart of that wave. In such case it is perfectly plausible.
  14. Safferz;941133 wrote: I may also be part of *your* tribe, for all you know Safferz, are you trying to provide me a glimmer of hope. Enough with the games sxb. I am done!!
  15. Coofle, do you know where I can find those books?
  16. Thanks madaxweyne for the contribution. any background info on this book?
  17. Safferz;941054 wrote: I think I may have stumbled upon it reading some of Pankhurst's other work (not my favourite scholar and pro-Ethiopian but he has some good work). I wasn't able to attach it here since the file is too big, but I've linked it from my Dropbox account so hopefully this works: Part 1 and Part 2 . How did you get the PDF? I did a quick google search after your post, couldnt seem to find it. Care to share some background on this book? Who wrote it? What script was it written in? ecttt por favor Is the original Somali version available? Thanks, the dropbox worked.
  18. Walahi Stoic you are a wise man. You hear that Wadani? The battle is not over yet!!
  19. Please do Safferz. May you share how you acquired it?
  20. Poor SP kulaha. Well, Wadani learn from my wrongs.
  21. Publish in 1923. Title speaks for itself
  22. Close enough reer abti is your jurisdiction