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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Oba I am sorry but I am actually not your 4th cousin. I was just hoping you can send me a monthly biil
  2. The disintegration of the family line has been the saddest concept to me oba. From brother to cousin to second cousin to third...too strangers
  3. oba hiloowlow;952008 wrote: inaar 4th cousin waa long way dee im glad i know you exist thats all 4th cousin too long? War Awoowe Maalin would be disappointed Oba. He would be disappointed his grandchildren have drifted apart and more importantly not supporting each other.
  4. Thats it Oba, a simple thank you the the site-owner. no lets get together? no sending me a bill now you know we are related? hayee I am glad we are not actual cousins!!!! i was expecting a biil warya! Perhaps I should have went with 2nd cousin...
  5. oba hiloowlow;951590 wrote: ^^Thanks inaar ok here is mine,,,, Oba Hilowle Caynab Eybakar Gacal Maalin Maxamud Xassan Yabaroow ---- confusing Maxamed Cadde-- my immediate juffo --- confusing wacaysle War Culus Ali osman-Unuka Darandoole Mudulood Hiiraab HAG shiid that was hard we are 4th cousins
  6. Juxa;951785 wrote: Oba waad naceebaysay! Am I the only one that notice the hammer on top of the shoes? Alpha may be a serial killer....
  7. xabad;951893 wrote: Yeah he loves SL but they have nothing but hatred and contempt for him. lool case in point Mudane Saalax of SOL
  8. we shall continue this convo another day. night!
  9. I'm a bit disturbed by the Somalis guys acting in his attempt to be portray an white immigration officer
  10. Ah Wadani of course. I have thought I have taken care of him long ago, but it turns out I don't recall the night of Nigeria falls as well as I thought I did..... I stole his shoes that night but I wasn't able to steal his paternal lineage...... hmmm Wadani
  11. Would Obama have approved a SEAL operation to save an American aid worker in Somalia like he did with Jessica Buchanan if the aid worker was a Somali-American
  12. Saffy I am a romantic, a reincarnation of cilmi boodhari if you will. you can see how this polamory is having a toll on me ?
  13. Safferz;951763 wrote: Another one for my main SOL boo, SP... "main" :confused:, should i be worried saffy ?
  14. My little niece short of two years breaks into a "uh uh oh oh" whenever beyonce/single ladies is mentioned
  15. Safferz;951749 wrote: Gawker's Rob Ford Crackstarter campaign is almost at $40,000, everyone donate! The people need to see this tape! lool as blackfish said, are we too donate our money to coke dealers?
  16. Safferz;951748 wrote: Nice! I'm still keeping you as my backup path to American citizenship if my plan to get a job in the US falls through :cool:
  17. Haatu;918722 wrote: You better find that. There's no way you're gonna tell me such a vid exists without posting it." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  18. Saalax/Xaaji what is more enthusiastically celebrated May 18th or June 26?
  19. I wonder if I would have voted for him if I lived out my Canadian side.....
  20. Thank you apophis. Do you know the original context?
  21. I don't see this on the aminarts site xiin. Where did you get it? Also is the milk being poured on himself the tradition of having caano poured on you when you become leader/ugaas? Im guessing im slow to realize this has been photo shopped