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Everything posted by SomaliPhilosopher

  1. ^^ I can confirm this is without doubt correct
  2. It rained today in the nations capital shortly before afur
  3. Alpha Blondy;965732 wrote: COME BACK Y'ALL.......,dee Safferz - misssing in Dhagax-buur. last location UNKNOWN. feared dead. C&B - in xamar. it's not safe. 87% chance of certain death within a month. Apo - in the middle eastern. last known location in a hotel. he feared for his health due to hotel food. Haatu - in london. finished exams. enjoying holz before uni. the little pig has a great future ahead of him. SPooow - we don't know. we don't care. we don't want to know. wadani - st catherines, Ontario. stuck in a 9-5 job. i pity the guy. performing below his potential. D.O.C - come back inaar. i've kinda missed your jokes. QansaxMeygaag - a script of one of the above. lying low and will soon emerge. Reeyo - single mother living in one of those council estate in accesses internet via internet cafe. Alpha - in Somaliland. depressed and faces occupational immobility. hates his job. lost hope. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. :mad: I'll be in haregisa in a week mate
  4. Reeyo;961374 wrote: I am a little disappointed at your limited understanding of the topic Wadani and using this tactic to gain what? As for men fearing professional women because they will metaphorically castrate their masculinity- I am afraid I am dumbfound. A lot of you are confusing the issues of social rights and equality to gender roles, especially domestically. As already mentioned there is a natural order and determined gender roles for both genders. No-one is asking that one fills the other's shoes or this be distorted. This topic was a basic open discussion on why Somali culture promotes the inferiority of our girls. It's happens in everyone of our households, and it's not acceptable. This shameful outcry or panic about radical feminism is just disguising a serious problem here. Be men and face it. +1
  5. Dear C&B I wish you the kindest regards. Welcome to this enclave of mine. I have become a house squatter of sorts. The ghost of the revolution, if you will. I hope you enjoy this haunted house of mine. Please send my wishes to Oba. I will be back shortly. In the mean time, help your self to some trolling. Yours sincerely, SP, Residential squatter
  6. Saffy speaks in song eh? That is why we could never work dee. how am i suppose to read you? P.S. Just watched Lumumba. Good man, but underwhelming film. Though it did provide some wonderful insights.
  7. Tallaabo;959560 wrote: What is he going to do when you go to Ethiopia? I will call her from this enclave like Danny Archer made his final phone call to Maddy Bowen in Blood Diamond. I lay her wounded waiting for justice to be executed on my body after the horrible atrocities committed in the great SP-Alpha war
  8. Saffy is into blackness the same way this kid is:
  9. Perhaps you are right Saffy. true, toronto seems to be a pretty convenient location. alrightly saffy, i think its that time of night. night safferz!
  10. A tragedy isn't it? A tragedy worse than the ending of Othello... From my experience the Somali galbeed are rich in culture, at least more expressive of it, so it shall be interesting. Yea I was surprised the flight is a good 4-5 hours.... I have been to Montreal once... great city. good times
  11. Yeah still in Obama's back yard... heading out to the T-dot in two weeks and shortly after over to the Horn. Excited for your trip? Have you ever been to Vancouver? I may be checking that place out during my time in Canada.
  12. I have awfully horrible sleeping habits saffy!!
  13. hmmmmmm saffy speaks in codes eh? messaged received
  14. this whole 'enemy' talk appears to frame your entire outlook towards Somalia. I am afraid your disdain for western politics is too great for us to have any reasonable discussion.
  15. Toes;959451 wrote: I am confused. Do you guys believe that the American government is not corrupt? Toes whether America is corrupt or not is irrelevant. We are discussing the Somali military, the people who have sacrificed their lives to bring this era of war to an end. The people who have stabilized the capital and brought a degree of law and order to the country. And you know, these guys at times are not even paid, and when they are it is barely much. Whether this "corrupt"' America supports the Somali government has little bearing on the way you should perceive our country's military.
  16. and joining the entity that is liberating the country from these politicized wadaads who are imposing law and culture that is both alien and cruel to Somalis, is not supporting the Somali people?
  17. Saffy, my first love!! oh my the good times we had. I cannot say it was the most pleasant relationship. in fact far from it. I was stressed most of time. you were a high commodity, you see? I had to fend off quite a crowd. i was always on the attack. i guess that is what drove you away... i see your glamour has declined and stabilized. boy, if only I waited and made my move now. things would have been different........ different indeed. four by four we go, but only four will know i am indeed alive and well carrying out Oba's legacy. brushing up on my spanish in the mean time to make new allies. How is the great ol' saffy?
  18. Unfortunately I have yet to watch or read roots... Perhaps I should. You know Saffy, there are a few things that make me sad in this world. one of them is the last episode of Fresh Prince of Bel AIr
  19. But then there is this whole 'cultural relativism' and we should all forget, right saffy ?
  20. Watching My wife and kids, a black sitcom, and the mom says "I cooked colonial food. This is what our forefathers use to eat." Forefathers kulaha. Well it was your 'foremothers' who were forced to cook it... We are quick to forget America's slave history
  21. Toes, you fool. Shall we stop supporting our country because America 'supports' it. A devilish hipster you are