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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. What about if my evolutionary need to spread my genes is too great to wait?
  2. Is this a credible news source? I must know before I start spreading the news.
  3. Safferz;947155 wrote: There is no "should," marry whenever you want but I do think it's generally a bad idea to marry at a young age (men and women). You woman are a ticking time bomb, biologically of course , how does a woman marry at an older age in such case
  4. From what I am deducing, af maay maay is the most purest form of ancient somali that we have today. i may have to end my study of maxaa tiri and pick up maay maay
  5. loool 32 is old for somali standards. if its the first one at least
  6. Should men marry while young or old (32+)...................
  7. aww alpha what a heart-warming self expression. i finally understand the meaning behind your "LOOOOLs". Safferz- loooooooooool the "dead give away" part just killed it!
  8. yeah xiin she is most certainly courageous and a remarkable woman but I wonder are these plans are rooted in as y idealism or is it indeed within reach.
  9. Hayee anyway I am already on my way to boston!!!! did anyone watch the interview with the guy who rescued the three kidnapped girls?
  10. Maryan Qasim "Somalia aims to provide universal basic health care by 2016" Somalia launches free education program
  11. What a sight. all we are missing from the picture is you ma istidhi? Ook I am talking with my travel agent right now.
  12. xiinfaniin;947095 wrote: I think so but do not say that to our separatist brothers in the north lest they throw the Qatars out of Hargeysa my lips are sealed
  13. I will try to make a visit while im in that area. unfortunately my time there seems like its being cut short. lakin if anyone can provide info in the mean time to motivate such visit.....
  14. Is this the same delegation that was in xamar a few days ago, the day of the bombing?
  15. each federal state will have their respective icons
  16. family issue, which propelled a existential crisis of sorts.. my issues are not trolling material thereby not appropriate for this cantarbaqash corner
  17. Safferz;946580 wrote: I liked our monuments for Hawa Taako, Ahmed Gurey, Sayyid Mohamed and Daljirka Dahson (the unknown soldier monument), and I hope they are rebuilt along with additional historical figures. There is nothing more I would like to see than our Somali heroes resurrected again. In fact I tried to hop on this project but was led to several dead ends. though this government must decide what image it wishes to form. there are also tricky dynamics to this like the ahmed gurey statue for instance. there is a lot of academic literature which suggeat gurey was not Somali and in fact his somali lineage specifically darooooooooooooood lineage has been pushed by the barre regime.
  18. Safferz;946732 wrote: SP didn't say just canonical, mainstream poetry, but Somali poetry as a whole, which is not limited to men or to specific regions and clans. They may not be as well known, but they are there Yupp
  19. Wadani;946729 wrote: The bulk of what comprises the canon of mainstream Somali poetry has been composed by men from a specific region and from specific clans. Unless the poetry and artistic expression of all the regions in all its varied and colloquial forms are given the academic and mainstream attention they r due, Somali poetry cannot serve as a repository for the collective history and lived experiences of the Somali people as a whole. That would be part of what I would suggest
  20. Oh nice blessed. Have you come across some of the poems, jamaad's one in particular, from the program in writing? I would like to read em
  21. No probs safferz. i am sure you realized there are other parts to the program. you know i am realizing the entire Somali history can be learned through Somali poetry everything from the womans plight to the colonial struggle. if i had a say in the future history curriculum of the country I would use poetry and literature to tell the story of the Somali people.
  22. There is a lot of buzz about Kismayo but much of it is politically focused. I am considering a visit to kismayo. I would like to hear how the city is doing from an apolitical viewpoint. How is the city life? Prices of hotels? Have people begun visiting the beaches similar to xamar? How is business? Has universities and schools reopened? Is there government administrations or institutions one can work with? How is the security for a 'diaspora'? What is there to do for a visitor not from that region. What is one to expect? just the 411. Any must see or must dos?