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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Well Saalax with the attitude that "Mogadishu is Somalia and Somalia is Mogadishu" no where else will be built but Mogadishu. Anyways, I am with you in keeping Mogadishu as the capital. The only other capital I would entertain as the 'new' capital is Hargeisa
  2. War Saalax what you are proposing is ridiculous. propagandizing a city-state for a country of 246,202 sq miles of beauty
  3. I have experienced many duels lately in my attempts to win over Safferz. My latest one with Wadani was quite.... I rather not discuss it. I am taking a more passive approach if you will folks. I am currently in talks with brainblaster arranging his exile to another Somali forum, where he will be appointed moderator. This situation shall dissolve soon..
  4. ^^my freakin twin. I thought you died in the fetus:mad:
  5. minnesota, ohio, and toronto brah. i hear they are paid very well
  6. That is an exotic guitar. I feel it represents the country, beaten down and faded, but yet it still produces a beautiful sound. As minister Fozia said so hauntingly "Somalia is back", as simple as that
  7. Some words I struggled with. Feel free to drop by and clarify these words peeps Dacartuba maata daadihise mur deebaaqe Masalooyin talantaalliyaan maagista miiggan Mukhawi miis(ta) maqaam ******taane------------------------------freakin censorship the beginning of the word is the subclan of farole m a j e r Loofaroon muunad boosaystay muhato
  8. Any accomplices to join me in memorizing this poem is welcomed!
  9. An article for wardheernews discussing the poem Macaan iyo Qadhaadh – a Poetic Reflection of Human Duality (A poem by Ahmed Ismael Diriye (Qassim) Reviewed by A. Duale Sii'arag September 10 , 2009 In his classic poem, Macaan iyo Qadhaadh, Qassim - the late legendary Somali oral poet - in the spirit of poet-seers such as William Blake or Yeats- contextualizes his poetry on a universalistic character as opposed to the particularistic fixation of certain mundane topics that is the fashion of most contemporary Somali poets. His are classics in that they stand to time and space and address perplexing questions that are relevant to human kind no matter which geographic location that they are situated, or their belief systems or ethnicity: By that account, he is revolutionary in so many facets. Take Macaan iyo Qadhaadh, and one can discern Qassim’s revolutionary capacity to gauge the human spirit with all its warts rather eloquently. The poem speaks to the universal duality of the human constitution and the capacity of human beings to possess an inexplicable and acute propensity for both good and evil, with its inherent oppositional binaries and contradictions that subtlely steers it. It is a universal human trait that has for over a millennium brought down the saintly, the warrior, the generous hearted and all good and great men (and women)-a Hubris- and see them tumble mightily and tragically in a spectacle not unlike those of ancient Greek theatre. Like Blake, Qassim here delves into poetic themes addressed by ancient Chinese Taoist poets even though there is no factual evidence that Qassim may have read Chinese literature, much less Taoist, Eastern or even Vedantic literature. His elaboration and exposition of the Yin/Yan duality of the human character or even soul is reminiscent of the constant theme of ancient Chinese and Eastern literature and philosophy that almost make him a kindred spirit of those ancient Eastern Maguses. On another more local level, in Macaan iyo Qadhaadh, Qassim lucidly portrays not only himself but the duality of the complex Somali persona and the symbiosis of its innate split personality traits that are inherently in a state of perpetual love and hate relationships – a mere microcosmic mirror of the alternating feelings of amity and animosity between the Somali clans, the hardnosed, non-delivering political leaders and the emergent parvenu Sheikhs who are engaged in an ever-shifting alliances and allegiances. As a matter of fact, Macaan iyo Qadhaadh could be construed as an artistic depiction of present day Somali politics at its raw stage which is neither cogent nor coherent. Unlike any other politics, it is not traceably principle-based or context-driven but rooted in shifting sands; often marred with inconsistence and the absence of a national platform. Like the Somali persona, it is characteristically dynamic and asymmetrical in its application. In his book, Warriors, Life and death among the Somalis, Gerald Hanley aptly describes the complexity of the Somali character. “Of all the races of Africa, there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest: the Somalis.” Qassim was known for his outspoken exposition of national failings, philosophical erudition and foresight and for his knack of interpreting and conveying popular, groundswell sentiments of the populace through insurgent and expressive poetry. Humble, well-loved and congenial, throughout his life, he was the seminal voice for the downtrodden - a rebel with a cause who defied abusive authority and stayed course in trying times and in the face of adversity. In the spirit of H.L Mencken, his life was about “ afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted”. Metaphorically, Macaan and Qadhaadh is a mere symptomatic reflection of the many shades, attributes and imperfections of the human being, while literally it connotes the aggregate summation of the poet’s life time quest to reconcile his opposite – often contradictory - distinguishing traits. Ironically, in this classic poem, Qassim was a judge unto himself and an author of his performance appraisal. From this piece, one cannot help but think that Qassim has trained his poetic eye into the bowels and abysses of his very soul and found an uncanny commonality with a universal Human, and all too Human archetype. Let us pay tribute to our legendary poet, Ahmed Ismael Diriye (Qassim), and celebrate his immense contributions to the Somali poetry through one of his best work of art – a work he hoped to be his legacy - Macaan iyo Qadhaadh (bitter and sweet). With entrancing, flowing lyrical beauty – a typical signature of Qassim, the poem attained a household fame in the Somali peninsula. Macaan iyo Qadhaadh has been translated into English by B.W. Andrzejewski (with Sheila Andrzejewski). To the delight of music-loving young Somali generation, the poem was later immortalized by the melodic voice of our beloved late singer, oud player and lyricist Omer Dhulleh.'arag/06_Macaan_&_Qadaadh.html
  10. Our first request by honorary Abwan Coofle. A historic day indeed. Below is the poem Coofle requested. It is a long poem and will be a challenge. 1. Dacartuba marbay malab dhashaa ood muudsataa dhabaqe 2. Waxan ahay macaan iyo qadhaadh meel ku wada yaalle 3. Midigtayda iyo bidixdu waa laba mataanoode 4. Midi waa martida soora iyo maata daadihise 5. Midina waa mindiyo xiirayiyo mur iyo deebaaqe 6. Masalooyin talantaalliyaan maandhow leeyahaye 7. Nin majiira keliyuun qabsada hay malayninae 8. Marbaan ahay muddeex camal san oon maagista aqoone 9. Marna macangag laayaanahoo miiggan baan ahaye 10. Marbaan ahay muftiga saahidnimo mawlacaw gala'e 11. Marna Mukhawi waashoo xumaha miista baan ahaye 12. Marbaan ahay nin xaaraan maqdaxa aan marin jidiinkise 13. Marna tuug mu'diya baan ahoon maal Rasuul bixinne 14. Marbaan ahay maqaam awliyaad maqaddinkoodiiye 15. Marna mudanka shaydaanka iyo maal jinbaan ahaye 16. Marbaan ahay murtiyo baanisaba madaxda reeraaye 17. Oo ay weliba muuniyo dulqaad igu ******taane 18. Marna reer magaal Loofaroon muuqan baan ahaye 19. Waxan ahay nin midabbeeya oo maalinbays rogae 20. Muuqaygu gelinkiiba waa muunad goonniyahe 21. Miisaanna ima saari karo nin i maleeyaaye 22. Muslinka iyo gaalada dirkaba waan micna aqaane 23. Malaa'iigta naartiyo jannadu waygu murantaaye 24. Ninkii maalmo badan soo jiree madaxu boosaystay 25. Ee inan rag maamuli yiqiin waa i maan garanne 26. ninkasta halkii kuula mudan ee ay muhato laabtaadu 27. Ee aanad madadaaladeed ugala maarmaynin 28. Iska soo mar waa kuu bannaan marinkad doontaaye
  11. Blessed, my skepticism is more so inclined towards the universal health care by 2016 plan. And also, the 1 million children plan is not a 3 year plan rather it is said to be accomplished by this upcoming September. Yes proper funding goes a long way, but do we even know the status of establishing a national curriculum?
  12. It appears the 30's are the golden age
  13. Sxb, is having a family not part of enjoying it?
  14. Oba would I be able to safely join a jilib in a hostile clan and graze my camels in peace? or would my life be in danger sxb.
  15. I feel you Safferz. Did you watch the interview with anderson cooper? The man was like "I couldn't sleep yesterday because of money...... *two minute pause*......... now its because of this" loool. The end of his first interview I would say is most concerning. His "dead give away" is a genuine feeling he has and one of which that resonates with the black community. rather than prying into this "dead give away" and trying to understand or being astonished by it, instead it has become a laughing matter that a black man sees no warranted situation for a white woman to run into his arms other than her being in serious trouble
  16. Oba, you are somali no? you can claim all of somalia sxb. I am preparing on purchasing an aqal in the area of my 'enemy' clan
  17. Noooooo request!!!!! I am disappointed...:mad:
  18. Blessed as an idealist I reluctantly nevertheless agree it is a right. Lakin to put a deadline one only 3 years a way makes me question a bit.