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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Sxb this is a serious inquiry. from my understanding he may have not finished it as he was a "candidate". though in the event of the contrary...
  2. Where can I read Farole's dissertation from his phd days?
  3. Take it, just be careful how you use it.
  4. Yea safferz the police and soldiers are the main concern and who I was mainly referring to. Both of my run ups have been with them. Not fun! !
  5. Im inclined to agree with the dervish on the camera issue. I had issues with cameras in both hargeisa and xamar.i would expect jigjiga to be the same. Though from experience best way to combat this is to use your camera when your with a well versed and known local, who can talk you out of situations, and always ask permission if its a close up at least.
  6. Xaaji, If I had influence over Somali affairs (somaliland included) I will launch a game of musical chairs. Perhaps Xajio you will end up in mareergur :rolleyes:.
  7. Somalia is not like the United States which bred and founded a government through the 'hallowing' of the 'sacred' constitution. Such cries and sentiments of certain things being "unconstitutional" in Somalia has little bearing and is almost laughable because to us this constitution is not a holy document rather it is just a paper drafted by people so out of reach with the average day Somali. Using the constitution to question the jubbaland process is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
  8. Oba this thread is near death. geeri! I suggest you launch a recovery plan.
  9. Why are they angry inaar, I don't feel like watching the entire video
  10. The Wretched of the Earth (Les Damnés de la Terre, 1961), by Frantz Fanon, is a psychiatric and psychologic analysis of the dehumanising effects of colonization upon the individual man and woman, and the nation, from which derive the broader social, cultural, and political implications inherent to establishing a social movement for the decolonization of a person and of a people. The French-language title, Les Damnés de la Terre derives from the opening lyrics of The Internationale, the 19th-century anthem of the Left Wing. (WIKI)
  11. Alpha Blondy;927275 wrote: From its arresting opening to its shattering conclusion, the Canadian film Incendies is muscular, emotional film-making of the highest order, self-confident in its delivery yet always respectful of its characters' plight. A bona fide masterpiece. As simple as that. It is ironic that one of the best films about the Middle East conflict, and specifically the tragic civil war in Lebanon, should be made by a Canadian film maker. Incendies is based on a play but it feels as though it has been adapted from a great literary work. In fact there is no specific mention of any country in the film but no one can be in any doubt that the unnamed country is Lebanon. There are extremely powerful and unforgettable images and scenes in Incendies. The result is a staggeringly powerful film whose story is so well revealed by a cast of sterling actors that telling too much of the plot would be a disservice to those who come to this experience for the first time. Incendies is simply one of the finest films of the decade and it bound to become a permanent part of the cinematic library. 10/10 Dedicated to Oba. To whom, I'll forever be grateful for recommending one of the greatest films I've ever seen. Thanks inaar. Al. Boy did this movie take a turn...
  12. When it comes to any matter involving Galkayo, it is almost law for the question "what side' to be asked consequentially. nothing wrong with asking. its just the how the nature of the situation
  13. Michael Stock is pursuing an extreme version of that basic investor’s principle: Get in early. He’s just finished building a resort on the coast of war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia ^^ Video doesn't sit well with me
  14. Can someone explain edna adens connection to Christianitn. This is news to ne
  15. This is irrelevant and just a poor attempt to paint a suitable image of the family