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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Where is cambuulo iyo bun I could use his cambuulo cooking skills right now, that is if he lives up to the name.
  2. In that so... in such case how is the weather saffy? Did you watch the basketball game yesterday? Did you hear kim kardashian gained 5 pounds? Thats a good deal. Asians are a savy breed.
  3. It was an okay daysaffy. Common I thought we were past the small talk sxb! It wasn't anything special. I think the story is better suited as a novel than a movie. As a movie it was kind of slow. Though the fact that I was anticipating things to happen may have contributed to that.... Lool the music in theory it was. it was all black music for a very white time. though it somehow worked.
  4. Btw saffy I have finally watched [The Great Gatsby[/i] yesterday
  5. Hola saffy, my favorite tease. lool car uunsi, that could be a big hit in Somalia. perhaps it already is. you guys have nice kitchen counters. recently renovated i would assume
  6. I could really use a papaya and some lime right now
  7. The picture of the mayor and the two Somali dudes can be rebranded as 'Rob Ford the proletariat mayor'
  8. Che,I have heard stories from both sides regarding the man. I personally haven't formed a conclusion about Samatar. Warlord may not have been an appropriate title. It was written as I found it as a widely circulated title ascribed to the man at the time.
  9. Do my views matter Che? Anyways I wrote that as I saw it as a familiar title ascribed to him.
  10. Yea his fellowship is over. Now he is doing another program at a university in Minnesota. Ayaan lives in Boston? Interesting I thought she lived somewhere in Europe. Enlighten us saffy on the acclaimed T dot residents
  11. Former president Sheikh sharif can be added to the Minnesota list
  12. Jacpher;955732 wrote: ^Perhaps you can take your questions directly to the man in question via twitter without interrogating Nuune here. I don't have questions jacpher. You are ridiculous sometimes, aren't you?
  13. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope". I guess we are a people of little hope
  14. I hope this puts such gossip to end. I get frustrated by this tendency we have to be so quick to smear someone's name. Abdirahman Ali 'Aynte'
  15. Lool nuune that is bullshid I know the guy... he has a degree.. Please refrain from gossip sxb
  16. disclaimer from the donation page: "IMPORTANT UPDATE: PLEASE GO HERE AND READ BEFORE YOU CONSIDER DONATING. Our confidence that we can consummate this transaction has diminished."
  17. Why is there so many apocalypse/alien/ end of the world kind of movies. What is Hollywood's obsession with this breed. I would really like to know
  18. I am considering buying another kaban simply because its cheap. it also looks nicer than mine... I was going to give it as a gift to my lil bro but he wants nothing to do with soomaalia
  19. Ah dear Haatu what wingman services can you provide me with maanta
  20. Perhaps you two should see a virtual SOL therapist. I hear saalax has some good reviews though his methods can be a tad bit severe