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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Oba, I am afraid me and Apophis are not in good terms, and I can not continue to be on your side with him as your ally. I think it may be time I carry out the Cali Mahdi legacy.
  2. Song for Safferz and Wadani's ears "haka yeelin nacabkeenna iyo waxay kugu yiraadaan"
  3. Apophis;942693 wrote: Plus, didn't Reeyo start the same thread not too long ago? Its a qabil thing Apophis
  4. Mrs.SP, the new wife from Dhusamareb after Safferz's post on April 24 13:04. Oh man, is hooyo happy. We did the Nikah over the phone.Though the quality was not too good so I am not to sure if she said yes. I figured this was a full proof plan you know? Have a wife and all in the mean time, and if Safferz ever comes around, she can join the family and proceed with the bah labaad. I am sure you and Cibaado would get along, at least I hope. Aint she pretty?
  5. Abbaas there is a small fee for making such advertisements. you pay per pixel. Though, Alpha's thread is a junkyard of sorts and does not have the capacity to collect such fees, so you are free to advertise there with no worries.
  6. Reeyo as much as I appreciate this new government. It doesn't seem like they have the vision to restore a national identity. Given that, I think such role should be taken by the citizenry- the musicians, the playwrights, the intellectuals, the mothers, the sons.....
  7. Wadani that is indeed true. Though as you said such logistics are futile. Though if we place such compensation under a symbolic realm rather than a exact reenactment of the traditional xeer procedure it is a different story. Hassan Sheikh represents the Somali people and de facto carry's the weight of the civil war history
  8. These talks of romance between SP and Safferz must stop! I can no longer bear the emotional distraught caused by this love affair. The amount of clan-incited hate messages from Wadani is alarming and I truly fear for my life. Then again they say dangerous love is the best kind... hmm
  9. I'd like to see Hassan Sheikh Mohamud march into Hargeisa on foot with a fleet of thousands of she-camels, collected from locals of respective regions, running into city and say "Come on bro lets be friends again"
  10. I think an apology in its traditional form should be be done- providing geel to the victims. none of this top down political foreign based reconciliation "techniques"
  11. Daqane if you don't at least understand Anwar's point, than the ex colonist have already claimed your mind
  12. We shall save that challange for another night. Yea hargeisa is a nice city. Though the roads not so much.
  13. ooo looky its cilmi boodhari iyo hodan reincarnated in boston
  14. Don't stress Safferz I am from a respectable ex clan
  15. Lol is she in Somalia. Everyone there has two phones.
  16. Nooooooooooooo im not from a tuulo I am from xamar :rolleyes: But no im not. Why, is that where your abwan father is from? Or are you trying to figure out my tribe you sly sly safferz
  17. ama geel ka reeb ah oo nirgaha laga ka xaynayo, ama beelo keynaan ah oo kur u hayaama