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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. So the natural rocks that are in the ground are removed and are later used to create the roads? Is that correct?
  2. Blue why dont you follow suit? You know they say a movement takes two. Bibliography:
  3. War I will not post my voice!!!! Actually I will when I finish the tale between SP and Safferz's mother, in which I post the audio book in the cantarbaqash corner I am inclined to develop a woqooyi accent. I rather not develop an accent of my paternal lineage, too predictable eh?
  4. Bluelicious;949481 wrote: Waar? You mean here in Sol? She is a telling the truth blue. she is a crazy one, isn't she?? it turns out her mother is the person who brought me ABROAD
  5. Loool, whose to say I am not Jamal himself?
  6. Safferz;949454 wrote: That's Dutch SP :mad: OdaySomali;949456 wrote: Sxb be careful, you are asking for war, calling Dutch German. That's highly offensive Be more diplomatic like Alpha and say: "Dutch sounds a little bit like German"
  7. OdaySomali;949449 wrote: haha I told him I would help him populate the thread and that is what I and (inadvertently) you are doing Oday, it was a smart idea removing your german post. Alpha doesn't like post in foreign languages especially ones he is not versed in. Oday, I hear in Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko you guys are able to discuss things like weather and work. how well has the cantarbaqash exile community assimilate to this thread of democracy?
  8. That would truly make your day, huh safferz?
  9. OdaySomali;949437 wrote: Do you want the truth? or a mock-story? Your choice. uh ohhhhhh I advice you run before Alpha releases his full wrath...... fool, dont you realize we are all prisoners of this thread! Run while you still have a chance. I hear Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko is taking asylum seekers.
  10. Siyaasi;949191 wrote: Af Mudug = ku caytan. Af woqooyi = ku shaxaad. Af reer Bari = ku shaacireey Af Barwaan = wax ku qarso. Af Maay = ku hees. Af xamari = ku baashaal. Af xaayoow = Ku habaartan. Af galbeed = ku gabey. Af waamo = ku laqanyoo. Af sujuu = ku wareer. most valuable insight provided thus far
  11. Safferz;949178 wrote: I will take a divergent view and suggest you embrace your qurba joog identifiable Somali, which will get you much further with Somalia's elite and aspiring elite, particularly the ladies in their delusions of diasporic barwaaqo. I was averaging a marriage proposal a week the last time I was in Hargeisa You sicken me Safferz!! I am trying to burn my qurba joog identity to the ground!!!!!!!
  12. SomaliPhilosopher;949170 wrote: The story of SP and Safferz's mother Edo was indeed a progressive woman. The type with a gaze a gazelle would give to a zebra. I first came across her as a shoe shiner in xamar when she approached me for a shine. Her shoes were as clean as a living room the night before a nikah. I didn't take too well with her at first. I felt as if she was taunting me. Never have I shined shoes as clean as hers. And never has her shoes been dirtied by hands as dirty as mine. You see, you cannot pour milk into a full vessel. When you try you end up losing more than what you started with.... Edo took notice in my frustration of this riddle brought upon me. I noticed her smile dissolved into a smirk rooted in solace seeded by my struggle. I hand her back the shoes and she hands me a shilling with the face of a white man... little did I know I will end up in Hargeisa and this would be only the beginning of my journey with edo. To be continued... Chapter two coming soon
  13. After all of Alpha's charades, I am surprise people are so trusting on this subject.
  14. ^^^Waranle does indeed raise a significant dynamic for the religious folk. What answer do you have for the issue raised by Waranle
  15. Beginning the video with gunshots is part of the secessionist narrative of perpetuating an image of war and incivility in the south compared to an ever so peaceful north. This narrative for one, I find undignified and in its extremes offensive. Nevertheless excluding my person opinion, this narrative is largely ineffective as it not a sustainable and is quite shallow. The guns will waive, in fact they already have... Xamar will rise and with this "tagi mayo xamar" mentality will fade...
  16. Alpha Blondy;948802 wrote: ^ do you want to make the visit together? are you from this town? if so, you'd be perfect for being my tour-guide and travel companion. i think you'd make an excellent travel companion SPoow, inaar. nah I am not from this town nor have ever been. Though like you I have been told I have long lost close descendants and have also been caught by the allure and exoticness of the town. Perhaps we can. I'll show you my family if you show me yours !
  17. As someone who spent a considerable time outside Somalia. I never have really developed a distinguishable Somali accent... This gives me the luxury of pursing and molding an accent of my choice. I turn to my SOL peers to help me decide which accent to pursue. Present your cases.
  18. After trying to cram such a long poem in such short time I think I am going to take a short break and do a little gabay detox.
  19. The story of SP and Safferz's mother Edo was indeed a progressive woman. The type with a gaze a gazelle would give to a zebra. I first came across her as a shoe shiner in xamar when she approached me for a shine. Her shoes were as clean as a living room the night before a nikah. I didn't take too well with her at first. I felt as if she was taunting me. Never have I shined shoes as clean as hers. And never has her shoes been dirtied by hands as dirty as mine. You see, you cannot pour milk into a full vessel. When you try you end up losing more than what you started with.... Edo took notice in my frustration of this riddle brought upon me. I noticed her smile dissolved into a smirk rooted in solace seeded by my struggle. I hand her back the shoes and she hands me a shilling with the face of a white man... little did I know I will end up in Hargeisa and this would be only the beginning of my journey with edo. To be continued...
  20. Safferz;948879 wrote: I'm justifying this SOL visit because I'm taking a break for breakfast right now, and things are coming along much better this morning Horta why am I always mistaken for a nin on here? Anyway, happy mother's day to all the mothers of SOL, and the hooyos of SOLers... But *especially* my hooyo macaan! I was angry and deranged then too dee: La illahaillallah that is the lady that brought me to Canada and my legal mother!! Oh my.... never would I thought id see her again... I still recall fleeing from canada to pursue the American dream.... man
  21. I am afraid I was not able to memorize hooyo la aanta in time for mothers day. I called her today and recited approximately 3/5 of the piece
  22. Haatu;949096 wrote: You see this is the hardest part for me understanding Somali poetry. To me hip is sin . Too many alternatives! Haatu when I read Somali poetry I always have a dictionary by my side.
  23. hooyo la'aanta addunyadu hubashii habeen kama baxdeeno iftiin lama heleeno dadku uma hayameen dayax heego joogo sidi haad mafuulen xidig hawd ka lulatoo hawo laguma gaareen hubka laguma tureen ruux aad hagaysiyo usha mid aad u haysaa hilin toosan weligiiha habaabii mayee hooyo addunku halku maanta jogo adigow horseedoo intaad hanad xambartee haneedka siisee horadada jaqsiisee habtay baad xisab iyo tiro lagu heleyno marka aad nin hiilo laga baqo hashishiyo halyey diran dashaabaa hooyo lagu xasuuustaa marka aad nin hoo loo gurigisa habaqluhu isku soo hayellow _______ _____________________ hooyo lagu xasuustaa marka aad nin himlada hilin toosan mariyo______________________ _____________-- hooyo lagu xasuustaa That is all i got so farrrrrrrrrr and time is running out!!!