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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Alleyl dumay, albabaaddo xidhan, uunka wada seexday Onkod yeedhay, uugammo roob, alif banaadiiq ah Iiydaydabixi baa libax iman la moodaaye Raggese All I got for poem #2. Still have the last stanza for sida koorta yucub to memorize "Wixii laygu kuunyeeyay miyaa, igu karaamoobay? Kunbiskii miyaa layga qubay, kolayo ii buuxay? Maantana kataantii miyaa, layga kala qaaday? Kob abaar ah oo dhexe miyaa, koore ila meeray? Kub miyaan ka jabay biixiyaan, kabayo loo haynin" having little motivation to memorize this part as I have trouble understanding it
  2. Coofle, this is a very informative lecture. I was able to find sida koorta yucub at part 4. thanks
  3. It is public figures to the likes of Mo Farah that can unite the country not our politicians, there role is to just sign the paper at the end of the day
  4. Well, thanks for the the character witness. you have tranquilized a potentially messy situation. Maybe as assurance I can call the qalbi police so they can frisk my soul for bad intentions^1 ? Safferz, on a high horse eh? have you joined Chimera on the mountain^2. Bibliography 1. innocent joke made by SP 5/2/2013 2. Second innocent joke made by SP 5/2/2013
  5. Btw I am afraid the Safferz affair is over. She is all yous Chi. The dhusamareb girl has really grown on me.
  6. Safferz;945462 wrote: You killed the thread by getting all serious, Chimera lol. I don't think SP was trying to be malicious. I mean no harm . I am a nice guy
  7. Safferz why are we continuously posting at the same time? And yes Alpha is included. he is a sneaky one, you know?
  8. Chimera you remind me of Friedrich's Wanderer above the Sea of Fog painting. Similar to the man depicted in the painting, you strike me as a man who stands upon a mountain, elevated if you will, which explains your utopian outlook. Your position from the mountain allows you to view life from afar, distanced. Close enough to see the beauty of a cougars face but far enough to not notice the wrinkles. Most importantly what elevates you to this mountain is your egocentrism exempli gratia "those thugs vs little old respectful me". iska xishod ninyahow. humble yourself.
  9. Jacapher can you tell us about life in Jamaame beyond the dialect? Safferz, I know Balcad has been liberated from Al-Shabaab July/Augustish. Though Shabaab has several strong holds in that area. I would be cautious.
  10. Alpha its Balcad in Lower Shabelle. about 45 km from mogadishu if im not mistaken
  11. Safferz/Wadani-you guys familiar with hindu/urdu? When did Somalis have contact with the hindus? It is often said Af May May is the original af Somali and has less imported words
  12. Lakin (but): Arabic لكن ^I am shocked!
  13. Somalia has interacted with numerous cultures through its history and as a some of our language has been diluted. Lets create a list of some imported Somali words- common or rarely used words, though common would be more surprising. Perhaps we can try to add the original somali word too. I'll start with saxan (plate): Arabic صحن Qaxwo (coffee): Arabic قهوة Practically all 7 days of the week are Arabic in origin raysal wasaare (Prime Minister): Arabic رئيس الوزراء maxkamad (court): Arabic محكمة Qalin (pen): Arabic قلم Hawo (air): Arabic هواء Moos (Banana, our staple fruit!): Arabic موز Rooti (Bread): Hindu/Paki origin There are many Somali equivalent to these words, though the imported words have become the de facto norm for such terms
  14. Jawaari strikes me as the most sincere out of the 3
  15. you think my shukaansi has reaped no fruits? I can verify that. no need for a trip to jigjiga alpha.
  16. Fair point Wadani. something i will consider
  17. Alpha Blondy;944661 wrote: YES! maxa cusub y'all. OMG.......i'm so busy. this is madness. i will go CRAZY, ma istidhi! this thread is really embarrassing. it's getting a little boring now. why won't people troll with me? do y'all HATE me or something, you know. Alpha there is a Chinese curse, you know? The curse is "may you live in interesting times". we have escaped the wretched desolate curse that comes with interesting times dear Alpha through our little armistice. So what do we chose continue this sedated 'peaceful' curse-free era ? or do we curse ourselves and restore the chaos and war that comes with interesting times.
  18. Phenotype vs Genotype Phenotype= physical appearance (external). Genotype= the genetic make up (internal). Xabad is trying to get at though we may look Black, we do not have the genetic make up of a black man. It is his form of expression of the inferiority complex brought upon the colonized man.
  19. if anyone has an audio (mp3) of this poem or sida koorta yucub I will be grateful!
  20. Horse: faras vs oogli Is oogli a northern word for horse? Or is just another word for horse in general?
  21. I am now working on Alleyl Dumay by Raage Ugaas. I am noticing subtle interjections of arabic such as "alleyl" (night) "alif" (thousand) "banaadiiq" (rifle) in this poem. Alleyl dumay albaabbadoo xiran, uunku wada seexday Onkod yeedhay uugaamo roob, alif banaadiiq ah Iihdayda bixi baa libaax, iman la moodaaye Raggase adhaxdiyo ooftu waa, udub dhexaadkiiye Labadii wax laga eegi jirey, waan ka awdnahaye Halkaan aa ka leeyahay Ilaah, keliya uun baa og Aboodigu ma lalo garab hadduu, iin ku leeyahaye Orod uma hollado oglihii, adhaxda beelaaye Ma aarsado il iyo oof ninkii, iimi kaga taale Aroos uma galbado nimuu, wadnaha arami jiifaaye Geeluba kolkuu oomo waa, olol badnaadaaye Sidii inan yar oo hooyadeed, aakhiro u hoyatay Oo aabbeheed aqal mid kale, meel illin ah seexshey Hadba waxaan la urugoonayaa, uur-ku-taallada e Ninkii ooridiisii rag kale, loo igdhaan ahaye Ninka ilo biyo leh soo arkoo, oomman baan ahaye Nin ugaas walaalkiis yahoo, eeday baan ahaye Af-dhabaandhow aayar ninkaa, aammusaan ahaye