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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Safferz;950697 wrote: I'm ridiculously happy to be home, having bariis isku dex karis and watching the Young and the Restless with hoyo. And my dad has been wearing my university t-shirt all day (I got him one of those dad ones) with a matching kufi Utopia bottled into a living room eh?
  2. How was your day Saalax and the family?
  3. Oba warka soo da. Brief me on todays affairs General Wow
  4. This thread is back huh? It appears I missed a lot maanta
  5. That threat is always there. But having a big family or lot of people won't make a significant difference. Of course there are things you can to mitigate such risk. Anyway if you are talking 2 to 3 years, we are talking about a much different situation. I was there and had little ppl. I survived :eek:
  6. Saffy you don't need a lot of people or family there.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;950671 wrote: How did a topic about a separate calling code turn into genetics ancestry and origins WTF Saalax tends to be a provocative character
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;950663 wrote: They are ethnic Somalilanders lol
  9. Hayeeeeee nighty night. Folks, my inquiry still stands despite futile attempts to derail this threat What wooqoyi miyi community would be the most welcoming towards a konfurian qurba joog like me? In terms of teaching me the nomad way, rich culture, tolerating my qurba joog Somali, for a couple month stay.
  10. You can go and vent to Wadani now safferz, my possible relative
  11. So tell me about your ayeeyo saffy. perhaps you and wadani share the same ayeeyo
  12. I am actually in this one saffy Lets just say....medical school is hard.......
  13. Folks my family hails from Bakool and I live in beijing! I am one of those ex pat americans trying to save a buck on medical school!
  14. War my private PM talks have become public caawo huh? I adore my anonymity folks..
  15. Looool Wadani you were not suppose to mention that until after and than you guys could have sympathized together
  16. In due time Wadani. In due time...
  17. Wadani;949971 wrote: U still haven't disclosed ur qabiil. But reer miyigu waa dad gob ah, so don't worry about it. I can be a sand dweller for all we know eh ?
  18. Coofle, do you have any alterative miya communities for me to join that you wwould recommend?
  19. Safferz;949930 wrote: Very true. I have some thoughts about that, but this may not be the right thread for it. Care to express such views
  20. Safferz;949948 wrote: Yeah, in the May 18 thread. He can gtfo, I'm not here for that and his sh*t isn't cute. Lool further elaborate. What was the melting point dee
  21. Yea family and elders is where the greatest sensitivity resides...