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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. Man these low self-esteem Somalis even try try to claim me as a Somali... damn them!
  2. Haatu;958916 wrote: Cambuulo, those ones are much better man SP, sxb you need to stop acting white. WTH were you doing fishing ilaahay baan kugu dhaarshe? I'm sorry haatu there is no geel around here
  3. A carp fish ejaculated on me maanta. I may need your support guys...
  4. Did I do that... gotta love urkel
  5. Chimera;958686 wrote: LMAO, they're both sh1tty, come down to earth, unless they look like this you need to STFU: Why is that better than this??
  6. Cambuulo iyo bun;958249 wrote: Acuudi Bilah mina shaydaani rajiim that kind of hatred aint healthy for you sxb. +1 Just quit, there is already a picture thread created by a more friendly person
  7. Safferz, I recall those days. As youth we are thought to make memories. Now I know why...As an old man whose glory days has passed him, nostalgia is my only source of pleasure. This thread is a dying one indeed. And I am afraid I will die with it. One by one we go, but only one will know. Two by Two we flee, but only two will be. Leave me be with my decaying thoughts Safferz. Enjoy your voyage to the Cantarbaqash island. I hear it is a dangerous journey. But I know you will make it safely. you always do. three by three we be, but only three will see.....
  8. Al-Jazeera was playing in the background and I heard the words uttered in a suspicious manner "no, I am interested in Somaliland." At that point I put what I was doing on pause and ended up rewinding the program. This was an episode of Witness, and it was an exclusive on Phil Heilberg, a man who has been described as a 'Capitalist of Chaos' by Rolling Stones,, the same man who caught my attention with his dubious comment. The program starts with Phil Heilberg describing himself as a "sovereign changing country" investor, a person who invests in countries in which borders will change i.e. Sudan. The idea is that when 'states break up' there is a massive transfer of wealth. And the key is to take advantage of this break up and capturing that transfer of wealth. For example, prior to the Sudan break up, Khartoum controlled all of the oil. Though when South Sudan gained sovereignty, oil has fell under their control, and now need businesses to operate this new found wealth. When discussing Somaliland, Heilberg states "Somalia was a union, but that is going to break apart." To our blind secessionist, this may appear as good news, as their hopes are validated by a white man. Though as the man has stated explicitly in the program "I am not an NGO, I am here to make money." ^^ The program
  9. ah saffy I led a coupe not too long ago. it was something I tell you. The virtual combat, the troll battles, the use of patronage... It was truly a revolution. I was the Che of SOL and Alpha was the Fulgencio Batista. But things changed. the power began to get to me. my afro was falling apart. and my caday began to grow thin. i developed a PTSD of sorts. at that time I delegated all power to our deceased brother oba and accredited him as the leader of the revolution and me a silent hero. I'm afraid my glory days are over saffy. I now sit here in this barren thread alone like our prime minister Abdirizak haji osman who lives in the the run down ceder apartments. All i can do for you saffy is consultation. that is all i have left to offer to this world
  10. al jazeera is on in the background. heard "interested in Somaliland" by a white business man. have to rewind right now
  11. you missed out saffy. though its never too late. indulge now
  12. Anyone remember Qori Ismaris, the infamous Somali shape shifter? I was brought up on these stories. A cherishable childhood memory
  13. Chimera you are a good soul though a bit egotistical at times. Nevertheless a good soul you are indeed
  14. Barre did many other good things. Interesting. fatima abdillahi maandeeq is still alive? i didnt know that. came across this video
  15. Abaartii Dabadheer, I feel a powerful movie can be made off this. Wiki: "Between 1974 and 1975, a major drought referred to as the Abaartii Dabadheer ("The Lingering Drought") occurred in the northern regions of Somalia. The Soviet Union, which at the time maintained strategic relations with the Siad Barre government, airlifted some 90,000 people from the devastated regions of Hobyo and Caynaba. New small settlements referred to as Danwadaagaha ("Collective Settlements") were then created in the Jubbada Hoose (Lower Jubba) and Jubbada Dhexe (Middle Jubba) regions. The transplanted families were also introduced to farming and fishing techniques, a change from their traditional pastoralist lifestyle of livestock herding."
  16. you are not just a hypocrite saffy you are a fool! is that you saffy, or should I say Mr. Peter Jenkins?
  17. it indeed is saffy. appreciate the input. i will have to prepare for the talk. military life is rough especially for a black male
  18. SomaliPhilosopher;944685 wrote: I am now working on Alleyl Dumay by Raage Ugaas. I am noticing subtle interjections of arabic such as "alleyl" (night) "alif" (thousand) "banaadiiq" (rifle) in this poem. Alleyl dumay albaabbadoo xiran, uunku wada seexday Onkod yeedhay uugaamo roob, alif banaadiiq ah Iihdayda bixi baa libaax, iman la moodaaye Raggase adhaxdiyo ooftu waa, udub dhexaadkiiye Labadii wax laga eegi jirey, waan ka awdnahaye Halkaan aa ka leeyahay Ilaah, keliya uun baa og Aboodigu ma lalo garab hadduu, iin ku leeyahaye Orod uma hollado oglihii, adhaxda beelaaye Ma aarsado il iyo oof ninkii, iimi kaga taale Aroos uma galbado nimuu, wadnaha arami jiifaaye Geeluba kolkuu oomo waa, olol badnaadaaye Sidii inan yar oo hooyadeed, aakhiro u hoyatay Oo aabbeheed aqal mid kale, meel illin ah seexshey Hadba waxaan la urugoonayaa, uur-ku-taallada e Ninkii ooridiisii rag kale, loo igdhaan ahaye Ninka ilo biyo leh soo arkoo, oomman baan ahaye Nin ugaas walaalkiis yahoo, eeday baan ahaye Af-dhabaandhow aayar ninkaa, aammusaan ahaye Time to revisit this poem, and memorize it in full
  19. wait a minute is that saffy? how do you talk out a youth from joining the military?
  20. Cambuulo iyo bun;956238 wrote: yeaah Inaar :cool:.. Yeah but i dont like moxog tastes weird mays tidhi? Do you know how to make it sxb or do you not enter the kitchen
  21. Damnn was that dinner homie? Have you ever had cambuulo iyo moxog?