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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. I may have to come to Toronto to get this oud thing situated. It is the mecca of somali music in the west i hear
  2. Safferz its wednesday night is deji ina'adeer :.... Yeah I am trying to learn though I am having a hard tuning it to produce the somali sound. I gota find a Somali player to help me out...Yea it shouldn't be much of a transition for you. self taught?
  3. Is it wrong of us to post in this thread now...
  4. Alpha Blondy;953576 wrote: ^ caday ama rumay? WTF is that? you won't last two days in your waqooyi adventures talking like that? Caday somali ninyahow. And haatu I mean on your person not luggage
  5. Is alphas thead the twitter for Somalis. Anyways alpha when I remember the name ill let ya know. Otherwise I may have to ask the guy I was with
  6. Lesson learnt from this travel. Always carry a caday ama rumay, the Somali version
  7. I also ended up in a youth round table meeting of that sub sub clan. Kinda awkward...
  8. For all I know alpha you could have been the arresting officer. Nothing disgusting dee, just an experience I had...
  9. Haatu;953465 wrote: Oh btw, SP while you're in Garissa, you're reer Ugaar, Caabudwaaq. That'll keep you out of trouble Lool good looks. When I was in hargeisa I had to claimed a prominent sub clan when I was nearly arrested. Darn the name has slipped my mind atm
  10. Ill check out the vid.ahhh I didn't sleep last night!!!
  11. As our former colonist use to say grazie Haatu. More questions to come!
  12. marka aan rabo inaan arko dadkayga woqooyi joogaan, strange baan ahay. Haye xaaji
  13. Cambuulo iyo bun;953433 wrote: aryaa sp why do i have the feeling you work for a NGO?...... stop hustling the vulnerable...... :mad: Lool cambuulo im offended. NGO is a derogatory term in the Somali peninsula bud!!!
  14. thanks haatu. How is garissa. Ill prob be asking you more questions as the fall approaches
  15. Haatu I probably will be making a trip to the NFD sometime in the fall. Any places or citys/tuulos you recommend?
  16. Of course I am aware their is nomadic life outside of the North and the advantages of staying with your family. .. perhaps there is an interest for Somalis to explore and establish relations outside of their zone of comfort... xaajii have you fell victim to your qurba joog identity and lost your Somali way... instead of welcoming with open arms and taking joy in my interest in your home area you push me away with your suspicious undertone. War naga tag the basic tenant of Somali miyi life as saxansaxo said is hospitality. You have showed me nothing but the opposite.
  17. lesson learnt. always carry a macawis in your carry on
  18. Jacaylbaro;952558 wrote: Those are beautiful horses. Waa buullo. Is that its natural color?
  19. Looks like we are not too far apart saffy :rolleyes:. I was there too. Yup ATL oovernight... waiting on some pizza... nahh it was airtran.
  20. Mada-gascar. Madagascar was coined by the British mongers who sailed to the great island due to the lack of fulfillment by their white wives. They sailed for months in pursuit of the black exotic creatures their fellow seaman always gossiped about upon returning from their travels. With divine intervention they ended up in an island not far from the Somali coast. The black woman too fierce for the white man they coined the island "Madam cast scars". The locals with their inability to pronounce the g sound and with their tenedancy to blend words gave the island the name Madagascar as they took great pride in their fierce dominant woman. At least thats how the story goes...