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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this as apolitical... There was a telecommunications conference shortly ago in Mogadishu hosted by the government which included several of major telecommunication business from SL... I am inclined to say there are some political implications...
  2. looooooooool oba im sorry i have to agree with safferz on this one. just dont see the appeal there. have you been seduced by her xamari accent?
  3. Safferz;948184 wrote: Nope ku ma raabo I was clear about that :mad: It appears me and Safferz are having some issues. Perhaps we should speak in private in the less so populated Oba's Malayaacni Thread
  4. oba hiloowlow;948176 wrote: Ya salaam Oba is this the girl from class? Wow you already have her in your house singing songs for you? Man oba... you are something else ma istidhi?
  5. Wadani;948175 wrote: Waar aniga iyo Safferz waanu is afgaran waynay ee she's all yours. Ha iloobinse in aan abti u ahay oo lagaa daba iman doono haddaad xumaysid. I appreciate the kind words Wadani. If only I knew you were so encouraging of this relationship earlier. in such case me and Safferz would not have fled from Toronto to Montreal to partake to legally partake in qudbo siro
  6. Safferz;948174 wrote: lool SP didn't you just announce your marriage to an ONLF fighter earlier today? War nagatag Safferz I thought we spoke about this in private.. I will be able to support you both... This works out for both of us. when you are in ethiopia you will have a place to stay now somaha? Just please dont kill each other than I will be all alone...
  7. Wadani;948171 wrote: This beats that Mase song Safferz put up. . Haye, gabayadii halkeed kala maraysaan? Ma jilcisay? I know Safferz has been consumed by the shallow materialist pop american culture somaha? weli waan wadaa lakin waxaan doonayaa inaad ii caawiso. I need a partner in crime!!
  8. you know Wadani I was about to divorce Safferz for you bud.. Well now that you are back.............i can play that card another day :cool:
  9. Wadani has been resurrected. maanta maanta maanta maanta waa maalin weyn maanta!
  10. interesting choice of topic. will the onlf make for significant focus of your study?
  11. Ok Okk. Care to share what you are researching in Somali galbeed?
  12. Come on safferz I expected better from you. Yoga pants?.. winter is over!! Its sun dress season even I know that!
  13. saffy saffy saffy. just when I thought I was liberated as a domestic house maker my tirmasu skills have been called upon tomorrow. how is that chicken Parmesan and alfredo?
  14. Nin-Yaaban if this is about you it appears you have realized alcoholism and drugs is a problem has been a problem in your life and you seek to make a change. Though sometimes the desire for change is not powerful enough to make change happen. But sometimes it is. It is always best to supplement this desire with steps, practical moves to execute this change. To find the most appropriate steps suitable for you, ask your self in what situations do you find yourself feeding this addiction. in what situations do you find yourself not feeding this addition nor longing for it. is your social network an influence? Is there other factors at play? Truly asses this situation so that you can derive practical remedies to mitigate this habit you seek to change Nin-yabaan, you have struck me as a genuine Somali. I would suggest a visit to the homeland bro. A long one. Sometimes a change of environment can make all the difference. Also alcohol is not as accessible there and the social pressure to restrain from it is much greater. Nevertheless a visit to the dhulka hooyo is great beyond this particular situation. Also in such situations always keep your family in mind, especially your parents, maybe mother in particular, and younger siblings
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;948110 wrote: its really that and the last remaining union the social interaction between Somali speaking people, u want it gone and fair point its your website the moment the koonfurians accept Somaliland is different country than theirs i will recommend every Somalilander to delete his membership of this site and never return or the admin should ban all Somalilanders. Wa faduul waxay u joogaan meesha markaas. but as long as they claim it Somalilanders have the right to stay here and defend their land. But the moment you say F off Somalilanders leave our side we share nothing i believe every Somalilander with self respect will go. Do you see any Djiboutians on this site yet they are Somalis but they are not here Xaaji, similar to how I will always welcome a Somali from the north into my home regarded with an esteem analogous to my brother, regardless of the outcome of Somalilands pursuit of secession, I find Somalis from the north welcome to any Somali website. I could only hope I would be welcomed equally. My sentiments expressed earlier are unique to Saalax not to Somalilanders
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;948104 wrote: Its funny though you have no problem with Somalis from Kenya and Somalis from Ethiopia , yet many of you call for Somalilanders to leave this site yet you claim their country how does that work? Xaaji I have no problems with Somalis from Kenya, Ethiopia, Somaliland or anywhere for that matter. But when someone looks down upon Somalis to the level of Saalax I must speak up. Calling fellow Somalis cannibals, uncivilized, saying southeners do not having the right to speak to a "hashemite northern elite" like himself is what I have a problem with.... Not Somalis from Somaliland....
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;948102 wrote: I think the day Koonfurians stop claiming Somaliland altogether in Somalia and abroad and in their constitution , is the day no Somalilander will ever ever visit this site again. So the Koonfurian's claim over Somaliland is why you keep ties to 'Somalis'? Quite the independent character you are, aren't you?
  18. I see you don't understand the point I was making, which doesn't surprise me. I will make it simple for you, GTFO!
  19. Saalax, you make me cringe. Why don't you stop surrounding yourselves with such 'cannibals' and leave this site and instead join
  20. you know snoop dog is somali?! Though I don't know what clan he is. I hear he is from the Bakool region